The Gay Debate

OK, since you guys just won’t shut up about it, here it is: A place for you to discuss your theories and conclusions, ad nauseum, from now until the end of time. Attacking of other posters or even Went himself will get you deleted. If you take the discussion to another post, the comment will be deleted. Post BI’s, unverifiable facts and inside info until you are blue in the face; Hell, I’ll even link this post in the sidebar so you don’t have to look for it! Have fun and don’t say I never did anything for you.

If you are as tired of talking about this as I am, avoid this post and all will be well! WFW takes no official position as I know that I don’t know shit and would still do him, dream of doing him and dream of him doing others, no matter what.

I hope everyone is happy now as that is my goal in life: Your happiness. Carry on…


Filed under Rumors

1,420 responses to “The Gay Debate

  1. *Peeking in*

    Come get me when everyone starts praising the mocha peen again.

    *Covering self over with leaves and hibernating*

  2. Kelleymary

    Do you think he’s doing Dominic?

    And he took photos of them both romping naked, in order to blackmail him?

    It would explain why Dom insisted Went is not gay..
    Ah, fear…….

  3. cat's meow

    Thanks WFW for starting this “space” for the great gay debate. It’s a shame that everything you post about Went always leads to this subject.

    I want to apologize to you, and anyone I’ve ever “attacked” about this subject. I’m kind of tired of sticking up for Went, and I’m going to retire from it for a while. It’s just too draining for me to continue to defend him about this whole gay issue. For all I know, he is gay, so why should I keep wasting my time. It’s not helping him in any way. Everyone has their opinion and no one is going to change their minds.

    I just read on this site that he had something going with a gay photog right before Luke, and also an gay actor who was in “Wicked” in Chicago. All these rumors are snowballing even AFTER he denied being gay once again. So I don’t know what to believe anymore. I chose to believe Went, and I want to continue to believe him, but I’m confused. It’s really sad. I don’t want to believe rumors, I want to believe HIM. I just hope he’s telling us the TRUTH.

    I’ll tell you one thing, if he is lying that would hurt me more than him being gay. I’ve always thought of him as special and unique, a real gentleman with integrity. I hope I’m not disappointed someday. I know some people say the only reason he’s lying is because he’s worried for his career. I think if a person is indeed gay and wants to get into acting, they should be upfront and truthful about it right from the start so that it wouldn’t come back and bite them in the ass later on. Don’t market yourself as a straight man if that is not who you really are. It’s deceiving to your fans, and it’s just not right. I hope this is NOT the case with Went, but we’ll never really know, will we. He’s so private. But I’m tired of being in the dark. I’d rather know the TRUTH one way or the other. Am I wrong for wanting to know the truth?????

    Move over Mama Bear, I’m gonna hibernate with you!!!!

  4. WFW

    He has said that he is not gay so the truth as we know it, is what he has said. It’s not like he never addressed it, he did so there is no harm in believing him. I’m sorry too that I singled you out; The whole thing is just frustrating all around. Either way, it doesn’t affect anyone’s life so I don’t see the big deal but some people do, so this place is for them.

    Some people believe there is truth in rumors but sometimes they are entirely made up. There really just is no way to know, FOR SURE, unless you’ve been with him and even then, people will still believe whatever it is they want. That’s just life. I think everyone should be able to be civil and get along despite disagreeing though so hopefully, people will be able to discuss it without attacking Went or each other. That’s all I ask.

  5. from Lainey Gossip

    I guess I can post this here:

    “Digits on the Run (dec. 2006)

    A very attractive male actor at a photoshoot just this past weekend, curiously without girlfriend, making a career out of making girls want to be his girlfriend. A special bond exists between artist and subject – as explained to me, when something clicks, so to speak, it just clicks, and it’s as though the two are the room together, alone, creating magic.

    Magic obviously lingered, he obviously wanted the magic to linger beyond their studio session, so he asked for a phone number. Not to go out for coffee, not for a follow up set of pictures, not for any other reason than the reason you think. A bold surprising move given that it’s not usually his style, especially since he’s not allowed to be so overt, but lately he just can’t help himself.

    I’m told that in addition to the photographer, there are have been suggestive advances made to a network publicist a few weeks ago, and to an event planner a few weeks before that, much to the consternation of his professional wardens who have impressed upon him the importance of holding on just a little longer, just until the official renewal, just until the numbers climb back up. Apparently he struggles with the pressure every day.

    By the way, the photographer is gay. As are all the others. But you knew that already, right?”

  6. WFW

    You sure can!

    Oh and if I can manage it sometime in the near future, I’m going to try upgrading the blog so I can move comments where they belong instead of deleting them. I will move some comments in here ASAP so that it will seem like one long conversation.

  7. (1) Naked Dom pics…in my hands…NOW!!!

    (2) Where’s the post for the Great Water Debate?

  8. WFW said in “Spoiler Pic” post:

    “PLEASE don’t bring up the doll. Still no word on when my tiny little Michael Scofield AKA Afro barbie’s boyfriend will ship. Damn you toymakers! WORK FASTER!”

    Didn’t you get the memo? Due to the tenacious gay rumor, the toy maker had to recall the existing dolls in an effort to make sure that any new MS dolls coming off production line were equipped with bendable hips and “reach around” capabilities.


  9. Whether Went is gay, straight, or bi, I think we should all remember what’s most important here: the worship of the peen!

    C’mon everyone, grab hold of each others peens and if you don’t have one, don a strap-one…it’s all good…we don’t discriminate! Let’s make one big Circle ‘o’ Peen! 🙂

  10. Pip

    I agree with WFW, not every rumour is true but sometimes many rumours going in the same direction on a considerable time span make one suspicious that beyond the rumours lays the truth.

  11. Charlie B

    Mama Bear;LMAO!!!!!

    The mocha peen….. Ok, i’ll be back. i need some time to myself…..

  12. shortstuff

    this is why i love you. i will be avoiding this post at all costs (that is, unless im bored and its a slow week) cuz im sick and tired of having to read through 253434575698 posts saying hes gay/not gay, etc etc. im with MB.. key point = worshipping of the peen, no matter who/what he’s putting it in (cuz i’ll mostly fantasize its me either way).

    that is all. good day.

  13. Kelleymary

    “Whether Went is gay, straight, or bi, I think we should all remember what’s most important here: the worship of the peen!”

    Oh Mama Bear have you checked the blog called “The Perfect Phallus” ? The lady blogger (could she be WFW?) has a section dedicated to Went’s peen…

    P.S. In an interview from “Public” in French he denies categorically he gay rumours!!!!!!

    Jesus, what a rollercoaster ride since last July!

    It’s going to kill me….

  14. Kelleymary

    For MAMA BEAR’s eyes (and anybody’s who is vaguely interested in such shocking details.
    WARNING: If you are under 12 years of age, please , don’t read!)

    From “The Perfect Phallus”:

    “Wentworth is a true multiracial, being of African American, Jamaican, English, and German Jewish descent on his father’s side, and of Russian, French, Dutch, Syrian, and Lebanese descent on his mother’s. And of, course, my dears, we all know what a delighful mix like that will do for the size of the Phallus.

    With his statuesque height of 185 cm, his long, tapered, pianist’s fingers, his pronounced proboscis, his flipper-like feet, and his wildly mixed lineage, particularly his father’s side, Mrs. Candy is quite confident when she says that 34 year old Wentworth Miller has a commanding Phallus. My calculations put him at between seven point five to eight inches in length, and not less than five point six inches in circumference at mid-shaft.

    Just look at his photos for a moment, if you will, and then close your eyes briefly, imagining all the while his magnificent, uncircumcised Phallus thrusting deep inside your chosen pleasure trove. Oh, the luxury.”

    Are you still with us, MAMA BEAR?

  15. sueli

    Wow. With that last post I almost completely thought what I was going to post.
    Darn my not putting it in a word document before reading the comments!

    *takes brief moment to tear thoughts away from Kellymary’s post*

    Okay, where was I? Oh, yeah…
    Entirely possible bi/gay since high school. Demented little stories featuring such characters as “Devora Lee” and a slightly over-the-top murderous pre-pubescent. OTOH, maybe he is just deliciously odd and/or should work with Tim Burton.

  16. sueli

    Darn, I forget there isn’t an edit option

    I should mention I can only be so objective as it serves my fantasies to have him be so and as a PB viewer and season dvds owner I have that right 🙂

  17. Amaryllis

    The “Public” interview is total BS!

    “I’ve had enough of these perverted insinutations”

    There’s no way WM would say something like this.
    Public is a tabloid, so I’m not surprise

  18. gwen6

    Lots of little articles…Who knows what’s true

    If you ask me, I’d say he’s bisexual with a tendency towards men. I couldn’t care less though, I’ll still oogle over him … mmm

    “This popular TV star was foolishly indiscriminate the first season of his hit show. He doesn’t talk about the fact that he’s gay, but then, he doesn’t have to. He was at a party at the Argyle Hotel where he was introduced to a hunky FBI agent who gave him “that look.” One thing led to another, and within an hour his friends noticed he had disappeared. Later they learned the boyish actor had been caught in the mensroom having sex with the FBI guy and hotel security booted them both OUT!”

    “HE’S GAY!!!!!!
    this is from MICHAEL MUSTO/VILLAGE
    What brooding actor supposedly contacted all his gay friends when he became famous, informing them that he could not possibly see them anymore for his career’s sake?”

    “And everyone in LA knows that Went is gay and super closeted….just find anyone who was in his acting class at Playhouse West in 1998. There are two guys in that class that know first hand……..”

    “Went Miller worked hard, prior “to The Human Stain” to erase any hint of gayness in his voice and expression . He worked with a voice coach who help him to lower his tone and to speak slowly in a more masculine voice… and it worked! Compare his speech in “Dinotopia” or “Buffy” (see YOU TUBE) and “The Human Stain”; the difference is amazing! He would never have been chosen for Prison Break if he had kept his natural voice. It is somehow strange that his gayness was never a problem for him when he wasn’t famous, and now he has to lie (and make people like Dominic Purcell lie!) in order to save his career… Seems nothing has really changed deep down in Hollywood! ”

    “But it’s well known he had a bf at the time of “Dinotopia”and he wasn’t hiding it then.. “

  19. Went's Helicopter

    With an FBI agent??? Yes please!!!

    Why can’t one of these say “I had sex with him!”?!
    It’s always about “a friend of mine who…”.
    You! Yes, just you who had sex with him talk to us please! We want details to droll!
    I hope that the one who will tell us is the FBI agent…

  20. YohohoAndABottleOfRum

    You refer to the helicopter thing because of this, WFW? I believe that interview is fake, because it doesn’t sound AT ALL like him.

    If it’s not fake…I’ll just worship him for his looks, ONLY THAT! xDDD

  21. KelleyMary shared:

    “With his statuesque height of 185 cm, his long, tapered, pianist’s fingers, his pronounced proboscis, his flipper-like feet (LMFAO!), and his wildly mixed lineage, particularly his father’s side, Mrs. Candy is quite confident when she says that 34 year old Wentworth Miller has a commanding Phallus. My calculations put him at between seven point five to eight inches in length, and not less than five point six inches in circumference at mid-shaft.”

    I suppose I could stop laughing at the “flipper-like feet” if I was distracted by the above vital stats. Went, cum to Mama! 😉 Thanks KM!

  22. Anon

    Apparently there’s a new P.H. interview:

    ‘I would never out a regular person,’ he says. ‘But I consider what I do to be reporting. When I say that [he mentions the star of a popular US drama] is gay, it’s because I know for a fact that he is. Why, when we can break stories about a heterosexual man’s secret relationship with a new girlfriend, can we not do the same for a gay man?’

  23. Went's Helicopter

    The french interview is so stupid that even PH has been ignoring it… or maybe he is just too busy with the Britney mess.

  24. DanceForMe

    in case you read this – I love the idea of a Went-rehab. Can we do Mama Bears “Circle ‘o’ Peen” over there, too?

    @ Mama Bear – worship of the peen! Love it!
    I think it’s time I join the FCoWM to take up some worship lessons…

    @ gwen6
    can’t really hear any difference, but no matter how he got this fantastic, orgastic deep voice, I just hope that one day, he does an audiobook, preferably something from the Henry Miller / Anaïs Nin shelf.

  25. YohohoAndABottleOfRum

    Whose PH? 😀

  26. sueli

    With an FBI agent??? Yes please!!!

    Why can’t one of these say “I had sex with him!”?!
    It’s always about “a friend of mine who…”.
    You! Yes, just you who had sex with him talk to us please! We want details to droll!
    I hope that the one who will tell us is the FBI agent…
    I will wait along side Went’s Helicopter for more to this story… Even if it’s only fanfic.

  27. cat's meow

    @ gwen6,

    I just checked “Dinotopia Behind the Scenes” on YouTube like you said to. When Went spoke behind the scenes about his character and the movie, he spoke in the voice he has today, deep, smooth and sexy. I don’t hear a difference at all. And “Dinotopia” was filmed at least 8 or 9 years ago. When they showed scenes of the movie, his character spoke in a different voice, more younger sounding and studious to fit the personality of his character, “David” a young guy who’s somewhat of a bookworm or a nerd.

    So therefore, you have it all wrong. Went has the same voice. If you are making this assumption by listening to the voices of his characters, then you are sadly mistaken. Obviously Went will use different voices for different characters, as many actors do.


    I was SO happy yesterday when I read the Public interview! I thought for the first time he was saying something important that could kill the rumours!

    But now everybody is saying that this interview is a fake.

    Is there a way to know if it’s fabricated or not?

    *going down again in desperation undergroung where Went, Luke,Mark Liddell, (plus a couple of wanabee actors and a FBI agent ) copulate wildly, glistening in the red light, covered in Astroglide Lube*

  29. Amaryllis

    Kellymary I think we should add to your list Perez Hilton friend Darren

    Let’s hope he’s bi


    All right.
    It’s not just people on WFT’s blog and on FCOWM who think it’s a fake interview.

    I get Google alert on the French press, and already several T.V. mags are being sarcastic and ironic on the Public interview.

    Basically they think it’s a bad PR move to counteract the rumours.

    They even say: “Hurry up, girls, this is the week you may get lucky, because THIS WEEK, Wentworth Miller is not gay”;

    * going back to my room to have a good cry*

  31. Went's Helicopter

    KELLEYMARY if the majority of french press thinks that it is Went’s “bad PR move to counteract the rumours” I think that the majority of french press (involved in this issue) is not credible.
    They say what they want, just like the Public mag.

    Do you really think that his PR agrees about the helicopter shit or the “violent deny”? Went denied (everyone can choose to believe or nor not) but always in a polite way.

    Shit feeds shit.

  32. Went's Helicopter

    ADD: I have not idea about Went sexuality but I really can’t understand why you are so ready to believe about everything that anonymous people write… FBI agent? Mark Liddle? wannabe actors?

    It’s “normal” (actually not, but…) to have an idea, for example I was sure that the Luke pix were Went’s public coming out, but obviusly they were not so I decided to not jump to conclusion anymore.
    And if my mind feels the need to have an idea why should I believe an anonymous poster (who could be a bored 12 years old) or a trash magazine (with an office in another continent, so very very far from the truth) more than Went?
    I’m not saying he always has said the truth, I have not idea, but he deserves more our attention than anonymous posters or shitty press.

  33. Went's Helicopter

    Sorry, but I find this funny: on Just Jared I have just seen a picture of T.R. Knight holding hands with a woman… maybe now someone should say that he may be straight! 😉


    “I was sure that the Luke pix were Went’s public coming out, but obviusly they were not so I decided to not jump to conclusion anymore.”

    WENT’S HELICOPTER, what made you change your mind about the photos??

    They still look like a coming out.

    That’s why the Public interview raised our hopes: it said what we were so desperately waiting to hear!!

  35. Went's Helicopter

    I’m not saying that I’m sure they are not together, I’m sure about nothing. But just that it is not (or at least I think so) a public coming out considering the German interview (is it old? I don’t know) but above all DP radio interview.
    I just wanted to say that jumping to conclusion is not safe. When I saw the pix I thought that Went was “out and proud”, free to share his love with the world. Now I think he is nor out nor proud.
    Went is a big and hot mistery, Luke can be his biggest love but also the person he is working with on his future movie (this is just an example to say not lover) who knows?

  36. Anonymous

    The bad PR may not be Went’s but is probably the fine work of his agents.

    After all, he’s working round the clock in Dallas and must have left most of the PR to the same people who messed up things since the start of the rumors.
    I find his PR guys hopeless, and Went wouldn’t be ankle-deep in shit if those morons had done otherwise.

    This new European interview is a rehash of old stuff. Full stop.

  37. Went's Helicopter

    I still can’t understand why a PR, to shut down rumor about him as a diva, should speak about helicopter… is she his PR or his killer? That’s shit to me not a PR work.

    This new European interview is a rehash of old stuff. Full stop. do you mean the german or the french one?
    Anyway, why are you tottally sure? I wish I was able, as you are, to put “full stop” in sentences about other people lives, above all the one you never know in person.

  38. AMARA

    It is bullshit this helicopter, or all the actors in the filming go by helicopter, too!
    I think very strange the “gym” near the filming place.
    It must be a joke?

    So the interview with the paper Public is not serious.

  39. gwen6

    Hey y’all, just to clarify, the snippets that I wrote above are not mine. They are taken from different gossip sites so therefore not my opinion, just stuff that I read and thought you guys might be interested in regarding the gay debate.

  40. Went's Helicopter

    Just to clarify, my nickname is a funny way to underline how stupid the helicopter issue is.

    gwen6 it was clear that those snippets were not yours. Don’t worry 😉

  41. Perla

    I don’t know what to think about this interview. I find much more interesting the video interview he gave at the start of PB 3rd serie with Fox News, if I remember it right. The interviewer talked about celebrities rumours, and said rumors on Wentworth were about being a diva on the set and who he was dating. He answered something like this: “… it’s the nature of the beast…” “… people were obsessed with celebrities lives…” (wtf?)
    From my point of view, this was the right moment to lay low a little and tone down the speculation.
    I mean, if you’re straight (or even gay and prefer to stay in the closet) why don’t you speak your mind and saying something that will put to rest these rumours at least for a while?
    I really don’t understand this man.
    I agree wiht Went’s Helicopter, Wentworth Miller is a mistery.


    Mystery takes a “y”.

  43. Perla

    Thank you 🙂
    Sorry but English isn’t my mother language.

  44. Went's Helicopter

    Thank you but I think that if you check you will find a lot of mistakes in my posts considering that English is not my first language too.

  45. Anon2

    Here again, sorry. Just peeked in to see what’s going on. Nothing new, except that great new poster name “Went’s helicopter”!! I wonder if he can do the “helicopter” with his..err.. you know? My boyfriend can.. har har.

  46. cat's meow


    Oh O.K., I thought they were from you. My bad!!!!

  47. Went's Helicopter

    Anon2 , oh my God! Now that you said that I wanna change my name! It’s a terrible image!

  48. sueli

    Just to clarify, my nickname is a funny way to underline how stupid the helicopter issue is.
    Oh, my gosh. I thought you were an actual helicopter that has had Went inside you. *blush*
    I feel so utterly foolish now, but at least now I’m no longer jealous. :p

  49. sueli

    and don’t change your name. I love it precisely for the reason you chose it. 🙂

  50. Went's Helicopter

    Ok sueli , you have convinced me. I’ll keep it! 😉

  51. Darci

    Guys can you please enlighten me on the ‘helicopter’ issue?

  52. READER

    ——————————————————————FROM FCOWM:
    This is a brand new interview in a french magazine called Public.

    Public: There have been rumors about you being very tough on the shootings of Prison Break…

    Wentworth Miller: This is absolutely wrong. This is only because one day, when a reporter was there and I was sick, I asked my assistant to stay next to me to give me something to drink to get over my soar throat.I am not any better or worst than Dominic Purcell. But on the other hand, when there are special clauses in my contracts, I want them to be respected.

    P: What are the clauses in your contract?

    WM: I asked not to be disturbed during the shootings, to have a gym close to the studio, A HELICOPTER to take me home at night and have something to eat in my trailer at the end of the day. I think I give enough of myself physically, so I prefer not be bothered with these details.

    P: What represents Prison Break for you?

    WM: The end of 10 years of misery, even if I have small roles. This was an incredible challenge towards my family. My little sister is in Law School, my other sister is a Lawyer and a father who is a law teacher… I almost became the shame of my family.

    P: How do you deal with your sudden celebrity status?

    WM: Very well because it’s very relevant. I don’t go out very often so I rarely am the spectator of the craze of my fans.

    P: What does it take to win your heart?

    WM: You should be a woman in your 30’s, brunette, faithful and trustworthy. I need someone who can bring me down to earth if I start to become delirious. A nice blend of Penelope Cruz for the softness, and Famke Janssen for the wild side.

    P: Do you have any dreams?

    WM: Yes. I dream to wake up one day and see that all these rumors are dead. I also dream of finding the right woman who will give me plenty of kids and who will be breathtaking enough for me to give up everything for her.

    I am not gay, I have never been gay. If I was gay, I wouldn’t mind saying it. I am really tired of these rumors. Luke is a close friend and we went out for a stroll that day.

    Copy of Scan

  53. Mink

    As you’ve mentioned FCOWM as your source for that article, you’ve undoubtedly also seen that pretty much everyone there (and a lot of people here) are quite sure that interview is fake. We know it is from a French tabloid with a track record of publishing false stories.

    So, um, yeah…whatever.

  54. Ctulhul

    Maybe the gay rumors would go away , if he stopped dating gay guys…

  55. YohohoAndABottleOfRum

    Im gonna be very, very dissapointed if the article is even HALF true. Because…If the guy wants tons of kifs, he’s not gonna get em’ with someone who’s 30. X)

  56. YohohoAndABottleOfRum said:

    “If the guy wants tons of kifs, he’s not gonna get em’ with someone who’s 30.”

    That’s not necessarily true. These days, women are having children well into their 40s. If Went’s wife is 30 and they start right away with the baby-making, she can be pregnant every year until she hits 40. They’ll have their “tons of kids” then! 🙂

    I’m willing to bet, however, that “ton” is a relative term when referring to kids. I have three kids, and in many eyes, that means a “ton of kids.” 😉

  57. YohohoAndABottleOfRum

    Mama Bear;

    Now that you say that…I have to agree.
    I guess in the end it all depends on the person itself. (Im not an age-racist btw,
    just so that no one gets angry @ me. :x)

    But still…I wish he seriously didn’t say that about women under 30 being a ‘no.’
    It would be sad..Because most women still think HE’S under 30. LOL.

  58. Just me...

    These false answers to give by Wentworth in this interview does not resemble absolutely its kind of usual answer!!
    Firstly it would be never to compare with Dom in this manner.
    Secondly it would not have to speak at all about the clauses of its contract.
    And thirdly he even says himself to be to him one fénéant then for the room of gym and the hélicopthère it is absolutely not its kind… this interview is false!!!

  59. ANON

    anyone who doesn’t think he is gay just needs to listen to him talk and you will definitely hear the lisp that most gay men have, or just go back and rewatch his first interview on “Ellen” in 2006 where he says “brava, brava” I mean come on what straight man says “brava” instead of bravo!

  60. Went's Helicopter

    ANON sorry but I can’t understand the scientific way to discover if one is gay or straight using their voice. For example I have to admit that I thought that Brett Ratner was completely gay considering his way of speaking but then I discovered that he is completely straight and completely obsessed with women!!!

    Sorry Brett!!!

  61. Just me...

    Hahaha…Went’s Helicopter… 🙂
    I thought that it was gay too!!!

  62. crazyforwent


  63. ws

    anon 4.14pm that’s some damning evidence you got there…i can see where you would conclude he is by this

  64. AMARA

    Can you explain what is a gay lisp??
    And what you mean, applied to Went??

  65. Amaryllis

    I agree that what Anon said sounds pretty lame.
    But I have a confession to make ^^ the first time I started to suspect that WM might really be gay was (even before the LMF pictures) when I saw Amaury’s girlfriend and I thought:
    “He can get someone like that and the best that Went can get is Amie Bice?!?!?Hmmmm…… definitely GAY!”
    I know it sounds lame too LOL … but at least I wasn’t shocked when LMF infamous pictures came out 🙂

  66. YohohoAndABottleOfRum

    Amie is just a buddy. (hence the blondness, heh.)
    I personally don’t think Went is gay. Just shy and probably thinks twice of getting in to a relationship. He’s not young anymore, remember that. He probably wants stability, not stupidity. (Damn Im good with em’ rimes!)

  67. AMARA

    Please, again what is a GAY lisp?

    How can you hear it?

  68. cat's meow


    Went was correct in saying “Brava, brava” to Ellen in that she is a woman. You only say “Bravo” to a man!!!!!! Went should know, he majored in English Literature at Princeton.

    Stop being so judgemental and nitpicky. It’s so obvious that you’re grabbing at straws. Give it up. Went’s NOT gay. I love how some people assume a man is gay when has a little culture and intelligence. GROW UP!!!!!


    Found on infamous Perez:

    “Wentworth Millier is HILARIOUS! He gave an interview in a French rag swearing to God he was straight!!
    He thinks we’re morons.
    PEREZ tell your friend Darren to speak up, or the guy from Henson’s he screwed for a while.
    This bullshit has to stop and Miller come out of the closet, willing or not, because he’s taking us for a ride.”

    Come to think about it, SO many things point towards gayness (“friends”like McFarlane, Liddell’s SO gay photoshoot- LOL, Went’s face on those photos, oozing GAYsex! No female real relationship – poor guy “hasn’t got time to date”!!)

    And on the other side what?

    ” No, I’m not gay”, “No, he’s not gay”!!!

    Sorry, Dude, it’s worthless bullshit.

    Actions speak louder (those matching flip-flops, were they a bargain? Two for the price of one?)

    The debate should end. He’s gay.
    Accept it, silly fangirls.

  70. crazyforwent

    Cat’s meow, I agree with you!

  71. cat's meow


    OMG!!!! Are you serious???? Just because an idiot poster in the comments section of Perez Hilton’s site quoted that, you actually think that it’s TRUE?????? COME ON, WAKE UP!!!

    And most of those posters on that fat fuck’s site BELIEVE WENT!!!!!!

    BTW I checked Liddell’s site and there are plenty other actors who have had their photos taken by him and they look sexy as well. Of course, Went looks sexy in his photos. Show me a photo of Went where he doesn’t ooze sex!!!!!!!

  72. Just me...

    And I absolutely agree with YohohoAndABottleOfRum 🙂

    “Went wants stability, not stupidity”….Very well said!!!

  73. cat's meow


    You actually think Went’s gay because he dated Amie Bice????? OMG, now I’ve heard it all!!!!

    First off, that is very cruel to make fun of her looks. Everyone wonders why he isn’t seen in public anymore with women. Look at what happened everytime he was seen with a woman (Marianna, Amie, the older woman who might have even been his mom). The pictures are splashed all over the internet and the poor girl is ripped apart .

    Friend or not, I thought Amie was very attractive. And I don’t think Went is the type of man who would judge someone by their looks. Being the intelligent man that he is, I think he would have to be more attracted to their mind first and foremost. Of course, he has to be physically attracted to them as well, but looks are not the only important thing to him. He wouldn’t date a girl just for her looks, she has to be intelligent as well. So needless to say, Went’s definately not into the Paris Hilton and Pamela Anderson type!!!!!

  74. ANONymous

    Oh for fuck’s sake the man is GAY and you silly little fangirls need to wake up

  75. crazyforwent

    Wentworth Miller is not gay, and the correct saying is brava!

  76. Amaryllis

    Cat’s meow it was just a joke, I thought it was pretty obvious.
    Anyway I still think he’s probably gay but I don’t really care

  77. lj

    Amaryllis. You have to be careful about what you say on this board. What you might think is clearly a joke isn’t quite as obvious to everyone else. Some of the posts on this board are downright bizarre and it’s difficult to know who is serious and who isn’t. Some of the insane reasons for thinking that Went is gay include – he has learned to ‘change’ his high voice to a low voice since Dinatopia, he had a ‘gay’ face in the Mark Liddell pics, Went and Luke were pictured wearing similar flip flops and Went brazenly said the word ‘brava’ on Ellen. Of course the most stupid argument of all is that both Went and his co star have denied the gay rumors more than once so clearly he MUST be gay.

  78. cat's meow


    WORD, SISTA!!!!!!!

  79. Matthew Fox type

    Of course he’s gay………
    Do you REALLY think that Luke and Went are ONLY friends???? How can you be so naive??
    I agree with Cat’s meow on one thing: Went is definitely not into the Paris Hilton type, he’s more into the Matthew Fox type

  80. GBoy

    When rumors are persistant (and they date back a few years!), when the guy has a strange behavior (no real girlfriends, no holding hands ,no romantic pictures, because he “hasnt got time” to date, neither during hiatus, nor filming) when people associate him with a famous photographer, when gossip rags mention details pointing to him (Layney’s gossip on “numbers on the run”= prisoners escaping”) when he is FINALLY PHOTOGRAPHED with the gay man he has been supposedly dating for 6 months (source PH), dressed similarly ,wearing very coupley matching flip-flops…. (Oh, funny, he has time to date now…a man!)
    ….then only blind idiots or self-deluded starry-eyed fangirls can’t face the fact that he IS INDEED GAY.

    He may say things to placate is employers at Fox, but he has given us those Luke pictures.

    They speak for themselves.


    Ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies !!!

  82. Anonymous

    Blow me down,
    Wentworth Miller gay???
    GWBush, stupid???

  83. Anon2

    People still seem to be very keen on determing his sexuality. It seems that he doesn’t have a serious companion yet. Otherwise you would have seen more of him out and about with someone. No one wants to stay cooped up in some damp house with their partner. Gay or straight, you need fresh air! He’s taken walks with girls and boys so it isn’t a proof of anything really. I’ m one of those stupid people who thinks he’s gay, ( and more than willing to change my opinion if he gets a female companion), but for now we only have recent pictures of him with a man who’s said to be his current companion. And a hell of a lot of rumours!! Has he denied having a companion in recent interviews? Has he said “I’m single” to any one of the media in the past few weeks? If he has, ok, I believe him. We can debate all we want. Nothing’s going to chance untill he forms a serious relationship with someone, man or a woman. But, after PB is over and done with, if he STILL seems to be living alone without a girlfriend in sight, well, to me it would mean that he has something to hide, aka a boyfriend. All we need is a little patience..By the way, the amount of crap that people have been writing about this is making me wait for someone to write how they have seen a sextape where he does it with a man. That would be an all time low. Or high to someone!

  84. YohohoAndABottleOfRum

    It’s unfair towards Went and OTHER PEOPLE out there to be seen as gay JUST because they are not dating anybody. I mean, do people automatically think of someone who is black that they know how to rap? No.

    And Im going to say this again; Remember Went’s age. He’s NOT a little boy anymore!
    He has said many times before, that he wants a WIFE and kids. (in interviews that are in english and R.E.A.L.)

    And kids, try not to change your nickname to answer your own post. WFW can probably see you’r IP. :)))

  85. Kelleymary

    Those who say he’s not gay are forgetting one factor: LUKE.

    He is openly gay and was with T.R.Knight until January 2007 when he met Went. (if we believe the 6 months date , according to PH- I know, it’s PH, but such a detail sounds true. And remember, Went said on Ellen that he hasn’t smoked for 8 MONTHS NOW; So we can deduct that there has been a major change in his life in January)

    P.S. My hopes were raised so briefly with the “PUBLIC” interview. Oh, how I wished it wasn’t a fake…

    If they were “just friends” as Went claims, do you really think that Gay Luke wouldn’t have tried his “luck” with such a beautiful man?

    And this done, wouldn’t a Straight Went DISTANCE himself from him, instead of hanging out with him , dressed alike, during his precious spare time in L.A.??

    Be realistic, how COULD he BE JUST A FRIEND?

    Give me your thoughts…..It would be great to have a QUALITY discussion here on this subject. The “flogging a dead horse” thing is irrelevant because the Gay Issue haunts many of us and we desperatly need to come to a real understanding of the situation… for our peace of mind (and probably, eternal despair).

  86. YohohoAndABottleOfRum

    Im online, so Im gonna answer first. LOL. x)
    I don’t think he’s gay. Mainreason for this is, that I have a few gay-friends who are very ‘macho’ and would never be seen as gay…But something ALWAYS gives them away while they talk. After watching tons of interviews with Went, old and new, he doesn’t ring gay to me.

    The thing with Luke for some reason doesn’t make my bells ring either. I guess the reason for it is, that I personally have continued hanging out with female friends who are lesbian and have tried to…Get it on with me. Rotfl. But we have still continued as friends, easy as that.

    And why does everyone talk about the flip-flops? That’s just stupid!

  87. Kelleymary

    Right but what about LUKE?

    Do you think he gave up screwing guys in order to spend his spare time talking Jane Austen’s literature with Went?

  88. Kelleymary

    Still about Luke:
    Went and Dom claim Went is not gay.

    If Luke was a friend (like Dom is) he would SUPPORT Went by sayinf “No, I don’t have a relationship with WM”

    Instead… resounding silence!

    Is this friendship?

    P.S. By the way,YohohoAndABottleOfRum, it’s not because YOU don’t feel he’s gay that he isn’t…

    We looking at the evidence, not feeling!!

  89. Erika

    *coming out of the lurking closet* KELLYMARY, what evidence? Matching flip flops, make believe boyfriends that THE FANS linked him with, the “gay tone” of his voice that he had to get speech lessons to make it sound the way it does today, the “gay lisp”, unreliable blog sites, a gay look captured in a photo shoot, speculations, rumors, chosing to put his career ahead of a relationship, walking with a gay guy that might just be a friend? Sorry but from where I’m sitting there is NO EVIDENCE that Went is gay.

  90. liyah

    How many times have you seen a friend wearing exactly the same thing? Poor guys, obviously lack a sense of style so it doesn’t seem to weird to me that they had similar clothing and shoes on. I have done it before too, with my friends. It just happens. And furthermore, not all straight men are uptight and freaked out about having gay friends. Luke seems to be just as private as Went so maybe he would rather just not comment. Maybe he doesn’t give a shit! And who said he gave up sex? How do we know he is not getting laid by someone? Not all gay men need sex all of the time. Lots of assumptions. I know my husband has remained friends with men who have made advances at him. He is not your atypical guy. He doesn’t care what people say or think because no matter what you do, they will have opinions anyway. Poor Went could do nothing to prove himself and why should he? His situation sucks … I don’t envy celebrities for this reason. We should support him by dropping the subject all together. A post by a gay man on another site brought up a good point: gay men are always fantasizing about straight celebs that they know they would have no chance in hell with. But it doesn’t stop them. On that note, gay or straight, what difference does it make? It’s just a fantasy.

  91. YohohoAndABottleOfRum

    KelleyMary, of course not. Who said what I said is what he is? :DDDDD

    Luke is not sayng anything, because the rumors are making him FAMOUS & known! HELLOOOO! Use yer brainssss!

    Erika, You said; “the “gay tone” of his voice that he had to get speech lessons to make it sound the way it does today.”

    What speech lessons? I haven’t heard of this before…

    And Liyah, I agree with you on Went’s situacion. It must be horrible for him now with the rumors and all, but think about what will happen when he finds the right woman? The fangirls will rip her apart. 😦

  92. Erika

    YOHOHOANDABOTTLEOFRUM, scroll up to the earlier comments: gwen6 October 2nd at 8:07am about the voice coach and ANON October 5th at 4:12pm about the gay lisp.

  93. YohohoAndABottleOfRum

    Thanks Erika!

    A good actor does indeed change they’r voice when needed. ;)~

  94. Erika

    Oh I don’t believe for one bit that he changed his voice. I was just listing all the crazy things I have read that some people have said.

  95. cat's meow

    I live in New York and we’re having an Indian Summer here. Yesterday it was 85 degrees outside so we decided to have a barbecue. My hubby wore his flipflops and guess what???? His friend who’s married for 12 years showed up wearing the same exact flipflops!!!!! lol

    So my friends, that explains the flipflop theory!!!! Friends tend to dress alike!!!! I was so tempted to say something to hubby and pal, but I didn’t want to open up a can of worms. They don’t even know Went and don’t watch Prison Break, so I didn’t want to explain the whole story. Now that I think of it, I probably should have got their take on it!!!!!

  96. cat's meow

    Can someone answer this for me???? We all know Went is extremely intelligent. Right???? He has said he needs acting like he needs to breath. Why would he become an actor and not reveal his sexuality???? If he loves acting so much, and did not become an actor for the fame, fortune and all the materialistic things, why would he hide being gay???? There’s plenty of openly gay actors in Hollywood who continuously work. So why on Earth would Went try to hide it???? That’s what I don’t understand. He has expressed that he’s not into the big car collection and all the things fame can bring. He just enjoys the art of acting. He said he’d even be happy to perform at a local playhouse.

    Since he loves to act so much, I don’t think he would be worried about just doing straight roles. He’s already been in 2 gay roles, the gay hairdresser in “Times of Your Life” and the flamboyant male cheerleader in “Popular”. He obviously took on those roles with no problem. I don’t think Went would care if he played just gay roles. If he loves acting so much, he would take on any role and not be worried about getting the straight roles.

    When hearing him in interviews, to me Went is a man of class and integrity. I can’t imagine him LYING about his sexuality just to get straight roles. I can’t see him taking speech lessons to change his voice to be more masculine and “straight” sounding. I just can’t see him trying to hide being gay. I know he’s very private, but I don’t think he would go to those extremes.

    And btw, where are all his friends from high school, college, the Princeton Tigertones. There are about 20 men in the Tigertones. He sang and traveled with them for 4 years. Don’t you think we would have heard from anyone from his school years confirming that he was indeed gay. Not a one came forward. Not even a family member, no one!!!!

  97. Went's Helicopter

    But… Adam in popular… was he openly gay or not??? Not Went! I’m speaking about Adam… what do you think?

  98. luke

    I’m surprised to see that so many of the regular poster’s who “think Went is straight” want to post comments on this thread which is supposed to be for all those who want to comment on Went’s Gay-ness….what’s up with that??? Shouldn’t you guy be on another thread posting stuff like “omg he’s so hot”

  99. crazyforwent

    If Wentworth is lying and gay, I will seriously stop watching “Prison Break”. Whenever I always defend him, I’m really in Denialville. Seriously.

  100. Kelleymary

    You, girls, say interesting things, but as I try to be the devil’s advocate (against my heart, you know it! I would like SO much to be completely wrong, and go back to the happy days when Went couldn’t be anything other that straight and would soon meet his brunette who I could fantasize being…
    Don’t know if this is good English, but I’m sure you understand), I see that very often, some of you prefer living in Denialville.
    I don’t criticise this fact, because everyone chooses what brings him or her, comfort.

    As for me, I always have to face things and here, confront what I call “evidence” (which is neither the supposedly “gay lisp”, nor the change of “voice”!)

    The evidence for me are the PHOTOS.

    A French paper (Mink mentioned it in the Church) said that when Went was seen this summer outside Starbucks , he had just rushed out to avoid being seen with “a friend” inside. If you look at the photos again, he doesn’t seem relaxed and he obviously seems in a hurry to leave the Starbucks. THIS is not evidence, it’s hearsay. But a few days later, bing! the Luke photos..

    He spends so much time with his gay friend, and strangely, forgets to spend time to date women..
    Strangely also,of all the people in Hollywood that he knows, he CHOSE to hang around with somebody who is gay!
    If they were just “friends”, Went would have avoided at all costs to be seen outside with Luke in order to kill the rumours!

    “Why would he hide being gay???? ” says CAT’S MEOW.
    It ‘s probably because he is still closeted, he’s ashamed of this deep inside and can’t really accept his gayness.
    His background is one with strong family values, he’s himself a traditionalist (said Dom).
    People who like acting are people who are not totally comfortable with what they are, for many reasons. Acting becomes a therapy, allowing them to escape a certain reality…..

