Category Archives: Fan Vids

Prison Break: Cheers!

CeruleanBlew made a Prison Break video using the Cheers theme and it is hilarious. Watch it over and over and over again and laugh your ass off like I did.

Thanks AJ!


Filed under Fan Vids, You Tubes

Prison Break Season 2 Recap Video

Thanks amyy for calling my attention to this VERY AWESOME Prison Break Season 2 recap video set to Chris Daughtry’s It’s Not Over (I was rooting for him on AI eventhough I admittedly only watch AI at the beginning for the laughs and at the end for the big finale show so he was only 1 of 4 left by the time I got around to hearing him sing, but he was my fave). I suspect the maker of this video is on the MiSa ship but that just means we get to see plenty of Wentworth Miller! 🙂 I can not stress enough how truly awesome this video is. And now, after I watch it one more time (GREAT SONG), I am going to go see the family I have been neglecting for Went and for you. Later y’all!


Filed under Fan Vids, You Tubes

Wentworth Miller IS James Bond

Here is a lovely manip of Went as James Bond made by catsbycat over at The Church.

I can just see Went saying: “Bond, James Bond, and yes, I’m going to need you to remove your panties at once….It’s a matter of National Security…”

Bond Bond and more Bond! Here is an awesome video made by azzurra13 at The Church. Aren’t they a talented bunch? I give you Prison Break: Casino Royale. I would definitely give him pussy galore…I mean, I could play Pussy Galore…no, I’m pretty sure I meant the first one.


Filed under Fan Art, Fan Vids