    Went remains a “mystery” according to people who work with him!
    Don’t you find that strange?
    He’s known Dom for several years and he’s still a “mystery”?
    Why can’t he open up to a friend?

    Is he a serial killer? What crime has he commited?
    None, evidently, but he feels GUILTY of something.

    “No time to date”? Such a beautiful man?
    Well if he can’t find dates, dates surely CAN FIND HIM!
    He’s got sexual needs, like everybody, and don’t tell me he prefers Rosy Palm and her five sisters to a quick fling with a woman on the PB set!

    Since he became famous there SHOULD be a photo of him with a woman (other than the fabricated “Amie Bice incident”, nobody believes anymore)….

    Now, your turn on the debate…

  101. YohohoAndABottleOfRum

    “Went remains a “mystery” according to people who work with him!
    Don’t you find that strange?
    He’s known Dom for several years and he’s still a “mystery”?
    Why can’t he open up to a friend?”

    When was this said by Dom? Link?
    For some reason that statement made my teeth grind, because I personally won’t open up to just anybody. Does that make me insane, stupid or maybe a killer? No. Im just not an idiot who wants to be backstabbed. (especially if I was a celebrity, because then people might want to get together with me for the WRONG reasons)

    I seriously can’t believe that you guys don’t understand the simple fact, that he might be seriously shy.

    And sayng that at first Went didn’t want people to see him with Luke is just stupid. How do you know this? Body language from a picture?:DDD
    And even if this was true, it could be from a simple reason. Went is not stupid. When he probably thought about what the pictures would cause, it’s not wonder he MAY NOT have wanted to be seen with Luke. He’s single and is seen with a a gay guy. Wow. Even an idiot knows what rumors that causes! But as we all know, in the end he had no problems with being seen with Luke. He doesn’t give a crap. So there. One more assumption, because we are all making them.

  102. Kelleymary

    Dear YOHOHO…,

    Sorry about the “mystery” quotation, I read in somewhere (in the excellent Church, I’m sure, Mink would be able to tell..)

    YOU SAY:
    “For some reason that statement made my teeth grind, because I personally won’t open up to just anybody.”

    —> Yes, but Dom or SWC with whom he had a real complicity, are not “anybody”. I found it amazing that Dom said that Went wanted “a wife and kids” the same week when the Luke photos were published. Dom appeared as a fool or a joker…

    YOU SAY:

    “I seriously can’t believe that you guys don’t understand the simple fact, that he might be seriously shy.”

    —> being an actor, saying things you may not approve morally, doing bedroom scenes etc… help you tremendously to overcome you shyness!
    I’m not shy, but I would be unable to do certain things he did on screen!!
    If you’re naked with an actress in front of a crew , you surely can invite a girl to have dinner with you..

    YOU SAY:

    “And sayng that at first Went didn’t want people to see him with Luke is just stupid. How do you know this? Body language from a picture?”

    —>It was reported on JJared site, that the two men first tried to avoid being photographed together, then gave up. Personally, I didn’t like Went’s smile on the photos, it wasn’t sweet but provocative.

    YOU SAY:

    “Went is not stupid. When he probably thought about what the pictures would cause, it’s not wonder he MAY NOT have wanted to be seen with Luke. He’s single and is seen with a a gay guy. Wow. Even an idiot knows what rumors that causes!”

    —> But the rumours were there, BEFORE! PH mentioned LUKE MC FARLANE, MONTHS before!! Is he a clairvoyant??

    Went knew the danger!! For his career, for his reputation!!
    And later he comes out (no pun) saying: “I wish the rumours died!!”

    WTF! He did the best thing to ensure they lived!!

  103. darc

    i agree went isnt gay and thanks for posting this im soooo fukin sick if people saying that he is hes said sooo many thimes he isnt soo they shoul;d just believe him for god sakes and dom said that he deffentley isnt and i think dom would know he spend like 24-7 with the hot man so i think he would have a roght idea how wetha hes gay or not and dom said he isnt soo hes not !!!

  104. maya

    I think many of you don’t remember a very important detail.
    PH broke the story about the Wentworth & Luke relationship two months before the pictures popped out, and many of us didn’t even know who the hell was LMF.
    At the time I recall having read an elaborate explanation, been posted everywhere around forums and sites, in which a girl tried hard to confront their work schedules coming to the conclusion it would been impossible for the two of them having met during the winter.
    I remember many fangirls embracing this explanation with enthusiasm and make fun of the fact that W & L probably didn’t even know each other, forgetting a pretty relevant thing, for the first time Pig Perez named a name and his post seemed quite detailed for been a mere product of his fantasy (liking him or not, his blog is hugely popular and he always risks to getting sued for what he writes, but in this case oddly it didn’t happen)
    I think that those pictures prove at least two things:
    1 we fangirls know very little about Went
    2 Pig Perez and his sources have some more information than us
    And by the way cat’s meow makes some research and you’ll see that everyone who claims having met Wentworth in Princeton University, told the same story: he never had any girlfriend and everyone thought he was gay
    Do you really think that even rumours on his sexuality dated 15 years ago were PH fault??

  105. Kelleymary

    MAYA, I’m with you!
    So much points to him being gay…

    And to counteract this , what do we have?

    Just WORDS, repeated like a robot, by Went and by Dom!

    To believe Went, I would have to see his pretty mouth open and give ON T.V. a CLEAR, UNAMBIGUOUS statement.
    Something like:
    “I’m straight, I love women and women only, I swear to God and that settles the matter”.

    This would kill the insinuations, contrary to the ambiguous “I’m not gay,” which is playing with words…
    And we know Went is a smartass and very good with nuances…

  106. Kelleymary

    “And by the way cat’s meow makes some research and you’ll see that everyone who claims having met Wentworth in Princeton University, told the same story: he never had any girlfriend and everyone thought he was gay”

    —-I’ve never heard this.

    Can you source it for us?

    I’ve heard about the “Princeton Rub” sex act, but nothing about Went’s days in College. Only that he didn’t date pretty girls…
    He was with the all-male choir, visiting the world, maybe he was perverted then?

  107. YohohoAndABottleOfRum

    Kelleymary, you have good points…But there’s a lot about actors and musicians that many people don’t seem to know or understand. They have hollywood-characters that they put up when they are on tv and other places. Just like an actor does when they are doing a love-scene or some other intimate scene. They act and Went acts all the time to hide his shyness, wich he hides VERY well.

    And Jared as a source is not reliable either. He’s a great guy compared to Perez, but still not reliable.

    And Perez is one of the worst sources out there. He might have been right about ONE thing, but come on…He was SURE that Castro had died. And now he’s sure Went is gay? LOL! Perez has the IQ of a fish, wich means nada.


    “2 Pig Perez and his sources have some more information than us
    And by the way cat’s meow makes some research and you’ll see that everyone who claims having met Wentworth in Princeton University, told the same story: he never had any girlfriend and everyone thought he was gay
    Do you really think that even rumours on his sexuality dated 15 years ago were PH fault??”

    Perez is gonna have a bad ending with all this publicity he’s getting. What goes around, comes around.

    But to answer your ‘fact’ about princeton thing;
    Haven’t you readed the article where he says that he took a girl to a prom, even after being hit in the nose with a ball?

    The man has said TWICE that he’s NOT gay. Give the guy a break.

  108. cat's meow

    In response to some of your questions and comments:

    @Went’s Helicopter,

    A flamboyant male cheerleader????!!!! YES, Adam was gay!!!!!!


    WAKE UP, this thread is called “THE GAY DEBATE”. You don’t usually debate with people you agree with!!!!!!


    In Dom’s last interview (Australian radio) he said Went is PRIVATE, not “a mystery”. Dom has also said Went is NOT gay (more than once). I don’t think he would put his integrity on the line in order to defend Went. What do you think Dom’s fans would think of him if they found out he lied????? Since you think they’re not that great of friends, then why would Dom lie for Went??????


    Where did you read those accusations from Went’s Princeton friends that he never had a girlfriend and everyone thought he was gay????? I’d like to see the link because I’ve NEVER read that about him from his Tigertones friends or other friends he may have had at school. (Mind you, I want to hear it from friends, not strangers who didn’t even know him).

  109. Amaryllis

    I agree with pretty much everything Maya and Kellymary have said in their posts
    I only disagree with Kellymary on one thing:
    I doubt Wentowoth is ashamed of what he is or can’t really accept his gayness, I think he is just afraid to come out for his acting career.

    One more think I don’t remember thre French magazine Kellymary mentioned above,
    but i do remember the Starbucks incident. I read about it on a blog back in june
    This is what the blogger reported:

    “Britney Spears isn’t the only celeb getting her java on!
    ‘Prison Break’ cutie Wentworth Miller was all goofy smiles when photogs caught up with the ambiguous actor leaving a West Hollywood Starbucks yesterday with a male companion (not pictured.)
    Aren’t coffee dates the cutest?”

  110. Mink

    A few things:

    A French paper (Mink mentioned it in the Church) said that when Went was seen this summer outside Starbucks , he had just rushed out to avoid being seen with “a friend” inside. If you look at the photos again, he doesn’t seem relaxed and he obviously seems in a hurry to leave the Starbucks.

    I wouldn’t take that report too seriously. As I recall it referred to the time that Went was photographed on Larchmont with his usual iced coffee drink, and the report didn’t even have the location right. It was quite possibly nonsense. I take a lot of those French ‘gossip tabloid’ reports with an enormous dose of salt (ie. I don’t believe them). They really don’t seem to be that interested in publishing the truth.

    If they were just “friends”, Went would have avoided at all costs to be seen outside with Luke in order to kill the rumours!

    We really don’t know that. WM has made it quite plain that he’s not interested in addressing rumours, and has an awkward streak (not addressing the racist rumours at Princeton re. the cartoon for eg). Personally I now think Luke and he were caught out and that Went, after some hesitation, decided to smile and make the best of it, but I don’t think that if he were genuinely just friends with Luke he would have avoided being seen with him “at all costs” because of the rumours.

    It ’s probably because he is still closeted, he’s ashamed of this deep inside and can’t really accept his gayness.

    I really, really don’t think this is true. WM seems to have a very firm idea of who he is, and a great deal of self-respect. If he is gay and denying it in the press, I suspect this is because of the pressures of the industry he works in, his employer (Fox) and the (now obvious) negative public reaction to this possibility from some quarters. I suspect he doesn’t want to give up his career because of something which he feels (quite rightly) isn’t any of anyone’s business but his own anyway.

    Went remains a “mystery” according to people who work with him!
    Don’t you find that strange?
    He’s known Dom for several years and he’s still a “mystery”?
    Why can’t he open up to a friend?

    It would appear that Dom is a work colleague, not a “friend”, so there’s no reason for Went to have opened up his private life to him. A number of Went’s cast mates have mentioned how private he is. I think that’s just a personality trait, and doesn’t mean any more than that.

    Went knew the danger!! For his career, for his reputation!!
    And later he comes out (no pun) saying: “I wish the rumours died!!”

    That quote is from that “Public” mag interview, which most people think is fake. I seriously doubt he ever said he “wished the rumours died”. He’s always stated that he knows that rumours are part of the “nature of the beast” of fame. I’m sure he doesn’t like them, but from what we know of him, he just gets on with his life and doesn’t let this issue overshadow it.

    And by the way cat’s meow makes some research and you’ll see that everyone who claims having met Wentworth in Princeton University, told the same story: he never had any girlfriend and everyone thought he was gay
    Do you really think that even rumours on his sexuality dated 15 years ago were PH fault??

    Actually this isn’t true. There are mixed reports from people claiming to have known him at Princeton. Some claim it was thought he was gay then, sure, but others have said that he was quiet but they thought he was straight. I think it’s fair to say that if he was quiet and without a girlfriend back then, the fact that such a good looking man didn’t have a girlfriend would have been enough to start gay rumours, as it evidently has been since he became famous.

    He was with the all-male choir, visiting the world, maybe he was perverted then?

    Strictly on a personal note (and not trying to ‘mod’ anyone), but could you please not use the negative and derogatory term “perverted” as a pseudonym for “gay”. Gay does NOT = “perverted”, and I personally find that insinuation offensive (and I know I’m not alone). Thanks. 🙂

    But to answer your ‘fact’ about princeton thing;
    Haven’t you readed the article where he says that he took a girl to a prom, even after being hit in the nose with a ball?

    I believe this referred to his High School prom, not something at Princeton. And to be honest, taking a girl to a prom is no indication of sexuality either way. I’m sure many gay men have taken girls to proms.

  111. Betty Boop

    I just think how long can this case continue.. All of us has seen those Luke and Went pics. I want to ask one question and i hope somebody really explain this to me; have all of you seen all of those 10 pics where they was together. I mean you see that most of those pics Luke is little taller than Went and the last pics seems that Went is taller than Luke.. and also this, Luke is 5`10″ (1,78 cm) and Went is 6`1″ (1,85cm). I do have heard that IMDb isn`t very reliable source, so i check some series where Luke was in and he didn`t look so tall that Went is. I don`t believe all of those case what i see or read here in the internet and i think that here is lot of people who really believe all what they read -Sorry for my bad english

  112. Mink

    One more think I don’t remember thre French magazine Kellymary mentioned above,bbut i do remember the Starbucks incident. I read about it on a blog back in june. This is what the blogger reported:

    “Britney Spears isn’t the only celeb getting her java on!
    ‘Prison Break’ cutie Wentworth Miller was all goofy smiles when photogs caught up with the ambiguous actor leaving a West Hollywood Starbucks yesterday with a male companion (not pictured.)
    Aren’t coffee dates the cutest?”

    As you have the exact quote, do you have a link to that blog? Thanks.

  113. Went's Helicopter

    Adam is a perfect metro-sexual to me! 😉

  114. Kelleymary

    Thank you, Mink, for joining the debate and giving us your insight!

    One thing I want to state: I know I was wrong to use the word “perverted”. I realized afterwards that it has a stronger sense in English than in French!
    What I meant is something like “led astray” or “initiate into becoming” gay.
    Because all gays are not true gays from birth, the environment counts, too. You know, like it used to happen in English public schools where girls weren’t allowed, and older boys would entice younger ones into homosexual acts…

    I said it jokingly, but perhaps something happened as they toured the world together?
    This is pure speculation, of course!Let’s not stop at that…


    I’ve read about the difference in height between the two men. But a photo sometimes lies: it can depend on the position of the photographer, the speed of the characters and how they are walking.

    -Notice that Went legs are flexed a bit more than Luke’s. It may be the explanation?

  115. Kelleymary

    ” Some claim it was thought he was gay then, sure, but others have said that he was quiet but they thought he was straight. I think it’s fair to say that if he was quiet and without a girlfriend back then, the fact that such a good looking man didn’t have a girlfriend would have been enough to start gay rumours, as it evidently has been since he became famous.”

    Or , if he’s not gay, could it be (other speculation!) that he’s unfortunately equipped with such a tiny, tiny, peen that he never dared to show it to anybody?

    I know that saying this , I may ruin WFW’s fantasies about the Mighty “Mocha Peen”….

  116. cat's meow


    I’ve also read that Luke is only 5’10” though he looks taller than Went (who is 6’1″) in the photos. Like you said, photos sometimes lie. Yes they do, especially when they’re PHOTOSHOPPED!!!!!!

    Hey, you never know!!!!!!! You don’t think that fat fuck Perez couldn’t get someone to do that????? I wouldn’t put it past him, that low-life loser!!!!!

  117. cat's meow


    Why does everyone insist that Went is hiding being gay because of FOX and the pressures of the industry?????? If he is gay, he was hiding it WAY before Prison Break. The show has only been on the air for 2 years, and he’s been acting for at least 10 years. So I doubt if FOX of making him stay quiet.

    I too agree that Went has a great deal of self respect. That’s why I think if he were indeed gay, he would have come out a long time ago. He doesn’t care what people think about him (remember the Princeton newspaper article about his professor) so why would he care now.

    As I’ve said before, Went has said he needs acting like he needs to breath. He would act regardless of his sexuality, so why not reveal it years ago. Everyone has to stop blaming FOX or the pressures of the industry for making him keep quiet. Went doesn’t seem like the type of man who lets anyone tell him what to do. He does his own thing and doesn’t care what people think.

    “If people don’t get me, then I don’t have to explain me.” – Wentworth Miller.

  118. guesser

    I agree with MINK that the Went/Luke photos seem to be, that they were just caught out and after hesitation, just decided to make the best of a difficult situation. The is he?/isn´t he? debate is, for me, now a bit passe.. (although I do realize a lot of people are still struggling with this) I think he is… an image is worth a thousand words,. and I would be more interested in knowing what others think of how it would affect his career. Will it need adjusting after PB ?… Also what might the next step be ?…. I think his only positive course of action in this negative reaction, is the one he´s taking.. silence…. It´s the only one that gives him any room to manouver…. IF he´s gay of course… If my opinion is wrong and he´s straight., he could kill this right now… choosing not to.. mmm.. not a good career move in my opinion, but does give personal satisfaction.

  119. Kelleymary

    If he’s is gay (and I fear he is, but it has to be confirmed) silence is the WORST thing (don’t count the “I’m not gay” statement:it’s LAME, insufficiant and unsubstantified, to be believed).

    If he tries to keep silent like in the Princeton Incident, he will lose in the end.
    He will have to be careful about who he dates, where he goes and with whom, he will always be scrutinized and suspected, it will beWM, the gay(?) actor, not WM, the talented actor.

    It’s wrong to compare the racial incident to the gay issue: it’s a very different kettle of fish, the consequences on an unknown Princeton student are not the same as on WM, the international star!

    In his OWN interest, sooner or later, he will HAVE To be more explicit and to come clean.

    He owes it to himself and to us, his fans.

    Fame is a game that has to be played by the rules, or one day you fall.
    Fame also means that you have to sacrifice a LITTLE of your privacy, it’s also the rule of the game, WE PAY YOU for that, with our love, support and MONEY, dear famous people!!
    It doesn’t mean you must sacrifice all.

  120. Went's Helicopter

    It’s wrong to compare the racial incident to the gay issue: it’s a very different kettle of fish, the consequences on an unknown Princeton student are not the same as on WM, the international star!

    Maybe you are right but it is the same Wentworth

  121. Anon2

    I guess this will be the most posted subject until there’s some real news on WM. Isn’t PB season 3 almost wrapped up? And then he’ll be flying back to L.A. and all the paparazzis’ will keep an eye on him. It’s big bucks for the guy who gets THE photo of him with his companion. Maybe he’ll take another walk with Luke?(gay) Maybe he’ll stay inside and never go out again?(gay) One thing’s for sure, he’s not going to be left alone until his fans, and PH, have squeezed the last drop out of WMs’ sexual orientation. We have surrounded him from all directions. And he can’t escape. He needs to introduce us with some kind of lover soon. He’s a sex symbol god dammit! Fans need to see him walk hand in hand with someone! For the sake of his career let’s hope it’s a woman. For the sake of his female fans let’s hope it’s some kind of human shaped being, just not a blond, brunette or a canadian or,..was there any other (hair)coloured date that he took to his first red carpet events? You didn’t like them as I recall. Well anyway.. I don’t think it’s a co-incidence that the pictures of him and Luke came out when they did. PH posted a story that was revieled to him by a “very reliable source”, (ok, reliable is a weird word to be used in the same sentence with PH, but he is a gay bloggist living in L.A. and sometimes he’s right), after that WM was game for the paps’ in L.A. They had a gay rumour and now a mans’ name to write with it. All they had to do was to follow WM around his neighbourhood. And bang! They got a picture. I think WM learned his lesson and he hasn’t been photographed with that man since. Neither has he been photographed with that blond girl again, also a bit weird. Maybe that was/is his actual girlfriend? But that video was clearly taped with their permission. I think he got a spanking from his employer when him and Luke got photographed and the wife and kids-comments started to pour out from all directions. In the business, and in life, it’s called “damage control”.

  122. Anon2

    I wonder if anybody has the patience to read my posts? They are sooo looong…Well, at least I can practice my english.

  123. cat's meow

    I totally agree that if you market yourself as a STRAIGHT man, then you’d better be telling the TRUTH. Because as we all know, the truth will come out sooner or later. And it is deceiving to your greatest supporters, your fans.

    Actors and celebrities should know by now that a part of their privacy will be lost when they get into this business. Especially if their career when they receive the huge fame. It’s the price you pay.

    I just can’t see Went, an intelligent man with integrity, marketing himself as a straight man for his own benefit. I cannot fathome him deceiving his fans over and over again. I know he’s only human, but he’s a bright guy, and I don’t think he’d get into this business with blinders on. He knew there was a chance for him to hit it big. He knew he could lose some of his privacy. He’s not stupid.

    It’s true that actions speak louder than words. But until I HEAR And that’s why I believe him.

  124. cat's meow


    But until I HEAR Went say he’s indeed gay, or I SEE him making out with a dude, then I will continue to BELIEVE HIM, and not stupid RUMORS!!!!!

  125. Kelleymary

    Yes, I, for one, have the patience to read your long posts. I confess I write long ones, too.
    I guess you’re European, too? We are partial to long discussions…

    I TOTALLY agree with you on your last post and with Cat’s Meow’s…
    WE need to know, not out of unhealthy curiosity (though there may be a TRACE of it, we are only human beings) but for the sake of our love and lust for Baby Boy…

  126. Amaryllis

    Personally my love for Baby Boy will not change or diminish because of the gay thing.
    I confess I’m curious about his personal life (I’m only human ^^) but that’s all. I don’t need to be sure he’s straight to continue to love and support him.
    I will feel the same even if tomorrow we’ll discover he’s really gay.

  127. cat's meow

    I believe Went is straight, but he’s such a reserved, quiet, shy, nerd, that people conceive this as being gay. That’s just my opinion. But just for shits and giggles, say Went is truly gay and wants to remain in the closet, why do you think he won’t admit it????? And don’t say because of his career, because I think that’s all bullshit. A lot of gay actors work continuously in Hollywood all the time. In fact, I’ve never seen so many gay actors before!!!!! lol

    But seriously, if he is gay, do you think he remains in the closet because of his strict unbringing???? I know he comes from a very quiet, well-educated, very reserved background (family). Do you think this would have anything to do with Went not coming out the closet (if he was indeed gay, that is)???????????

    Only serious answers, please.

  128. cat's meow

    Sorry for the typo. I meant to say “upbringing”.

  129. Anon2

    Ones’ family or strict upbringing isn’t a reason not to come out. Unless your family members don’t know that you’re gay. But at some point your parents and siblings would start to wonder why a good looking educated man doesn’t have a companion. I’ve posted about this before. There is only two reasons for an intelligent man to keep his sexual orientation under wraps. His career and his father.

  130. cat's meow


    Besides his career, do you think Went’s father is the reason he won’t come out of the closet?????? If so, why????? I just want to hear your opinion.

  131. Saffy

    Maya said:
    “At the time I recall having read an elaborate explanation, been posted everywhere around forums and sites, in which a girl tried hard to confront their work schedules coming to the conclusion it would been impossible for the two of them having met during the winter.
    I remember many fangirls embracing this explanation with enthusiasm and make fun of the fact that W & L probably didn’t even know each other, forgetting a pretty relevant thing, for the first time Pig Perez named a name and his post seemed quite detailed for been a mere product of his fantasy (liking him or not, his blog is hugely popular and he always risks to getting sued for what he writes, but in this case oddly it didn’t happen)
    I think that those pictures prove at least two things:
    1 we fangirls know very little about Went
    2 Pig Perez and his sources have some more information than us”

    Maya, I was the ‘girl’ who originally posted the work schedule of Luke and compared it with various sightings of Went between Jan and June. You have a great memory for sure but I’d like to correct you on a couple of minor points. Firstly, I’m a woman, not a girl, but that’s neither here nor there really. 🙂 The other point I want to put across is that, as a member of the Luke MacFarlane Yahoo Group and a long time fan of WM, it actually didn’t take me more than about 5 minutes to put together my post that the pair weren’t in the same state very often during the whole six month period from Jan to Jun. If you were to join the LMF Yahoo Group, his working schedule is there for all to see on the front page and even the Administrator of the site has expressed surprise that the two guys would have had much time to develop a serious relationship.
    Anyway, I’d like to emphasise that at no time have I ever expressed my own views on either WM’s or LMF’s sexuality. I merely stated in my post that I found it hard to understand how these two people had managed to get to the point in their supposed relationship to consider moving in together. I still stand by that post. One lived in Dallas and the other in LA and everything I put in my post pointed to them having conflicting schedules. But whatever…I dated the man who is now my husband for 3 years before we made the moving in decision and we had some teething problems when we got together because it is difficult to give up singledom. If Went and Luke only saw each other on an occasional weekend during that 6 month time span and were considering setting up house, well fair play to them but I still find it unusual they could reach that stage that quickly and that was the reason for my old post. I personally think Perez’s ‘impeccable source’ could well have been messing with him. Incidentally, have you noticed how in every interview WM has given since this whole story blew up, he’s made it clear in interviews that he lives in Dallas most of the year and treats LA as a vacation spot?
    Another thing that I’ve been thinking about is those photos of the two guys. I have to say it and hopefully Went doesn’t read this anyway but basically, doesn’t anyone think he looks a bit (oh fuck it there’s only one way of saying it) fat-ish in those pix? Yep, I know he’s wearing a schlumpy hoodie but he’s got quite a belly there in those pix with Luke and we’ve all seen how trim and svelte he is lately. There’s just a small corner of my mind that says maybe Pig (who desperately needed to break a story as all he’s done lately is self-pimp) knew there were photos of the two out there or that the pair had spent some time together one weekend and Pig decided to put out the big rumour with the knowledge that the photos were going to surface? If you’ve ever watched Kathy Griffin’s “My Life on the DList” you’ll see that Pig has the paps on speed dial. I’m still trying to get my head around the whole Poland link. The film and stills of Went and Amie Bice surfaced via a Polish site. These Went/Luke pix surfaced via a person who joined FCOWM and gave us the world exlusive preview and yep, she originated from Poland.
    Anywhooo…I still have no idea of WM’s sexuality and I find myself watching season 3 with the good old drool bucket intact. He is what he is, whatever that may be, and I sure as hell am not going to lose sleep over it. The only thing that really bugs me about the situation are people who post things as if they are fact, like the person on IMDB who I chided recently because they heard Dom speaking to Kyle and Jackie O on the radio and posted that Dom said ‘Went is gay’.
    Oh and another little point that bugged me a bit – the poster upthread, the dim Luke who doesn’t understand the meaning of the word ‘debate’.

  132. act

    I just want to comment on Saffy’s post. I to noticed Went looked heavier in those pictures. The airport photos released the same weekend he looked thinner. The pictures with Luke could have been taken, say in the spring. Perez started the story in June. Then a couple months later the candids are released. I don’t care what Went’s sexuality is, but I do question alot of the rumors that are out there.

  133. zoro

    Anon2…I read your posts all the time, infact I appreciate what you have to say. You also manage to express your point of view very well. Thanks for having the courage to say what many of us think…keep up the good work, you make a lot of sense.

  134. Kelleymary

    ACT said:
    ” I too noticed Went looked heavier in those pictures. The airport photos released the same weekend he looked thinner. The pictures with Luke could have been taken, say in the spring. Perez started the story in June. Then a couple months later the candids are released. I don’t care what Went’s sexuality is, but I do question alot of the rumors that are out there.”

    Act, that would be an interesting idea if Went hadn’t been wearing the SAME clothes at the airport that week-end. ….

    And for those who still think the pics have been photoshopped, let me tell you that they CAN’T be altered with such precision on each of the photos. I have a pro photographer in my family , I asked him :from what I understand, there are several pics of them two, so we would be able to see a difference in result BETWEEN the photos.

    To sum up:

    You can photoshop ONE picture with excellent results.
    But a second pic will almost invariably be different on close analysis if you compare with the first one …

  135. lj

    “Act, that would be an interesting idea if Went hadn’t been wearing the SAME clothes at the airport that week-end. ….”

    I think we are all aware that Went has a limited wardrobe. He’s not your typical movie\TV star who has a vast array of different outfits and that’s why we all like him so much. So in that sense it’s not surprising that he was wearing some of the same clothes. I don’t think that’s an indication of anything.

    And Kelleymary. Saffy isn’t saying that the photos are photo shopped. I think the issue is what is the timing of the Luke Went pics compared with the Perez story. Is it possible that Perez was aware that Went and Luke were friends and had been seen out and about. Or that Perez was aware that there were pics of went with a male friend. He then started the story and the pics took on a whole new significance. Because let’s face it without the Perez story these pics would not have the same meaning.

  136. Kelleymary

    LJ, It would be great to go the way Saffy suggested. But I’m afraid it would be twisting the facts to adapt to the theory we like best.

    Not very scientific.

    I don’t believe Perez would have been able to contain himself and managed to sit on those photos for months, waiting for the right time (?) to publish them.
    He’s been calling Went “gay,gay,gay” for years!

  137. ANON3

    Why do we love Went?

    -Because he’s a beautiful sensitive man.

    IT reminds me of a line of Queen Latifah’s in “Living Out Loud.” The character is lamenting her fondness for men who always seem to turn out to be gay. She just loves sensitive and beautiful men, and because they are beautiful and sensitive, they feel things that other men don’t feel — like a need to suck cock.

  138. Anon2

    In this post I’m not writing about the actor in question simply because I don’t know him or his family so I’m not going to guess the reasons why he would have chosen to stay in the closet in this post. I’m speaking from my own experience. I’m not a man, but I do know that fathers have expectations when it comes to their sons. They want their sons to succeed. They want their sons to grow up to be good husbands and fathers. But when your son tells you that he’s gay it’s a huge shock. Maybe the initial reaction is disappointment and anger? Maybe parents have always known? It’s a subject that is a bit..well I don’t have the word for it but I know that the reason why a lot of men stay in the closet is because they simply don’t want to disappoint their fathers/parents. We are living in the year 07 but parents born in the 1940’s and 50’s are still old fashioned. And you can put as many gay men on tv fixing peoples houses and dressing straight men better but it won’t change the fact that people aren’t without prejudice. When discussing homosexuals people always leave out the fact that they fall IN LOVE the same way as straight people do. People seem to concentrate on the sexual side leaving out the emotions. I think it stems from ignorence and simply not knowing any gay couples. On tv you can see so many stereotypes of the girly or lusty gays who screw everything in sight. That is a false image! I think that gays in the film industry and tv aren’t doing anything to change this. By staying in the closet they are doing themselves only harm. By keeping their companions hidden they are keeping their emotions hidden leaving room for innuendo. In some ways I understand Perez Hilton. He seems to be determined to out people because he’s angry at them. There is a level in Hollywood that we can’t see. Places where gay actors who are in the closet can meet and talk freely. A level where people can be themselves without fearing that the person they are talking to is going to talk to the press. A level that some times cracks a bit and out comes rumours and gossip. If WM is gay he has a fantastic chance to become the first big teen idol/sex symbol who walks proudly out of the closet. That would pave the way for a much more diverce, colourfull, unprejudice and free pop culture. If he’s not, at least we can discuss the issue here. I think it’s great that the host of this site isn’t blocking this discussion. It has a life of it’s own. Maybe there is a site on the web where this subject, gays in america, can be detached from this actor. For now, I enjoy reading this site ’cause there is famous name attached to the gay/straight debate.

  139. Rose

    Who gives a shit if he is gay!
    Would it really turn us off?

    Maybe there is no evidence of previous partners because he is a respectable gentleman and has had relationships with respectable people that don’t blab because the are too busy being lawers or doctors (or other intelligent occupations, that i clearly am not involved in)

    Or maybe he is still a virgin with chronic shyness or is waiting for the right one (as if).

    Maybe we read too much into this poor bugger’s life when cleary he wants to act but not be followed like Britney Spears.
    I believe he isn’t. From what i gather from interviews he is just be an intelligent, introverted guy that doesn’t know how to be that kind of bullshitting, fake, arrogant, arsehole that is usually so popular in Hollywood *coughs* Oprah’s couch jumping friend a.k.a wanker.

    He is so a Mr Darcy brooding in the corner. *sighs*
    Wentworth is honest and if he say’s he is not, he’s just not. So too bad!

  140. cat's meow


    I’m with you sista!!!! I don’t know why peeps read too much into Wentworth. IMO he’s just a quiet, reserved, respectable, classy, gentleman. Is it so extraordinary that a hot-looking man behave this way???? So what that he’s friends with a gay guy. Who isn’t nowadays???? Especially in LA LA LAND!!! Went is obviously not the type of guy that would discriminate against someone because of their sexual preference, nationality, social class or race. He’s a good guy and probably the sweetest guy in the world, and it’s sad to constantly read all these cruel things about him. I’ve even heard him refer to the ex-cons who played extras on the set of Prison Break as “gentlemen” on the Jay Leno Show. Jay questioned that, and Went responded, “Everyone should be treated with respect.” He is a class act, that’s for sure!!!!!

    I cannot fathome him lying about not being gay over and over again. He flat out said he wasn’t gay. So everyone should try believeing HIM for once and not some idiotic rumors. Is that so hard to do???? I don’t blame him for wanting his privacy and maintaining a sense of mystery one bit. He knows that’s what makes him more intriguing. This guy is not stupid that’s for sure!!! It’s the celebrities we know TOO much about, that we tire of.

    He said in an interview recently on the set of Prison Break, “I’ve been walking around in Michael Scofield’s shoes for 44 episodes now and it’s weird sometimes. You run into people’s expectations of how someone like myself should be acting and I say, I’m a 35 year old man, I’m a little long in the tooth to be some random Hollywood asshole with a fist full of cash.”

    In the same interview, Dom said about him, “Went’s essentially the nicest guy in the world. I’m not using that as the typical cliche’ of my castmate. Unlike alot of actors today, he guards his privacy and it comes through in his work too, he (Scofield) has a mysterious quality to him, and Went’s kind of like that in real life.”

    William Fictner (Alex Mahone) said this about Went, “We get a little bit of Wentworth in Scofield. I wouldn’t say that he’s overly shy, but I think there’s a quietness to both that’s similar.”

    So you see, Went is always a quiet, shy, mysterious guy. It’s just who he is. It’s not like he’s doing it deliberatly to hide something. People assume he’s keeping secrets from everyone when he’s just a quiet, reserved guy. Is that so wrong????? Leave the guy alone!!!!!

  141. crazyforwent

    To Perez The Pig: Leave Wentworth Miller alone!

  142. Dani

    Wentworth Miller is as straight as the bed posts I tied him to last night – trust me with that!

    **still lustin’**

  143. Dani

    – and yeah Perez – come here and dare carry on your verbal diahorrea !

  144. ws

    cat’s meow, babygirl I thought you said you were going to stay away from this debate LOL. Oh what the heck I’ll join in the banter…He ain’t gay…can I rely on you to give the reasons as to why cat….again; I really think we all need to hear it one more time.

  145. ws

    w4w I just noticed u got a smiley face at the bottom of your webpage…how cool is that!!

  146. Rose

    cat’s meow thanks

    “I’m a 35 year old man, I’m a little long in the tooth to be some random Hollywood asshole with a fist full of cash.”
    That’s great I hadn’t heard that!

    Wentworth you’re beautiful.

    Thank you for not being one of these “celebrities” who thinks being famous is about drinking/drugs, sex tapes, being followed by the paparazzi, hanging out with the “in” people and wearing the latest. Nipple slips and ‘forgeting’ to wear underwear have become the public’s desire and when someone like Wentworth comes along they are put down.
    We have now accepted all these self-centered, attention seekers as our role models and idols. Put your Standards up people!!

    True actors are there to act, that’s there passion, not to be scutinised under a microscope.
    If poor Wentworth wanted that he would have auditioned for Big Brother.

  147. anonymous

    “Or maybe he is still a virgin with chronic shyness”

    I assume that concept does belong in fantasy land, though certainly beautiful people in their mid- to late twenties are out there who haven’t gotten laid due to shyness or high standards… but anyway, is it bad of me to find that fantasy REALLY HOT??


    Cat’s meow, Rose, Dani etc… we all agree that Went is a gentleman, calm and a bit shy.

    And since when a gay man can’t have those qualities? Gays are not just sex machines!!!

    ROSE:”Or maybe he is still a virgin with chronic shyness”
    Lol, Rose ! He himself said in an interview that his ” last significant relationship was about a year ago, and it was hot and passionate, those are the best kind!” (Quoted from memory)

    The way he said this sounded strange to me: the “it” pronoun was odd. Why didn’t he utter the word “woman”?
    Seems to me that he was avoiding it deliberately.

    Same when he said (still quoting from memory): “I once gave SOMEONE a watch so we could think about each other at the same time”

    “Someone”, “It”, gender neutrality… Went is clever with words we know it!

    ANON2, you really go deep into your analysis, a bit like MINK does.
    Too many people stay at the surface of things or twist facts in the way that suits them. You don’t, and I like that!

    We gradually realize (as you said) that we don’t know much about Went, because he is so secretive and his answers are carefully crafted and rehearsed.

    But we want to know more, don’t we?
    We are WOMEN, and women are nosy, if we believe the cliché…

    My opinion is that Went is closeted, but how far? Does he lie to himself, to his friends and co-workers, or just to us?
    Remember, lies are not always bad, they can be a protection for the insecure individual.
    Some gay men go very far into Denialville, and can even get married to prove to themselves and to their family their “normality”.

    Went’s father seems to be a strong personality: he’s a successful lawyer who worked for the district attorney, he’s now a teacher.
    If you read his course online, LEEWS, you can see he’s a no nonsense person, focused on hard work.

    It must have been difficult to live in the shadow of such a strong man (even if you love him).
    Worse if you are gay…..As a son, you either confront your father in his values at the risk of disappointing him (Went said about his hard times that he felt like “the shame of the family”) or you hide your inner feelings, your thoughts and your sexual urges… It’s easier, if you are not the confrontational type.

    Perez Hilton is what he is. But he’s not always wrong. He KNOWS more than us , he has a network of gay friends in Hollywood.
    His informations about Castro can be wrong, (after all, he doesn’t live in Cuba!) but when he insists SO MUCH on the gayness of an actor, month after month, we cannot dismiss his words .

  149. Rose

    Kelleymary if he were trying to hide that he is gay wouldn’t he over use the she, woman, her, etc?

    But then he is honest and didn’t spin the bullshit about SWC quiting, even though the network manager would have blown him for it.

    So maybe because he’s so honest he has to say “IT” and “Someone”
    But then he is so honest that he stated “I’m not Gay!!”
    So what do we fucken believe people.

    I bet people would still believe he was gay even if he fucked a girl at Starbucks. *volunteering*

    Just like all the other famous people who have been rumoured like Robbie Williams. Now he has shagged half the woman in the world and still gets called gay! It will not rest.

  150. lj

    Kelleymary: “‘Someone’, ‘It’, gender neutrality… Went is clever with words we know it!

    If you know as much about WM as you claim to then you’ll be aware that he has mentioned the words ‘she’, ‘wife’ , ‘girlfriend’ many times in interviews. I think it’s you who are trying to twist the facts to adapt to the theory YOU like best. He’s stated that he is not gay more than once as has his co-star. How is that being clever with words? I think his meaning is very clear.

    “Perez Hilton is what he is. But he’s not always wrong. He KNOWS more than us , he has a network of gay friends in Hollywood.
    His informations about Castro can be wrong, (after all, he doesn’t live in Cuba!) but when he insists SO MUCH on the gayness of an actor, month after month, we cannot dismiss his words .”

    Oh really. Kelleymary, Perez Hilton KNOWS nothing. That’s why he put up a request on his site over a year ago for anyone who had any information about WM to come forward. If he actually knew anything why would he need to do that?

  151. anonymous

    “The way he said this sounded strange to me: the “it” pronoun was odd. Why didn’t he utter the word “woman”? Seems to me that he was avoiding it deliberately.”

    You know, I really think one can interpret and twist his words to death. I mean, without the gay rumors and Perez Hilton, nobody would have said anything about the fact that “relationship” isn’t a name, so the pronoun to use is “it”.

    Also, Perez Hilton claimed Castro was dead. And the one thing I don’t get is this: since who you are friends with says so much about who you are yourself– why would Wentworth go out with this Darren person, who’s friends with somebody like Perez Hilton, who’s so obviously someone who’d not be respected by the educated likes of Wentworth?

    Oh, and… with all that talk from Went about how he liked how Angie Harmon’s character was so fierce and aggressive when going after her prey, and how he supposedly finds that a real turn-on… how he mentioned Linda Hamilton in T2 was “so kick-ass” and in prison “she’d take care of me”…
    Maybe he’s just a kinky little firecracker who’s without a steady girlfriend because he has yet to find a lady who indulges his need to be kept on a tight leash and punishes him when he’s been a bad boy.

    Because it’s ALWAYS the quiet ones! XD

  152. YohohoAndABottleOfRum

    I’ve never heard of that Linda Hamilton thing.
    And it seems weird to me too, because she’s blonde.:P

  153. guesser

    I think Went is closeted and may never address any issues on his sexuality, (probably rightly so) from his point of view, that would open up a new can of worms. Its not only the Went/Luke photos, its more a long list of behavour traits and things he has said which are very ambigious, deliberately I feel, together with the fact that he has/had, no known girlfriend, just galpals, makes a compeling arguement, that something is not right. Many of his early photos- before fame- are very “gay” looking and sensual and dispel the “I´m shy ” story. In interviews he never flinches when reporters mention that there are rumours about his private life. He is used to avoiding it and is expert at it.
    I also have the feeling that the story line in S3 of PB, may have been altered to fit the gay rumours, getting the character our of a romantic involvement or interaction with a woman, while all of these rumours were flying. Not bringing Sara back may have been a godsend for the writers at this time. Although the MiSa downfall could be spun a thousand ways. Am I the only one who has had this thought ?.
    He will do what is necessary to help his career, (who wouldn´t) and if staying quiet and private is what it takes, so be it, but if he´s straight none of this inuendo is a help to his career, and could easily be put to rest.


    “I think it’s you who are trying to twist the facts to adapt to the theory YOU like best.”

    OMG, Lj!
    All my dreams, my hopes, my wishes are that he is NOT gay!!
    If EVER he said he’s straight, on TV, and looking as us in the eyes, I would fall on my knees thanking God (and I’m not even religious!).

    Anyway, we must be patient (I’m not!). Prison Break is committing suicide at the moment, there may not be a PB4 after all.
    Went will soon turn to acting in and (or) directing films. So FOX bigoted pressure on him will be lifted and he may be able to express himself freely on the subject.

    But I may be dead then , due to stress….

  155. anonymous

    He said it in an Australian radio interview.
    @ 3:20.

    Yet another example of how stuff that actually happened is labeled as a rumor. Like, somebody claimed we only get the “I want to have a wife and kids” line in printed interviews that were manipulated by his publicist, when Wentworth actually said that both on radio and TV.

  156. anonymous

    “I also have the feeling that the story line in S3 of PB, may have been altered to fit the gay rumours, getting the character our of a romantic involvement or interaction with a woman, while all of these rumours were flying.”

    Oh, COME ON!

    Did the producers also go to Sarah Wayne Callies nine months prior and told her, “listen, Went’s gay, so can you please get pregnant so we have a reason to fire you and thus lose Michael’s female love-interest? PLU-HEEEEZE.

  157. Anonymous

    “In interviews he never flinches when reporters mention that there are rumours about his private life. He is used to avoiding it and is expert at it.”

    “He will do what is necessary to help his career, (who wouldn´t) and if staying quiet and private is what it takes, so be it, but if he´s straight none of this inuendo is a help to his career, and could easily be put to rest.”

    Good points, GUESSER!

  158. anonymous

    “but if he´s straight none of this inuendo is a help to his career, and could easily be put to rest.”

    What innuendo? He denied it. What else is he supposed to do??

  159. maya

    In the first years of his career Clay Aiken has denied the gay rumours too, and if I remember it right George Michael even sued Elton John when he insinued that George liked men better than women. Facts said much more than words and the few facts we have are going in a single direction.
    Denyville is a comfortable place but it’s not for all


    According to the latest news on FCoWM, the German interview,in which he denied being gay may well be a fake and simply a rehash of old.

    SATINFEE (user name) had a contact with Mr Renner, the reporter who signed the interview.


    ” I asked Mr Renner for more details. His first reply about the place/date of the interview sure sounds evasive if not fishy, the place being miraculously changed and all, but it might just be that someone at InStyle wrote the introduction to the actual interview (this would be a typical job for an intern where I work…).
    As far as his other work is concerned: He published in major German magazines, most of which I’d consider credible and I read some of his interviews BW (Before Went) and they seemed genuine. Can’t really tell for sure because they were all translated, so…. I don’t know. I’ll investigate.
    And on topic of fake Wenterviews: y’all really don’t want to know what crazy shit I read in that teenie mag BRAVO who gets to interview him when he’s in Munich. I wanted to climb a mountain and scream! ”

    NOWHERE is a PROOF that Went said what he said!

    And he kept mum on ELLEN….

  161. Amaryllis

    In one of his first posts about WM Perez said – yes I know he is Pig-Perez but still……..- that Went is OUT with close family members and friends.
    If Went is gay I’m pretty sure his family already knows

  162. anonymous

    “and the few facts we have are going in a single direction.”

    Seriously, what facts? I’m not talking theories or rumors, I’m talking facts.

    He was talking a walk with a gay actor. That’s it.

  163. lj

    Kelleymary: “OMG, Lj!
    All my dreams, my hopes, my wishes are that he is NOT gay!!
    If EVER he said he’s straight, on TV, and looking as us in the eyes, I would fall on my knees thanking God (and I’m not even religious!).”

    Here is a vid of Went stating on camera that he wants a wife and kids. He also told the EXTREMELY REPUTABLE Australian Associated Press that he was not gay during his visit to Australia. He’s addressed the issue of his sexuality numerous times. What more do you want?

  164. Anonymous

    “No, I’m not gay. I know these rumours are out there… I’m cool with the fact that they exist, I mean this is about fantasy. Certain people are going to have certain fantasies.

    “If someone wants to imagine me with a woman, or a man or one of each, that’s cool with me as long as you keep watching the show.”

    Clever boy!

    Think a minute, is this a straight man’s answer???

    A real straight man would laugh first, and say:

    “”This is ridiculous! I dated and loved women all my life, and I intend to continue!
    Simply, I’m so busy at the moment that I can’t have a significant and LASTING relationship (= implying: I get fucked here and there, nothing serious, but a man is a man!).

  165. guesser

    I was referring to the aftermath, not the nine months previous or pregnancy of SWC. only the bringing her back into the storyline, around this time is when the Went/Luke photos surfaced so they may have altered the storyline around that time, its just a thought, cos it seems to fit the recent events just a little too well and SWC herself seems to have been shocked that her character was chopped literally, acording to a recent interview.
    Oh! Anonymous I would LOVE to be wrong about went being gay & closeted.. I sincerely hope I am wrong, but his behavour leads me to think not. also, he is not very big on denial and /or any other way of killing the rumour, although its persistance is not good for his career
    Re the Mr Renner interview : –
    I´m glad Satinfee is investigating this as it does seem to me to be old material.

  166. guesser

    Apologies for not puting Went in capitols, where he deserves to be !!.

  167. anonymous


    “Is this a straight man’s answer?” “He sounded gay early in his career.” “They changed season 3 due to the gay rumors” (never mind that filming started in June, so the contents of the box were in there probably long before the Luke pictures got out).

    I’m going to bed.

  168. Kelleymary

    LJ: Like you, I’m a true fan and I heard the Australian interview (in December 2006 – in pre-Luke days- and this is important, as, according to Perez, the Luke relationship is a committed one). We can assume that, back then, he could lie more easily, the issue wasn’t as sensitive and important to him.

    I also watched the Canadian interview, and frankly it sounded like a rehearsed phrase, same as those he is famous for (sees the “Have-a-glass-of-wine” game everytime he repeats the same set phrases , see FCoWM!)
    The wording is always the same: “wife-and-kids”, “no-time-to-date” (Good, the guy must have calluses on his right hand!), “love-brunettes” etc…

    We NEVER have a different wording for this!

    Aj, don’t you SEE this is not a natural way of speaking, in particular for a Princeton graduate who has an infinite palette of words an nuances, should he want to really express what he thinks?


    The Season Three Interviews Drinking Game
    You will need:

    -Access to the last twenty or so pages here at the FCoWM and the time to click on every link and watch or read every interview about season three of Prison Break.
    -Alcohol to suit your taste (red wine for me please)
    Patience +/- the ability to watch the same thing over and over again (it’s Went you’re watching, you should be fine).

    A drink = a good gulp, not a sip. We want to see a drop in volume in the glass after each drink, not have to measure it with a set of calipers.

    For each occurrence of a phrase or gesture the required amount of drinks must be taken. If a gesture and phrase occurs at the same time both sets of drinks must be imbibed.

    Phrases – General Prison Break:
    -Sona makes Fox River look like Club Med (or a trip to the day spa) 2 drinks

    -It’s a show about brothers/family 1 drink

    -How many times a good guy can cross the line before he can no longer call himself good 2 drinks
    Michael’s on the inside, Linc is on the outside 2 drinks

    -It’s classic Prison Break 2 drinks
    Based on a real life prison in South America / Brazil 1 drink
    -We’ve come full circle 2 drinks

    -One of the strengths of the show 2 drinks

    -A return to form 3 drinks

    -It’s what we do best 3 drinks

    -Inside it’s a Lord of the Flies situation 2 drinks

    -8 Alpha dogs in a box / barrel (or any other dog container) 8 drinks
    )Went shows us how to shake our alpha dogs.)

    Phrases – MiSa related:
    -A pivotal year for them/Michael and Sara 3 drinks

    -Star crossed lovers 3 drinks

    -There are a lot of rumours out there 2 drinks

    Phrases – character related:
    -Michael Scofield is a good man on a hero’s journey 2 drinks

    -He’s in Sona with three of his deadliest enemies 2 drinks

    -What happens when sworn enemies have to work together 3 drinks

    Phrases – general:
    -You know what? 1 drink

    -L.A. is my vacation spot 2 drinks .

    Copyright :TWOSTARLADY
    Published:FCoWM- OCT , 01,2007

  170. Anonymous

    Can we add:

    -“I’m not gay” (one drink. )
    -I want ” a wife and kids” (one drink)
    -I have “no time to date” (two drinks)
    -I like “brunettes” (one drink)
    -I once had “a crush on Angie Harmon. She’s a beautiful barracuda” (two drinks).

  171. Rose

    oh in perez hiltons WET DREAMS!

  172. cat's meow


    LOL, I couldn’t stay away for long, Wenty needs me to defend him!!!!! lol


    BTW, that interview was on “The Daily 10” this past Monday on E! Channel. It took place on the set of Prison Break recently.


    I never said gays are sex machines. Please read my posts more carefully!!!! All I’ve ever said about Went is that he’s a quiet, shy, well-spoken, well-mannered, gentleman and if people confuse this with being gay, they are sadly mistaken. IMO, Went is a hot, sexy NERD!!!!! Just because he doesn’t go around clubbing, partying, drinking, and fucking every blond bimbo in Hollywood doesn’t mean he’s gay and hiding his gayness. He’s just not that type of guy. He says he’s 35 years old and feels he’s too old to act like a typical Hollywood asshole walking around like he’s made of money (check out what he said in my last post).

    Anonymous and Toasting Went:

    Cute game TW!!!!

    It’s so true that Went repeats himself!!!! I’ve heard him say the same things over and over in lots of interviews. But the thing is he’s not just saying he’s not gay, wants to have a wife & kids, etc., he’s says lots of things repeatedly. That’s just a trait of his. I don’t find it as him covering up the truth or giving a “canned” answer. I imagine after doing tons of interviews, it’s hard not to repeat yourself!!! You girls try doing interview after interview and NOT REPEAT yourself!!! I’m sure other actors do that as well, it’s just that we don’t take notice, because we don’t give a shit about them as much as we do Went!!!! Unfortunately, we notice every little shittin thing he does. We’re reading too much into this guy.

    I consider myself to have good “gaydar”, and I just don’t see it with Went. And I’m not in denial either. I’ve noticed it with people I know, as well as celebrities. In fact, I saw a new show on ABC this week and I will bet my new car that the leading male on that show is gay. But there’s no way I’ll mention who it is, because I’m not about to start any rumors, like that flaming, fat, ugly, fuck you know who. I’ll just wait it out and see for myself. And if it doesn’t come out that he’s gay, then that’s fine. Who gives a fuck anyway. I don’t know him, so I don’t care.

  173. cat's meow

    And it’s SO TRUE that the flaming, fat, ugly fuck DID post on his site asking peeps to give him info on anything about Went, Sean Hayes, and other so-called “closeted gays”.

    If that jerk did have a “best friend” who slept with Went, why the fuck didn’t he know about it then????? Because he’s a fucking LIER, that’s why.

    WAKE UP PEOPLE, he’s the one lying, NOT our boy, Went.

  174. Kelleymary

    “it’s SO TRUE that the flaming, fat, ugly fuck DID post on his site asking peeps to give him info on anything about Went, Sean Hayes, and other so-called “closeted gays”.”

    How do you know this, Cat’s meow?

  175. Kelleymary to Cat's meow

    “I don’t blame him for wanting his privacy and maintaining a sense of mystery one bit. He knows that’s what makes him more intriguing. This guy is not stupid that’s for sure!!! It’s the celebrities we know TOO much about, that we tire of. ”

    —>Well, if we are tired of Britney’s antics, the very opposed attitude (mystery) is intriguing and we want to know more!

    In a way, Went is responsible for this gay controversy. He should have said where he stood at the beginning of his career…
    By letting us wonder about his sexuality, he can be SURE the issue wil follow him around for ever (even if he marries ,Tom Cruise’s style!)

  176. Amaryllis

    cat’s meow said:
    “it’s SO TRUE that the flaming, fat, ugly fuck DID post on his site asking peeps to give him info on anything about Went, Sean Hayes, and other so-called “closeted gays”.

    Actually this is incorrect.
    The only person I remember he asked information about was Neil Patrick Harris and ONLY after his publicist denied that he was gay.
    The post was something like “who had sex with Neil Patrick Harris please contact me”
    After NPH came out Perez made a post in which he listed the ten celebrities he knew for sure were gay.
    I tried to find the post but unfortunately all the old posts on his blog are impossible to find due to technical problems but I did find a novembre 06 interview about this matter.

    “The Mario Perez Hilton Lavandeira Jr. Interview: Over Twenty Questions

    How do you decide who to ‘out’ on your site? Your latest target is Neil Patrick Harris. How do you differentiate who ‘should’ be outed versus who should be allowed to keep that information private?
    Yesterday I wrote a list of everyone I wish would come out

    Is Missy Elliot on there?
    I forgot to mention her but I did have Queen Latifah. I mentioned Anderson Cooper, Jodie Foster, Kevin Spacey, Clay Aiken, Queen Latifah, Ricky Martin, Matt Dallas, Wentworth Miller, Richard Simmons and Sean Hayes. Some of those you’d think are already out but they’re not. I put all those people on my list, but I didn’t mention Tom Cruise or Matthew McConaughey, even though those might be people I joked about possibly being gay, but these people are people that I KNOW are gay, that I 100% know are gay, that I have confirmation from friends and sources and mutual acquaintances that those people are all gays and lesbians.

    So you feel if you’re high profile and gay, then you might as well be out? There is a difference between being an Anderson Cooper, who is sort of wink wink about it–he’s not pretending that he’s straight, but he’s not saying that he’s gay.
    So what’s the difference? Why not just come out?

    Do you feel it’s necessary then to come out?
    I think it’s necessary if someone asks the question, to answer, instead of saying “I don’t talk about my personal life.” You could say “Yes I’m gay, AND I don’t talk about my personal life.” ”

    I cut off the last part because it doesn’t concern Went^^

  177. anonymous

    “I have confirmation from friends and sources and mutual acquaintances that those people are all gays and lesbians.”

    Yeah, back to what I said earlier– somehow I doubt Wentworth Miller and Perez Hilton have mutual acquaintances. Went most likely doesn’t hang around with people who hang around with scum like Perez.

    Also, how is Went responsible for “the gay controversy”? Last time I checked, being a TV actor didn’t come with the constraint that one had to make a statement about one’s sexuality. It’s like Hugh Laurie once said – the public has a right to information, but they don’t have a right to be entertained.

    Oh, and I’m not the same as Anonymous. Hm, I shall go as anonymous_lower_case or something.

  178. cat's meow

    @KelleyMary and Amaryllis,

    I remember reading on that fat fuck’s site back in the Fall of ’05 that he and Went “Belonged Together” like in the Mariah Carey song. I remember Prison Break had just started a couple months prior and I thought, NO WAY Went is gay and would get with that ugly guy!!!! And I laughed about it and didn’t take it too seriously.

    Then after he outed Lance Bass in the Summer of ’06, I remember reading on his site that he was asking peeps to contact him with any info about the sex lives of Went, the Doogie Hauser guy, Michelle Rodrigues, Sean Hayes, and others because he suspected they were all gay and wanted to “drag their asses out of the closet”. I distinctly remember this because I was in North Carolina on vacation and my teenage neice was on his site. I remember reading Went’s name on his list and was surprized that he was still mentioning him from last time. But I just brushed it off that he’s a fat, ugly gay guy who has a crush on a straight, hot looking man like Went.

    Now he comes out with this bullshit that his best friend who’s gay had a relationship with Went years ago. Why the fuck didn’t he mention that back in ’05????? Because he’s a LIER, that’s why!!!!!

  179. cat's meow


    WORD, baby!!!!

    Yeah you best change to lower case, or better yet, change your name because peeps will mix you up with the other “Anonymous”!!!!!!

  180. Amaryllis

    Apparently everyone is lying but Went.
    Cat’s meow I wish I could see the things like you do, but unfortunately I can’t

  181. anonymous_lower_case

    Hey, I just found INCONTROVERTIBLE evidence that he’s gay:

    Well, or that someone was possesive and wanted to get into his pants.

    Or, that the photographer told them to all snuggle up.

    First person who says, “that guy looks like Luke” will crack me up.

  182. cat's meow


    You said, “Apparently everyone is lying but Went.”

    Who is everyone????? That fat fuck gossip monger AND other gossip mongers??????

    You mean to tell me I should believe gossipers over Went????? I DON’T THINK SO!!!!!!!

  183. Kelleymary

    “I remember reading on that fat fuck’s site back in the Fall of ‘05 that he and Went “Belonged Together” like in the Mariah Carey song. I remember Prison Break had just started a couple months prior and I thought, NO WAY Went is gay and would get with that ugly guy!!!!”

    Cat’s meow, I hope Perez didn’t imply by “we belong together” that he slept with his friend who slept with Went”????

    Oh, my GOD!!! Pain! Disease!Infection!

    *needs brain bleach*

  184. Anonymous UPPER case

    Funny, that guy looks like Luke….

  185. Amaryllis

    No Kelleymary he didn’, lol

  186. cat's meow


    Is that a picture taken with the Princeton Tigertones???? He said they used to wear white dinner jackets when performing!!!!

    Went looks so adorably cute!!!!!

  187. anonymous_lower_case


  188. Anonymous UPPER case

    “Queen Latifah. I mentioned Anderson Cooper, Jodie Foster, Kevin Spacey, Clay Aiken, Queen Latifah, Ricky Martin, Matt Dallas, Wentworth Miller, Richard Simmons and Sean Hayes”

    All these people are lesbians and gays.

    Why would Went be the odd man out?

  189. cat's meow

    Who’s Matt Dallas????? And why does everyone think he’s gay too????

  190. Kelleymary

    From what Amaryllis says, it seems that Perez is 100% certain….
    This is worrying because he doesn’t say this about Cruise….
    Trouble is , we don’t want to believe Perez, but he is adamant…

    * wants to die*

  191. act

    Because Wentworth’s quotes are being analysed, in his first TV guide interview(Oct.2-8,2005) he was asked “Do you have a love interest in real life?” He answered “Nope, I’m single right now. The only people I see on the set are inmates. It’s a testosterone-heavy set, so for the few ladies who are there, I guess it’s a picnic. For the rest of us, it’s a bit of a fast.” Do you think he was laying the ground work to make us believe he was straight way back in that first interview?


    There’s an interview in the Italian paper where the last photo comes from. Transl

    Get ready, everybody, to play the” The Season Three Interviews Drinking Game”

    Any cheap plonk will do, but if you can lay your hands on a Saint Emilion 2002, all the better!



    You should have read “Translation will roll in anytime”…

  194. anonymous middle class

    ACT, the answer is :YES.
    Gays have a system of protection (acquired or inbred) to fool people they perceive as a threat (journalists!)
    A bit like fat people hold their stomach in when they are being watched!

  195. Kelleymary

    My Italian is poor, but I can see that he says that Michael may die in PB3!!!!

  196. cat's meow


    NO!!!!! He’s probably just telling the truth!!!!!

  197. cat's meow

    @Anoymous UPPER case,

    With the exception of Went, and maybe Anderson Cooper (I don’t know who Matt Dallas is), I agree that everyone else on that list is gay or lesbian.

    Fat Fuck’s word is NOT gold!!!!! I don’t believe him!!!

    And not that I’m denying about Anderson Cooper, I just haven’t heard anything about him being gay besides Fat Fuck’s comments.

  198. Saffy

    Amaryllis said:

    “Actually this is incorrect.
    The only person I remember he asked information about was Neil Patrick Harris and ONLY after his publicist denied that he was gay.
    The post was something like “who had sex with Neil Patrick Harris please contact me”

    Amaryllis – you are right and wrong. Yes, Perez DID ask for information about NPH after his publicist said he was ‘not of that persuasion’ and he specifically asked who had had sex with him, just as you say. NPH came out shortly afterwards in order to avoid what he feared would be a ‘gay witch hunt’.

    However, prior to all the above happening, Perez did indeed put out on his site a call to anyone who had information on the sex lives of Neil Patrick Harris as well as Ricky Martin, Clay Aiken, Wentworth Miller and so on, culminating with ‘Michelle Rodriguez and her bisexual ways’.

    I don’t know cat’s meow and I’ve never corresponded with her but she’s bang on with her timelines in her post at 11.46 am. If I remember it in such detail and she does, doesn’t that indicate we could, in fact, be correct?

  199. Ano

    For the record PH just made another entry about Went:

    “Don’t forget!

    Today is National Coming Out Day!

    Hopefully some of your favorite closeted celebrities will use it as an opportunity to be honest with their fans and open the door to a happier life.”

  200. YohohoAndABottleOfRum

    I just noticed that “news” too, even though I personally check Perez Hilton’s webzzzite when Im extremely bored. And that’s once in 5 months. Usually.

    What a mistake it was……………….

  201. cat's meow


    Thanks! I don’t know Anderson Cooper too well. I know he’s a journalist and his mother is Gloria Vanderbilt. I saw him on a show once talking about how his brother committed suicide by jumping out a window. That’s all I know about him. So I was not aware that he was gay (or in the closet).


    Thanks alot!!!! One good thing I have left is my memory!!!! lol

    I understand alot of doubts people have about Went. They have some good points, but I just think of him as being misunderstood. I perceive him in a different way than others do. I truly think he’s telling the truth. I know it’s unbelieveble to some that he does not have a girl on his arm all the time, especially with his looks. But we don’t see him all the time and who knows who he sees in his own time. He’s not photographed every day, so for all we know he’s out with women alot. We did witness him out a few times with women, and it got all over the internet. The girls were ripped apart. He’s learned his lesson, and now is probably much more descreet. And if he’s not seeing anyone special, maybe he’s telling the truth when he says it’s because he’s putting his all in his career right now.

    One of my hubby’s best friends rents an apartment in my home. He is tall, drop dead handsome, good job, and divorced (no kids), and 100% straight. He’s 39 years old. He’s not seeing anyone for the past 8 years since his divorce. Occasionally he’ll go out on a date, but nothing serious. All my friends think he’s hot, but he’s chooses his own women. And he’s happy.

    Maybe this is the case with Went. Who knows, we don’t know him. But to think that he’s gay because of rumors is silly. Look what they said about Miley Cyrus, the 14 year old actress/singer. There was a rumor that she is pregnant. She said that it’s not true, and she’s still a virgin. Rumors are like wildfire. Someone starts it and it goes out of control. I believe this is what happened with Went. That fat fuck started it and won’t let it die.

  202. cat's meow


    Believe me I didn’t want to go on that Fat Fuck’s site, but I was curious what he said about Went this time. It’s the same old picture of Went and Luke walking down the street, so there’s nothing new. *yawn*

    And when you read the comments, MOST of the posters tell that fat fuck to shut the fuck up and MOST are siding with Went!!!!!! lol

    So therefore, NO ONE’s believing the ugly loser anymore!!!!! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!!!!!!!!!!

  203. anonymous_lower_case

    Kevin Spacey is gay? That’s news to me. He was asked whether he was gay and said he wasn’t answering that question on principle, as his sexuality – either which way – was nobody’s business. So then people started saying he was gay. And of course, Perez *knows* for sure. But I doubt somebody as reputable as Kevin Spacey, who doesn’t have to rely on the sex symbol status, has something to hide. He’d still get his parts.

    Oh, and why didn’t Perez Hilton make an entry on September 26, saying: “Dominic Purcell flat-out denies his co-star’s homosexuality!”? Maybe because that wouldn’t have looked good in that special gay witchhunt universe he has created on his website?

  204. LAgurl

    First, I’m on “Team Went is Straight” and wanted to add to Cat’s Meow’s post re: people who aren’t ‘typical straight’ a.k.a. beer-can-smashing-beer gut-hanging-pizza eating, etc. etc.

    My BF’s friend LOVES cooking, dresses *kinda* gay (tight fit, etc.) and is 28 y/o and have never had a serious GF, dates occasionaly, not a lot at all. He’s really cute, Chinese/Phillipino, reminds me of Kim on P.B. actually, LOL. Is he gay? No.

    I also have a friend who likes to play piano, cooks, have real china, and throws a bad ass New Year party every January with home made food like chocolate covered strawberries he and his friend/roommate made. We’re always making fun of him because that sounds *SO* gay, but guess what? He is not gay.

    Also, even if Went DID give a full blown one hour interview about his sexuality only, these rumors will still persist.
    Look at Tom Cruise. People still think he’s gay after THREE marriages and now a biological child.

    So Went can have his wife, kids, white picket fence and people will still call him closet gay.

    Until the day he comes out (if he is gay), I will believe him!!

    Everyone leave my future husband alone!!!!

  205. SoCalGal


    I too am on the “Went is Straight” team. I tend to take people at their word until their word is unequivocally proven false.

    Adding to the myriad of quotes from Wentworth himself proclaiming that he is not gay I share the following:

    Interviewer – Have you had an experience where you have been called Michael in bed?
    Wentworth -No, but I do remember that they have called me Michael at the dry cleaners. I am good enough in bed that women yell out my name and not Michael.

    Wentworth Miller Speaks Directly To Us

    How can this statement be misconstrued?

    Went did not say… “I’m good enough in bed ‘they’ yell my name.”

    He did not say…”When I’m with ‘someone’ they yell my name and not Michael.”

    He said…”I am good enough in bed that WOMEN yell out my name and not Michael.”

    Spin it however you like, but this statement has satiated many o’ fantasies of mine.

  206. Navygurl76

    I am also on the Went is Straight team… There are always assumptions about handsome (translation: HOT!!), well spoken, educated, intelligent men, look at all the Ben Affleck/Matt Damon rumors, they are both married with kids now. Granted they both had high-profile relationships before they got married, but they have also been in the business for awhile. Went is fairly new to the whole “star” thing, who knows who he dated before he got famous. Maybe he likes dating normal everyday women and let’s face it the gossip mongers just don’t find that as interesting as if he were dating a Starlette. He could be the type of guy that is very focused on the task at hand and finds relationships secondary (ie getting A’s at Princeton, getting his acting career off and running.).
    Just becasue he is photographed with a another man, gay or straight doesn’t mean he is gay. Actresses are photographed everyday with their female friends but that doesn’t mean they are lesbians…
    I think I remember an interview where he talked about taking a girl on a skating date in either HS or college, I think they asked him what the perfect date was and he made reference to that and the cheesy skating music.
    This debate will linger on for as long as he is single, and then even when he is married with kids there will still be skeptics.

    ***Side Note: Matt Dallas is the cutie that plays Kyle from the show Kyle XY.***

    Disclaimer: I apologize for any mispellings, there is no spell check and I am tired… 🙂

  207. Kelleymary

    I see your point, girls, but the pics with Luke are still stuck in my throat and I can’t swallow..

    Without them, I would still be in Denialville…
    I don’t believe that by ANY extraordinary chance, Went was out innocently with a friend who HAPPENS to be gay, on a day when paps were around!

    Went who hasn’t got time to date?

    Went with a GAY friend?
    Tell me, he hasn’t got any straight ones who would be appropriate for hanging around a WHOLE day? ( He hadn’t been seen all summer, if you remember, and the Starbucks sighting was strange. He was with “a male friend” inside and he left the place hurriedly. I remember thinking that he looked oddly bothered , with a contorted smile.
    Please, look at the pics with a new eye. We were so pleased to see him after the long drought that we didn’t pay attention to his expression)

    So, we have Went with Luke, who left T.R Knight and who must be horny as hell and drooling all over our Boy?

    No, these photos are meaningful.

    And intended as such.

    They broke my heart, you know. I’m a romantic person but life has told me that reality can be a heartless whore..
    We like our illusions.
    When the “Public” interview surfaced, I was SO happy, I nearly cried: at last,my suspicions were proved wrong, he had said he had never had homo pulsions etc…
    But the article was a fake, and I came down from my little cloud.

    Of course , I still keep a teeny-weeny bit of hope in my heart. But why do I fear I may soon get a big bucket of icy water in my face?

    I’m sure some of you must feel the same?

  208. maya

    There is a difference between: “I think this actor is gay” or “This actor looks gay to me” and “I know for sure he is gay”
    In the first two cases if the actor is straight the blogger doesn’t risk anything because he can say “I was just expressing a personal opinion”
    In the last case the risk is obvious: a nice big fat lawsuit.
    PH may be an awful human being but he is NOT stupid.
    If he wasn’t sure about WM he could have made a shorter list (thank you Amaryllis for the interview) and keep making jokes about him on his sexual preferences like he does for Tom Cruise.
    He also makes frequently gay jokes about Hayden Christensen, Jake Gyllenhall and Zac Ephron and so on but he never EVER said “I know 100% they ARE gay”

  209. Anonymous

    I saw a Canadian article (Can’t find it, sorry. Source, anyone?) which said that his coming out is imminent and Luke is encouraging him to say the truth, but Went is waiting for the end of PB….

  210. YohohoAndABottleOfRum

    Hahah, bullshit. 😀

  211. Rose

    Anderson Cooper is so beautiful just like Wentworth I express my undying LOVE. *dropping to my knees*

  212. cat's meow


    It was so obvious that the French Public interview was a phoney. Went doesn’t talk like that at all.

    BUT, you failed to say, that the German interview was REAL. And he did answer the question, “I hear you prefer men” with “No, I’m not gay, but those rumors can’t be killed. I want a wife and family someday, but I work on the set of PB 14 hours a day and I savor every second. I’ve waited a long time for this, so until PB is over………” (I don’t recall the exact wording, but close enough).

    Give they guy a break!!!!! He wants to meet a “regular” girl, not a Hollywood actress. Why should he start a relationship now when he’d never see her. So he could feel guilty for not spending enough time with her???? He’s got all the time in the world. If he wants to wait until his high demanding job is over, then that’s his perogative. I know plenty of men and women who wait to date/marry until school or career are established. Why should Went be any different????? Just because he’s a hot, good-looking Hollywood actor. We already know, he’s not into the hype of HollyWEIRD!!!!

    And like I’ve said before, we don’t see him photographed every day like Britney Spears. How do we know if he doesn’t go out on casual dates now and then with women?????? He probably does.

    I go on a PB site and one of the extras who works on the set of PB (a guy) checks in now and then. He said those RUMORS (there’s that word again) about Went being a “Diva” on set it totally false. He said Went is the NICEST guy he’s ever met. He’s is quiet and friendly and is ALWAYS talking with the extras. He jokes around when he or someone else flubs their lines. And he added that Went sometimes has “girlfriends” on set.
    *I’m green with jealousy*

  213. cat's meow


    Like I’ve said before, the fat, ugly, fuck gossip monger’s word is NOT gold!!!!!! I don’t give 2 shits what he says. He was so adamant that Castro was dead too, and he was WRONG!!!!! Who do you think he is, GOD????? All he wants is to ruin people’s lives and careers. I hate that fucking loser.

    For years I’ve heard that “pretty boy” actors are gay. They said it about Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Cruise, Ben & Matt, Richard Gere (remember the gerbils rumor?), Johnny Depp, George Clooney, etc., etc. Even Mel Gibson, who is now married 25 years and has 7 kids!!! That’s why I refuse to believe in unfounded rumors.

    Give Went some time. I trust him and know that he will meet the woman of his dreams some day, get married and start a family. Don’t forget, his parents are divorced, so maybe that’s why he’s not rushing into it. Out of experience, I imagine he went through a rough time when they split up. He may want to meet the right lady before taking that big step. Why rush him???? It’ll be sad enough for us when that time comes!!!


    So just because Luke is Canadian, I’m going to believe some Canadian article?????? Yeah, right!!!!!

  214. Kelleymary

    I “go on a PB site and one of the extras who works on the set of PB (a guy) checks in now and then…….”.

    CAT’MEOW, don’t forget to SOURCE what you say so we can enjoy it too!
    WFW conceived the blog as a communion in all things Went related!

    As far as the German interview is concerned, SATINFEE has raised serious doubts about it being genuine. She asked the journalist Mr Renner and he first said one thing about the location of the interview (Dallas, on set) when it said in was it L.A.!
    Read what they say at the Church. It may be another fake by damage control P.R…..

  215. Went's Helicopter

    Kelleymary if you read better those posts at the Church you will find out that Satinfee said that that journalist is a a reputable one and that maybe the first part was added by the magazine (a supposition). She is not the one who raised serious doubts about it being genuine .

  216. Kelleymary

    Went’s Helicopter, by fake I mean the interview could be a hotchpotch of previous interviews.

    Don’t you find odd the fact that Renner claims he talked to Went on set in Dallas, when the interview says a different thing?

    Even MINK takes it with a pinch of salt: she questions the reliability of the whole story. Can a reputable journalist not remember if he’s been to Texas?
    I woudn’t be surprised if he just signed an article he didn’t write himself, an article made of old answers provided by Went’s agent and sent by e-mail….
    Integrity in modern journalism is a very flexible matter. There has been the case on T.V. here of a reputable man who faked an interview with Castro. What Castro had said was genuine but he wasn’t talking to the journalist in question…
    The end of the story was that it was common practice in the world of journalism…

  217. anonymous_lower_case


    Given that Went said he’d not sue the identidy theft in Korea, I suppose PH can be very sure he’s not gonna be bothered with sueing some blogger.

  218. anonymous_lower_case

    Oh, and also: Perez Hilton DID risk a big, 7 million $ lawsuit for stolen pictures. Because yes, actually he is stupid.

    Maybe Wentworth is gay. Maybe bisexual. Maybe straight. But until there is substantial proof of either, I’ll settle for believing in what he says. Or Mr. Purcell.

    Because, let’s face it: ANYBODY can google his name, see that he studied at Playhouse West, do the math, and then say, “he dated this guy in my acting class in 1998”.

  219. Amaryllis

    There are only two possibilities: or Ph is a liar or WM is a liar.

    Before the pictures I was betting my money on Perez now I’m betting my money on Went.
    And the more I think about it, the more I’m persuaded.

    PH has no reasons to lie about Went, on the contrary Went has plenty of reasons to lie and these reasons are clearly visible reading the upset reactions of his fans facing even the mere hypothesis of his sexual preferences either on this blog or on other forums or blogs as well.

    I give more credit to what Went does (or doesn’t) instead of what he says. He wouldn’t be the first one to swear he isn’t gay and then forced to come out or caught in compromising situations (Lance Bass or Chad Allen anyone?)

  220. Went's Helicopter

    WFW, delete my post if I’m not allowed to post this:

    Kelleymary you wrote: “As far as the German interview is concerned, SATINFEE has raised serious doubts about it being genuine. She asked the journalist Mr Renner and he first said one thing about the location of the interview (Dallas, on set) when it said in was it L.A.!”

    Satinfee at Church wrote: Well, mink, pbluv, I asked Mr Renner for more details. His first reply about the place/date of the interview sure sounds evasive if not fishy, the place being miraculously changed and all, but it might just be that someone at InStyle wrote the introduction to the actual interview (this would be a typical job for an intern where I work…).
    As far as his other work is concerned: He published in major German magazines, most of which I’d consider credible and I read some of his interviews BW (Before Went) and they seemed genuine. Can’t really tell for sure because they were all translated, so…. I don’t know. I’ll investigate.

    My apologize to Santinfee if I have not the right to speak about her, and so to defend what she said. I

    People, honesty sometimes we go too far.
    We believe everything and we doubt everything.

  221. YohohoAndABottleOfRum

    Perez Hilton is being sued by the record lable of Britney Spears, because they’ve added songs from her new cd on the website.

    Hahhah. What goes around, comes around. 😉

  222. anonymous_lower_case

    He is also being sued by an LA photo agency for copyright infringement.


    I don’t know; it seems stupid to me that a guy who’s proud if his (I’m not being politically correct on purpose) mulatto heritage and negro dad (gawd, how can people be racist? Just typing that damaged my brain), who’s got an ivy league education, would be so stupid to tangle himself in one big web o’ lies when it comes to being gay. He has to know how well that’ll go over for his career when it comes out.

  223. Amaryllis


    at first I thought exactly like you, now I’m not so sure and I’m a little disappointed in him

  224. anonymous_lower_case

    Ahh, well, I’ll go for, “Straight or bi until proven guilty!!” Err, gay. XD

    And I’m talking proof. Like, public snogging. Cute PDAs. Or a sex tape. Which I would want to watch on my own in my bedroom.

  225. YohohoAndABottleOfRum

    Oh btw, while browsing aruond the internetzzzz, I found this:

    Check out the lie he told his grandmother:
    And this: (where he’s asked about the ideal last meal)

    ???WTF??? He didn’t like it, but now he does?

  226. Kelleymary

    “I don’t know; it seems stupid to me that a guy who’s proud if his (I’m not being politically correct on purpose) mulatto heritage and negro dad (gawd, how can people be racist? Just typing that damaged my brain), who’s got an ivy league education, would be so stupid to tangle himself in one big web o’ lies when it comes to being gay.”

    —> Because being of black heritage and being gay is not the same.
    Being proud of the diversity of your origines is normal (you know there’s no risk of inbreeding like in the old royal families!), the more mixed you are, the richer.
    But being gay is a cause of pain. You feel different from the people in your family, your parents, your siblings, your friends at school…
    Even if things are changing a bit, having children is more difficult for gay men, also old gay couples are rare, relationships are more fragile and solitude in old age is frequent.
    Somewhere you know, and you feel ther’s a flaw. Sometimes before you were born, an inbalance in hormones in your mother’s womb changed your destiny…
    Some gay men claim they happy in their gayness. Since their life is statistically shorter than heteros, we can doubt this.

    So, where there’s pain, there are lies : to protect oneself, and in a desperate bid to be like everybody else.

  227. Anonymous

    NEWS JUST IN: I read this in my newspaper today, “Newsday”:

    “Celebrity Blogger Summoned to Court”:

    The fat fuck, PH, posted on his site that Lindsay Lohan’s friend, Samantha Ronson, planted cocaine in Lohan’s car which was found in it after a crash into a tree in Beverly Hills on May 26th. Ronson is suing PH for defamation. She says, “I am not now and have never been a drug user. I have never handled or touched cocaine. I did not ever place cocaine at any place at any time.” She filed with the court on Monday.

    PH said she planted the cocaine and set up her friend, Lohan, to be photgraphed while under the influence of alcohol. PH had to give a 4 hour deposition. PH is accused of giving an erroneous report and acting maliciously.

    HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, that FAT UGLY LOSER is in LOTS OF TROUBLE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

  228. Anonymous


    LOL……. I think Went was misquoted about the Spagetti & Meatballs!!!!! I think he DOES like spagetti & meatballs, because IMO, who wouldn’t!!!!! Yummy!!!! lol But, I may be biased, because I’m Italian!!!! I do remember reading or hearing in an interview that he also likes his mother’s shepard pie!!!!


    Believe me when I say this, I too was taken aback when I saw those pics of Went & Luke. I truly thought that the rumors were all bullshit and that Went didn’t even know Luke. So when I saw the pics, I said WHOA!!!! But then I realized, hey why can’t he befriend a gay guy???? There are alot of gay actors in LA LA LAND, and I’m sure everyone there has both gay and straight friends. Went is not the type that would discriminate against anyone. Also Went models, so I’m sure he’s met alot of gay people through modeling. That doesn’t mean he sleeps with them all!!!!

    He denied yet again that he was gay in the German interview. That article definately sounded like Went, even with the translation. On the PB site there are German fans who say that magazine is reputable, so I believe that interview (not the French Public one).

    BTW, you got it!!!! I’ll let everyone know here at WFW when I hear anything about Went!!!!!

  229. Anonymous


    I think I’ve said this before, but just in case I didn’t, on the PB site, my Chinese friends said Went was NEVER in China to visit Luke this year. They would have heard. In fact, they are always asking me if he has any plans to go to China.

    And, my French friends have said the Public magazine is a gossip rag. So it’s not reliable.

  230. Cat's Meow

    THIS IS Cat’s Meow!!!! THE LAST 3 POSTS WERE FROM ME, BUT IT SAYS “Anonymous”!!!!!

    WHAT’S GOING ON HERE????!!!!!

  231. Anonymous

    CAT’SMEOW said:
    “I go on a PB site and one of the extras who works on the set of PB (a guy) checks in now and then. He said those RUMORS (there’s that word again) about Went being a “Diva” on set it totally false. He said Went is the NICEST guy he’s ever met. He’s is quiet and friendly and is ALWAYS talking with the extras. He jokes around when he or someone else flubs their lines. And he added that Went sometimes has “girlfriends” on set.”

    What PB site is it??

  232. Maya

    Nice ^^
    And then there is the Australian girl who met him in a restaurant and he was with a woman (probably the sister) and a man who seems to be with Went.
    And then a family friend of Robert Knepper (T-Bag) who said even the actor thinks Went is gay. And then the girl who said a friend of her is working at Fox Canada, he knew Went’s publicist and says in the business it’s not a big secret.
    And then another girl’s friend who said he was Went sister’s boyfriend and confirmed the rumours.
    If we believe in one of the extras words, we surely could believe in the other reports.
    Personally I believe in what I see with my own eyes and what I’ve seen is an embarassed actor being caught in the open against his will with his boyfriend.

  233. Kelleymary

    “So when I saw the pics, I said WHOA!!!! But then I realized, hey why can’t he befriend a gay guy????”

    —> Where are the photos with a non-gay guy, then?
    Use the Occam’s Razor theory, the simplest answer is certainly the good one….

  234. Pingback: Wet For Went is One Year Old today! « Wet For Went

  235. Anonymous

    Mr Miller is gay, we know it, here, in Dallas on set. His handsome actor boyfriend is here at this moment.

  236. lj

    Anonymous 4.50am

    Not that I don’t believe you but when you say today. What day are you talking about because isn’t it early Saturday morning in the US and you’re posting at 4.50 am? So you are on set this moment?

  237. lj

    Oh I’m sorry I just checked my world clock. Slight mistake. I just realized that WFW’s blog clock must be set at Baltimore time. When you made that post it was actually 3.50 am in Dallas.

    Hmm. I think the shit stirrer has returned.

  238. Cat's Meow


    So you’re saying, Luke is there in Dallas on the set of PB right now with Went in the middle of the night???????????? Yeah, right!!!!! If this bullshit is true, take a picture and post it here!!!!!!!!!! I’d like to see for myself!!!!!!!!!

    BTW, how many “Anonymous” posters are there????? I don’t know who is who anymore!!!!!!!

  239. YohohoAndABottleOfRum

    Probably the same person posting over and over again about how gay Went is and yada, yada, yada.

  240. Cat's Meow


    Those are all rumors and/or lies with no real proof. Show me proof!!!!!! I’m not going to believe just anyone who posts in the comments section on the fat, ugly, fuck’s (PH) site. I need real proof!!!!!!


    The guy on the PB set is an actual actor who lives in Dallas and works on the set alongside all the actors. I don’t think he would jeopardize his job and lie about the actors for no good reason. He’s telling us what he sees and that’s it. He checks in once in a blue on the Fox PB site. He defended Went saying the rumors about him being a “diva” on set and being gay were all bogus. They are very strict on that site, there’s no talking about actor’s rumors. So even though his post was positive about Went, they deleted it shortly after because it mentioned rumors. It’s a site for mainly discussing the show.

  241. Cat's Meow


    So out of all the pictures of Went walking down the street in L.A., he never once walked with a straight guy???????

    And how many other times did he walk with a gay guy besides this one time with Luke??????

    Out of all the photos of him walking down the street in L.A., I remember most were of Went alone or with a lady.

    IMO, walking down the street (and getting lunch) with a gay guy ONCE does not make anyone GAY!!!!!

  242. Kelleymary

    I happen to KNOW who is the SHIT-STIRRER!!
    I caught him as I was returning from the cafeteria, and the matter will be settled privately!!!!!
    You see, we are 5 users on the common P.C. and I never suspected foul play with my posts on!!!!I just caught him on the site and the screen blocked when he tried to delete it!!!! He was trying to send something else, I didn’t have time to read it!
    Apparently, it’s JUST A JOKE because he’s fed up with my obsession with Went!!!!! He writes under ANONYMOUS and SWEARS he NEVER used the “KELLEYMARY” name!!!!
    So everybody, DON’T TRUST ANYTHING WRITTEN UNDER ” ANONYMOUS”on this site!!

    Is it possible to have a password system, WFW?

    I know some sites have them like the PBreakfan where I posted to Santora.
    This would stop some IDIOTS coming here and CRAPPING on us!!!!!!!

    I apologize to WFW and all the people who make this blog a nice and fun place to share our WENT LOVE!!!!!

  243. Cat's Meow


    You got it babes!!!! I’ll just ignore “Anonymous” from now on!!!!!

  244. Cat's Meow


    You said, “And then there is the Australian girl who met him (Went) in a restaurant and he was with a woman (probably his sister) and a man who seems to be with Went.”

    (no pun intended):

    First off, there were rumors spread here recently that he slept with the gay photographer, Mark Liddell, in December ’06. Then he went to see his sister in Australia for Christmas and New Years and was supposedly seen having dinner with a man and a woman (maybe his sister) and she assumed he was sleeping with the man, and then he started sleeping with Luke in January.

    WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WENT SURE SLEEPS AROUND WITH EVERY GAY GUY HE SEES, DOESN’T HE!!!!!!! Every week he’s with a different gay guy!!!!!! (note the sarcasm!!!!!)

    GIVE ME A BREAK, now you’re saying Went’s a fucking whore?????!!!!! What’s next??????

  245. bexyboo

    I agree, Wentworth cannot be gay.

    And also might I add, most of the people in the media who say that he is gay are male!! Does anyone else detect a touch of the green eyed monster???

    In other words these men see a gorgeous intelligent sex god, and they are determined to piss all over his success. They are a group of jealous bastards, who are struggling to find something to write about. So instead they invent horseshit.

  246. Amaryllis

    Lainey (Lainey is a straight female and she says WM is gay since 2005.
    She was so upset when she found out

  247. Kelleymary

    RING, ???????????
    I don’t understand????

  248. Ring

    That one is her first post about Went being gay (october 2005) and her sources are Perez Hilton and how bad he was dressed. Are these reputable sources???

  249. Amaryllis

    She’s also the one who wrote the blind item Digits On The Run (A very attractive male actor at a photoshoot just this past weekend, curiously without girlfriend, making a career out of making girls want to be his girlfriend. A special bond exists between artist and subject – as explained to me, when something clicks, so to speak, it just clicks, and it’s as though the two are the room together, alone, creating magic. Magic obviously lingered, he obviously wanted the magic to linger beyond their studio session, so he asked for a phone number. Not to go out for coffee, not for a follow up set of pictures, not for any other reason than the reason you think. A bold surprising move given that it’s not usually his style, especially since he’s not allowed to be so overt, but lately he just can’t help himself. I’m told that in addition to the photographer, there are have been suggestive advances made to a network publicist a few weeks ago, and to an event planner a few weeks before that, much to the consternation of his professional wardens who have impressed upon him the importance of holding on just a little longer, just until the official renewal, just until the numbers climb back up. Apparently he struggles with the pressure every day. By the way, the photographer is gay. As are all the others. But you knew that already, right?) which may relate to Went’s relationship with Mark Liddell who’s by the way never been mentioned by PH.
    If you add rumours on a supposed relationship between Went and Luke and then the surfacing of the pictures I think doubts about WM’s sexuality are justifiable.

  250. Ring

    Dear Amaryllis , you can doubt whatever you want but don’t say that Lainey Gossip knows something… she reported PH rumour and said that it has to be true because Went didn’t sue him and because he is bad dressed.
    Then she wrote that blind item. She is the only one reporting it so your statement which may relate to Went’s relationship with Mark Liddell is quite wrong considering that the rumour was born by that blind item. Why do you believe blind items? They are the best way to say something (maybe true, maybe not) without problems considering that there are not names named. If she knows for sure why not saying names???
    Went may be gay but plese, don’t cite Lainey Gossip as a reputable surce!!!

  251. lj

    Amaryllis, Digits On The Run is a blind item. That means it can be about anyone. That’s the whole point. It’s when someone offers up a thinly veiled totally invented story. Perez is another who has his narrow clique of friends/sources who give him ‘real’ leads on ‘breaking’ stories and he also loves to come up with blind items which are completely made up. These blind items are all about some closeted actor who resembles everyone and no one. They are a waste of time.

  252. Kelleymary

    Some of us are going through something like a bereavement : the death of our perception and dream of a straight Went.

    Some are still at stage one of bereavement: denial.
    I feel I’ve reached stage two: grief.
    I hope I’ll get to stage three soon: acceptance.

    Thank again WFW, for opening this debate.
    It’s serves a purpose, it’s a real therapy to be able to talk like that with people who can confront their opinions in a respectful way.

  253. Ring

    There another stage Kelleymary , the one called “I have no idea what Went prefers sexually but I don’t believe every stupid thing people say about him”

  254. Rose

    Can’t we all just enjoy the Wenthotness and allow whatever will be will be?

    There is no acceptance because i can garantee you will never know for sure and as i’ve said before there will still be accusations even if he gets married to a woman and has kids.

    Instead of accepting get over it and enjoy Wentworth for the person he is not his sexuality.

  255. Ring

    Completely right Rose but in a topic called “gay debate” people are allowed to speak about sexuality even if then they enjoy Wentworth the person. The better way to avoid people speaking about it is avoiding this topic.

  256. Kelleymary

    “Instead of accepting get over it and enjoy Wentworth for the person he is not his sexuality.”

    —> I hope I’ll reach this stage one day.
    But it’s a long way…. It really depends on your personality….
    And how important is SEX for you!

  257. Kelleymary

    P.S. to ROSE:
    if ever he gets married (and has kids!) at least we ‘ll know he can fuck women.
    What a relief.
    It would allow me to fantasize again…

  258. Rose

    Oh i know Ring but it looks a bit out of hand, kinda like Sona.

    We are here because we love Wentworth (and we want to jump his bones).

    If we love this guy so much we shouldn’t shit on him, he said he’s not gay so we should believe him or understand maybe he’s not ready to “come out”

    That’s just the piece i’m adding to “the gay debate”
    I’m not saying shut-up, I’m giving my opinion.
    You may proceed!

  259. Rose

    Kelleymary i hope your not relying on Wentworth for sex because gay or straight there may be a slim chance.
    Just keep dreaming like the rest of us!

  260. Ring

    Rose , I completely agree with you in this:

    If we love this guy so much we shouldn’t shit on him, he said he’s not gay so we should believe him or understand maybe he’s not ready to “come out”

    that’s why I think it is stupid to believe every single thing it is said about him. IF he is, he is not out so why insisting on the fact that he may have lied. We love him so we should believe or accept what he says.

  261. Kelleymary

    “i hope your not relying on Wentworth for sex”
    Of course not, ROSE!
    But I need to fantazise in a way that’s true to character. I CANNOT imagine shagging a gay man, simply because he wouldn’t respond to my lust.

    I ‘ve been told here some girls can.
    I envy them.

  262. Cat's Meow

    Lainey Gossip is BULLSHIT. Especially blind items!!!!

    The fat fuck loser, PH is BULLSHIT!!!!! His so-called mystery best friend what’s his name NEVER once came forward. DOES HE EVEN EXIST?????? Probably NOT!!!!!!!!

    WAKEUP .PEOPLE…….these are gossip sites!!!!! Therefore, they’re NOT reputable and honest!!!!!

    Went will NOT waste his time and money suing anybody. There was a billboard somewhere in Europe using his picture to promote Proctol Exams or erectile disfunction. He laughed and said he doesn’t have the time to sue everyone. I’m sure he laughs at the gay reports too. He just doesn’t give two shits!!!! He’s said “this the nature of the beast and he will not feed it”!!!!!!

  263. Anon2

    To me pictures speak louder than words. And the last pictures taken of this actor, off set, where of him walking with a man who is said to be his boyfriend. I don’t care where the information came from. It’s out there and there’s nothing he can do about it. After those pictures came out he hasn’t said anything about being straight. I’m not exactly sure though, I haven’t read his recent interviews but I think that’s the case. If anyone of you can point me to a recent, reliable interview where he was asked about this issue or his private life, for that matter. Really, has ANYONE ever asked him on camera:”Are you gay, Went?”, ’cause if he isn’t, at this point with the rumour not dying, he could actually joke about it. After pictures of him and Luke Mcfarlane, who btw is a good friend of “Ugly Bettys” Michael Urie, surfaced he hasn’t been seen spending time with anyone else. He has the tools to end the speculation but instead he keeps it going. Quite willingly I might say. It’s like he’s dropping off clues as he goes along. Only a few months ’till PB3 has been filmed. After that, I’m expecting him to speak the truth. Because he can flirt with women who interview him and be all cute and stuff and try to get them to leave that question unasked. Show your face, Wentworth Miller, and say: No, I’m NOT gay, I’m straight.” I dare you, dare you, double dare you!

  264. bexyboo

    Why the HELL should he stop spending time with one of his friends, just because the friend is gay??? I have friends that are lesbians, and I’m straight. I wouldn’t dream of ditching a good friend just to “end speculation.” Instead I would stick two fingers up at all the sad bastards like PH and say loudly and proudly “THIS IS NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS, NOW CRAWL BACK UNDER YOUR STONE”
    Wentworth should have done this ages ago, only he is obviously too much of a nice guy.

    Saying that someone is gay just because they have a gay friend is absolutely 100% BEYOND ridiculous. What planet are some of these people on??? It is as laughable as saying to someone “You went to the beach yesterday, now you’re a jellyfish”

    Take the hint PH and all your other sad gossip column friends. No one cares what you have to say.
    It is a common fact that gossip writers do this job, plain and simply because they aren’t good enough to go into a proper career that involves professional writing. In short you are lumbered with the scummiest job on the media ladder. People should actually feel sorry for you.

    Even if your pathetic theories are correct and Wentworth does turn out to be gay, he will still have more class and style in his little finger than you have got in your entire bodies combined.

  265. Cat's Meow

    @All Went’s Fans:

    In your opinion, what do you think would happen to Went’s career if he did come out and say he was gay after PB is over????? Do you think all his sites would close down???? Do you think he would lose alot of fans???? Do you think his acting career would be over, or he would only get gay roles????? Do you think he would be forced to only model ads for gay magazines??????

    I know I could never adore him like I do now. I just can’t drool over a gay guy. I know I’ll get berated for this, but I’m a straight woman, and I ONLY love straight men. I would see Went as a gay man who is turned on by only other men. No offense, but that doesn’t appeal to me. There are plenty good looking gay men out there, but they don’t float my boat. Thinking Went was straight all this time is what attracted me to him along with all his other great qualities. But they were just icing on the cake.

    Secondly, I can’t stand liers and he would definately be a lier in my eyes. I know everyone tells white lies when necessary, but a huge lie like this would not be forgiveable. But I also sympathize with gay people that are torn about coming out. I imagine alot are in denial or afraid to appear different or afraid for their careers and reputations.

    I know I may sound harsh about not being able to adore Went anymore if he were gay, but that’s how I feel and I’m just being truthful. So go ahead, whip me with Bellick’s dirty undies!!!!! I’m ducking!!!!! lol

    In my heart of hearts, I truly believe Went. He has denied being gay more than once now and says how he would like to marry someday and have kids. I wouldn’t think he’d keep denying being gay if it weren’t true. Do you really think he’d risk his integrity by lying to his fans over and over again???? I think not!!!!!! That’s not the type of man he is. And that’s why we love him so much. He’s not just a pretty face, he’s the whole perfect package!!!!

  266. Cat's Meow


    WORD, babes!!!!!! I agree with you 100%!!!!!!!!!

  267. bexyboo

    Yeah good point Cat’s Meow.

    People are going to love Went no matter what. And what you said about his career is spot on! He will still be as sought after as he is now.

    It just really pisses me off that these idiots find nothing else to write about.

    You put your point across in a far calmer way than I did! And you’re right.

    Let the losers write what they want. Went is as you say “the perfect package” and he’ll laugh about this one day – no matter what the outcome.

  268. Cat's Meow

    Went is private for a reason. For anyone who thinks he’s hiding something, think again.

    Casey Affleck said this recently about his big bro, Ben:

    “If you’re a character more off screen than on screen, then people don’t take you seriously. People thought of Ben as buying Bentleys and dating J-Lo. They wanted to read about him, than to see him films.”

    Went says if everyone knows too much about you as a person, they would not see you as the character you are trying to portray on screen.

    Therefore, he tries to maintain his privacy for this reason. It’s intriguing to be a little mysterious. That’s why people think he’s hiding something, when he’s not. He says he’s pretty normal and boring. So let’s take him at his word.

  269. touched

    Does it really matter whether he is gay or not?

    In the scheme of things does Wentworth Miller’s sexuality have any real impact on our lives? Because if the simple fact of an actor’s sexuality has any real or meaningful impact our lives than seriously, someone needs to get a life.

    Really people, if he is gay, are the laws of gravity going to be revoked, will e = mc2 no longer hold as the fundamental basis for modern physics, will Britney Spears suddenly grow a brain, along with that a pair of cotton briefs?

    I consider Wentworth to be gorgeous, articulate, humble, well educated and well mannered, a small miracle considering he as spent the last decade in LA where the sun rarely sets on conspicuous consumption and stupidity.

    He simply wishes to keep his private life private. And he has a right to that privacy. He does not owe anyone the “truth” about his sexuality or any other aspect of his private life. That is the exclusive preserve of Wentworth and his loved ones.

    At the end of the day he owes his fans professionalism, performance, and well maybe “the pretty” (Okay, that’s the one thing I demand.) but other than that, nothing.

  270. Anonymous

    Touched you took the words from my mouth.
    I was going to say this:
    I don’t see in which way Went owes the “truth” about his sexuality to his fans or to anybody else except who chooses. I don’t see why he should clarify the situation publicly. I don’t get the “lier” thing too. If he is gay and not wanting to say it is his way of refusing to be defined by his sexuality or anything else private, that’s just fine with me. How come something that private can become suddenly the business of thousands of people?

  271. Inexorabilis

    I forgot to put my name in the previous message.
    And sorry for the bad English.

  272. Rose

    @ cat’s meow
    if Went is gay, he’s gay now and you like him now, don’t you?
    Nothing will change with him it’s just your opinion of him that changes.
    I doubt in 2 years he is going to declare his love for men and have sex with them on the hood of his car.

    it’s true what Casey Affleck said. Look at Ralph Finnes I can’t look at Voldermort without thinking about him in the Mile high club. And now Voldermort flys! *shuddering*

  273. Cat's Meow


    I love Went dearly!!!! He’s handsome, tall, sexy, gentlemanly, well-spoken, well-mannered, classy, nice, shy, quiet, reserved, extremely intelligent, nerdy, honest, respectful, and witty!!!!

    I love the idea of Wentworth. He’s very close to the perfect man in my eyes. But if by chance he was gay, though I would still love him as a person, I would not be sexually attracted to him anymore, knowing he’d only be attracted to men. But I would still enjoy his work and admire him for all his great qualities. I just would not be able to “drool” over him anymore in a sexual way.

    But I believe that Went is straight, so I’ll be drooling for a long time to come!!!!!


    “Does it really matter whether he is gay or not?
    In the scheme of things does Wentworth Miller’s sexuality have any real impact on our lives? Because if the simple fact of an actor’s sexuality has any real or meaningful impact our lives than seriously, someone needs to get a life.”

    Yes, it matters to a lot of fans.
    Otherwise, would we have this debate?
    And yes, we “have a life”! We have boyfriends, friends, families, a job etc…
    But Went (or any other screen boyfriend of our choice) serves a PURPOSE in our secret garden of fantasies, in this place where even our most intimate companions are not allowed to tread.

    Cat’s Meow, with the exception of your last line, I agree totally with what you answered Rose….

  275. Ring

    I can’t understand why people write in this topic “do you really care if he is gay/straight/bi/?” This is a topic created to discuss this so why enter here if you think that it is stupid discussing about it???

  276. Rose

    A fantasy is just that, a fantasy it’s not real.

    Wentworth Miller isn’t really going to walk into your lounge room while you eat Tim Tams and demand you take all your clothes off so he can screw your brains out!

    Ok maybe just have a little faith, you never know it may happen.

    But just as you pretend about… um other things, (whatever they may be) you could pretend he’s straight.
    If we get to the point when we know for sure he isn’t at least you can still keep the dream alive.


    “But just as you pretend about… um other things, (whatever they may be) you could pretend he’s straight.

    Ah, ROSE, this is where it hurts!

    Everyone is different, and for some people there has to be a certain dose of REALITY for the fantasie to work! And turning a supposedly gay man (any gay man!) into a straight one, is beyond the capacity of many women!

    We have to be able to imagine Went being turned on by us (and knowing that beauty, Hollywood style, doesn’t appeal to him – if we believe what he said- we, raisonably pretty girls, stand a chance.)

    So we could have a scenario like this: for some reason, you are stuck in a cabin in the mountains with Went, in the middle of a snow storm, while he’s visiting Switzerland. Well, if he’s gay, all you can really do is start a game of scrabble!

    But if he’s not…..

  278. Rose

    @ Kelleymary
    Hollywood style? Reasonably pretty?
    Give yourself more credit! Who would you call beautiful in hollywood?

    oh I know, maybe your fantasies could be converting him straight or he could be bi.

  279. Rose

    I would even just settle for a bit of scrabble with him. Are naughty words allowed? or strip scrabble?

  280. Anonymous

    Another fresh rumor:

    September 24, 2007 in “A Socialite’s life”

    Gay Guy Thanks Gay Icon For His Career
    Filed under: Wentworth Miller

    Ok, now we’re not SURE that Wentworth Miller is a homeboy, but signs point to yes. It’s a good thing, he’s hot and him liking the D means my chances to bang him go up from 0000000000.000000001% to 000000000000.001%! Yay! The odds are in my favor! Anyway, the “Prison Break” dude says that he owes his success to Mariah Carey. She taught him this amazing exercise program that involved a stair master and high heels.

    The hunky TV actor was handpicked by Carey for her 2005 video We Belong Together – and Miller insists the exposure of the promo convinced producers to give him the lead in hit U.S. drama, Prison Break.
    He says, “Mariah’s an international icon. The two days I spent working on her video did more for my career, gave me more exposure, than anything I’d done before Prison Break. I’m grateful for the opportunity.”

    You know when he got that gig, he had to put the LOCKDOWN on the pearl clutching over meeting Mimi. And butch it up with all his strength! The closet isn’t a nice place to go back to, even for Mims.

  281. Kelleymary

    “I would even just settle for a bit of scrabble with him.”

    -God, ROSE, you’re must be a happy woman, contended with whatever life brings you….

    “Are naughty words allowed?”

    -You sure live on the edge!!

    “or strip scrabble?”

    -He would win! And wouldn’t even remove his new furry white Bean Pole parka! (see new photo at Church)

  282. LAgurl

    @ ANON 10:23 – what the hell? You think that’s a good source/prrof that he’s gay? Whatev!

    BTW if pics speak louder then words, then I guess EVERYONE who’s pictured with anyone other then their significant other’s is either cheating, having an affair, gay/lesbian! Ha!

    I just saw a pic of Jake Gyllenhal with some chic having lunch on JJ’s site, I guess they’re doing it!

  283. Rose

    LMAO @ Kelleymary
    haha he’s in a cabin in that pic that’s so funny.

    Did you see that pic before or after your fantasy about Wentworth in the cabin?

    If so, no offence but your imagination sucks.

    You could ask others for their wentasies!

    Fuck that picture’s really made my day! Thanks.
    haha they have to be the worst fashion in the world imagine how bad it looks on normal guys.

    BTW, you’re right he would beat my ass at scrabble! I hope that cabin has heating.
    Me naked and Wentworth wearing bad clothes, they’d be coming off! Pronto!


    haha he’s in a cabin in that pic that’s so funny.

    Did you see that pic before or after your fantasy about Wentworth in the cabin?”

    My fantasy is OLDER than the picture!
    Sorry, if you find my imagination sucks, but being Swiss and equipped with cabin (called “chalet” here) and plenty of snow, I didn’t see why I could not use the local props…
    It saved time and imagination to concentrate on HOW Went and I would spend those snowbound days and nights…


    “You could ask others for their wentasies!”

    Good idea, ROSE!

    Who wants to start????

  286. Rose

    @ Kelleymary
    haha thats really funny then that he is in a “chalet”
    with that pic you have more fuel to your fantasy!!

    You could rip those nasty clothes off him and chuck them into the “chalet” fire!

    Fuck that beanpole shit’s funny!

    Poor Went!

  287. maya

    I hate to repeat the same things over again but sometimes is unavoidable if the focus of the discussion slips away
    It’s clear that it isn’t a thing regarding only the pictures.
    The pictures only should have not create all this buzz and perplexity among the fans.
    They created it cause they surfaced after months of rumours about a relationship between Luke and Went
    But I understand it’s a small detail that many people prefer forgetting.


    ROSE, let’s ask our hostess to open a thread called: “Your best WENTASIES” or something equivalent… We would see who comes out with the funniest, sexiest ideas!

    Are you listening, WFW?

  289. Rose

    Yeah you should Kelleymary.

  290. JustMe

    Found on a gay site(1034men)

    The top 4 lies told by a closeted gay man:

    I’m too busy working/studying/looking after my disabled relative to have a girlfriend.

    I just haven’t found the right woman.

    Mum, this is my old school mate Thomas…

    I’m off to the gym honey, I’ll be back in time to tuck in the kids…

    -The two first lies , heard them anywhere?

  291. Cat's Meow


    Since Went has said only 2 out of the 4 lies, then does that make him only half gay??????!!!!!!!

  292. taylor

    * we are pretty sure that he said the first two lines.
    * he also could have said #3, but since we are not his mum/family or anyone close to him we don’t know how he introduces his ‘acquaintances’.
    * about #4: he doesn’t have a honey (as in girlfriend) or kids. that means he couldn’t say anything like that… so we should dismiss it.

    that makes 2 or 3 out of 3, so he’s on average only 5/6 = 83% gay.
    great. finally we know he’s only gay six days a week. one day left for all us fangirls to keep the fantasies alive 😉

    ok. honestly, if went was gay it wouldn’t change my opinion of him in any way. he’s still a good actor, a very nice and smart guy and easy on the eyes. if he’s happy with a bloke then he should go for it. i could still drool over him…
    i also wouldn’t blame him for lying about it. there’s many reasons to keep a certain image alive especially if you are a public figure and you had to work so hard for your success. sometimes it’s easier to lie than to face the truth. IF he’s gay i’m sure he will finally come out. i guess right now it’s just not the right time…

  293. bexyboo

    Kelleymary what a brilliant idea, Wentasies. OHHHH YEAHHHHH BABY!!!!

    I would come up with the most filthiest, pornagraphic Wentworth thoughts known to man!!

    Hee hee x x x x

  294. Surreal

    So what’s the delay bexyboo?



    “What a brilliant idea, Wentasies. OHHHH YEAHHHHH BABY!!!!

    I would come up with the most filthiest, pornagraphic Wentworth thoughts known to man!!

    Hee hee x x x x”


    Please, WFW, start a WENTASIES thread!!!!


  296. Rose

    Kelleymary you didn’t say Pretty please haha

    this made me wake up thinking about me wentworth and icecream ohh its good! mmmmmm


    There’s a call for you above!!

    What do you think?


  298. Dannie

    I honestly do not beleive he is gay, I will beleive what he’s says.

  299. Dannie

    sorry, believe, i have a bad head cold, not really functioning on all cylinders, he’s still not gay.

  300. bexyboo

    He certainly wasn’t gay in the dream I had last night. He tied me to the bed wearing nothing but THAT smile, and fucked my brains out.

    IN FACT. His face while he was doing it looked like the first picture of “12 Wenty’s cumming” from the 12 days of Wentmas”

    LOL!! Excuse me, I’m off for some self indulgence… x x x

  301. LAgurl

    Gosh, I was just reading Pig’s website, and the comments are so funny…..LMAO!! They are all like, “shut the F up, you FAT F*G!!!!” or, “Gee, Pig, ever wonder maybe he isn’t gay??” I say a lot of people are sick of his ‘claims’ w/out any proof – it’s getting old, even on his OWN website!

  302. blake

    I have noticed a very significant decline in the commets since those pictures of Went & Luke. I think a lot of female fans decided this was proof enough that Went could perhaps be batting for the other team….hard to keep up the fantasy when you see them wearing matching clothes.

  303. Rose

    God damn luke is nasty!
    I don’t think out perfect, beautiful and clean

    Wentworth would go for him i hate the picture of look with Wentworth!

    I wouldn’t even paint in that shirt!
    Just had to express on this hot day!

    btw Kelleymary, my WENTASIES have kept coming and coming and coming. (if you know what i mean) lol


    Trouble is, theGay Debate is not really the place to unleash our filthy thoughts. There this “Luke Ominous Smell” which lingers and pollute out thoughts…

    My appeal to WFW for a WENTASIES thread ,has remained unanswered because I know she’s pissed off by the gay stuff and probably never reads what we write here….

    So, ROSE and friends, should we leave this thread to our gay debating and go to the “OH, MY….’ thread???

  305. Cat's Meow


    RIGHT ON, Sistah!!!!! I’ve noticed the same thing too!!!! No one’s believing the ugly, loser, fat fuck anymore!!!!! HA, HA, HA, HA, HA!!!!!!!!

    The pig was wrong about Castro and he’s WRONG about Wenty!!!!!!!

  306. JUSTME

    from NW (australian magazine)

    Rumours about the hunky actor’s sexuality sweep Hollywood again The gay gossip surrounding Wentworth Miller has deepened after he was spotted with a man rumoured to be his boyfriend, Canadian actor Luke MacFarlane.

    As talk intensifies, people are now saying the Prison Break actor may be ready to come out of the closet as his relationship with Luke – the
    openly gay ex-boyfriend of Grey’s Anatomy actor T.R Knight – gets more intimate.

    The pair did nothing to counter the rumours after they were seeing enjoying an all-day outing that stretched long into the night.

    Looking relaxed and happy, Wentworth, 35, and a 27 year-old Luke strolled around a footpath in LA recently, wearing matching khaki trousers and thongs, their strides perfectly in sync. The cosy-looking couple laughed and chatted as they
    walked, obviously enjoying each other’s company.

    Later that evening, they were spotted in a car, with Luke in the driver’s seat and Wentworth on the passenger side casually crossing his legs and playing with his mobile phone.

    Insiders say the sightings have led to a new outbreak of rumours about Wentworth’s sexuality. “Talk that he is secretly gay has exploded,” says an insider. “Everybody is talking about his sudden willingness to be seen in
    public with Luke and what it means.”

    And the source adds that the actor may be on his way to coming out. “Wentworth sure looks like he’s taking baby steps out of the closet,” says the insider.
    “He’s been seen around town with his ‘close friend’ Luke for weeks now. The rumour mill has gone into overdrive!”

    Wentworth has previously acknowledged the persistent rumours, but has denied the
    stories are true.

    But while Wentworth has previously denied the rumours, insiders now say that was
    purely because he was still only a small-time star and not secure enough of his celebrity status to come out.

    “Look, who can blame the guy,” says the insider. “He was an up-and-comer in the
    business when he got lucky with Prison Break.”

    The insider adds that Wentworth has no shame about his gay status, but was concealing it for the sake of his show’s ratings in conservative middle America.

    “Wentworth is not ashamed or embarassed at all about being gay,” says the insider. “He’s kept quiet and denied being gay for the show’s sake so far. But that was before he fell in love with Luke.”

    Now, the insider says, the actor is making it clear he’s ready to be more open about his relationship, in party because of Luke’s reassurance.

    “He’s encouraging him to just come out and get it over with,” says the insider.
    “Luke is out and proud, and he would want people to know the truth.
    Showing up with Luke in public and letting their picture be taken together must mean Wentworth is tired of pretending to be straight when he’s in a serious relationship.”

    However, insiders also say he’s likely to still be torn between coming out about
    his sexuality and pretending to be straight for the sake of his career.

    “He’s probably being pulled in two directions,” explains the insider. “There’s no doubt the TV network is desperate to keep his sexuality under wraps.
    His boyfriend and all of his friends who know the truth about him are urging him to be honest. They say even though there’s a lot to lose, he’ll feel better about himself in the long run.”

  307. Rose

    Ok I’m fucken back

    but JUSTME is that this weeks NW mag cos i gotta get it????

  308. Dani

    Believe him people! Believe him!! He is NOT a queer – get over the same shit already.

  309. Glenn

    Rose it is old, just after the famous pictures.

  310. Kelleymary

    This would explain his shying away interviews…
    I mean REAL interviews….

    “Now, the insider says, the actor is making it clear he’s ready to be more open about his relationship, in partly because of Luke’s reassurance.”

    O.K. I’ll double my Prozac…

  311. Kelleymary

    “The insider adds that Wentworth has no shame about his gay status, but was concealing it for the sake of his show’s ratings in conservative middle America.”


    He can speak up now! The ratings are going down the drain in consevative middle America, too!

  312. Glenn

    All of sudden all the insiders speak…

    the actor is making it clear he’s ready to be more open about his relationship

    it seems to me that if he is gay he is even more into the closet than before considering Dom interview not ready to be more open!!!

  313. Kelleymary

    they’re probably waiting for the end of PB..
    And since Sara’s demise , the end is nigh…

  314. Kelleymary

    Life sucks.

    *and Went does, too. *


  315. Cat's Meow


    That article is old. I read that 2 months ago and Went has since denied being gay. Remember him saying, “I’m not gay, but those rumors can’t be killed.”

    Give me something new, will ya!!!!!!!

  316. Cat's Meow

    I watched hottie Josh Hartnett on the Mike & Juliet Show this morning. When asked why he doesn’t seem to be in alot of gossip magazines, he said he refuses to talk about his private life (as does Went). But because he’s so private, 95% of what is said about him on the internet or gossip rags are false (like Went). He said for example, IMDB has listed San Francisco as his birthplace, when in reality he was born and raised in Minnesota. He also said he has friends from Minnesota, as well as friends from L.A., but only a couple of times has anyone from both groups ever met.

    So you see, just like Josh, Went has shit written about him that is JUST NOT TRUE. He’s a private guy so people make up shit about him. And Went has his school friends back east, and his L.A. friends as well. I’m sure both groups of Went’s friends are very different. Went’s college friends are probably lawyers, stock brokers, bankers, business men, etc., and his L.A. friends are probably a bunch of actors (including Luke). Just because he befriended a fellow actor who happens to be gay, doesn’t mean he’s in love or sleeping with him. He was photographed with him once, I REPEAT ONCE!!!! I wouldn’t make too much out of it, and I definately wouldn’t believe everything I read about them.


    Hello, Cat’sMeow,

    This article may be 2 months old, but it rings true to me because of the details it gives. There’s a sensitivity in it, it talks about something more than gay fucking partners: the fact that Luke is said to be “encouraging him to come out and get over it” shows the probable existence of a real relationship.
    The “insider” who is supposed to talk here, sounds like a real friend, somebody who cares about the two guys…

    Yes, I’m gradually going towards the acceptance stage of my bereavement. Yes, I feel now that there’s a 90% chance that he is gay….
    It still hurts, mind you, but the rumours stopped being rumours with the photos…

    Went denials have been unsufficient: “I’m not gay” is like a mantra, it sounds artificial and unconvincing.

    Why? Because he never goes BEYOND the “I’m not gay” “wife and kids” ” “no time to date”.

    He’s never more explicit, he never says what a straight man would say, like: “I love women, I had several girlfriends, I’m not interested in men at all, I am STRAIGHT”.

    I don’t honestly think he’ll ever say that.

    There will be more photos with his “friend” Luke, and maybe a statement from Went as soon as Prison break is finished.

    I still love him of course, but it’s not an unadulterated love as it was before.

    It’s time to be realist, Cat’s Meow, otherwise you’ll be crually disappointed one day…

  318. lj

    Kellymary, New Weekly is the type of rubbish I read at the supermarket whilst waiting to pay and in Australia it’ s generally accepted as not being credible. Believe what you want about Went’s sexuality but please don’t base your opinion on any crap that’s been quoted in New Weekly. It’s obviously an embellished made up story based on the Perez story. Do you seriously believe that an Australian rag would know more than any LA based reporter? And Luke is out and proud? I don’t think so. There has never been any statement from Luke about his sexuality. Don’t you think it’s strange that there is no source other than a nameless ‘insider’? Kelleymary sorry to break it to you but there is no such person. The story is made up.

    Mags like this are hilarious. Round about the same time one of the Aussie gossip mags ran a story “Brad still in love with Jen” and the one next to it had “Brad and Gwenyth back together again!” And the next day new photos of Brad & Ange and their adopted children in Prague came out. You really need to look at this stuff in perspective.


    I wish you were right,Lj…..
    I don’t know this mag, and I take your word for it.

    But I’m still waiting, like most of us fangirls, for a real “statement of straightness” on the model I gave in the post above.

    But as I said, time is passing and no serious denial…

    Deep feeling?

    Not good…..

  320. Cat's Meow


    Right on!!!!!


    Believe me honey, when I first saw those pics of Went and Luke, I thought the same as you about them. I was hurt that he lied, sad, crying, nauseous, I actually felt betrayed by Went. I felt everything you did. But then I realized that Luke could just be a friend. Why can’t that be a possibility???? Just because Luke is cute and the fat fuck, PH, said so???? I CHOOSE TO BELIEVE WENT. I admire him alot and I truly don’t think he would lie OVER and OVER again to his fans knowing his integrity in on the line. Just think about it. Would he really do that????? I think not!!! Even if he was in the closet and hiding being gay, I truly don’t think Went would lie to his fans and be able to live with that. That’s not the type of man he is. It would bother him too much to let it go on this long. Don’t you think??????

    @All Went’s fans:

    Let me remind everyone of Went’s taste in women:

    -She has to have a sense of style
    -A woman who doesn’t care what people may say about her.
    -Not an actress, but maybe someone who works behind the scenes and understands the long hours of an actor.
    -Similar in looks of Sarah Wayne Callies, Angie Harmon or Jessica Alba.

    Would a man go into such detail of his ideal woman if he was gay????? NO!!!!

    @JustMe and taylor,

    Closeted Gay Man Excuse #1: Concentrate on work. So what if he wants to concentrate on his work right now before getting married. He’s only 35 and still has plenty of time to settle down and have kids. He’s waited a long time for his career to take off. He works long hours on location for PB, not an ideal situation for a relationship right now. But he has said that after PB is over, he’d be ready to settle down.

    Excuse #2: Hasn’t met the right girl. What do you want him to do, just up and marry anyone just to please his fans???? He has expressed that he wants a girlfriend, a wife, and a family someday. Went is a perfectionist, and he’s probably picky. His parents are divorced, so he probably wants to make sure that won’t happen to him too. I felt the same way coming from divorced parents. I was very picky and wouldn’t date someone just for the hell of it. When I finally did get married, I was the llast one of all my friends because I didn’t want to make the same mistake as my parents did (I’m now married 17 years!!!!!)

    I laugh because everyone acts like they’ve never ever seen him out on a date with a woman before. HELLO!!!!! Remember Marianna and Amie???? And those are only 2 that we know about. Who knows how many others he’s been seeing. And how do you know he’s still not fucking them???? They could be his fuckbuddies for all we know!!! You peeps act like you see him each and every day. Unfortunately we don’t!!! He could be dating, but he’s NOT PHOTOGRAPHED every day, so how the hell would we know!!!! And he was seen with Luke exactly ONCE. That doesn’t mean he’s in love with him and/or fucking him.

    A few months ago I read a poster’s comment that Went was seeing the poster’s friend, some college girl. I believe that guy just as much as I believe the guy who said Went was sleeping his friend at acting school in ’98. Common on, if I believed every single poster in the comments section of the fat, loser, PH’s site, Went would be fucking a different person (male & female) every single week. Give me a fucking break!!!!

    And worse than the posters on his site is PH himself. We all know he has a vendetta against Went. Maybe it’s true that Went shot him down at some party or whatever the reason. Bully’s pick on people who they know won’t fight back. Went is a true gentleman, full of class and integrity and could care less about rumors. He refuses to “feed the beast”, and that fat fuck loser bully knows this and keeps it coming. But Went is way too classy to respond to that low class loser.

    WAKE UP PEOPLE, see Went for what he really is, a wonderful, delicious, nerdy, special man, NOT A GAY MAN!!!!!

  321. Perla

    Kelleymary I understand perfectly what you feel cause all this gay thing it was a huge shock for me too.
    I find really difficult watching the 3rd series of PB cause everytime I see Wentworth on screen I couldn’t help to think that he isn’t the man I thought he was.
    I would like to reach the accepting stage like you, cause I fear that sooner or later it would happen something that will make incredible difficult for us to still daydream on his heterosexuality, but believe me, it’s not easy.
    I am not homophobic but the thought of Wentworth and Luke together makes me cry.
    I was a huge fan of MiSa (sigh) but after the awful Sarah’s end I couldn’t find any consolation in the old scenes of the two of them together cause everytime I watch it I couldn’t help to think that he would rather prefer to be with a man.

  322. Perla

    By the way, have you ever seen this?

    Does anyone know the girl who wrote this? It seems she happened to suffer two years ago what we’re currently suffering now.


    Thanks, Perla!

    No I didn’t know this bit, I’m a recent Prettyphile (2006) and I see that the rumours were already there (before Perezhilton, then?).

    Perla, don’t think I’m already accepting completely the fact that he’s gay: I have ups and downs on a daily basis… My heart says no, but my mind tells me to stop being a child and accept because we know that where there is smoke….

    And that smoke has been around for a long, long time, it seems!

  324. Glenn

    Perla , that girl says about her blog on the left of the screen The stuff on this page is purely bullshit, gossip if you will, made up from my own crazy ideas and my own jaded outlook on life. Please don’t take anything I say seriously, or to heart. Well except of course the stuff that is true. But I’ll leave that up to you to decide what is real and what is fake (boobs included). … just to be precise.

  325. Cat's Meow


    RIGHT ON!!!!!

    @Marykelley and Perla,

    Believe me ladies, when I first saw the pics of Went and Luke, I was shocked, dismayed, sad, crying, hurt, nauseous, angry and betrayed that Went lied, everything that you’ve felt. But then I realized, hey what if Luke is just a friend. Why not???? Just because he’s cute and that fat loser, PH, said so doesn’t mean it’s true. Just think about it. If Went was still in the closet and hiding being gay, do you really think Went would lie OVER and OVER again to his fans and live with himself???? I think NOT!!!! That’s not the type of man he is. And I don’t think he could sleep at night going on with this charade. He’s too honest to do that.

    @All Went’s fans:

    Let me remind you all of Went’s taste in women:

    -She has to have a sense of style
    -She doesn’t care what people say about her.
    -Not an actress, but maybe someone who works behind the scenes and can understand the long hours of an actor.
    -Similar in looks of Sarah Wayne Callies, Angie Harmon or Jessica Alba.

    Would a man go into such detail of his ideal woman if he was gay?????? NO!!!!!

    @JustMe and taylor,

    Closeted Gay Man’s Excuse #1: Concentrate on work. So what if he wants to concentrate on his work right now before getting married. He’s only 35 and still has plenty of time to settle down and have kids. He waited a long time for his career to take off. He works long hours away on location on the set of PB. It’s not the ideal time to start a relationship when he’s not around most of the year. He has said that once PB is over he would like to have a girlfriend and eventually a wife and family.

    Excuse #2: Haven’t met the right girl. What do you want him to do, just up and marry anyone just to please his fans???? Went’s parents are divorced so he probably doesn’t want the same thing to happen to him too. He’s a perfectionist and he’s probably picky. I was the same way coming from divorced parents. I would not date just anyone for the hell of it. I was the last of my friends to marry because I wanted it to be right and to last (and now I’m married 17 years!)

    I have to laugh because everyone acts like they’ve never ever seen him on a date with a woman. HELLO!!!!! Remember Marianna and Amie????? And those are only 2 that we’ve seen him with. Who knows who else he’s been dating that we don’t know about. And how do we know he’s still not seeing M and A????? They could be his fuckbuddies for all we know. The man is NOT PHOTOGRAPHED every day. You peeps act like you see him each and every day. Unfortunately, we don’t. And he was seen with Luke just ONCE. That doesn’t mean he’s in love with him and/or fucking him.

    That fat fuck, PH, is a bully. And bullies pick on people that they know won’t fight back. Went is a gentleman, full of class and integrity and he could care less about rumors. He refuses to “feed the beast”. The fat fuck knows this and keeps it coming at Went. But Went is way too classy to respond to that low class loser.

    WAKE UP PEOPLE, see Went for what he really is, a wonderful, delicious, nerdy, honest, special man, NOT A GAY MAN!!!!

  326. Amaryllis

    “On a side note, I keep hearing rumours that my boy is somewhat, oh, how shall I put it… GAY! I know, shocking. Devasting actually! A good friend of mine works at Fox (Canada) and is in contact with Wentworth publicist a lot and apparently it’s not a big secret”

    Well, I’m not surprise

  327. Cat's Meow


    Do you really think Went’s publicist would reveal that Went is gay if he is in the closet????? Whether he is gay or not, I don’t think an employee of Went’s would reveal his sexuality if he is indeed in the closet. Therefore, I don’t believe it one bit!!!!


    Cat’s Meow, I see you are a die hard optimist, and I wish I was the same.

    You know, we may have no 100% PROOF of his gayness, but there are lots of small clues..
    Like, his graduate work at Princeton ,for example:

    “I wrote on the idea of doubling and the gender identity construct in Jane Eyre and The Wide Sargasso Sea-which is about identifying yourself; perceiving yourself through the eyes of the dominant white male hierarchy.”

    GENDER IDENTITY, interesting…. Why would he think this subject is so important if HE didn’t have gender issues himself? Of course , he chose to study women, it was easier…

    And “perceiving YOURSELF, through the eyes of the dominant white male hierarchy”?

    He’s talking about himself and the way men look at HIM!!
    So he’s not white(?) and he’s not a”dominant male”, a heterosexual….

    I bet that’s not the last time our Wentworth has perceived himself through the eyes of a dominant white male.

  329. Amaryllis

    I’m happy for you Cat but you can’t change my mind and I can’t change yours.

    I believe WM is gay and he’s lying about his private life.

  330. Anon2

    Wentworth Miller stepped out of the closet on the day he stepped out with Luke. The way some of his fans are acting on these fan sites is a reason enough for him to keep silent about it. People who think that he’s gay are calm about it. And reasonable. But it’s you, yes you!, with the exclamation!!!!! marks and “get out if you are not a fan!!!”-comments that are making this completely ridicilous. You’re shouting so hard that he’s straight. Why? Would it kill you if he was? I’m keeping that straight-option open, you know. I think you should keep the option of him being gay open as well. For christ sake! Haven’t you read the stories? Didn’t you look at the pictures of him with Luke? And now his series is going on a 4 month hiatus. The ratings have been down on the show. He should’ve ended it after season 2. All though, his sexuality has got nothing to do with how the show has been treated. If scriptwriters don’t know what to do, they don’t know what to do. They have streched the story too far from it’s origins. Mr.Miller better have a good escape plan after the series end. And a good agent. ‘Cause his fans can hold his head above water only for so long.

  331. taylor

    @Cat’s Meow
    i agree with you on your thoughts on the closeted gay men’s excuses. i wasn’t at all serious in my previous answer. i know, it’s way more complicated than that… as you put it in your post. the excuses certainly don’t proof that went is gay, neither do the pictures of him and luke.
    although i actually do believe he is gay but that’s rather a personal feeling than based on evidence.

    i guess, the major problem here is that went, however great he is, could never meet his fangirls’ expectations. he just can’t be that perfect!
    he probably has all those little flaws too which drive us crazy on our boyfriends.
    but it doesn’t matter, because there’s another went who’s only existing in your heads, who can be the perfect man. that’s the great thing about fantasies, you can create an image of real people that probably doesn’t have much to do with reality. and it’s okay, those fantasies are all yours.

    the problem begins, when people can’t distinguish between the real guy and the fantasy guy anymore (some of you defend went and write about him as if you were close personal friends. and that’s probably the easiest way to get disappointed.)
    when the real went acts in a way, that doesn’t fit your picture of him, you feel betrayed. which is understandable but in the end you have no right to be offended. you get yourself in trouble with your high hopes…
    i know, one could say he is not honest with his fans, if he’s lying about his sexuality. but i think his personal happiness should rank first. since he could never please all of his fans, he should do what’s best for him and those people who are close to him. and if right now, he believes it’s best for him to be assumed as straight, then i can’t blame him for lying about it (if he’s lying about it).

  332. taylor

    >>> I was a huge fan of MiSa (sigh) but after the awful Sarah’s end I couldn’t find any consolation in the old scenes of the two of them together cause everytime I watch it I couldn’t help to think that he would rather prefer to be with a man. <<<

    Perla, i guess i understand what you mean, but i think different.
    i loved michael and sara aswell. but i never saw wentworth kissing sarah. for me it was always michael kissing sara.
    if brad pitt is f****ing another woman on tv do you ever think “oh, that’s so unreal, he would rather be with angelina”? i don’t think so. same goes for straight guys playing gay. when i watched brokeback i never for a second had doubts about these guys being into each other. that’s why it’s called acting and we should never forget that. not every straight guy is attracted to his female tv love interest and vice versa. (i think i read somewhere that sandra oh and isaiah washington didn’t get along so well. but hey, they were believable as a couple to me)

    maybe i don’t have a problem with wentworth (allegedly) being gay because i admire him as an actor and as a man with class. he doesn’t have to be perfect, it makes him all the more human if he had some flaws (not talking about the gay thing, i mean in general).
    when it comes to dirty fantasies i’d rather go for michael scofield. he’s 100% straight, smart, has a big heart, great looks and gets dirty a lot. as far as we know michael scofield might be just as real or unreal as the image we created of wentworth miller.

    what i want to say is, that went is an actor and a human being with rough edges(?). in the end his only responsibility should be to himself to become the man he wants to be and of course to entertain us, which i think he’s doing just fine. so, if went and luke were riding into the sunset together, i couldn’t be anything but happy for our boy(s). oh yeah, and i would still do michael scofield in a heartbeat… 😉

  333. bexyboo

    Ok now for an obvious suggestion……

    Maybe he’s bi sexual!! Is everyone happy now???

    That’s settled then. I’m off for some Went self indulgence.

    x x

  334. Cat's Meow


    OK, calm down. Cool your jets. If you’re so adamant that Went is gay, why can’t I be the same that he is straight?

    If Went is gay, that’s fine by me. I’ll still love him no matter what. I just truly think he’s not gay, is that so wrong of me? I’m sorry that I don’t agree with you, so don’t jump down my throat. You have your opinion and I have mine. I’m going with my gut feeling. I see Went as a different type of man than you do. I don’t see him as a liar. I think he’s misunderstood. And if he is lying about being gay, then that’s his perogative. If he needs to lie about his sexuality in order to get where he needs to go in life, then that’s his business. But don’t fault me because I believe him when he denies being gay.

  335. bexyboo

    @ Cat’s Meow

    I personally think he is straight as well. I know I took the p*ss in my previous comment about him being bi, but let’s face it everyone would be happy then wouldn’t they??

    I agree with you, Went is a private guy. Not all men feel the need to go around proving that they’re straight by fucking every woman in sight. He is quiet and respects his privacy,and has a best mate who is gay – so what?

    It is the EXACT REASON why we love him so much, because he ISN’T a typical “in your face brash” guy. He has made it clear that he fancies women in previous interviews. He has also made it clear that he isn’t a “going out” person. Hence the fact that we don’t see him pictured with a load of women hanging off the end of his arm, falling out of night clubs.

    If this is the basis for all these rumours then it is pretty laughable.

  336. Cat's Meow


    Did Went announce that he was gay and I didn’t hear this news? OH, so let me get this straight (no pun intended), because Went was walking down the street with Luke, makes him gay! So everytime I go to lunch with my gay friends, I’m automatically GAY 4 the DAY! WOW, that’s easy! I gotta do that more often, maybe it’ll stick!

    With people like you, poor Went will be accused of being a closeted gay man even after he marries and has kids (does Tom Cruise sound familiar?)

    And don’t worry about me honey, if it turns out Went is indeed gay and was lying all along, I won’t be bothered by it one bit, because I had YOU to drill it in my ears every day that he was gay all along. So, just in case Went turns out to be gay, let me thank you in advance for that. You did all us non-believers (that he’s gay) a great service! (note the sarcasm!)

  337. Cat's Meow


    Thanx babes! Yeah, if Went were bi, this whole debate would be solved and everyone would be happy! lol

    I agree with you that the reason why we love Went so much is that he’s not the typical Hollyweird pretty boy hitting all the clubs and screwing a different blond bimbo every night.

    Went is a gentleman in every sense of the word. He was raised very well and he comes from a quiet, reserved family. He likes to maintain his privacy so he could live a semi normal life if that’s at all possible with being a celebrity. If people perceive him as hiding something or being secretive because of this, I think they are mistaken.

    Rumors are dangerous. They can snowball and ruin a person’s life. I feel bad for Went if he is straight like he says, and these stupid rumors affect his promising career. He doesn’t deserve that. He’s such a good guy.

  338. JustMe

    “Rumors are dangerous. They can snowball and ruin a person’s life. I feel bad for Went if he is straight like he says, and these stupid rumors affect his promising career. He doesn’t deserve that. He’s such a good guy.”

    if he was straight, he would say it plump and plain, stating clearly that he had girlfriends!

    Since he never did, in spite of the rumors…

  339. lj


    “if he was straight, he would say it plump and plain, stating clearly that he had girlfriends!”

    He has. Many times. He has stated in numerous interviews that he has had relationships. And in Australia in December he stated that he was not gay. Maybe you should just listen to what the man says.

  340. Amaryllis

    “I agree with you, Went is a private guy. Not all men feel the need to go around proving that they’re straight by fucking every woman in sight. He is quiet and respects his privacy,and has a best mate who is gay – so what?
    It is the EXACT REASON why we love him so much, because he ISN’T a typical “in your face brash” guy. He has made it clear that he fancies women in previous interviews. He has also made it clear that he isn’t a “going out” person. Hence the fact that we don’t see him pictured with a load of women hanging off the end of his arm, falling out of night clubs.
    If this is the basis for all these rumours then it is pretty laughable.”

    I don’t thing this is the basis for all these rumours. These rumours exist because people keep saying they know that he is/has dating man.
    Are all those peaple lying??
    Personally I don’t think so.
    If you hear the same story once or twice times from one or two people, you can dismiss it. A few dozen times, you start thinking maybe it’s not JUST a rumour

  341. JustMe

    “He has. Many times. He has stated in numerous interviews that he has had relationships. And in Australia in December he stated that he was not gay”

    Sorry, but he never actually said he had “girlfriends”!
    He said he had “relationships” !
    And the “I’m not gay” without more substance is pretty lame.
    A straight guy would say more and differently without revealing intimate details.

  342. JustMe

    PHilton could be accused of lying (before the photos, of course) but so many people talk about him being gay that we can’t brush aside the rumors as bullshit.

    If he wasn’t gay, his friends would come to his defense. The only one who did is Dominic who said two contradictory things:
    -Went is not gay.
    -Went is very, very private.

    Dom is either a fool or a wise man who wants to keep his job.

  343. anya

    Being straight and being private is contradictory and thus proves someone is gay?? WTF??

    So, I say dressing badly in private (like Went does) and being gay is also contradictory, so that proves he’s straight?

    I think the real problem here is jocks and bimbos who can’t conceive somebody might have different principles in life than they do. Wow, not much has changed since high school.

  344. Cat's Meow


    So you’re saying just because Went speaks a certain way means he’s not telling the truth? Come on give me a break. So what if he says “I’m not gay” instead of “I’m straight”. Or “I’ve had relationships” instead of “I’ve had girlfriends”. That’s just the way he speaks. I doubt that he’s trying to hide anything or cover up his gayness. I think you’re nitpicking and pulling at straws. Your analyzing everything his says, which is ridiculous. We all know Went speaks in a very intellectual manner, very different than most actors. So I wouldn’t read too much into the way he words things.

    And BTW, in the German Interview, he said “I want a girlfriend and a family…” so you’re are wrong in saying he never says “girlfriend”.

    And the reason Dom is coming to Went’s defense is because Dom is in the public eye, Went’s other friends are not. No one wants to interview them? Dom sees Went practically on a daily basis. I’m sure Dom knows what he’s talking about. And Dom would not put his integrity on the line for Went or his job. He has his fan base too. How would he look to them if he was lying all the time?


    Just who is spreading these rumors? The fat ugly loser PH, and other gossip mongers and their idiotic posters in their comments sections, that’s who!

  345. bexyboo

    @ Cat’s Meow

    SPOT ON!!!

    LOL!!! My god yes! Every time I see my friends who are gay now, I had better watch that people don’t think I’m a lesbian!!

    In fact SHIT! I took my dog for a walk the other day. That means I’m into sex with animals as well!!!!

    That is how RIDICULOUS all of these rumors are. I just CANNOT COMPREHEND what goes on in people’s heads! No one has got any proof whatsoever!!!!

    Until I see Wentworth photographed with his tongue down another guy’s throat, I will take all of this for what it is. A complete load of bollocks.

    x x

  346. JustMe

    Right, if you’re convinced we are wrong, then why come on the Gay Debate?

    There are plenty of other tags…

  347. bexyboo

    @ JustMe

    The last I heard, was that a “debate” means just that. People putting forward their points of view.

    You have your view. I have mine. Some agree with me. Some agree with you. I will never back down on my views, same as you won’t with yours.

    Plain and simple.

  348. JustMe

    So, no debate between us.

  349. taylor

    some years ago one of my friends at university told me tons of stories about her significant other. it took me a while to find out that she was talking about her girlfriend. i think since most people are straight i just assumed that she was talking about a guy. i was very surprised that she could leave this little fact out for so long…
    now i pay some more attention to the way people speak and i think most gay people who are not 100% open about it are very good at leaving out gender identifying words when they talk about their partners. but i really don’t notice this with straight people. it’s just not natural. if a guy has a girlfriend, he just says he has a girlfriend… at least that’s my experience.
    the point is, we probably don’t notice as long as we don’t pay attention to it or as long as we want to believe something else.

  350. bexyboo

    Well in that case, there is no debate between you and any of the people who think like me.

  351. Amaryllis

    “the point is, we probably don’t notice as long as we don’t pay attention to it or as long as we want to believe something else.”

    Very good point Taylor


    I also agree with you, Taylor.

    I think Went is very closeted (very “private”) and with his education in one of the top universities, he’s very smart with language, very careful when he speaks. He uses words that are gender neutral like “relationship” and left to his own devices , he doesn’t lie, he just omits to be precise.

    I imagine the “I’m not gay” has been forced upon him by his Fox minders, because it never changes.

    He never says “I’m straight”, which would have a different weight… He talks about ” having a wife and kids in the future”. A future that will never come…
    The situation must be difficult for him and I suppose that the best interpretation of the Luke photos, is that they are indeed his coming out.
    As if he took us as witnesses: “Look! I’m not allowed to speak the truth, but here I am with Luke. The rumours are true, and I don’t care!”

    Otherwise, if he was straight, he would have talked about the photos and denied vigorously being in a relationship with LMF.

  353. anya

    Ever think he doesn’t make a declaration either which way (“I’m gay / straight / bisexual.”) because he feels he delivers his work and otherwise doesn’t fucking owe the public anything? Jesus, you people.

    Also, if they were his “I’m coming out!” photos, why did he -according to the reports- want to avoid being photographed at first?

    Plus, NO network can have contracts nowadays that declare people must actively lie about their sexuality. Because then Fox or whoever would soon find themselves in a big fat lawsuit.

  354. Cat's Meow

    @bexyboo, lj and anya,

    I totally agree with everything you say!

    @Kelleymary and Anon2,

    If those were his coming out photos why the hell didn’t he just grab Luke’s hand and walk down the street proudly with his boyfriend? Why didn’t he kiss him when they were having lunch? Why didn’t he put his arm around him?

    Those photos are pretty lame coming out declarations, don’t you think? It’s because he’s not coming out of anything. So maybe it’s time to give up imagining what isn’t there.

    Hey, I have an idea, why don’t you write him a letter and ask him yourself. Fans write him all the time and they receive a signed photo. So maybe he’ll respond to your letter. You never know!


    “If those were his coming out photos why the hell didn’t he just grab Luke’s hand and walk down the street proudly with his boyfriend? Why didn’t he kiss him when they were having lunch? Why didn’t he put his arm around him?”

    Because he’s well behaved.He wouln’t do that even with a woman.

    He’s no Britney or Paris, he’s a gentleman!

  356. ws

    did ya hear did ya hear, straight from the horses mouth He is GAY……Dumbledore that is….mmm to think the things he could conjure….

  357. taylor

    >>> Plus, NO network can have contracts nowadays that declare people must actively lie about their sexuality. Because then Fox or whoever would soon find themselves in a big fat lawsuit. <<<

    i have to admit i don’t know anything about american law. but since “don’t ask, don’t tell” is still not out of date i see that some employers do have the possibility to force people to keep silent/lie about their sexuality. sure, hollywood is not the military but i might be able to imagine that they have their possibilities, too. especially since there are more ways to pressure people, not just contracts.

    and i have to agree with kelleymary, maybe he’s just not the guy for pda. i remember some pictures of neil patrick harris and his boyfriend david walking around together. no pda, but obviously they are a couple.
    besides, many gay people don’t go from deep down in the closet to being affectionate in public from one day to another. it’s rather a process. you just can’t compare this to straight couples, because they are sadly still perceived in a different way.


    “Ever think he doesn’t make a declaration either which way (”I’m gay / straight / bisexual.”) because he feels he delivers his work and otherwise doesn’t fucking owe the public anything? Jesus, you people.”

    He OWES something to his fans, because his fans placed him were he is, like all celebrities.
    Actors crave for love and recognition from the public: it’s the main reason to become an actor.You want applause.
    But your public demands honesty .

    You must be prepared to give back a piece of your privacy, because your fans want to know if they invested their trust wisely.
    Went was presented to us as a straight man.
    Rumours started to run about his gayness, and not only from Perez.
    He has to put things right, one way or the other and tell us the truth with a bit more conviction that the “I’m not gay” mantra.
    Until then, rumours will continue and nobody will be in peace.

  359. anya

    If a court of law decided Fox practiced sexual discrimination, that’d cost them millions of dollars.

    Holding hands or putting an arm around your sweetheart in LA is un-gentleman-like? Right. And that still doesn’t explain why he didn’t want to be photographed at first when he wanted to make a statement with the pictures.

    No, he doesn’t owe anybody anything, as far as I’m concerned. He even said so himself in an interview with ET Canada, that he feels he delivers his work and that’s it: “But as far as I’m concerned, the deal is I do my best to entertain you for an hour. You’re entertained and that’s the end of the story.” He has pointed out numerous times that he feels people who put their private lives on the table are afraid their work isn’t interesting enough. He wants to be recognized for his work, not because our celebrity-obsessed culture pressured him into sharing intimate details about himself. So his principle is not to say a damn thing. Good for him.

    And now excuse me; I shall write fanletters in which I’ll demand of other good, hot, respected actors, like Christian Bale, Tobey Maguire, and Viggo Mortensen that they be less private, because that’s their obligation!!

  360. Cat's Meow


    Though I truly believe Went when he says he’s not gay, I also agree with you that Went has marketed himself as a straight man, so he should be telling his fans the truth. I don’t want to go shopping and buy something only to get it home, take it out of the package and see that it’s not what I thought it was. That’s false advertising. Went was presented to us as a straight man so he sure as hell better be what he’s advertising himself to be. Don’t lie to your fans, it may lead to your downfall.

    And it makes me wonder if the ratings for PB being low had anything to do with the Went & Luke photos. I would never give up the show because I think it’s the best show on TV. I’ll watch it until the very end, but I imagine some people took those pictures the wrong way, believed the rumors and stopped tuning in. What do you think?

    I know it must be hard for some gay men to come to terms with being gay and coming out. But do I agree with misleading and deceiving your fans? No. But I’m torn, because I empathize and understand, but then I also don’t want to be lied to.


    “He has pointed out numerous times that he feels people who put their private lives on the table are afraid their work isn’t interesting enough. He wants to be recognized for his work, not because our celebrity-obsessed culture pressured him into sharing intimate details about himself. So his principle is not to say a damn thing. Good for him.”

    Anya, between what he wishes and what happens in reality there’s an ocean.
    The FACT is that he’ll be harrassed as long as people ask questions about his sexuality.

    That’s what he has to stop people wondering. If he does so, speculations will stop.
    T.R.Knight came out frankly and he did right.

    Who is bothering him now?

  362. Amaryllis

    I agree with the fact the pics are his personal coming out but according to me it is not a VOLUNTARY coming out.

    He didn’t want to be pictured with Luke, he tried to avoid it but in the end he gave in.
    He didn’t want for us to be able to SEE the truth.

    Went is very closed and I don’t thik he would tell the truth anytime soon, his career would be in jeopardy


    @Cat’s Meow, I’m entirely with you on this question of trust.

    But I don’t think PB ratings have a lot to do with the photos, why would there be a connection?

    It would be more titillating, don’t you think?

    ( like wondering if a gay Went has done all the other male characters on set.
    Did he nail Fitchner against the wall?
    Fucked Dominic in their shared trailer or screwed sexy Chris Vance on board the helicopter taking him to his private gym?)

  364. Cat's Meow


    LOL!!! Well I don’t know about the others, but Dom said in that Australian radio interview he tried to get with Went, and Went shot him down!!!!! lol

    I do think that there may be a connection with the photos and the show’s low ratings. Unfortunately there are still alot of people in this world that are homophobic and to find out that they’re Prison Break “hero” and leading man is gay and not the straight guy they thought he was would turn them off to him and the show. I think both straight males and straight females would think the same way. Not all mind you, but some peeps would think this way. Some people cannot separate the actor from his character. If they see Michael Scofield being a straight guy, it would be hard for them to accept the actor being gay and pretending to be straight for his role. I’ve heard people say this about T.R. Knight. I don’t watch Grey’s Anatomy, but they say that now knowing T.R. is gay, they can’t see him playing a straight guy who is sleeping with 2 women on that show. They are turned off by him now.

  365. anya

    Oh, for God’s sake! A gay Went seduced all the married men on set? Are we ready for a list, yet? Everything I learned about gays, I learned on American ‘Queer As Folk’?

    “Anya, between what he wishes and what happens in reality there’s an ocean. The FACT is that he’ll be harrassed”

    Yes, because people like you insist he owes his personal life to the public.

    “T.R.Knight came out frankly and he did right.”

    Yeah, half the people watching Grey’s Anatomy now go, “Oh, the Gay Guy and the Fat Girl.” The more people know about an actor’s personal life, the more it intrudes on the roles the actor plays, and the less convincing can a performance be. And that applies to straight actors, too. I didn’t want to know Ralph Fiennes is part of the Mile High Club, I didn’t want to know Hugh Grant went for prostitutes, I didn’t want to see Lindsay Lohan’s pussy, and I sure as hell didn’t want to be shown in interviews that Orlando Bloom only possesses one braincell or Mel Gibson has certain views on Jews. Because now it’s, “Oh, Voldemort flies, just like his actor! Does Voldi have sex with Bellatrix up in the air?”, or, “Is there anything going on inside the brain behind Legolas’s pretty eyes?”, or, “Would I let my daughter watch a teenage film with that alcoholic crack whore?”

  366. anya

    You know, I think the 3 millions decline in ratings has more to do with the fact that season 2 really sucked.

    Originally, it was all about the tattoo and the supporting characters were supporting characters. But in season 2 they killed off a leading lady right at the beginning, then gave all the supporting characters their own storyline, degrading in fact the protagonists Michael and Lincoln to mere supporting characters, and dove really deep into the LAME ‘The Company’ conspiracy plot. I stopped watching, too. And I can’t conceive a show would loose a quarter of its audience to a rumor that has only been circling the internet.

  367. Newcomer

    I came across this site whilist trying to find out the truth on whether he is or he isn’t. I’ve been reading the blogs over the past few days and
    it’s great to see that others feeling the same confusion that I’m feeling.

    But supporting our opinion on whether he is or isn’t based on how much we want him not be gay is exhausting, and as mentioned earlier, setting ourself up for disappointment. How can we find out the truth?


    ANYA:” Everything I learned about gays, I learned on American ‘Queer As Folk’”

    What? You missed the Original British version of the show?

    Pity, it was much JUICIER!!!!

  369. Cat's Meow


    That’s very true, the rumors have only been circling the internet and not mainstream gossip magazines and/or entertainment shows. I’ve never once seen an article about Went & Luke in anything other than the internet. And that’s gotta tell you something. That these magazines and shows do not think it’s worthy news. They probably thinks it’s all bullshit too. It’s just rumors, with no real proof of truth. These are typical of the rumors that were swirling around about other “pretty boy” up and coming actors. Such as Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Cruise, Johnny Depp, John Travolta, etc. I could go on and on. I’ve been hearing gay rumors about all these actors for years. As soon as a “pretty boy” actor gets some recognition, the rumors start swirling around. It’s pathetic.


    Welcome , Newcomer, to the best blog on Wentasies!

    You say: “How can we find the truth”?

    I have no answer other than: let’s be patient, sooner or later we will know, because he’ll be out of Fox’s clutches and he may want to calm the furore…
    He is a moral guy with principles, I assume he’ll want to come clean, gay or not.

  371. Cat's Meow


    I really doubt that FOX is keeping Went in the closet. T.R. Knight came out and he’s on ABC playing a straight guy. The “Doogie Hauser” guy came out and he’s on CBS playing a straight guy.

    I agree with Anya when she said that a network cannot keep you from revealing your sexuality unless they want a huge lawsuit filed against them. If Went is indeed gay, it’s his doing that he’s not out of the closet. But seeing as Went seems to be a moral and truthful man, I don’t think he’s gay and hiding it. IMO, if Went is gay he would have come out long ago even before his acting career began.


    When does he look “gay” , when does he look “straight”?

    For me, it’s clear cut:

    He looks gay in all the fashion photoshoots (the pinnacle being the infamous Mark Liddell photo session : he drips gayness on those!)

    He looks straight, fresh and innocent like a virgin boy on the candids (except the “I- was -surprised with- Luke -in- the -Starbucks -so -I rushed -outside- alone- and -walked- away- quickly “ones)or the interview photos.
    Those are the best for me and I use them as wallpaper every time.
    I love when he’s got no make-up, when I can see the moles and when he SMILES!!!!!

  373. Cat's Meow

    I think Went looks straight and sexy in all his photos (including the Mark Liddell pics too). He oozes sex in all his photos. The only ones he looked “gay” to me are the pics he took long ago where he’s laying on a bed smoking a cigarette, he’s showing off the tattoo just over his butt and wearing the black leather pants. Those pics look like they belong in a gay magazine or sumthin!

    I adore Went’s candids! He looks sweet and fresh faced, and I love when all his freckles and moles are visable! He is the most adorable guy in the world. I love those pics he took recently while promoting PB outside some L.A. hotel. He’s wearing that checkered button down shirt and his smile is so SWEET!

    My favorite photos of him are the ones where he’s dressed in a tux, leaning back on a directors chair, holding a top hat. OMG, I get chills up and down my spine!!!! My other one is when he’s wearing the light blue denim button down shirt, his hands behind his head. My God, his face is EXQUISITE!!! He’s the Perfect Man in that pic!

    I could be here all day, cause I love all his photos, candid or photoshoot. I’ll take ’em all!!!!

    I have yet to see an unflattering picture of Went. He’s MAGNIFICENT!!!


    Isn’t it a PITY we don’t have proper pictures of his LEGS?

  375. Cat's Meow

    The only time I’ve ever seen his legs are the scenes on PB when he’s swimming up that tunnel at the Fox River Prison, and when he comes out of the shower in his boxers in the hotel room with Sara.

    He does have a nice pair of legs, and SEXY thighs I might add!

    Is there anything I don’t love about this man?????

  376. Bexyboo

    @ Cat’s Meow


    Why did no one tell me about this??

    Holy shit! I’m off to find it on the internet…

    PS. Nice legs, nice arse, nice eyes, nice arms… The man is a walking orgasm.


    Yes, Cat’s Meow, but these are underwater, flickering images, or dark contours in that motel…

    HOW ON EARTH is it possible that we have shots of Brad Pitt’s dick, and not a single, clear picture of Went’s naked legs in swimming gear (speedos, I want, not baggy things!)

    This scandal must cease!!!

  378. Dani

    All you gay wishers – get over yourselves and quit spoiling the f*cking party here!

    Usher your asses outta his business and when THE MAN SAYS HE IS NOT GAY, THEN HE’S NOT. GAY.

    Where’s your respect?


  379. anya


    You said:
    “ANYA:” Everything I learned about gays, I learned on American ‘Queer As Folk’””

    I clearly wasn’t talking about myself. It’s called sarcasm, you know.

    The British version was also MUCH LESS CLICHÈD.

  380. anya

    Oh, and everybody looks gay in fashion photoshoots. And Liddell didn’t exactly make Kevin Kostner, Colin Farrell, or The Rock look straight, either. That’s some proof there– take sexy photo with a gay photographer, have a blind item that might fit your description posted on some girl’s gossip site, and it’s set in stone.

  381. Perla

    Sorry Dani but this is a debate and if I feel betrayed I’m free to say it.

    I’m glad that you all can still enjoy Prison Break and Went, but I feel differently.

    I think he lied all along

  382. anya

    Perla, there is NO PROOF that he’s gay. People will claim there is proof when there isn’t.

    Maybe he is gay. Maybe he’s straight, and maybe he’s bisexual.

    BUT, all we know for sure is that Wentworth and Luke know each other, as they were in the same picture.

    The rest is based on a blind item posted on a girl’s gossip site two years ago and Perez Hilton’s claims. As well as the old adage, “you know you’re famous when people start saying you are gay”. AND, of course, a bunch of rumors and lame-ass theories most likely started by self-important people on the internet.

    Isn’t it curious how many people claim they know somebody who had sex with Wentworth and they all pop up on Perez Hilton’s site? Somebody said Went’s voice used to be higher so he hired a voice-coach to sound less gay, which is bullshit, given he only alters his voice for the characters he plays (like most actors) and has sounded the same in interviews ever since. Somebody said being straight and being private is contradictory, which is also bullshit (ask any therapist or use your common sense). Anybody can find out he went to Playhouse West, do the math, and say he had sex “with two guys from my 1998 acting class”. It goes on and on. That sort of speculation bears as much credibility as, “he dresses badly in private, so he can’t be gay, because all gays have a sense of fashion!”

    So, until he says, “yeah, sorry, I put my career on the line by actively lying AGAIN and AGAIN, I’m actually gay”, I’ll believe him over some anonymous know-it-all and will conclude he’s either bisexual or straight. Well, or until we get a hot gay sex tape.

  383. Anon2

    I’m scandinavian, so to me the way american actors, musicians and politicians hide their homosexuality seems totally absurd. I think your society has a lot to learn. But it won’t learn until the people that your kids look up to, their idols, are honest about it. And like I’ve said before, tv shows in America aren’t doing your gays any favors. They are filled with stereotypes. I find it hard to believe that any of those tv series are actually produced by gays. I aplaud Ellen DeGeneres for boldly putting her face on the cover of a magazine. And then she was booted out from her network. For that reason, I think, Wentworth won’t be photographed with Luke again.

  384. Cat's Meow


    I have got to see a pic of Went in his swimtrunks when he was on the swim team in high school and/or college. Anyone out there, PLEASE GET ME THAT PIC!!!!! I’M DESPERATE FOR IT!!!!!!

    A video would be great too. I need to see Went competing at a swim meet. PLEASE, I’LL DO ANYTHING!!!!!

    Hey, I just remembered that he was seen swimming at the local YMCA in L.A. last Memorial Day week-end. Maybe when the show is on hiatus and he’s back in L.A. someone will spot him again and take a picture with their cell this time. I could just picture him now, after a few laps he’s exiting the pool in his little swim trunks, all dripping wet with thousands of water beads cascading down his sexy, lean swimmer’s body! oooooooooo, how orgasmic is that!!!!!!!!!!!

  385. Cat's Meow



    Word sistah!!!

    You too, Dani!

  386. Cat's Meow


    I agree that the celebrities need to stop hiding their sexuality and be honest with their fans. I’m a true believer of that. I don’t want to be fooled into believing someone is straight, only to find out later that they lied.

    But I honestly don’t think Went is lying. There hasn’t been enough “evidence” to prove he is gay and lying. I cannot believe rumors and photos that don’t suggest anything but 2 guys walking down the street and having lunch one afternoon.

  387. Perla

    I don’t think proofs are insufficient.

    This was real before the pictures.
    And even then the rumours were so many and from so different sources… but I chose to believe in him.
    Now I feel like a fool because I defended his lies everywhere even on PH website and this is the thing that makes me angry the most, thinking that scum was right from the start.

    And don’t tell me they are just two friends enjoying each other company, because if I remember right Luke and TR pics showed exactly the same thing (they weren’t kissing or walking hand in hand) and immediately everyone stated they were dating. This is not different, so now I see a completely changed man not only because he is gay but also because he is a man capable of deceiving all his loving supporters.

    His private life is his own but he at least owes something to the fangirls which brought him where he is now.

  388. LAgurl

    Hey all – *stands up* I’m on “Went’s Straight” team 🙂
    You know, it’s so unfair when there are so many other actors/actresses out there that doesn’t appear on blog sites and garbage mags because they’re not at Hyde and Il Sole every night, showing off their underwear, stumbling out drunk, having different BF/GF every week.

    Why aren’t they called gay?

    I just think it’s so silly to say he looked gay in a magazine spread – that’s not him, that’s the photographer’s work/vision!
    Like many of you said – he looks so fresh and young and relaxed when he’s out and about in his ratty old brown pants and baseball hat drinking his fraps! He doesn’t look gay at all – not that his appearance means anything, but you know what I mean.

    Also, I forgot who (there’s so many posts here!) but someone mentioned something about Went’s publicist and he/she saying it’s no secret?
    Then maybe that publicist should be fired because that’s violating the privacy of his/her client! They’re not supposed to ‘out’ people and talk about their privacy!

    All the sources and friends that’s coming out of NO WHERE – especially on PH’s site – um, I don’t think so!
    Only when there’s someone one say, Todays’ show or something a lot more credible, with a name and a face – will I believe anything these ‘sources’ are saying!
    Until then – piss off, all you ‘sources’ and ‘my friend’s friend’s sister’s brother’s cousin’ and everyone else!!!!!

  389. Cat's Meow


    LOL!!!! You’re so right, girl! “my friend’s friend’s sister’s brother’s cousin…….”!!! lol You are HILARIOUS!!!! Yeah, it’s so true, everyone and their mother’s Aunt Tilly says they know someone who knows someone who knows someone who slept with Went!!!! lol

    A couple of months ago I read some poster in the comments section of the fat fuck loser’s site said he knew some college girl who was dating Went at the time. I believe that guy as much as I believe the guy who knew Went slept with 2 guys at acting school in ’98. If I believed every idiot who said they knew someone who slept with Went, he’d be screwing people (both male & female) every single week! Give me a break.

    And worse than his posters is the fat fuck loser lier himself. He started this whole thing and where the hell is this so-called friend of his who dated Went???? He NEVER comes forward, because he doesn’t exist!

    I refuse to believe in rumors because they’re all a bunch of lies. No proof, nil, nothing, nada, zilch, zip, zero!!!!!

  390. Anony

    I cannot believe you folks haven’t run out of steam yet! Kudos to those who are keeping the debate alive because once we stop talking about who Wentworth has sex with, we may just have to talk about his acting.

  391. Cat's Meow


    LOL!!!! Yep, we’re still here going strong. There’s no inbetween. There are die-hard Went believers (me) and then there’s his non-believers. And it seems like no one is willing to change their minds, so unfortunately this debate will be going on and on and on forever ad nauseam. At least until Went gets married. But even then the non-believers will probably still think he’s lying, poor guy. Went sure doesn’t deserve this, he’s the sweetest man in the world.


    @Perla, I know how you feel!

    But my policy (conform to my temperament) is :”believe the worst, don’t expect the best to be true. If , by any chance the worst is proved wrong, then REJOICE , my friend and party all night!”

    I think that believing the worst now is a way to soften any future blow (Like new photos)…

  393. Newcomer

    Surely there is someon reading this who lives around where PB is filmed (Dallas right?) and can go try spend sometime on set (which I heard can be done) and make use of their ‘gay radar’ and see if there is any clue to if he is or isn’t?

  394. Newcomer

    That was a joke btw.

  395. Cat's Meow


    LOL!!!! Boy, if I lived in Dallas I’d definately be checking in on the PB set every chance I can get. Wouldn’t it be glorious to see Went in person??!!

    Where I stand, my “gaydar” hasn’t been triggered when looking at Went in interviews and behind the scenes (not acting), hearing him speak, observing his mannerisms, and seeing photos of him.

    I can understand the points of views of the non-believers, but I see Went in a different light. I see him as a hot looking NERD! That’s all. His gentle, quiet, reserved, mild-mannered ways and highly intelligent mind confuse people and they see him as being gay. And, instead of accepting his word that he isn’t and trusting his honesty, they still don’t want to believe him. They think he’s hiding it because he wants his privacy. Could you blame him??? He doesn’t want to live like the celebrity that has papparazzi following him all over the place. If he stays private and out of the public eye, they just won’t go after him. He’s a smart guy and knows what he’s doing. He’s also said that if people know too much about an actor, the actor will not be believeable on screen.

    Went has said that if people don’t get him, he doesn’t have to explain him. I guess I get him. The non-believers trust the word of gossip mongers and idiotic posters on the internet over Went. Therefore when they see a picture of Went hanging out with a gay guy, they just assume he’s gay too. Where I can see their doubts after hearing all the rumors, I choose to believe Went. I truly can’t see him denying being gay over and over again and therefore lying to his fans over and over again. I don’t think he’d deliberately do that. He knew what he was getting into when becoming an actor. He’s too smart to keep his sexuality a secret this long. If he thought he could get away with hiding it after hitting it big, then he’s not as smart as I thought he was.

    The non-believers also think because Went says “I’m NOT gay” instead of “I’m straight” he’s trying to play on words. I don’t get it. How is “I’m not gay” different than “I’m straight”? When you say “I’m not gay”, doesn’t that mean the SAME as “I’m straight”? There’s too much nitpicking and analyzing his words.

  396. Kassie

    My two cents, with apologies if this was mentioned before…in a 2006 issue of Cuore Magazine (Italian?), when asked about being called “Michael” off the set, Went said,”I am good enough in bed that women yell out my name and not Michael”. This seems a pretty clear-cut statement from him that he has slept with women since PB started. If he were gay, why would he want to make up lies like that, when doing so is really not necessary? Wouldn’t it be easier for a gay guy to just say nothing? This quote appeared in “Wentworth Miller Speaks Directly to Us” on WFW, Dec 10, 2006.

  397. Cat's Meow


    Thank you!!!! I remember that quote, but I haven’t heard since then, so thanks for reminding me!!!!

    Yes, and to all the non-believers, notice he uses the word, “WOMEN”. OMG, it’s a MIRACLE!!!! (note the sarcasm) lol

  398. Anonymous

    “when asked about being called “Michael” off the set, Went said,”I am good enough in bed that women yell out my name and not Michael”

    The exact quotation was his answer to a French reporter who asked him:.
    Do women call you” Michael” in bed?

    Could he answer, women, no, but guys do?

    How non-PC.
    His answer was purely rethorical and ironical.

    And both parties knew so.

  399. Chrissy

    Y’all are so interesting especially Cat’s Meow. And where’s Mama Bear disappeared to?

    As for Went being or not being gay: If he is, then i’d be crushed. It’s OK to be gay but to lie about it for more fame and fortune is amoral. I hope he is telling the truth when he says he isn’t gay because i hate lies and the lying liars who tell them!
    And if he isn’t being completely honest by saying,” I’m not gay but i’m not straight either, i’m bisexual.” That would still be a LIE by omission. I would cease my idolatry of him if he did lie.

    Right now, i just don’t know. I haven’t a clue and it eats at me because i cannot fully enjoy the man.

  400. Chrissy

    And just to elaborate on the lying by omission. If you significant other tells you,” I didn’t have sex with your sister/friend.” but neglects to mention,”We’ve just made out.” That is a lie. Gotta go study for my french exam and do my homework. Good night.

  401. Cat's Meow


    That exactly why Went is telling the truth!! If he says he’s not gay, he would still be lying if he was bisexual, because bi is part gay. So, when Went says “I’m not gay” he means exactly that!!!! He’s not gay, he’s straight. There is no play on words coming from him. He’s a good guy who wouldn’t try to fool his fans. He says he protects his fans, so why would he try to pull the wool over our eyes. Went is far from a deceitful. He’s a wonderful man. And that’s why we all love him.

    Have faith girl, Went will not betray our trust. I choose to believe this about him.

  402. taylor

    reality check, please.

    it sounds like gay men who feel the need to lie about their sexuality are all evil, stupid and don’t have a spark of decency. that’s bullsh*t. sometimes keeping it a secret is just the smarter thing to do. it doesn’t have anything to do with being well educated or being a good guy.
    i have friends who are gay and who went through a phase where they had to come to terms with themselves, where they were lying to people. even to close friends. they were simply not ready to tell the truth, and sometimes that forced them to lie. and it doesn’t make them any less likable or trustworthy to me.
    coming out is a very personal decision. and it’s easy to say for a straight married woman that if went was gay, he would damn sure be out and proud, because he’s so smart and nice. you should understand, that you judge from a totally different and particularly secure perspective.

    btw, saying that you’re not gay is not lying if you’re bi . for me it’s smart to play with words like that, but others might think different.
    and “not gay” does not equal “straight”. that would imply there’s nothing else than gay or straight…

  403. Cat's Meow


    I never once implied that gay men who lie about their sexuality are evil, stupid and don’t have a spark of decency. Those are your words, not mine. Don’t put words in my mouth. I also have gay friends and close family members. If you read my previous posts, I have stated that it’s extremely hard for people who are gay to come to terms with themselves so I definately empathize and understand when someone has to lie in order to keep their sexuality private. But when they are out of the closet with friends and family then they owe it to their fans to come out.

    When you are bisexual, you are sexually attracted to both males and females so that makes you part gay and part straight. So, if you say you are not gay, then you are indeed lying.

    I don’t believe that Went is gay so therefore that’s why I don’t think he is lying. I’m entitled to my opinion. Don’t jump down my throat just because I don’t agree with you that he’s gay and lying about it.

  404. Anonymous

    NEWCOMER thinks that the rumors are responsible for the loss of audience.

    In France ,the main Tv mag (Tele 7 jours) is doing this week a spread on SWC, and has a line or two on Wentworth.
    They say that “He disappointed his female fans by showing himself walking about with his partner Luke MacFarlane. He then refused to give any explanation. It may be the reason of the loss of 2 million viewers…”

    Went’s sexuality can’t be the cause of this drop in ratings. Since Sara is dead, he doesn’t have to be a hetero, so his credibility now is not to be questioned.
    On the contrary, the heavily charged homosexual atmosphere in Sona is re-inforced by the rumors and it is a plus point for the show.

  405. taylor

    @Cat’s Meow
    please don’t feel personally attacked by me. i did not just reply to your posts and it was never my intention to put words in your mouth or to force my opinion on you. i am well aware that these were my words and that you never said or meant it this way.
    i choose those words to state how it might come across to someone who reads this. maybe i sounded a bit too harsh because i was somewhat emotionally loaded, yesterday. but after reading the posts (not just yours) i really got the impression, that when you feel the need to lie about being gay, then you can’t be a good or educated person. with this you put down all the people who do/did hide their sexualtity for some reason. and that’s what i mainly disagree.
    i really don’t doubt for a second that you don’t have anything against gay people. and i think i understand the point of view of the went believers to some degree, i just can’t agree with some of the arguments.

    i’m glad that we have a place for our discussion, and it’s nice to read your posts, although we don’t agree. but that’s the point behind a debate, right?
    maybe i don’t come across the way i would like to, because english is not my first language. and sometimes i just struggle to find the right words or tone for that matter.

    >>> When you are bisexual, you are sexually attracted to both males and females so that makes you part gay and part straight. So, if you say you are not gay, then you are indeed lying. <<<
    i would see it this way: if you’re bi, you are neither gay nor straight. because that would mean, you prefer exactly one gender, female OR male. “i’m not gay ” == “i do not exclusivly like men”. i know that’s nitpicking, but i just wanted to explain, how i meant it.

    okay, one last thing. i don’t want to give the impression, that i am 100% certain went is gay and i’m not here to convince you, that he’s lying. only thing i want to say is, i would understand, if he did.

  406. KelleyMary

    Taylor” i don’t want to give the impression, that i am 100% certain went is gay and i’m not here to convince you, that he’s lying. only thing i want to say is, i would understand, if he did.”

    I agree with you Taylor.
    If he’s lying, it’s not out of immorality. Went is a good , moral, respectful person if we are to believe people who work with him.
    I see things like this: until recently, and since he’s a private person, he may have been convinced by his agents to say”I’m not gay” in order to protect himself. But he never went beyond the set phrases (“Not gay” “wife and kids” “brunette. He never explained.
    But now he seems to be in a serious relationship with Luke. We’ve all seen the photos.

    SO, he’s not going to lie, now. He simply never repeated the “I’m not gay” thing. His agents did it for him, in that strange “interview” for the German mag (strange because the “interviewer” doesn’t remember where it took place!).
    The only times he actually spoke where with Ellen and the Dutch guy and he didn’t speak at all about the “burning subject”.
    It’s not a coincidence, he feels the moment is not appropriate because he’s busy shooting PB.

    But we may hear from him soon…I trust him enough to think he’ll want to put things right if his relationship with Luke matters to him.

  407. anya

    I’m confused; didn’t people watch the first season of Prison Break BECAUSE it was so gay? With Michael bending over after having seen Nika, T-Bag hitting on him, and all those shower scenes? I know that’s why I watched. I didn’t give a f*ck about Michael and Sara’s formula romance.

  408. Glenn

    strange because the “interviewer” doesn’t remember where it took place!

    Actually the interviewer, a respectable one, said that it took place in the PB set and it was in summer. And that it was a pleasure to speak to Went.
    Maybe it is easier to thing that the first part (hotel in LA) was added by the magazine. Anyway you have the right to think what you want Kelleymary but why are you changing what the writer said? People are doing a lot of mess in the whole story!

  409. taylor

    >>> If he’s lying, it’s not out of immorality. <<<

    KelleyMary, that’s exactly how i see it.

    i also think we have to wait for the end of PB. either he feels free to come out then or he finally finds the time to date women and to meet the right one.
    either way, i really hope, he can clear things up and we all can go back and appreciate him for his work.

  410. KelleyMary

    Glenn, I was just telling what I read on the Church (my main source of information).

    Go there , if you don’t believe me.

  411. Glenn

    SO, he’s not going to lie, now

    so the theory now is Dominic is going to lie for him?

    But now he seems to be in a serious relationship with Luke. We’ve all seen the photos.

    How can you make distinction between a sex relationship and a serious one from these pictures? I’m curious. I want to learn.

    Come on! He can be gay or straight or I don’t know what, I have no idea. But some speculation go too far. I know I know that this topic is a debate and my opinion is that sometimes we see evrything. I remember the day the picture came out everyone was ready to note how Went was proud and confortable showing his boyfriend and now everyone is ready to say that he was caught out and tried to save what he could… and the pictures are just the same!!!

  412. Glenn

    from The Church, “your main source of information”:

    Oct, 9 post #2157:

    Re: the date of the InStyle Germany interview, Mr Renner told me that it took place this summer and on the set of PB. (Which is interesting because the article states it took place at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel but I guess that’s called artistic license…) He also said that they mainly talked about PB (most of which remained unpublished) and that Wentworth

    …is a very nice guy, very down to earth and a great person to talk to…

    So WHY WHY WHY are you so firm saing something different????????

  413. KelleyMary

    I’m saying that it’s strange that Mr Renner said in was on the PBset and the article says in LA.

    Even if “somebody” made a mistake and added the first part, the person who signs the article CHECKS if everything is CORRECT because he is RESPONSIBLE of what is written! That’s the job of a good journalist.

    SO, we can assume that most of this article is genuine (what concerns PB for example) and belongs to the interview with Renner.
    And the “I’m not gay” “wife and kids” etc… is a rehash of what Went previously said (Like in the “interview” with “Public”)

    It’s not difficult to imagine that Went is pissed off being asked personal questions, feels uncomfortable and refuses to talk about what thoses pictures mean (ONE WAY or THE OTHER!)

    The fact remains that ,BECAUSE Went didn’t explain the photos with Luke, they are the main evidence towards his gayness.
    They seem to confirm the rumours, and his SILENCE is worryingly acknowledging them.

  414. Cat's Meow

    Why were those pictures of Went and Luke not in the mainstream media????? Can anyone answer this question. If Went was so happy, proud and comfortable showing off his boyfriend for the world to see and they are so in love, why didn’t I see these pictures on “Entertainment Tonight” or “Extra” or E! Channel or any other TV entertainment gossip news program or even in gossip magazines, like “People”, “OK”, even “The Enquirer”??? Not a one showed those photos. I’ve only seen them on the internet. And don’t say it’s because he hasn’t verbally come out yet, because it seems like most people have already made up their minds that these photos are stating that he is coming out or already out.

    It’s obvious that the mainstream media didn’t show the photos because they didn’t think they proved anything other than 2 guys hanging out for the afternoon. These photos were not worthy enough to show even in a gossip rag, let alone on an entertainment news program. But alot of peeps here think they are real proof that Went is gay. I don’t see why.

    IMO, the photos don’t prove anything. All they show are 2 guys strolling down the street to have lunch. But everyone has them in love, moving in together, screwing, all because the fat fuck said so.

    So what’s next, Went will marry Luke???? Well, until that happens, I will still believe Went when he said he wasn’t gay. I’ll just take him at his word for now. And if this changes, then at least I won’t be surprised thanks to all the non-believers.

  415. KelleyMary

    “Why were those pictures of Went and Luke not in the mainstream media?????”

    They ARE, outside the US; They’ve been shown on TV, in France, Spain etc… Went is a huge star in Europe and in Asia, and the media reported the photos.

  416. Anonymous

    “All they show are 2 guys strolling down the street to have lunch.”
    Jared reported they spent the whole day together, from morning to late at night and left off in Luke’s car.
    And the rest of the night?

  417. Glenn

    Ok, maybe I’m wrong but your two statements

    the “interviewer” doesn’t remember where it took place!
    I’m saying that it’s strange that Mr Renner said in was on the PBset and the article says in LA
    are completely different!

    About we can assume that most of this article is genuine (what concerns PB for example) and belongs to the interview with Renner.
    And the “I’m not gay” “wife and kids” etc… is a rehash of what Went previously said

    it is just YOUR assumption because you are sure that he is gay and that he doesn’t lie anymore but there is not just one proof that all the article was genuine but that line was the only one taken from old interview and, to me obviously, this shows how everyone wants to see and read what they want!

    About BECAUSE Went didn’t explain the photos with Luke, they are the main evidence towards his gayness.
    They seem to confirm the rumours, and his SILENCE is worryingly acknowledging them

    the only thing that his silence explains, to me, is that all of us can think what the fuck we want but he doesn’t care a damn thing! He is cool with our thoughts and he has nothing to explain unless someone asks him directly and he decides to say something! One one or the other, I have no idea!
    Do you really think that Wentworth Earl Miller III would say during an interview “…and I want to add that it is true, I’m gay” or “and even if you didn’t ask me I want to add that the only human beings that I make love with are women”????
    Well this man wouldn’t be Wentworth Earl Miller III.

  418. shelley

    Glenn, I stand applauding you. Thanks for being a new voice of reason. Kelleymary, you sound like an intelligent woman, but unfortunately sometimes intelligent people are lacking something equally as important, common sense.

  419. Anon2

    It’s true. European magazines are writing about him as a man who keeps his sexuality “wrapped up”. They use an old quote from him from last year, the “no, I’m not gay..” one. Why didn’t mainstream entertainment channels or magazines comment on it? I guess there aint enough proof that he is gay. Until a man actually comes out and says that they dated or until Wentworth himself gives an honest interview we can speculate all we want. I think it’s strange that there isn’t more pictures of him out and about with his boyfriends/girlsfriends. He goes outside. Is he totally uninteresting now that he’s said to be gay?I guess he’s lost some of his female fans because of Luke. Doesn’t bother him at all. Why? Is he a “has been” allready? The gays in Hollywood don’t like liars. Neither will a production company put money on his name. Until he says that he is straight as an arrow. Wich will never happen. It would have by now.


    Unfortunately, Shelley, common sense along side reason tells me that he is gay.

    But my heart screams : NO, please, for once we have a beautiful, educated, polite and adorable actor, please, dear God (or Devil, why not), make him straight, make him SWEAR he’s straight, find an old gf of his who’s ready to spill the beans! Please, oh, please ?????

    But I’m a grown up girl now and I know life isn’t a bowl of cherries, nothing is EVER perfect, and to add another cliché, I damn know that where there’s smoke, there’s fire.

    And I want him to speak up! Not out of nosiness but because it means a lot to me. It’s about who I am, how I relate to my fantasies, their importance in my life, and above all what trust and sincerity really mean.

    I’m sure it’s the same for most of his fangirls.

    We NEED to know where we stand. Once it’s confirmed, he’s gay, we’ll have to lump it and re-ajust our dreams…

    But the rollercoaster is too much for my blood pressure…

  421. Cat's Meow


    I too would like to know the truth one way or the other. I want to know if the man I’m fantasizing about is really straight. Right now I’m taking his word for it since I can’t see any real proof that he is gay.

    Why don’t all these fucking interviewers ask him straight out, “Are you gay, are you straight or what????” What are they afraid of???? When I read that the German interviewer said to him, “So I hear you prefer men”, I was elated!!!! Thank God for European interviewers, because they are bold and straight forward!!!! Obviously Went denied being gay. But now people are not believing that interview either. WTF???

    The very first time he denied being gay, he said he was cool if people fantasized about him being with a woman, a man or both as long as they keep watching the show. So does that mean he will never say anything about the photos with Luke because he’d rather people think what they want or to wonder about him and Luke, so not to alienate gay people????

    He comes off acting like he doesn’t give two shits about what people think of him, but then he will deny being gay. What’s with that??? I think if he was gay, he wouldn’t deny it and just skirt around the question like others have (Ricky Martin, Sean Hayes).

    Sometimes I think he truly enjoys the universal appeal, that both gays and straights like him. He has said that “a fan base is a fan base”. What do you think????

  422. Chrissy

    If he is lying, it’s for 2 reasons. One, more money. Two, more fame. Unfortunately, that makes him no better than a bloody prostitute.
    I mean really, what’s with the hiding. Hollywood’s the gayest friendly place on earth. It’s so friendly they can change that HOLLYWOOD sign to POOFCENTRAL!

  423. Chrissy

    On second thoughts, prostitutes have no choice so that wasn’t an appropriate analogy.

  424. Glenn

    Anyway Went is not the only one who doesn’t address every single day gay gossips.
    Do someone of you know Alessandro Del Piero? A great italian soccer player who plays for Juventus.
    He has been said gay for years, and he didn’t care and didn’t say anything about it. Then he married and people said she was a beard. And he didn’t care. Two days ago his first child was born and I’m just curious to hear new comments.
    Del Piero adrressed for the very first time the gay thing last may saying that he doesn’t care what people say, he is so happy with his wife.

    I’m not saying that Went is one way or another but just that it is not rare that famous people don’t care to address rumors about them.


    @ Cat’s Meow


    You say:

    “The very first time he denied being gay, he said he was cool if people fantasized about him being with a woman, a man or both as long as they keep watching the show.”

    –> Somehow I felt he was avoiding giving a real answer. I don’t know the English expression but we say “Il noie le poisson” = “He drowns the fish” in a sea of words ….

    “So does that mean he will never say anything about the photos with Luke because he’d rather people think what they want or to wonder about him and Luke, so not to alienate gay people????”

    –> Cat’s, why would you alienate gay people if you are straight and say so?Do you need the ambiguity to be popular?

    “He comes off acting like he doesn’t give two shits about what people think of him, but then he will deny being gay. What’s with that??? I think if he was gay, he wouldn’t deny it and just skirt around the question like others have (Ricky Martin, Sean Hayes).”

    –> Doesn’t he actually skirt around the question like the first time again?
    “No, I’m not gay but look at the photos with Luke which make the whole planet talk, and fuck, no , I won’t give an explanation” !!!!

    What game is this? Is he playing with us, hoping to become the next Greta Garbo?

    “Sometimes I think he truly enjoys the universal appeal, that both gays and straights like him. He has said that “a fan base is a fan base”. What do you think????”

    —> You can enjoy the universal appeal on a honest basis. Brad Pitt is making women AND gay men drool: he never tried to be Mr Mystery about his sexuality.

    I suppose Went , in spite of his brains, hasn’t really mastered yet the way you must handle your fanbase. By wanting to play universal, he may lose many girl fans: all those who can’t fantasize on a gay man.


    -All this bullshit about “protecting your privacy”, I don’t buy it!
    -Why is it bad to state in a more precise way if your gay or not?

    – Are you ashamed to be as nature (and nurture )made you?

    -And “protecting one’s privacy” like that isn’t it a sure way of titillating the public curiosity ?Some actors give photos of their weddings or their babies and still manage to protect their privacy. They understand that by giving a little you get a lot!

    -Is it what you want,Went? Tease?
    Are you a subtle publicity whore, in spite of what you said?

    -Don’t you think that it’s necessary to “feed the beast” (your expression)? Because if you don’t, it will get wilder.
    Or simply die, and so will your career…


    CHRISSY, you’re are hard!

    Went doesn’t care about money: would he wear crappy clothes and drive a Corolla if he did?

  427. Nina

    You girls are so funny!!
    I’ve read all your comments and I should say you sounded like the ones who commented on Perez Hilton blogsite the first time he published Lance Bass and Reichen pictures:
    “A guy couldn’t take a walk with a gay man that everyone think he’s gay too”
    “They are just friends”
    “He’s just well groomed and reserved he is not gay”
    and so on….
    We all know how it ended.

  428. Glenn

    Why is it bad to state in a more precise way if your gay or not?

    He stated and so did firmly DP, the matter is that people don’t believe them. And they are free to not believe but I don’t think that another one “I’m not gay” from him will stop the issue.
    If you want that he says something about Luke I think you will be disappointed unless someone asks him directly.
    And just because he is Wentworth, who doesn’t give explanation to feed people curiosity. Take this Wentworth or leave him I’m afraid.

  429. Cat's Meow


    Can you please interview him????? I like your questions!!!!

  430. Chrissy

    @ Kellymary, maybe he dresses so because he’s lazy. Besides he has a new car.
    @ Nina, Lance Bass surprised no one. JC Chasez should just follow suit. And neither are as pretty as THE PRETTY SO WHO CARES?!
    It really is all about the money and fame. If Went did come out, mainstream media would leave him alone in a hurry, so privacy’s not really an issue.
    on the other hand ,ying to me and having me waste my time thinking about his cute behind and spending monies on Went stuff is a BIG issue.
    Gotta go now. Will check in tomorrow.

  431. Anon2

    The biggest star to come out of Prison Break is going to be Amaury Nolasco. Because he’s been accessible to his fans and the media. Not too much, but not too little. I think he’s just great! He has an outgoing persona. Wentworth Miller acts like he has something to hide. He’s not mysterious. He’s not keeping his private life private because he doen’t want people to mix his own persona with film characters. He’s not being honest. And people sense it. Come on, don’t you?


    “Can you please interview him????? I like your questions!!!!”

    —->Cat’s Meow, find me a way to get on PB’s set in Dallas and I’ll be there shit hot!!

    Trouble is, I’m not a brunette and I wouldn’t be able to test “in vitro” if he’s gay or not….

  433. Cat's Meow

    It was announced yesterday that Dominic Purcell is separating from his wife.

    Now I read on another site that someone read from yet another site that Dominic is getting divorced because he and Went are together. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, NOW I’VE HEARD IT ALL!!!!! Went is two-timing Luke with Dom!!!! LMFAO!!!!

    See how these stupid fucking rumors get started!!!

  434. Cat's Meow


    LMAO!!!! No problem sistah, I’m brunette so I’ll fuck Went and let you know!!!!! lol


    Should have said “in VIVO” instead of in little glass cases”….In the flesh… Went’s flesh…. Jesus!!!

    “Went is two-timing Luke with Dom!!!! ”

    Cat’s, who can resist Went????

    P.S. We can’t blame this Dom/Went rumour! Admit we fantasized it already!

    *Night time.Hot wind blowing over the Sona set.
    In the dim light of the shared trailer, Dom is tossing and turning in his sweaty sheets as he watches Went semi-naked body, glistening with perspiration…His long, slender swimmer body……*

    *I will be back soon, need a break*

  436. anya

    “Unfortunately, Shelley, common sense along side reason tells me that he is gay.”

    Not to offend you, but common sense would also have told you that that French interview from a couple of days ago was fake.

    And “reason” means the capacity for rational thought, and as I’ve pointed out above, that is the ONE thing missing from all the “he’s gay, we have proof!” claims. Because there is no proof, only rumors.

    I (along with a few others, thank the God Of Reason) am at least willing to acknowledge his sexuality might be all over the Kinsey scale, gay, bi, or straight, and personally, I’ve opted to believe him. But I don’t go about and claim, “He dresses shitty in private and says he’s not into one-night-stands, so he obviously can’t be gay!” Because “arguments” and “proof” of that quality are a LOAD OF BULLSHIT.

  437. anya

    The ONE question to ask Wentworth Miller is:

    “Which number are you on the Kinsey scale?

    0 = totally straight. 3 = equally hetero/homosexual. 6 = totally gay.

  438. anya

    “The biggest star to come out of Prison Break is going to be Amaury Nolasco. Because he’s been accessible to his fans and the media. Not too much, but not too little.”

    I disagree. I don’t think whether you’re a lovely person, drunk, a borderliner, or a saint matters at all. If you’re not compelling, you’re not gonna be a star. Amaury, to me, is just “nice” (=boring) and certainly not compelling enough to be the Prison Break’s breakthrough performance.

    And bwahaha, Prison Break had 7.45 million viewers last night. More than the entire season. Seems more people tuned in after Sara’s death than out.

  439. anya

    People, I have found myself the perfect reality!!

    Ever since Went and Dom did some in-character improvisation two years ago, to get a better grip on the brothers’ complicated relationship, and ended up having sex during such an improvisation (because, apparently, Michael and Lincoln’s relationship is REALLY messed up– you don’t risk your life for anybody but children and lovers, so you only go to such a prison for your brother if you REALLY love him), they’ve had a secret affair (that’s method acting for you!).

    Luke has never addressed the gay rumors and said they were together because deep down, he has always been afraid that what he had with Went wasn’t real, that he was merely Went’s LA rebound fuck, for when Went wasn’t on set with Dom. Where they share a trailer.

    So, naturally, Dom lied to Kyle and Jackie O on their show and said Went wasn’t gay because he didn’t want anybody to know that he was cheating with Went on his wife.

    BUT, of course, we have come to know the truth right away anyway! Because you must see that it is the truth AS IT MAKES PERFECT SENSE!!

  440. Cat's Meow


    Thanks for the info about Alessandro Del Piero. I’ve heard of him because my son plays soccer and is a huge fan of his, though I wasn’t aware of the gay rumors.

    Like Alessandro, Went doesn’t care what people think about him and rumors. He refuses to “feed the beast”. So I think until Went gets married and starts a family, people will always think that he’s gay. And unfortunately even then they’ll think his wife is just a “beard”. So Went is basically damned if he does, and damned if he don’t.

    I just wish someone would ask him “Are you straight, bisexual or gay? Pick one”. That way anyone who thinks he’s playing on words would get their answer. But I have a feeling, even if Went said “I’m straight”, they would still not believe him.

  441. Cat's Meow


    In his next interview, I wish someone would just ask Went “Are you straight, bisexual or gay? Pick one.” That way anyone who thinks he’s playing on words would get their answer. But I have a feeling, even if Went said “I’m straight”, they still would not believe him.

  442. Cat's Meow


    Like Alessandro Del Piero, Went doesn’t care what people say about him and doesn’t address rumors. He refuses to “feed the beast”. So until Went gets married and starts a family, people will always think that he’s gay. And unfortunately, even then they’ll think his wife is just a “beard”. So Went is damned if he does, and damned if he don’t.

  443. anya

    That’s why I propose the Kinsey scale. It’s far more accurate. Only a single number, no words to play with. And it would finally be an original question.

  444. Cat's Meow


    I agree, now if some idiot interviewer would only ask him the question, we’d be set!!!! lol


    Maybe he refuses to answer the question now because of his relationship with Luke who isn’t just a fuck buddy but a real lover.

    He said nothing on Ellen, when we all know it was THE burning question.
    With Ellen he could obviously talk about this because of her own story, instead he diverted the attention with his quitting smoking….

    Interviewers clearly avoid asking him THE question on TV, because it’s difficult to lie facing the camera.


    I want to say something to those who claim he can’t be gay because “he said he isn’t”, because “you can’t believe Pig Perez” or because “the photos aren’t proof enough”.

    We ALL want Went to be straight because we want our love for him to be unmitigated.

    But some of us choose to believe blindly a few words probably “inspired” by PR and work necessities. In this, they purely follow their heart.

    Others, like me, choose to analyse the evidence.
    Wait, will you say, where is the “evidence”, just a few photos?

    No crime has beem committed, no corpse is lying on the floor. We’re dealing with feelings, sex, love.
    Unless you catch the people in bed, there is no possible evidence as such.

    BUT, we know the rumours have been following Went for a long time and this BEFORE he became a star!
    So, the “all beautiful men who are successful have gay rumours attached to them” was irrelevant a few years ago! Nobody knew he would succeed later!
    When he did the clips with Mariah Carey, she was asked if she fancied him. She was surprised and said she thought he wasn’t into girls.

    Another thing: Perez is SO adamant, he knew about Luke months before the photos. He named him, gave precise details. it is silly to reject what he says because we don’t like him!
    If Perez say the sun sets in the west, will you refuse to believe him?
    And then the photos surfaced.
    Before that there has been the Starbucks ones. Look at them with a new eye (remember, we were so pleased to see him again!).His face is contorted, he’s leaving the place very quickly. That place where he “was with a male friend”.

    This was a few days before the paps caught him with Luke.


    Part One:
    I want to say something to those who claim he can’t be gay because “he said he isn’t”, because “you can’t believe Pig Perez” or because “the photos aren’t proof enough”.

    We ALL want Went to be straight because we want our love for him to be unmitigated.

    But some of us choose to believe blindly a few words probably “inspired” by PR and work necessities. In this, they purely follow their heart.

    Others, like me, choose to analyse the evidence.
    Wait, will you say, where is the “evidence”, just a few photos?

    No crime has beem committed, no corpse is lying on the floor. We’re dealing with feelings, sex, love.
    Unless you catch the people in bed, there is no possible evidence as such.


    Part Two:
    BUT, we know the rumours have been following Went for a long time and this BEFORE he became a star!
    So, the “all beautiful men who are successful have gay rumours attached to them” was irrelevant a few years ago! Nobody knew he would succeed later!
    When he did the clips with Mariah Carey, she was asked if she fancied him. She was surprised and said she thought he wasn’t into girls.

    Another thing: Perez is SO adamant, he knew about Luke months before the photos. He named him, gave precise details. it is silly to reject what he says because we don’t like him!
    If Perez say the sun sets in the west, will you refuse to believe him?
    And then the photos surfaced.
    Before that there has been the Starbucks ones. Look at them with a new eye (remember, we were so pleased to see him again!).His face is contorted, he’s leaving the place very quickly. That place where he “was with a male friend”.

    This was a few days before the paps caught him with Luke.

  449. Anon2

    If he says he’s straight I’ll believe him. But he has never said that. Maybe it’s best to think of him as a bisexual. That wouldn’t make him a complete liar. Except that I don’t believe in bisexuality. You’re either gay or straight.

  450. anya


    Bisexuality doesn’t exist? Kinsey is rolling in his grave right now. Saying it doesn’t exist is as ridiculous as saying everybody is bisexual.

    Though, of course, in our society, bisexuality only exists in women, not in men. *pukes*

  451. Anonymous

    Anya, Anon2, is right in saying that you are one or the other, ultimately. Bisexuality is rare, most bisexual people are young and haven’t decided yet what they like best.
    As they get older, they generally become one thing only.

    Kinsey was a breakthrough in his time. A long time ago.



    My comments are “awaiting the moderator” all the time now.
    I complained to WFW : it seems she has nothing to do with it, she told me it can happen without reason and she fished out one of my posts (Pity, because at first I was picturing her with a serious face, weighing every word in our posts, deciding which one was too offensive to be published. I was full of awe and fear…)

    But nothing of the sort! It seems there’s a kind of embedded system, a crazy monkey type thing who is asleep most of the time, but wakes up once in a while and grabs randomly a post or two and puts them in the trash basket!

    Have YOU been its victim, too?

  453. Cat's Meow

    I tend to agree with Anon2 and Anonymous when it comes to bisexuality. bi=gay.

    For example, Elton John and George Michael have both had relationships with women before coming to terms with being gay. Now they insist they are full-blown (no pun intended!) gay men, and that they were never bi in the first place!

    I think being bi is when you are either sexually confused and haven’t come to terms with being gay or just experimenting for fun because you are extremely sexual. It seems that gay men who marry women only do it to cover up being gay. They may love their wife as a person, but I don’t think they are sexually attracted to them. I may be wrong, but these are just my thoughts. This is an interesting subject. What do you think????

  454. Cat's Meow


    Not yet, so far so good.


    I agree with you, Cat’s about bisexuality.
    It’s a young people thing, trying and experimenting.
    I was physically attracted to a girl in high school, and it lasted for a while( at least two years!). I never had sex with her, but I remember my attraction to her was stronger at the time than my interest in men.
    It was the only occurence and I wonder if I was really a lesbian at the time?
    I felt nothing for other women, though, it was more a question of personality: her uniqueness was what attracted me as she was so beautiful and bright.
    I wonder what would have happened if we had had a full blown relationship?
    Would I be a lesbian, now? I don’t think so, I love men and never fantasize about women at all.

    I’m convinced people can have phases, but they end up being straight or gay.

  456. Mink

    We ALL want Went to be straight because we want our love for him to be unmitigated.

    Just have to jump in here. Will you please not generalise like this.

    “We” do not “ALL” want Went to be straight. There are plenty of us (of whom I am one) who do not give a damn if he is gay, straight or completely uninterested either way. What he does behind his own closed doors is his business, and whilst I may certainly have an unreasonable and prurient interest in this, I don’t actually expect to know what he does, or give two hoots who he does it with.

    My love for him is unmitigated whether or not he’s gay or straight, and I really find it offensive to be lumped in with people who give a damn on this point. And I know I’m not alone. I’m asking nicely, please don’t do it.

  457. anya


    Good thing bisexuals don’t exist. They’d be terribly offended by such bullshit.

    Wait, why am I offended?

  458. anya

    Kinsey is no longer relevant?

    Arrogant much, aren’t you.

    Gawd, this is the reason why people get so worked up over the whole gay/straight/bi thing– they’re a bunch of suppressed puritans who can’t conceive there’s a life and reality beyond their own.

    I’m fucking DONE.

  459. ws


    “When he did the clips with Mariah Carey, she was asked if she fancied him. She was surprised and said she thought he wasn’t into girls.”

    You and I must of been watching different clips cause I never saw this. Will you be kind enough to provide the link to such clip?

  460. Kassie

    Agreed, Mink. My love for Went is unconditional…gay, straight, bisexual, asexual, into animals, whatever. Since I will never have sex with him (DAMN!!!) what does it matter? My hope for him is that he finds love, and that we can all accept whoever that person happens to be. I love him just the way he is and don’t feel a need to peek into his bedroom window. (Not that I wouldn’t like to watch…)


    “We” do not “ALL” want Went to be straight. There are plenty of us (of whom I am one) who do not give a damn if he is gay, straight or completely uninterested either way”

    —>But MINK, suppose you met him and had to spend sometimes with him (for work), wouldn’t you be a 1000% times happier if he could check you out and desire you (even if it’s for 10 seconds!). All straight men do that.

    To be desired by a man you fancy so much is worth a million dollars in the bank!

    To receive an indifferent look from a gay man is not the same…
    At least, it’s how I feel as a woman, I need the exchange of fleeting desires, it gives such a high!

    And coming from a man like Went….

  462. KelleyMary

    WHY are my innocuous comments “awaiting moderation” every time???????

  463. KelleyMary

    Can I have an explanation, Please?

  464. KelleyMary

    Agreed, Mink. My love for Went is unconditional…gay, straight, bisexual, asexual, into animals, whatever. Since I will never have sex with him (DAMN!!!) what does it matter? My hope for him is that he finds love, and that we can all accept whoever that person happens to be. I love him just the way he is and don’t feel a need to peek into his bedroom window. (Not that I wouldn’t like to watch…)

  465. KelleyMary

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

  466. KelleyMary

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    Is it, really?

  467. Cat's Meow


    Sorry you’re having trouble with your posts. I don’t know if it’s my computer, but I’m having posting problems here as well. Either my posts are delayed or not posting at all.

    Anyway, you said “I’m convinced people have phases, but they end up being straight or gay”.

    I agree!

    And I was not aware that the Went & Luke photos were all over the mainstream media in Europe. Here in the States they were strictly on the internet, and even then, it was only a few sites. Maybe that’s why Went didn’t think he should address the photos. But I think he should have considering his European fans were exposed to it more than his American fans were.

    And where did you read that comment about Mariah Carey thinking Went was gay???? I have never heard that. I don’t think Went would appreciate a comment like that from her. He admires her alot for giving him his break.

  468. Glenn


    1) I think you are the only one who read about Mariah Carrey thinking about Went is gay… give us a link or details because nobody has it!!!

    2) The Starbucks pictures were taken 2 months and a half before the Luke’s ones!!! Not few days!!!

    3) Why do you believe everything trash french press say? They were the only one speaking about the “male friend” at Sturbucks, they spoke about 2 months with Amie Brice so why not believing this as well??? …just to say that some french trash press says a lot of bullshit!

    4) I knwo you want to think the worst to not be disappointed but you are making uo the truth!

  469. Glenn


    5) Which NOT GOSSIP european media reported Went and Luke as an actual couple??? I live in Europe and I read things about it only in gossip magazines and sites…

  470. Cat's Meow


    I hear ya!


    Oh wait, Went DID address the gay issue in the German interview when asked if he prefered men. So therefore, his European fans did get a response from him after all.

  471. KelleyMary

    Hope this one gets through. I’m trying to answer
    Glenn and Cat’s Meow!

    About the European medias; The story is certainly in all the rag mags. But it went to TV like Tf1 and M6(which we get here in Switzeland) and in the main television magazine, Télé 7 jours. (and probably a lot of other ones, but I don’t read mags much).
    PB was a bigger success in Europe and Went is a big star here. His relationship with Luke is almost a fact, people just wonder why he’s reported denying it: it’s very confusing.

  472. KelleyMary

    Can’t get through to you, Cat’s and Glenn!

  473. KelleyMary

    Only ONE sentence is accepted!

  474. Glenn

    Kelleymary I’m not trying to convince you about something because I truly have not an opinion abou Went preference. But I can’t understand why you say that thing about Mariah Carey, about european media and that pictures were taken a few days before the end of august… that’s not true!!!
    Honestly, why? You are complicating your life thinking about things that are not even true!

  475. Cat's Meow


    So the Went & Luke photos were NOT in European mainstream media after all, only GOSSIP media. There’s a BIG difference!!!

  476. KelleyMary

    WILL TRY to communicate….

  477. KelleyMary

    Glenn and Cat’s:
    Everytime I try to answer, my post vanishes!
    Last time, I was saying that the Went/Luke story has been mentioned on French-speaking medias: radios like “Europe 1”, national Tv channels like TF1 and M6, and the main Tv mag “Télé 7Jours.”

  478. KelleyMary

    Glenn:” The Starbucks pictures were taken 2 months and a half before the Luke’s ones!!! Not few days!!!”
    May be, but then it strengthens PH’s gossip! It means that they were together a long time before the photos!

  479. KelleyMary

    I can’t source the M.Carey ‘s quote. I read it somewhere on a thing about M.Carey.
    May be a fan of hers can help us?

  480. Cat's Meow


    I don’t believe the Mariah Carey quote. That doesn’t sound like something she would say, and it’s very unprofessional. IMO it’s just another misquote or rumor.

  481. KelleyMary

    Of course, Cat”s, there’s no proof about this Carey’s quote. I just read it somewhere… it said that a journalist asked her if she fancied Went, and she was surprised, saying that she thought he liked boys…
    Unless we were able to talk to her directly, there’s no way to be certain. it’s one of those things we read here and there….

  482. KelleyMary

    Here we go again! Can’t answer, Cat’s!

  483. Glenn

    KelleyMary you are helpless… 😉 I say it with love! 😉

    Not only you surely believe an anonymous nameless french soneome who says that there was a male friend but you know he was Luke!!!

    About french media I think that they are the only nation reporting it ufficially when nobody knows… why does France know everything while the others don’t know a damn thing??? *sarcastic*

    That Mariah quote I’m afraid has been created by your too negative thoughts towards this issue… forum like IMBD would report it several and several and several times.

    My opinion is that your are living this issue like a terrible nightmare because now you link every single detail to the gay issue even where it is not necessary.
    Sooner ar later someone will ask him, he says someting and you will decide if it is enough or not but until that moment I’m afrai there is not an answer. Went would say us relax and be good!

  484. Amaryllis

    I would like to add something about the bisexual matter. Bisexuality does exist but it’s rare. There are very few men who love men and like also women.

    Personally I don’t think that WM is one of them

  485. anya

    Well, that’s half true.

    Bisexuality, where you like men and women equally (a 3 on the Kinsey scale) is rare. But all the other numbers in the Kinsey scale, except 0 and 6, mean that you have bisexual inclinations.

    If you, as a man, like women, but at 40, come across a man who really gets your mojo going, you’re bisexual. You’re predominantly heterosexual, though. Same the other way around. If you’re a man but like shagging a woman one time out of ten, you’re bisexual. But predominantly homosexual, according to Kinsey.

    Only 10% of the population have NEVER been attracted, however fleeting, to someone of their own gender. It has nothing to do with, “I’m attracted to a person’s mind, their gender doesn’t matter”– it means you are flexible when it comes to gender.

    So, by that definition, 90% of all the world is bisexual.

  486. taylor

    i would quote captain jack harkness on this subject:
    “you people and your quaint little categories. ” 😉

  487. Lily Newby

    Hi Everyone !
    In the french magazine “public” of 2 weeks ago,there is a new interview of WM, he talks about his ideal woman : “in her 30’s, brunette,faithful […] a mix between Penelope Cruz and Famke Janssen”…
    He also says : “If I was gay,I would tell it without any kind of shame […] I’m fed up of all these perverse insinuations.”
    If he is seriously gay why does it keep talking about his “perfect woman” ? Why doesn’t he just stay quiet instead of saying those s**** ?!
    Why ?…To win some time ?

    My Mama always says “you can try to hide a pregnancy but at the end we’ll still see it”…

  488. KelleyMary

    Lily Newby, c’est de la blague, l’interview de Public!
    It’s a fake, we all know that now..

  489. Chrissy

    @ KellyMary, is it the interview or the magazine that’s a joke?

  490. anya

    “My opinion is that your are living this issue like a terrible nightmare because now you link every single detail to the gay issue even where it is not necessary.”

    Glenn, thank you. I could not find the words.

  491. KelleyMary

    Both, Chrissy! The mag is a rag and the interview “a free adaptation of old WM ‘s quotes with an extra little flourish”…..

  492. Glenn

    I know that this topi is for gay issue but considering that in my fantasy Went is completely straight and that he said he has no prolem about people imaging him with a man or a woman this is my hot hot hot fantasy: Went with gorgeous Monica Bellucci.
    If you go to she is just above Went. They are so close in that page and my fantasy runs!!! Wow!
    Can you think about them together? I think that would so sexy! She is so cool even in casual clothes and Went… well you already know! They both naked…………………. perfection!

  493. Justme

    Wentworth Miller is not gay, but his boyfriend is.

  494. Amaryllis

    I’d like to ask something to the people who thinks WM and LMF may really have a relationship: do you think they are still dating after all the buzz caused by the pictures?

  495. JustMe

    Why not? It seems they’ve been romantically involved for several months… and they accepted to be photographed!

  496. anya

    Oh come on, we all know Luke has broken up with Went when he found out that he was merely Went’s LA rebound fuck for when Went wasn’t on set with Dom. I mean, Dom obviously lied for Went because he was cheating with him on his wife and didn’t want anyone to know!

  497. Cat's Meow


    LOL!!! You’re joking, right???

    See, this is how stupid idiotic rumors get started because idiots will take you seriously and believe what you said and repeat it all over the internet. The rumor will snowball and snowball until the fat fuck loser PH posts it on his site claiming it’s true!

  498. maya

    @ Amaryllis
    “I’d like to ask something to the people who thinks WM and LMF may really have a relationship: do you think they are still dating after all the buzz caused by the pictures?”

    I hope not. If I were Luke I would like to have something more from my life than dating someone with whom I couldn’t even take a stroll in a public place together.

  499. bexyboo

    @ Cat’s Meow

    I really do think that Anya was joking with that comment. I read it as a joke, and it was actually very funny. Basically it was a comment in dry humour to highlight that people DO make up rumours as fucking stupid as this.
    Have another read Cat’s Meow, viewing it from another angle.

  500. Perla

    Sincerely I don’t know if they’re still dating or not and frankly I prefer not to think about them together at all.
    Delusion is still too deep for me.

  501. Anon2

    I think it’s interesting that there’s no sitings of Wentworth in Dallas. If he lives there he must go out with whoever he might be dating or just spending time with. His series is loosing ground, he should be promoting the hell out of it. Going out on fake dates and starting up rumours.’s like he’s disappeared. People are, or seem to be, fed up with PB, and he seems to be fed up with people. I think he’s allready planning his exit. “Fans!! What fans??!! I don’t owe them anything! Why do they even bother asking, my life is mine and nobody elses!”, and then he steps out of the light.

  502. anya

    Why would a paparazzi bother to fly to Dallas for the actors of a dying show?

    Plus, I don’t think there were pics of him walking around Chicago. And it’s not like we have photos of Bill, Dom, or Amaury walking around Texas.

  503. Cat's Meow


    Yeah, I figured she was joking, but I was afraid some people would take her seriously and run with it. The last thing I want to see is another rumor, this time with Went & Dom.

  504. bexyboo

    I know how you feel Cats Meow. I sometimes read these stupid articles and I sit there for about ten minutes shaking my head in utter disbelief that people can be so fucking narrow minded and gullible to believe a word that comes out of PH’s fat bullshit mouth. Can’t they see that he does it to everyone?? That he is reknown for making up shit?? It’s a sad world when people take stuff like that for gospel truth…

  505. Cat's Meow


    I hear ya sistah! I’m so sick and tired of all this gay bullshit. Poor Went is such a sweet guy and doesn’t deserve these dumb-ass rumors constantly said about him. And for what??? For being a reserved, mild-mannered, soft-spoken, intelligent, honest, gentleman??? Because he’s not the typical Hollyweird, bar hopping, drunken, dumb blond bimbo screwing asshole, some idiots take him as being gay. And these same people fell in love with him because of all his great qualities. They would have never suspected him of being gay, if it were not for that fat fuck, PH spreading rumors and lies. Now they analyze and dissect every shiten thing about him. Every photo he takes, every word he says. They’d rather believe that fat fuck who never has any proof than to believe Went. Well, I’d rather believe Went any day.

  506. Amaryllis

    Sorry girls, I know you think PH is a fraud but you have to admit he is rarely wrong on these matters.

    He was right about Lance Bass and Neil Patrick Harris.
    He is probably right about Anderson Cooper, Clay Hyken, Ricky Martin and so on…
    This is why I’m convinced he is right about Went too.


    So do I, unfortunately, Amaryllis.

  508. Cat's Meow

    I’m having a hard time posting again, I can’t post more than one sentence.

  509. Cat's Meow

    Bexyboo, I hear ya sistah! It’s pathetic what people want to believe, an idiot gossip monger.

  510. Cat's Meow

    Poor Went is accused of being a fucking liar. They analyze & dissect every word he says.

  511. bexyboo

    In some way I am WAITING FOR THE DAY that he announces he’s engaged/married (even though I’ll be gutted!!) And guess what?? PH will move on to spreading shit about someone else, and others will STILL be fucking dumb enough to believe it…

  512. Cat's Meow

    I’m not gay=I’m straight. There’s no inbetween!

  513. Amaryllis

    I really REALLY doubt Went will ever annunce he’s engaged/married….
    Unless he moves to Britain

  514. Cat's Meow

    Amaryllis, I don’t need PH to tell me about Clay & Ricky. And everything that fat fuck loser says is not gold. Remember Castro??!!!!

  515. Cat's Meow

    Amaryllis, WTF??? Britain??? Why???

  516. Amaryllis

    Castro didn’t date PH friend.
    Perez has NO reason to lie about Wentworth

  517. Amaryllis

    @ Cat’s Meow

    Gay Civil Partnerships

  518. bexyboo

    No reason to lie about Wentworth???
    Fucking hell! Get them standing side by side in a mirror would be enough! Plus the fact that Went actually has a proper career, and DOESN’T lower himself to bite about PH’s bollocks comments must infuriate the fat loser.
    No… reason at all!

  519. Cat's Meow

    And why doesn’t his friend come forward??? Because it’s all bullshit!!! That’s why!!!!

  520. Cat's Meow

    No need, cause Went will announce his engagement to his woman in his country, the U.S.A.!!!

  521. Cat's Meow

    Right bexyboo! It infuriates that fat fuck loser that he doesn’t look/act like Went & worse he can’t have Went.

  522. bexyboo

    Yep! As if Went would even be seen dead next to that fat lump of cowshit.

  523. Perla

    Unfortunately I agree with Kelleymary and Amaryllis.

    And yes Cat’s Meow, I also think Wentworth Miller is a liar and I despise lies.


    My problem: those Luke photos and NO EXPLANATION from Went. And also the fact that PH talked about it months before..


    Without those unexplained photos, I would still be laughing at PH’s rants…

  526. anya

    How come there isn’t a photo of him “holding hands with another man” at the infamous T-Mobile party? That pic would’ve made thousands of dollars and everybody has camera cell phones these days.

    I’ll say it again: Why should he come forward and say anything about paparazzi photos?? It’s none of our damn business.

    Oh, and “I’m not gay” = “I’m straight or bisexual.” Of course there’s an in-between. I can’t believe how narrow-minded you people are in your knowledge that bisexuality doesn’t exist.

  527. I think he's gay

    Anon2 ….the fans paid for his lifestyle, he owes us everything.

  528. Navygurl76

    @ “I think he’s gay”….

    How did the fans pay for his lifestyle? Yes the fans made him famous but it’s not like he is out there like wearing Gucci and driving a Bentley…. I don’t understand why people think that stars owe us ‘Everything” they are people just likes us, acting is their profession just like the military is mine and whatever your job is from 9 to 5….
    If he says that he is straight then until I hear him say otherwise he is, but if it comes out in the end that he is gay, so be it. He just means that he doesn’t have the integrity that we thought he did…..

  529. bexyboo


    Fucking hell, I’ve heard everything now……

  530. Rose

    ‘the fans paid for his lifestyle, he owes us everything.’

    I promised I wouldn’t be back in “the gay debate” but that comment has nothing to do with being gay!

    Who the do you think you are? So do you owe your boss or whoever supports you “everything”???

    What world do we live in? We think we have the right to take everything we can from others.

    He is a human being, let him be and let him breathe.

    The day you lay it “all” on the table for the whole world to see is the day you should expect it from others!


    The PHOTOS! Don’t tell me he was with a friend, who “happens to be gay”! Why did he go out in a hurry from the Starbucks a few weeks before?
    Because the “male friend ” inside was Luke…


    If it hadn’t been Luke inside, WHY would Went nedd to rush out and go away? Remember his contorted smile, so different from his fresh boyish one? Although the photos are stills you can see his quick pace…

  533. bexyboo

    I agree with you 100%.Went is charming and appreciates his fans and that’s enough. Why should he have to explain his every move?? And like I have said before – until I see him with his tongue down another guy’s throat, he’s straight!

  534. maya

    I think that even if he was seen with his tongue down another guy’s throat several fans would keep saying he’s not gay. They are just friends!!!

  535. bexyboo

    Yeah right.
    Or maybe JUST MAYBE people look at the facts which are (for the thousandth time) THERE IS NO PROOF ONLY SPECULATION.
    I hate to imagine some of you people on jury service at a trial! They’d be sent to the chair before they’d finish reading the oath!!!!!!

  536. bexyboo

    What really annoys me is that no one has seen ANY proper proof!! Of course women will be disappointed if it’s true but they will also accept it!

    And what you said about his fans not accepting it?? Well I am equally SURE that if Went does get married or have a girlfriend, some people will think it’s a “disguise!” Probably even after 10 years of marriage and 5 kids!!!!


    Bexyboo, it’s true we have no proof. But it’s just this gut feeling and lots of little details. It’s very subtle and I know other people feel it, too. But , trust me, I would SO want to be wrong!!

  538. KM

    It’s true we have no proof. But it’s just this gut feeling and lots of little details…

  539. KM

    KM= Kelleymary. Trying to shorten posts.

  540. KM

    Bexyboo, trust me, I would SO want to be wrong!!

  541. bexyboo

    Good thinkin about the name shortening KM!
    You make your point in a good way KM. You have your own personal opinion, yet you are one of the few who admits there is no actual proof! It’s these people who take photos of him walking with man as solid evidence that piss me off!! xx

  542. Cat's Meow

    I’m with you, bexyboo, maya & navygurl!


    Please post the link to those photos of Went with the contorted smile hastily leaving Starbucks. I don’t remember them. Thanks!

  543. Amaryllis

    I guess Kelleymary refers to this pictures (KM correct me if I’m wrong)

    It’s true, there aren’t any decisive proofs, but a lot of clues.

  544. Amaryllis

    … and all the clues say he is probably gay

  545. bexyboo

    Er…. am I missing something juicy here???
    All I saw was Went leaving a coffee shop ALONE.
    Bloody hell you’re right. This stuff is dynamite!! Concrete evidence.

    *excuse me while I crack up laughing*

  546. Cat's Meow

    Thanks! Now I remember these pics! LOL!!! bexyboo is right, all I see is Went walking ALONE down the street smiling. If someone else was with him, he would’ve been photographed as well, even thru the window. I don’t buy it!!!

  547. bexyboo

    I’m sorry I am still crying with laughter and disbelief…
    How the HELL is Went walking out of a coffee shop smiling an indication that he’s gay???
    People I do respect your opinion seriously, but if you want to get us to listen to you, you HAVE to come up with something better than this. Just take a step back and listen to how it sounds.

  548. Glenn

    Regarding those pix… West Hollywood, as the site reports they were taken at, is the gay quarter… too bad it is not West Hollywood but Larchmont and they don’t published the other pix where it is clear because it is written everywhere… people be smart, don’t believe evrything!

  549. Glenn

    My mistake, in the last picture you can see that they were taken in Larchmont and not in the famous gay quarter…

  550. maya

    Thank you Amaryllis for the link.

    Have you read the post also?
    No, it isn’t a concrete evidence, but why did he fear of being pictured with a friend if he isn’t gay? Maybe because this friend was Luke McFarlane, already linked to his name?
    And this time the blogger isn’t PH, so he isn’t the only one who report the gay rumours.

  551. Glenn

    Am I the only one who can’t see the male friend… oh yes now I can see, he is in the last picture, he is Luke with glasses and a white beard… people you are really hopeless… according to gossip Went has an helycopter as well, remember it!

  552. Amaryllis

    There are 20 pictures of Went and Luke together, but of course….. they are just friends.


  553. Glenn

    Amaryllis I’m speaking about the pictures about Starbucks considering that someone posted that link claiming thet there was a male friend not photographed and someone said that this one was another proof… do you think that they are another proof?
    To me Went and Luke can be in deep love but please, don’t say that the Starbucks pictures are a proof!

  554. bexyboo

    This is EXACTLY what I mean!! How do we even know anyone was in that coffee shop in the first place????
    Glenn I agree, he must have been invisible.
    As far as the 20 pics go, I have a gay friend who I see all the time. If I was in the public eye, that would get twisted to fuck as well, sad little snappers waiting round every corner so they can magnify it by 1000.

  555. Amaryllis


    Not a proof, just another clue

  556. Glenn

    Good clue *sarcastic* considering that there is not male friend in the picture… paparazzis are noe very good in their job.
    There was an article time ago claiming that Went had wild sex with a girl on a plane… is this a clue for the straight team?

  557. Glenn

    Just to say that I hink that nobody knows the truth but everyone sees things according to what he/she thinks about this issue… there are not clues. If we think he is gay we see gay everywhere… if we think he is straight we see sraight everywhere… if we have no idea maybe we are more realistic…

  558. Cat's Meow

    The non-believers of Went are grasping at straws. There are no clues, no evidence, nothing, nada, nil, zilch, zip, zero! So give it up!!! Stop believing in rumors, and try believing Went for once. Just maybe he’s telling the truth. See how that fat fuck loser PH tainted your minds!

  559. bexyboo

    Yes Glenn I heard that as well. Also the fact that Went has been snapped numerous times with girls seems to escape people’s attention. It’s funny how no one focuses on THOSE stories isn’t it?
    Went has a friend whose gay. Shock horror! That means HE is as well…

    It makes me vomit.

  560. KM

    The troubling facts are:
    a) Rumours have started years before PH’s rants
    b) Nobody has seen him with a real gf

  561. KM

    c)PH starts his attacks back in 2004
    d)Other gossip sites mention his affair with Mark Liddell after their famous photoshoot.

  562. KM

    e) PH claims WM is in a relationship with LMF and gives details (they want to live together). It’s a detail which speaks of LOVE not just sex.

  563. KM

    d)In June, the Starbucks sighting. The “male friend” stays inside, Went rushes out, leaving the scene quickly.
    Why do you abandon a friend abruptly when you see paps???

  564. KM

    e) A few weeks later, the Luke photos. We’re told that “at first, the two men tried to avoid being photographed together”…

  565. KM

    Sorry, it was :f) and g)!So:
    h) The photos SUGGEST something.
    i) They NEEDED being explained.
    j) Yet NOTHING followed!

  566. KM


  567. Glenn

    KM you forgot to mention

    a) the T Mobile party

  568. Glenn

    b) the guy who knows that Went sent letters to his former boyfriends claiming that he had to come back into the closet to save his carrer

  569. KM

    PH claims he doesn’t SUSPECT WM to be gay. He’s 100% sure! (Don’t mention Castro, Castro is not gay and living in WestHO.)

  570. Glenn

    c) the anonymous poster who says that he dated some boys in the acting class

  571. Glenn

    d) the person who said that wen’s sister told to him that her brother was gay and that he choose to move to the west cost because there people are open minded

  572. KM

    This, Glenn, can be fake !Where did you see it written?

  573. Glenn

    e) the boy who knows the guy who work ate the public library at selwick who knows went is gay (from just jared)

  574. KM

    Problem Glenn, these rumours are not evidence, only the photos pose a real question.
    Which SHOULD have been answered…

  575. Glenn

    they are comments from just jared and other sites by people who knows… why mine are fake and the ones about the photographer and the invisible man are real??? they come from the same kind of gossip site!!!

  576. KM

    WITHOUT the photos and the SILENCE that followed, I would still be in happy denial.

  577. Glenn

    I mean… if you think that the proof is the picture with Luke (that can be, I have no idea) why do you mention a blind item by a nameless blogger and an invisible man mentioned by another nameless blogger?
    Just say, I think that Luke and Went are dating…

    To me it can be true, I have no idea

  578. KM

    Glenn, I said fake because anyone can say what he wants in JJared comments.
    It’s different in an article, even in a gossip column.

  579. KM

    Silence means approval.Went gave us an unspoken message with those pics. Otherwise, he would have said something about them…

  580. KM

    He defended himself about the T-Mobile party. And yet there were no pics!

  581. Glenn

    to be right even a nameless blogger can say everything in their blind item… or do you think that everything written by WFW is true (it is it is!)?
    If you say that only the photos pose a real question, why do you believe every single shitty thing posted?

  582. Glenn

    He defended himself about the T-Mobile party … yes 1 year and an half when he was asked in a radio inteview… maybe in 2009 someone will ask directly about Luke and we will be finally set free from the BIG QUESTION!

  583. KM

    The nameless blogger was referring to a French article and the paps were French since the biggest pap agency in L.A is French.

  584. KM

    I said ,Glenn, that the pics seemed to confirm the rumours. And if the rumours were wrong, the pics HAD to be explained!

  585. Glenn

    the paps were French since the biggest pap agency in L.A is French

    this completely convinced me, you are right, WENTWORTH MILLER IS GAY!

  586. Perla

    From my point of view KM has pointed to some fair doubts
    I guess that KM (like the rest of us who suspect Went may be gay) now notes details or link events that she didn’t notice or link before the pictures, when rumours weren’t so strong.
    Maybe it’s time he gives some explanations until then I won’t consider myself a WM fan, as I said before, I don’t see him in the same light and I find myself questioning everything we knew about him and every new moves or speech he gave.
    For being his fan I have to completely trust him and I don’t trust him anymore.

  587. Amaryllis

    Have you noticed that since he became famous the gay rumours increased a lot instead of dying down?

    I’m pretty sure it will be even worse when Prison Break would end and we’ll see then which silly excuse he will invent to justify the absence of a girl near his side.

    I can’t wait 🙂

  588. KM

    Glenn, I’m trying to be fair. I love him, like most people on this blog. But as I said before, it’s the pictures with Luke I can’t digest…

  589. Cat's Meow


    I know you love Went as much as we do and you just want to know the truth, as do I. But answer me this one question. If Went decided to move to L.A. because people are more open minded than back east, why the hell did he not come out back in 1995 when he first got there??? Or since??? Prison Break has only been on the air since 2005, so don’t use that as an excuse. That leaves 10 whole years for Went to have come out, but he didn’t. That doesn’t make any sense. If all his “boyfriends” are openly gay, why the hell is he not???

  590. Cat's Meow

    According to rumors, his family knows he’s gay, his friends know he’s gay, his boyfriends know he’s gay, Hollywood knows he’s gay. Then why the fuck doesn’t he just come out to everyone else??? He’s 35 years old, he’s not a kid, and he says so himself. Don’t tell me he’s confused, he knows his sexuality by now. Legally Fox can’t force him to be quiet and if he needs acting as much as he needs to breath than he will still act no matter what. So if he’s in a loving relationship with Luke, he wouldn’t give a shit and just come out. Along with many other gay actors, Luke is openly gay and acting, so why not Went?

    That’s why I think this is all bullshit!!! None of this makes sense because he would be out already and not denying it everytime he’s asked.

  591. bexyboo

    Ok here’s a new perspective ladies. Set the scene and imagine this is YOU. No one else. YOU!
    You’ve got an incredibly good friend. Someone who has been there for you for a long time etc. She is a lesbian. You are a worldwide recognised star who is in a soap playing a “typical feminine girl” The cameras are on you day and night. You don’t have a boyfriend because frankly where is the time? Your friend (who is known for being a lesbian) invites you out for lunch. Suddenly there are cameras everywhere snapping away.
    Next time you think ahead. Rather than put her (and yourself) through that again, you go to her house. Only this is even worse. The papers are filled with it the next day about how you’re hiding something. Whatever you do is wrong. How do you cope? Do you carry on seeing her and be a proper friend? Or do you ditch her because you can’t be doing with the hassle?

    This is a total no win situation.

  592. KM

    Honestly, I don’t know, Cat’s. We’re all waiting for further news. But I fear Went may give up TV and become director and occasional actor and we will never know the truth about the man of our dreams.

  593. Amaryllis

    He will never tell the truth

  594. Cat's Meow

    KM, I don’t think Went would ever give up acting because he said he needs it as much as he needs to breath. Went’s a smart man. He knows there are many gay men who work in the business so I can’t see him hiding his gayness in order to continue acting. He had ample time to come out. He was not a sex symbol for 10 whole years!

    Everyone is giving credit to the fat ugly ass fuck PH for outing T.R. Knight & the Doogie Hauser guy. But I knew they were gay even before he outed them. It was so obvious like Clay Aiken & Ricky Martin. So the fat fuck is not surprizing anyone with his accusations.

    But he’s wrong about Went. He says his best friend had a long relationship with Went, yet the best friend doesn’t come forward, doesn’t show proof, like at least one picture of the two of them together, NOTHING. So what am I to go on that Went is gay??? Just 2 guys spending the afternoon together??? In that case, my husband is gay because he spends lots of afternoons with his friends. So maybe I should suspect him as well. There are so many gay men in L.A. so I imagine that both straight and gay men who are actors are bound to become friends.

  595. Cat's Meow

    I hear ya bexyboo. It’s a no win situation. In my case, I would continue to be her friend, because that’s my personality. I wouldn’t give up a friend for my benefit. It’s hard to find good friends and I would hate to lose her.

    Went is a respectable, kind, non-judgemental man. I think he would do the same. I think I’ve mentioned this before: Went was on a late night talk show and told a story about an ex-con who worked as an extra on the set of Prison Break. As he told the story, he referred to the man as a “gentleman”. The talk show host teased Went about calling the ex-con a “gentleman” and Went replied by saying, “Everyone should be treated with respect”. I love him for saying that! He such a sweet man, and probably a good & dedicated friend!

  596. Cat's Meow

    KM, Went would never give up acting! He needs it like he needs to breathe. He’s a smart man. He knows there are many gay actors in the business. He had ample time to come out. He was not a sex symbol for 10 whole years! (to be continued)

  597. Cat's Meow

    Testing, testing, 1,2,3. Can I post now or what??? If I can post more than one sentence, it would be a miracle!!!

  598. Cat's Meow

    bexyboo and Kellymary, I will respond to you later. It won’t let me post more than one sentence. I’ll try later.

  599. KM

    Give me the Moderator, I’ll castrate him with my bare hands!!

  600. bexyboo

    Yes I will be your accomplice KM. We’ll go round to his house and SLAP him!! Unless the moderator IS in fact Wentworth Miller…… LOL ! Imagine that?? I’d be speechless….

  601. Cat's Meow

    The word of Went (a man of character) against the word of PH (a loser gossip monger who has admitted in print he will lie to further his pathetic career). You be the judge.

  602. Rose

    I need to be MODERATED by Wentworth Miller!

  603. KM

    Good men can say things which are false under particular circumstances. And bad men can sometimes say true things. I don’t mean its the case here but…..

  604. KM

    Will finish later.

  605. bexyboo

    Yes. I saw that in print as well, how PH admitted he’ll lie to further his career.
    How ANYONE is still taking him seriously is a fucking mystery to me…….

  606. KM

    Bexy, PH is not always wrong! He was right with T.R.Knight, PNH and others. His gay thing, he knows, contrary to politics and Cuba..

  607. Amaryllis

    Perez is not lying about WM

  608. JustMe

    Before 2007: we had rumors.
    Now we have details, a NAME and PICTURES!

  609. Anonymous

    We also had the Mark Liddell photoshoot and rumors about it.

  610. Cat's Meow

    KM, I knew TRN&NPH were gay before PH said so!

  611. Cat's Meow

    He’s lying about Went to get attention!

  612. Cat's Meow

    And his plan is obviously working cause you’re all believing that fat ugly assed loser!

  613. Cat's Meow

    PH admits to lying to further his career and you still want to believe him??? The photos don’t mean shit!!!

  614. Cat's Meow

    John Lennon (straight) & Elton John (gay) were best friends, does that make them lovers too??!!

  615. Cat's Meow

    BTW, sorry for the numerous posts, it won’t let me type more than one sentence at a time!!!!

  616. Perla

    The more I read PH and the more I agree with whom saying he’s telling the truth

  617. KM

    @ Cat’s 9:50 am . Right, but it’s all in the CONTEXT! Dressed the same, spent a whole day tgther, left in same car..

  618. KM

    Also, spotted several times together around Larchmont.

  619. KM

    Fat ass PH knows his subject, sadly. We can admit that there are signs that WM is gay. Let’s say the odds are 80/20…

  620. Perla

    Perez is fixed now on Zac Ephron saying he looks like a pretty girl, he looks gay and so on.
    When talking about WM, PH says he’s lying stating himself as straight, he dated one of his male friend and now he’s dating Luke McFarland.

  621. Perla

    For me this and the pictures are more than enough, the problem is until now I don’t know if I can handle the truth, the harder part is making up my mind and come to terms with this reality.

  622. KM

    I feel like you, Perla. I wish every morning that it’s just a bad dream.

  623. Anon

    KM you are a liar!!!
    Can you tell us the several times they were spotted around Larchmont? Don’t count the not pictured man in said West Hollywood please.
    Go on, tell us the several times!

  624. Anon

    Are you sure you are a Went fan?
    You can think he is gay, that’s ok but why are you making up the truth in this way?

  625. Cat's Meow

    Perla, PH lied about his friend who has not come forward nor has shown proof such as a photo of him & Went. ALL FUCKING LIES!!!!

  626. Cat's Meow

    KM, where’s the Larchmont photos? More rumors & lies!

  627. Cat's Meow


  628. Cat's Meow

    Perla, see how PH picks on people by what they look like with no real proof. He’s a fucking bully!

  629. Anon

    Not only there are not photos, but there are not SEVERAL rumors about Larchmont! KM created them!

  630. Cat's Meow

    PEEPS, don’t believe a fucking low-class loser who admit he lies. WAKE UP!!!

  631. Anon

    Like Mariah Carey thinking Went gay, KM or you have a terrible memory or you have a lot of fantasy…

  632. Cat's Meow

    KM, I have to agree with Anon, I’m hearing these rumors from ONLY you!!!

  633. KM

    I read everything about Went. The Larchmont rumour was in a gossip thing. True, we must take it with a pinch of salt.

  634. KM

    But it seems consistant with the Starbucks candids.

  635. KM

    I think now there ‘s a 80% chance that PH is right.
    So many people think Went is gay, all around the planet.

  636. KM

    Went’s silence about the photos is self-destructive!

  637. Anon

    I bet you can’t link them… or not? you are the only one reading these things, strange!

  638. KM

    It’s one thing to be private, it’s another thing to let the pics UNEXPLAINED!

  639. Anon

    And people making up the truth are destructive as well! Leave Went alone please! Respect him, whatever he is!

  640. KM

    SO, it means they tell the true about the relationship.

  641. Anon

    you are shifting what you said before… you said not true things about Went, face it KM !!!

  642. KM

    ANON, I swear on what’s dearest to me that I read it. And it wasn’t in the “comments” of a site.

  643. KM

    Search the net, you’ll find it, like I did. I read everything in English, French and Spanish.

  644. Anon

    KM , I was speaking about you… why do you make up the truth? Tell us! Are you sure you are a fan???

  645. KM

    French and Spanish sites critisize the bigotry of mainstream media in the US and believe he’s gay.

  646. Anon

    Not true KM , link them or leave Went alone!

  647. KM

    Sorry Anon, it’s difficult to express oneself with just a line or two! I wish I could answer better…

  648. KM

    Anon, this is a debate, OK? And I’m sincere and honest. Why do you need to be “Anon”?

  649. Anon

    I don’t care what France or Spain believe, link the Larchmont things!!!

  650. Anon or Sara

    Search them and link them or nobody will believe you!

  651. KM

    Amaryllis,November 2nd, 2007 at 7:14 am gave us the link. It comes from a French Paps site and the blogger read it apparently.

  652. Anon or Sara

    you don’t need to express yourself, just post a link!!!

  653. Anon or Sara

    KM, post the several Larchmont spotted Went and Luke!

  654. Anon or Sara

    And you still have the courage to call Went liar??? Leave him alone!

  655. KM

    I said Amaryllis did it. Luke is not mentioned then, it’s “a male friend”, which means what it means.

  656. KM

    Liar, Went? I honestly don’t know if the lies come from him willingly.

  657. Anon or Sara

    you said Also, spotted several times together around Larchmont

  658. KM

    He may have no choice at the moment. He says “I’m not gay” but he gave us the photos which say differently.

  659. Anon or Sara

    justify it or YOU ARE A LIAR and Went doesn’t deserve it!!! Above all if you say you love him!

  660. KM

    YES?!Sara I read “several times” I give you my word! You can choose to believe me or not.

  661. Anon or Sara

    Justify it your statement about Larchmont! justify your statement about Larchmont! justify your statement abou Larchmont!

  662. KM

    You can think I’m a liar, if it puts your mind at rest. I am not important. The fact remains people think he’s gay all around the world.

  663. Anon or Sara

    Went doesn’t deserve your lie! Wen’t doesn’t deserve your lie! Wen’t doesn’t deserve your lie!

  664. Anon or Sara

    I don’t care what people think. You make up the truth about Went and that’s not fair!!!

  665. Perla

    Try to calm yourself, we’re trying to keep the debates on civil tones.
    Don’t accuse KM cause she didn’t deserve it and if there is a liar is Wentworth Miller.

  666. Anon or Sara

    …and you are even a fan!!!

  667. Anon or Sara

    Perla come on…

  668. Anon or Sara

    Perla, if you have those link you can post them, and you’ll have my apologize

  669. Anon or Sara

    for saing KM made up the truth

  670. Perla

    Do you wanna a link?
    Ok, I’ll send you one
    it seems to me KM and I are not the only one who’s thinking he’s lying when he’s saying that he is straight.

  671. KM

    Thanks, PERLA! I think Sara can’t trust people. People who love Went, like she does, but who are not gullible when it comes to showbusiness.

  672. Perla

    KM didn’t make up anything, the rumours, the facts and pictures are out there.

  673. Anon or Sara


  674. KM

    Sara, go up this thread if you are new or missed earlier posts (when we were able to post more than 3 lines!) We’ve said it all. We’re just rubbing salt in our wounds at the moment.

  675. Anon or Sara

    KM nobody saw that links… POST THEM! You need just one line!

  676. KM

    OK, I’m a liar, Sara. Are you happy?

  677. Anon or Sara

    KM honestly, why don’t you want to post them? You said it’s easy to find them with google, I can’t find them. Post them for me.

  678. Anon or Sara

    you said Search the net, you’ll find it, like I did , honestly I can’t find them. Help me with links. It’s not difficult.

  679. Anon or Sara

    Mine is a honest request, post them!

  680. Anon or Sara

    I put “larchmont” “wentworth miller” “luke macfalane” in google… nothing! help me!

  681. Anon or Sara

    People who are reading (and laughing!) can help me in this google adventure! Someone help me please!

  682. bexyboo

    See above link! He says he loves women! TWICE! First describing his date that he had been in love with for two years, the second about that chick from Law & Order. He’s CRAZY about her!! Bitch!! LOL

  683. Anon or Sara

    I know this drama was stupid and ridicoulos, my apologize to readers. But sometimes I can’t tolerate… my apologize for readers… I still can’t see links… 😉

  684. Anon or Sara

    KM , I offer you my peace… you can say you confused about all the things you read about Went, and we will be friend like before! Peace!

  685. Anon or Sara

    bexyboo , that’s all stuffs… already discussed and discussed and discussed

  686. bexyboo

    Wentworth actually SAYING he’s not gay… Oh AND being pictured with a girl too…

  687. Amaryllis

    Still gay
    Still a liar

  688. bexyboo

    Do you need more?? Just tell me, cos I have lots on here…

  689. Anon or Sara

    liar like some of his fans… so you can’t blame him!

  690. bexyboo

    Oh I’m sorry AnonSara, I actually found them because I was in agreement with YOU!!
    Oh well…….

  691. Anon or Sara

    bexyboo thank you but I don’t want to discuss his sexuality, I have no idea about it

  692. Amaryllis

    I don’t say I blame him

  693. Anon or Sara

    but I can’t tolerate that his fans make up the truth… anyway thank you for your links!!! I was asking for the ones about the Larchmont incidents… if they exist…

  694. Anon or Sara

    Amaryllis , do you have the Larchmont links? Mine is a genuine request. Don’t get upset.

  695. bexyboo

    @ AnonSara
    I know… I think we’ve all got a bit wound up with it. It’s only cos we love him so much!!!! x x

  696. bexyboo

    @ Amaryllis
    Seen the link. Am sorry but I don’t think two guys walking down the street smiling proves anything. No disrespect…

  697. Anon or Sara

    bexyboo you are right, we love him so much but sometimes it seems to me that people want to destroy him

  698. KM

    Sara, I have nothing against you. I know some people are in denial, others aren’t. They are all sincere. But you can read this thread from the start.

  699. KM

    Sara, let me remind you that the rumours were there long before PH put his ugly nose in the matter.

  700. Anon or Sara

    KM don’t get me wrong, I don’t discuss Went sexuality, he can be gay to me, I can’t understand why you say a not true thing about Larchmont incidents

  701. KM

    If they are wrong, Went should address them clearly, in an unequivocal manner, with more than the words he repeats all the time (not gay, Angie Harmon, brunette etc..).

  702. bexyboo

    I agree AnonSara. That is what makes me so angry, because he comes across as such a lovely guy…If he were to come out properly people would accept it. It’s just the fact that no one has any concrete proof that pisses me off… The media twist everything and it’s not fair.

  703. Anon or Sara

    I know you are intelligent so you know what I mean… do you think what saing not true things (LARCHMONT) are a fair behaviour by a fan?

  704. KM

    Because an educated man can express himself better than a robot or an actor who has learnt his set phrases.

  705. Anon or Sara

    KM honestly, I say ok he is gay, but do you really think that you are the right to say not true things?

  706. KM

    Sara, you’re obsessed! Larchmont WAS WRITTEN somewhere! I don’t remember where! I read so much in English, French or Spanish.

  707. bexyboo

    If he was bisexual, all of this would be resolved! There would be a celebration among women AND men all over the world!! LOL x x

  708. Anon or Sara

    is your a crusade against him? you think he is a liar so you try to demonstrate it with even not true things? I don’t think so… but I still can’t understand why

  709. KM

    Larchmont is incidental! There are things more important in the rumours, like this photographer thing. He’s damn beautiful and you can see his photos and the photoshoot.

  710. KM

    @Bexyboo at 1:47 pm : Right, Bex, that would be wonderful!

  711. Anon or Sara

    KM , please… it is now ridicoulos…
    Mine is just an advice, or better a tought… try to be a good fan, I mean if you love him love him the way he is CONTINUE

  712. KM

    Sara, one last thing: why would I make things up?
    What would I win?

  713. Anon or Sara

    if you are sure he is gay maybe there is a good reason he is lying so don’t try to demonstrate he is a fucking liar… maybe he is but if you love him you love him the same CONTINUE

  714. KM

    You are very young, Sara, am I right?

  715. bexyboo

    I think what everyone is waiting for is some hard proof. Whether you think he is straight or gay (and I respect people’s opinions even if I don’t agree with them) But seriously now. Speculation aside. Put aside the fact that you want him to be straight becuase we all do!! There has been no REAL evidence,

  716. Anon or Sara

    You win the possibility to continue to play this stupid game… and you know…

  717. Anon or Sara

    nothing is incidental now, every word about this issue becomes a monster… and my mistake is to had taken your not true words and reported it again and again to demonstrate they were not true

  718. Anon or Sara

    mistake is to play with you… you are right WENTWORTH MILLER WAS SPOTTED SEVERAL TIMES IN LARCHMONT WITH LUKE

  719. Anon or Sara

    My truly apologize to everyone, and this time is the REAL last one… long life and carrier to the only intelligent one… our Wentworth

  720. KM

    Let’s calm down and wait for our double dose of Wenthotness tomorrow (or better on Tuesday for us outside the US)

  721. JustMe

    Sara, what are you doing on the Gay Debate? You’re sure he’s straight!

    WFW: Debate - To engage in a formal discussion or argument.

  722. JustMe

    What are you worried about, Anon/Sara?

  723. bexyboo

    Too right. I myself am getting withdrawl syptoms from Wentless Mondays. Its been 3 weeks dammit! It’s not funny – I’m starting to climb the walls….

  724. KM

    Bex, there are spoilers at the Church about Monday episodes…

  725. KM

    TWO clips in fact! (Michael and Whistler talking)

  726. KM

    And Michael looks REALLY hot and angry! Perhaps he knows about the box…

  727. bexyboo

    Ooh!! BUT the last one that was on in England, Linc had the flashback and we only found out about Sara… so Michael won’t find out about it in the episode tomorrow will he?? I love it when he’s angry! Mmmmx x

  728. Cat's Meow

    TO WENT NON-BELIEVERS: If you really love him, you would believe him. You’re not true fans!

  729. Cat's Meow

    Sara, I’m with you sistah! If peeps can’t even show us links, they’re obviously LYING!

  730. Cat's Meow

    Went said at least twice he was NOT gay. He wouldn’t lie over & over and put his integrity on the line!

  731. Cat's Meow

    Went’s NOT gay & he’s NOT a liar. STOP insulting him, he’s an HONEST guy!

  732. anya

    Torchwood’s Captain Jack wants to do Wentworth:

    “What’s your favorite American TV show?
    I do watch Desperate Housewives. I do watch Lost. I love Entourage. I’m getting ready to start watching Prison Break [on DVD]. Oh, if I could have a threesome — the guy from Prison Break. *Hello*.”

    SHIT, I’d want to watch that!! John Barrowman’s boyfriend is hot, too.

    I wonder if he ever phoned Went; I mean, if Went is gay I’m sure John’s gaydar went off. Let’s ask him!!

  733. Amaryllis

    He isn’t the first actor who’s been lying about this kind of thing and he won’t even be the last one

  734. Amaryllis

    @ Cat’s Meow

    I’m a fan but I’m NOT blind

  735. JustMe

    True, Amaryllis, all the gay actors claim they are not gay, until…. They don’t want to be the next Rupert Everett! It’s such a waste!

  736. KM

    True love ISN’T blind, that’s true!

  737. KM

    if he’s gay, he must be so unhappy about having to lie. He’s such a good guy!

  738. KM

    Cat’s Meow, I read again your 1rst post on the GayD (Oct 1st,at 12:06 pm.) I like it!

  739. Rose

    I love it when Wentworth LIES (on top of me, in my dreams) hehe

  740. KM

    I love you, Rose!

  741. Rose

    I love you too KM

    *covering my mouth*

    oh shit I’m a lesbian

  742. Rose

    @bexyboo ohh god went on the shower floor.
    You should design bathrooms and I’ll install “The WentBase @ my house”

  743. Rose

    Oh I just got the BLIND folded lol xx

    Didn’t they used to say if you masturbate you’ll go BLIND, hmmm.

    *Optometrist appointment, tick
    *New shower-base, tick
    *Me balancing on Wentworth Millers balls, tick

  744. bexyboo

    Yes! I will design an amazing one with a massive round bath tub & black & white marble tiles. I will also supply all the things to go in the bathroom like candles, whipped cream & scarves to tie him up with! Then I will bring them round to the Wentbase at your house!! xx

  745. bexyboo

    If that’s the case, its a wonder I’m not walking around with a white stick since the last 3 weeks! I wrote a comment about bathroom but its being moderated! :o(

  746. KM

    I’m from Switzerland, Bexy, so you’re not far away! Didn’t Rose say somewhere she was Australian?

  747. KM

    Actually, doctors now say masturbation is excellent for your health (endorphines for all, and good for men’s prostate, too!)

  748. KM

    So, merry wanks to you all!

  749. bexyboo

    Well good news there then! I am in excellent health!! LOL x x

  750. Cat's Meow

    Rose, I rode him all night long!!! NOT GAY!!! lol

  751. bexyboo

    Oh God amazing! Went in a (small) blanket. Lord have mercy!! Howling wind blow it away, blow it away god dammit!! x x

  752. bexyboo

    @Cat’s Meow
    I totally hear you! He’s been keeping me awake at night as well! He screwed me all night on Saturday, doing “that stare” all the time
    He did some pretty “not gay” things to me, let me tell you……

  753. bexyboo

    MiMa fantasy is still hot though…

  754. Cat's Meow

    bexyboo, LMAO!!! You’re so right honey!!! Went went down on me so GOOD, he just can’t be gay!!!

  755. bexyboo

    @Cat’s Meow
    Me too!!! He spent two whole hours down there, I’m still numb now! LOL
    P.S And he looked up at me the whole time he was doing it with those eyes.*mega drooling*

  756. KM

    You, girls are so fast! And so wrong! We mustn’t scare him away, he’s SHY! Let’s take our time….

  757. KM

    Went is standing by the fireside, his beautiful swimmer’s body (without tattoo, eh, eh!) reflecting the flames while we talk…

  758. Cat's Meow

    KM, in my fantasies Went is far from shy! He’s a fucking monster in bed!!! lol!!!!

  759. KM

    I propose a game of scrabble, but he prefers talking about his life…I politely ask him about his “friend” Luke……

  760. bexyboo

    And then Went says “Luke is just a friend. Now get your clothes off!”
    Oh music to women’s ears all over the globe…

  761. KM

    He looks at me, with those big green-blue eyes and says:” I’m STRAIGHT, Kelley, I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN!!! The Luke photos were a JOKE!!!”

  762. Cat's Meow

    You got that right, BB!!! Went loves to fuck pussy!!! Women the world rejoice!!!

  763. Cat's Meow

    FUCK THE GAY THING, LETS JUST FANTASIZE ABOUT WENT! We all agree on that, right!!!

  764. Cat's Meow

    OK, then can you do the Misa in the shack??? Please, please!!!

  765. KM

    Thank you for being so reasonable, Bex, and letting me have first bite! I promise to come (lol) later in YOUR fantasy…

  766. KM

    Oh, the beautiful body in the firelight, the long, slender limbs and the perfect uncut peen (sorry, US chicks, in Europe, we like them natural!).

  767. Cat's Meow

    KM, I’ve never had an uncut peen, how is it???

  768. KM

    I like it best intact, Cat’s, because penetration and moves are smoother and more sensual. And there’s lots of little games to play with the hood!

  769. Cat's Meow

    KM, you’re description is getting me hot! Remember when Went said “thrust” in a recent interview. I wet my panties!!!!

  770. KM

    From Grenoble News, Nov 7th:”British ladette found dead-drunk in Grenoble airport toilets. Is now in police custody”.

  771. anya

    “c)PH starts his attacks back in 2004”

    Um, no, because Prison Break wasn’t on til August 2005.

    And look, I did a course at a drama school in London, and gay and straight acting students and actors and directors hang out together all the time and it’s NOT AN ISSUE for them.

  772. bexyboo

    LIES LIES LIES! Although it was true about the police custody. Mahone is here with me and he is taking my mind off it.. ;o)
    Oh yes! And then we are on our way over!! Mahone wants some of the action too. LOL x

  773. Snowflake

    It all depends if I am driving or Bexyboo, who is totally drunk…I’ve just picked her up at the Police station.

    So enjoy your alone-time with Went because we will be there soon!

  774. bexyboo

    Snowflake Mahone is with us, is that ok??
    I knew it would be!! *wink*

  775. Cat's Meow


    You’re so right!!! Gay & straight actors hang out all the time, especially in LALALAND!!!

  776. Cat's Meow

    PH’s first post on Went was wanting to fuck him. Under Went’s picture, he said him & Went “Belonged Together” (like the Mariah Carey song).

  777. Cat's Meow

    There was no mention of his “imaginary” friend who supposedly dated Went. That came later on. It’s all bullshit!!!

  778. Rose

    I just want to tell you our beautiful Wentworth is not gay.

    His cock is so big it would split any man’s tight arsehole in two.

    He wishes to appologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
    He is also wishes to inform Mr Perez Hilton to not even attempt to stretch his own hole with that baseball bat as Mr Miller only enters holes that lubricate themselves at the mere mention of his name!

  779. Snowflake

    @Rose, Bexyboo
    Maybe WFW can send me your email addresses if you agree, so that we can enjoy our MiMa porn in private?
    I have to go now, think about it.

  780. KM

    WFW, we were enjoying ourselves! Has your team been beaten? You seem a bit cranky….
    * runs for cover*

  781. WFW

    Yeah my team lost but that’s not the point really and you’re lucky I don’t hurt you for mentioning the worst game I have ever seen The Ravens play. Where was I? Oh yes, y’all are running amok and you know it. I’m not as cranky as I appear, just cleaning up.

  782. bexyboo

    Didn’t we just give you a TINY bit of a laugh?? Go on admit it!!
    No seriously now I hear what you’re saying, we’ll stick to the posts. And yep good idea Snowflake, would love if WFW gave you & Rose my e mail if its ok. *treading v.carefully!*

  783. Rose

    Am I the only one that sings MIKA’s Billy Brown:

    “Oh Billy Brown had lived an ordinary life.
    Two kids, a dog, and a cautionary wife.
    While it was all going according to plan
    Then Billy Brown fell in love with another man.

    He met his lover almost every single day
    Making excuses for his dodgy holiday
    (Unto religion that he said and duty found
    They didn’t know his faith was earthly bound)”

    When I see the pic of Wentworth and Luke

  784. Kassie

    A little poem:

    If Went is gay,
    Then that’s OK…
    I’ll always love him

    But if he’s straight
    I pray it’s fate
    That we will meet
    And we will mate!!!

  785. Snowflake

    Gay or not, we had a lot of fun with him the last two days, hadn’t we Ladies?!
    My apologies again WFW. We will behave now, but I already miss it…

  786. bexyboo

    LOTS OF FUN! I miss it too! *sigh* WFW was right about putting it on private e mail – maybe we should e mail her private about the addresses?
    I have seen new evidence that Went is not gay! In the film the human stain, when that girl was dancing for him naked he had a hard on! Not gay NOT GAY!

  787. Snowflake

    Yes, I know she was right…
    I will write her an email asking for your addresses. Maybe we both should and hope she will help us.
    Definitely NOT gay!

  788. bexyboo

    Good idea, I will do that. Rose – you too?
    Also Wentworth Miller did an interview over here in England and he couldn’t keep his eyes off the brunette GIRL who was interviewing. Small things like things can’t escape people’s attention.

  789. KM

    BEX, What interview?? Tell us more!

  790. bexyboo

    It was on T4, but I don’t know how old it is. I was looking under Went Miller interviews on google and found it. Shall I have another look? I saw it and thought “He FANCIES her, no way is he gay”
    Don’t know why tho, she was an annoying biyatch!

  791. KM

    Is there a NAME for this interview?

  792. bexyboo

    No it was just some random one I found on the net. He had a t shirt on saying “Blond from Fargo” He was certianly making eyes at her tho. It’ll be on youtube. Try typing “T4 interview with WM” or something along those lines.

  793. KM

    Oh, thanks! I remember that interview. I hadn’t noticed any eye fucking? I check it again…

  794. KM

    Not convinced, Bex! I find his talk with Jensen much HOTTER if you really want to know!

  795. KM

    And Jensen clearly fancies him!I wonder if Jensen is gay? Anybody from the Netherlands, here?

  796. bexyboo

    Did you find it?
    Sorry to sound stupid but who’s Jensen? x

  797. KM

    On YouTube, you have his recent Dallas interview with Jensen:”Wentworth Miller on Jensen”

  798. bexyboo

    OOOH! Back in a bit! x

  799. Snowflake

    Just watched the T4 interview. He was definitely very relaxed… intense eyecontact at the end.
    Did he blush in the other Jensen interview when Jensen checked his eyes? But he certainly wasn’t as relaxed as he was before…

  800. KM

    He always looks more or less tense. Watch his hands on the latest ELLEN: you can see he’s a shy guy. But he’s so articulate that you can be fooled…

  801. bexyboo

    Mmm this is a tricky one. After seeing it, I notice that he has the same “eye fuck” thing with EVERYONE – men and women so it is hard to tell. This suggests to me that he doesn’t know he’s doing it…just a gift he was born with!! x

  802. KM

    Well, Bex, he said “A fan base is a fan base!” Anything goes…

  803. Kassie

    A question:

    Why do so many people who insist that Went isn’t gay like the idea of him (as Michael) with Linc, Mahone, Whistler, etc? Not a criticism, just trying to understand the lure of the gay porn…

  804. KM

    @Kassie. Because Went is physically ambiguous. He has female and male features. Hence the appeal to both sexes….

  805. KM

    Oh, Kassie, I see what you meant! Well, isn’t it obvious that PB is homosexually orientated ? All female characters tend to die so easily….

  806. KM

    “I think life is about learning to be content with what you’ve got, making the most out of what you’ve been lucky enough to get rather than spending your days envying, and inevitably, I think, hating the people who you think have something they don’t.”

  807. KM

    The quotation above is from his best interview (the “Who”one).Nothing to do with this debate, but I like it for what it tells us about him.

  808. Kassie

    I’d like to make the most out of what he’s been lucky enough to get… 😉 But seriously, KM, I love him for his mind.

  809. Kassie

    And yes, PB is homo-oriented…which is why I think the writers (now striking) are gay…

  810. bexyboo

    I think we love it because it was a PB fantasy not Wentworth himself. I honestly do not think Went is gay, just loves his privacy. Being in the public eye ALL the time would drive anyone crazy…

  811. bexyboo

    I do understand how you’re confused!! (your post at 8.54) I can’t explain it myself. Character thing more than a real life thing!! I believe that Went himself is 100% straight.

  812. maya

    I agree that Went is a private person but all this buzz isn’t created only on the basis that he’s very reserved.
    I don’t think he is gay only because he is very private (obviously one of his personality’s side), but I’m pretty sure he is SO secretive ALSO because he’s gay.

  813. bexyboo

    Yeah… I guess when the media spotlight is on you all the time it would make someone want to be private. I can see your view, but what about the other actors who keep their privacy? (ie) Edward Norton, John Cussack etc… No one says that they’re gay.

  814. Amaryllis

    Maybe because they are not gay while Wentworth is

  815. Amaryllis

    Anyway both of them have had confirmed relationships with women. Went hasn’t.

  816. Amaryllis

    I tend to agree with Maya on the privacy issue. He’s 35 years old for heaven sake and he’s never been in a relationship??

  817. KM

    Also, neither Norton, nor Cusak can’t be defined as “sex-pots”.And if they were gay, nobody would care…

  818. KM

    Urban Dict.:”Ry-ry sex-pie”:a deliciously and devilishly handsome young man who fails to realise his impact on the female population. Modest, often unable to accept when others call him handsome, attractive and sexual. Bordering on shy.”

  819. KM

    Isn’t it a perfect definition of our Went?
    Though he doesn’t like to be defined…

  820. Anonymous69

    Not having long relatioship is different from not having “friends” to make sex with.
    Went said he is not a one night stand type but he can have a lot of friendly sex. Maybe with men maybe with women. Even if he is not in a love story he can have good sex. Amie Bice says hello to everybody.

  821. Amaryllis

    “who fails to realise his impact on the female population”
    Maybe because he doesn’t care about the female population LOL

  822. KM

    WOW,69! You make us drool!

  823. bexyboo

    I think it’s because no one knows for sure that makes it so attractive.. Guys like Graham Norton, Julian Clary, even PH. Because they are so “openly” gay, even if they were gorgeous like Went, no one would care. It’s the quietness and his passion for privacy that’s one of his most intruiging points. But sorry people – those things still don’t make him gay.

  824. Amaryllis

    Dating Luke MacFarlene sounds gay to me

  825. Anonymous69

    People, you use the word dating too much.
    Anyway, Amie Bice says hello to Luke Macfarlane as well.

  826. Kiska

    There is no way in hell he is gay…just becoause he wants to for now consentrate on his career doesent mean he doesent want to marry one of us loolz
    it just gives us more time to find him (drug him if we have to) and bring him to vegas to get married thats all ^^

  827. KM

    Don’t mention Amie Bice. No way in hell that he would get in her pants (if he was-is straight!). She’s the friend-type, totally un-sexy…

  828. Anonymous69

    No way in hell that he would get in her pants

    If I were you I wouldn’t be so firm but you are surely free to think so.
    As I said before you think too much about dating and relationships

  829. Anonymous69

    Mmmm… Amie Bice is surely happier than you even if she is not in a relationship

  830. bexyboo

    Kiska I totally agree with you! Like you say, just because he hasn’t had a girlfriend for a while cos he wants to concentrate on his career. I can think of loads of people who do that, and they’re not even famous!! BTW good thinking about Vegas!! x

  831. Rose

    @ Kassie Nov 7,8:54 am

    For me the “gay porn” is about the tension the male characters have between each other and tv shows in general are usually about tension then fuck. The problem with pb there are no women. Mike and Linc porn is just wrong, but they are both hot! It’s about pleasure and fulfilling needs!They’re men, they wank or fuck they don’t care as long as they cum. A sexual experience with the opposite sex doesn’t make you gay.

  832. Anon

    I had to leave a comment here only because this is being debated all over the net but outside of that, most people have not heard of this debate and don’t seem to care (my gay friends had never heard of this till I told them the entire story and they said Went isn’t gay until he says so otherwise to them he is not). I actually do know people in the industry and they say they really don’t know what he is, everything that they hear is suspect. Perez or whatever could be telling the truth but then again, maybe not. They felt it wasn’t his “truth” to tell. You can’t tell other people’s stories. Most of my gay friends say I don’t think I would believe what some random person said to me. They wondered where this “Darren” guy was (the man who supposedly was dating Miller and broke up with him). Why there are no pics of him and Miller (when asked Perez said he had never seen a pic of the two of them together but he knew Darren was telling the truth — pics of Darren and Miller that is), why this guy doesn’t come forward since he is talking so much to Perez. Some people have said that maybe he is just an everyday guy or something who doesn’t want to be in the papers but then I’d have to ask why. If you are so proud of who you are and talking about your relationship with a very public person then maybe you need to back up what you say and get public yourself. Most find it mysterious that when all these rumors started this friend didn’t exist and then all of a sudden he was Hilton’s close friend (I think he emerged with this story about Darren earlier this year or late 2006) and had all this info about Went but again, oddly no pics (just like with the T-mobile story — notice that this story didn’t have pics and no one to back it up and then it was mysteriously dropped — PH doesn’t even reference it anymore).

    The biggest thing out there now is the whole Luke dynamic. Honestly, I don’t know what McFarlane is. He may be gay (could be bi) could be straight. No one really knows him. Again he was said to be gay because he was photographed a couple of times with a recently out gay man. But he mysteriously never appeared with him again anywhere. Maybe he is straight and didn’t want the association, maybe he is gay and they broke up or maybe he is straight and they are just friends or maybe he is gay and they are “just friends”. Maybe Went is gay and Luke is straight. Luke has never said anything about his personal life — EVER!!!! Just because he plays a gay character doesn’t mean he is gay. Maybe he is a really good actor. Maybe he knew TR cause they work at the same studio (ABC) .

    My gay friends say that they like it when straight guys aren’t afraid to go places with them especially into “gay” bars — a place where everyone is assumed to be gay. They said, it is like anywhere else when someone hits on you, you tell people “Sorry I’m not gay, I’m having a drink with my friends” One of my buddies said that he has found straight men are coming there because many gay men have hot looking female friends who come to the gay bars with them to avoid the pick up drama. The girls just want to dance and be left alone. He said “Well guess what toots, the straight men are following you”. He said it is the new “thing”.

    They really don’t seem to like this whole just cause you are photographed with someone then you must be gay too idea. They saw the pics and said, I see a picture of two guys walking down the street together, big whoop. That idiot that you are sooo friggin in love with is trouncing all over someones lawn, how disrespectful (seriously they did say that). They are afraid that people who jump to conclusions will just fan the fires of guilt by association fear (not that there is anything to be guilty about). But it might drive bigger wedges between the straight men and gay men.

    Went lives in LA and there are tons of gay people out there (he may be one of them or maybe not). I think the numbers exceed 60% so any friends he makes (male or female) there is a 60% chance of them being gay. What is he supposed to not be friends with any gay people. I just say that everyone really needs to chill out (straights and gays) and quit the debate. My problem with Perez is this, he says he does things for the good of his community but it is clear that he uses peoples own personal struggles for his own gain. He profits from them and is not in this for any noble cause. If he were so fired up to help people, he would counsel actors about this issue. Coming out to the world is not the same as being out to your family and friends. Even when you are an everyday joe you have anonymity, gay is not plastered across your forehead for all to see. Most people passing you won’t know. The gay bashers or religious freaks on the street won’t know. They won’t taunt you because they are just passing you in the wind. But with an actor or actress it is very different. I’m sure they get hate mail and death threats and what not from the less than tolerant (I’m sure they already do). But what about the mastermind who is patient and does nothing until they are right up on you in a crowd. They (actors/actresses) are dealing with millions of people knowing everything about them and they (the actor/actress) don’t know anything about the people who approach them. It does make actors more vulnerable then we…

  833. Cat's Meow

    Rose, one sexual experience with the opposite sex may not make you gay, but more than that does. Unless of course, you’re in prison!!! lol Did you ever hear the prison term “GURD”, Gay Until Release Date???!!!!

  834. Cat's Meow

    I picture Went fucking females, and doing it very well I might add! I just can’t imagine him fucking a man, pitching or catching. How can this man be gay when he oozes so much sex appeal of a straight man??? When I observe him in interviews or behind the scenes when he’s not working, I don’t notice any gay mannerisms or tendencies, he acts too straight to me. If Went is gay, then he must be the straightest acting gay guy I’ve ever seen. Every other gay man I’ve ever encountered or observed on TV or in person has the gay voice, mannerisms, behaviors, etc., none of which Went has.

  835. bexyboo

    @ Anon (8.08)
    Very good point you made. And it was refreshing to see you put down in writing honestly “no one knows for sure” which they don’t.
    I personally think Went is straight, but as I’ve said LOADS of times there is no proof either way. This is why I get so pissed off when people say “but I saw him with Luke”
    So fucking what?
    As you said, straight people go into gay bars as well. As well as the reasons you pointed out, a gay club is a really good night out!!
    To me it’s the lack of proof that makes me so pissed off, and people jumping to conclusions.

  836. Amaryllis

    “Every other gay man I’ve ever encountered or observed on TV or in person has the gay voice, mannerisms, behaviors, etc., none of which Went has”

    These are offensive stereotypes for gay people. WM is the demonstration that not all gay people are like that (and please think of the mannerisms on the Ellen DeGeners appeareance)

  837. KM

    I didn’t notice any mannerism on Ellen?

  838. Amaryllis

    KM I talk about the last year appearance on Ellen (this year he was just too nervous)
    Searching for news about gay rumours I stumbled on a Lainey post, I saw the clip on youtube and then I had to agree with Lainey and her reader

  839. lainey

    Gay Wentie goes to Ellen

    I received the following email last week from Amanda in LA who finally saw the obvious:

    “ok i never fully thought that wentworth was actually gay until i saw him on ellen today and she said something to him and he said ‘that’s right…BRAVA, BRAVA.’ who the f*ck says BRAVA, BRAVA??? i don’t even thing straight men know the word BRAVA! honestly i dont even think straight men know the word BRAVO.

    wentworth=BIG OLE GAY!’

    Needless to say, I was immediately intrigued and decided to catch the episode on repeat for myself and it soon turned into a game of Spot the Gay. In addition to ‘Brava’, Wentie also speaks with an affected yet adorable little lisp accompanied by a weird voice immodulation thing – similar to what Will Ferrell parodied on SNL a few years ago, almost as though he’s trying very very hard not to squeak and squeal and clap a little and snap his fingers. Then there was was the curious way he said ‘thank you’ to an audience full of panty ripping horndoggettes hootin’ and hollerin’ for his every move – without any trace of hetero acknowledgement, eerily reminiscent of how my own flame boys talk to me in that detached, void of any sexual interest tone when I ask them to ‘look at my ass and tell me if it looks fat in these jeans.”

    Put it all together and you get the opposite effect. Because for all his straight play and homo smothering, Wentie might as well put on a pair of chaps, pour oil all over himself, and wait patiently for Tom Cruise. I’m telling you, girls. Watch it for yourself on YouTube and I guarantee you his inner gay will pop out and take you shoe shopping. Enjoy.

  840. KM

    Give link, Amaryllis?

  841. KM

    Why is “Brava” gay? Do they say this?

  842. bexyboo

    So now he’s gay because he’s used a certain WORD???
    *crying in disbelief*

  843. KM

    Why is “brava” gay? It’s just an opera fan word!

  844. bexyboo

    God knows KM, it’s getting TOTALLY ridiculous.
    See what I mean about speculation?? This isn’t even speculation!!! It’s a joke!!

  845. KM

    Shit! Moderated!

  846. KM

    Moderator, you’ll go to hell one day!!!

  847. KM

    I won’t give up!!!

  848. KM

    Moderator, I throw you the chicken foot!

  849. KM

    I’m waiting!

  850. Maya

    I absolutely agree with the fact that not all gay men are camp.

  851. Maya

    Anyway WM isn’t the macho type either.

  852. KM

    The only time his voice sounded gay was at FOX party, on E!TV when he said “You might be surprised!”

  853. Cat's Meow

    @Lainy, “Brava” means “Bravo” when said to a woman (Ellen) because she knew where Went’s name derived from. It’s people like you who call him gay because of he’s a man of intelligence & culture. Grow up!

  854. Cat's Meow

    @Amaryllis, every gay man I’ve encountered and know has gay mannerisms, voice, behaviors, personality, etc. It’s not steryotype, it’s the truth. Went doesn’t have any of these. He’s not the most macho man in the world, but that doesn’t make him gay either.

  855. Cat's Meow

    BTW: Sorry guys for the typos and such, I just woke up!

  856. Cat's Meow

    @ Anon, WORD babes! I swear I could have wrote that post! I too have had conversations about this with my gay friends and they responded the same!

  857. bexyboo

    Yep Cat’s Meow I agree, I am still in fucking tears from when I first read the post! Saying the word “Brava” makes someone gay?? What next for fuck’s sake…..

  858. KM

    Gay men have no more a gaydar than straight ones!

  859. KM

    If “brava” is gay, then CULTURE is gay!

  860. KM

    Except for the time I mentioned, Went’s voice has never revealed lisps and mannerisms…

  861. KM

    Cat’s, some gay men don’t look gay at all!
    Do you think David Beckham looks straight?

  862. KM

    Have your heard Beckham’s voice? LOL!

  863. bexyboo

    Bloody good point KM. David Beckham is THE case in point! God, he’s even admitted to wearing Vick’s underwear and STILL no one bats an eyelid! But that’s nothing compared to saying “Brava” LOL

  864. Cat's Meow

    @KM, I didn’t say “looks”. Hell, I know you can’t tell by a man’s looks. It’s the mannerisms, the voice, the behavior. You can tell a gay man by these, not the looks! Went doesn’t have the characteristics of a gay man!

  865. Cat's Meow

    Went is cultured, intelligent, refined, a gentleman in every sense of the word. Some people confuse this with being gay. They are sadly mistaken!

  866. Cat's Meow

    Went majored in English Literature at Princeton University. He is well-spoken extremely intelligent, so some idiots confuse this with being gay!

  867. Amaryllis

    I think he is gay and I don’t consider myself an idiot

  868. bexyboo

    Yep CM. Sadly unless a guy is going around swearing, drinking and shouting “get your tits out” to all the women, he must be gay. It’s a sad state of affairs when people confuse polite and well educated with being gay!

  869. Perla

    I don’t care if he looks or act like a gay or a straight man.
    I don’t think you can say if a man is gay or straight just by looking at him or hearing him talk.
    All I care about are the infamous pictures because those pics, like it or not, CONFIRM a truth PH keep telling for years.

  870. Stones

    Keep in mind that Lainey blogger (BRAVA=GAY) is the one (the ONLY one) who reported the photographer blind item. She’s a very intelligent and reliable source! *sarcastic*

  871. Stones

    Perla those pictures just confirm that they know each other, not that they have sex

  872. Amaryllis

    After all the rumours the pictures with Luke McFarland are proof enough for me too

  873. Stones

    That’s ok,you can think so but they DON’T CONFIRM, as she said

  874. bexyboo

    Agreed Stones. All I have seen so far is two mates having coffee together a few times, and one of them happens to be gay!! What is the big fucking deal???

  875. This is the Big F**ing Deal


    Very very good sources reveal exclusively to that Prison Break hottie Wentworth Miller is dating fellow yummy actor Luke McFarlane.

    Mouth drools.

    Many of you may remember McFarlane from his brief stint as T.R. Knight’s boyfriend or from his role on the ABC show Brothers & Sisters.

    And you know Wenty, of course, from your wet dreams.

    “Wentworth and Luke have been secretly dating for almost six months now,” says an impeccable source close to the pair. “They’ve been very quiet about their relationship, obviously, as Wentworth is not out of the closet.”

    Things between the pair are so serious that the couple are talking about moving in together, we hear.

    “They spend a lot of time at each other’s houses,” says our mole. “Wentworth has been pretty reclusive since he’s become famous and he’s been even more of a shut-in since he started dating Luke.”

    The pair are so close that McFarlane has even accompanied Miller to Asia to film some recent commercials and adverts, our source tells us.

    “Wentworth’s become very difficult to work with,” a Fox insider adds. “He’s been cutting back immensely on the amount of press he’s doing for Prison Break. He’s very nervous about reporters asking him if he’s gay.”

    Don’t be afraid of the truth, Wenty.

    It shall set you free!

  876. WFW

    playing Devil’s Advocate

    Luke was snapped with T.R.; I don’t remember it ever being proven that they were dating. People just assumed. I have still never found any “proof” so to speak that Luke is gay. T.R. is the one that came out, not Luke. This of course does not mean Luke can’t be gay, just sayin.

    Moving in together would be hard since Went lives in Dallas most of the time. Has Luke been spotted in Dallas?

    When Went was in Korea for Bean Pole Jeans, he was followed absolutely everywhere; Luke is not in one picture from Korea. Went shot those French Cafe ads and the follow up Bean Pole shots in L.A. so there would have been no trip for Luke to go on.

    There has never, that I’ve ever read, been a bad word said about working with Went by anyone. Went has NEVER been a media whore.

    Maybe he’s gay, maybe he isn’t but that piece is suspect.

  877. KM

    I wonder who is ” an impeccable source close to the pair”?On the Luke’s side maybe?

  878. KM

    How come some people can get their long posts through???

  879. KM

    WFW, we can obey rules of posting, but we need to KNOW them first!

  880. KM

    No answer from WFW! So there remain two mysteries in the universe: life after death and why our posts disappear….

    WFW: Answer

  881. Cat's Meow

    @WFW, Right on sistah! Everything you said is correct. People are just assuming and believing rumors. I choose not to believe everything I read and I believe Went at his word.

  882. taylor

    >>> Hell, I know you can’t tell by a man’s looks. It’s the mannerisms, the voice, the behavior. You can tell a gay man by these, not the looks! Went doesn’t have the characteristics of a gay man! <<<

    I know a lot of straight guys who fit the gay stereotype way better than some of the gay guys I know.
    Of course stereotypical gays exist, but you cannot always tell, if a man is gay just by the mannerisms, the voice and the behavior. How could so many homosexual men get married to unsuspecting women and have kids when it’s so easy to tell they are gay?
    I’m sure, if you look closely enough, almost every man would fit some gay stereotype (not just Beckham). It’s only with the real homosexual men that you say ‘Oh look, he gesticulates with his hands. How stereotypical.’

    Oh, yeah. I think Went does use his hands quite a lot when he’s talking. So there it is. A gay characteristic!!!!

    Thank god, I don’t give a damn about stereotypes…

  883. Cat's Meow

    @WFW, you’re so right, sistah!!! Everything you said is correct. And I personally don’t believe the rumors, I choose to believe Went at his word!!!

  884. Cat's Meow

    Sorry about the 2 posts, I guess there was a delay and I was impatient to post!

  885. Cat's Meow

    Went is an extremely intelligent, well-educated, well-spoken, articulate, refined gentleman. That’s why we love him so much, he’s different from the rest. Now peeps are going to criticize him for being too cultured and speaking a certain way. That’s so pathetic!! So does that mean when I hear a gay man talk like he lives on the streets and never attended school that means he’s really straight? Come on, give me a fucking break!!

  886. Amaryllis

    He’s an actor. His work is pretending to be someone he is not.
    I don’t believe in all the things he says.
    I believe in what I see.

  887. Cat's Meow

    @Taylor, Went does not have any gay characteristics. Usually there is some indication that a man is gay. Why is it that every gay man I know, friends and relatives, have gay mannerisms, voice, behavior, at least one thing to indicate he is gay?? I just don’t see any of this with Went. A very hot looking nerd is all I see. The unsuspecting women marrying gay men are overlooking things (red flags) about their husbands. Or maybe they think their husbands are straight, but effeminate. It’s rare that a gay man behaves macho all the time, there should be some hint of him being gay.

  888. KM

    But Went’s beauty is very feminine in lots of ways. It’s striking in PB when you see him with Vance for ex.Vance, though smaller looks more virile. Went is so smooth looking, his mouth so provocative, his body so sleek: he makes me think of a dolphin (don’t laugh!). No wonder he appeals to both sexes: he reassures women who are frightened by too virile men, and he drives gay men crazy (and some straight ones, too!)

  889. Cat's Meow

    I imagine it is scary for a single woman out there dating. What if they unknowingly marry a gay man who is closeted? Nowadays, you can’t tell by looking at them, and if they want to hide their gayness, they can with alot of work and good acting. It’s sad that a man would do that in order to feel comfortable in his world. But in reality, he’s just hurting himself and his wife. I feel if the man knows that he is gay and gets married to continue hiding it, there should have charges brought against him. You should not legally marry a woman knowing damn well that you are gay. When the man is ready to come out, it’s all very fulfilling to him, but what happens to his poor wife, she’s left totally devastated. I wish we lived in a world where it didn’t matter if you are straight or gay and everyone feels comfortable to reveal their true sexuality.

  890. Cat's Meow

    @KM, but Leonardo DiCaprio is strikingly beautiful too, and he’s straight. Some comedian even said once that he looks like a teenage lesbian!!! lol Johnny Depp, a young Mel Gibson, Jensen Eckles, all have feminine looks, but are straight. There are so many “pretty boys” in Hollywood that are quite beautiful with slender, stunning bodies like Went. Not all are gay and not all gay men are beauties. There’s alot of gruesome gay guys, look at the fat, ugly, loser PH for one!!! He is nauseously hideous looking. I want to vomit when I see him!!!

  891. taylor

    So, if straight people can be mistaken to be gay, why can’t gay people be mistaken to be straight?

    T.R. Knight for example acts just like my average straight friend acts. I don’t see a certain behaviour, hear a special voice or something that I couldn’t find on some other straight dude I know and which seperates him CLEARLY from the heterosexuals.

    So I don’t really see, why Went appears to be so much more straight than T.R. or many other gay men.
    I agree Went is not acting macho, neither is he effiminate. But he’s also not a guy, who screams heterosexual all over the place… At least that’s my impression.

  892. Cat's Meow


    Now to me T.R. screams gay! Maybe it’s just me, but I see it in him. Though Went may not be the most macho man around, to me he screams hetero. These are my gut feelings and I’ve been known to have good intuition and good gaydar. Though I wasn’t positive T.R. was gay at first, I had an idea because to me he was goofy and awkward in love scenes. I don’t know if that’s the role he played or if he’s like that in real life, but I had a feeling about him. And not that I think gay men are goofy and awkward, I do not, I just thought this of T.R. Wherein I think of Went as very masculine. He’s on the opposite scale of T.R. Though not a macho man like Dom, Went just reeks and oozes masculinity, and therefore sexiness. IMO, T.R. does not at all. He’s sweet and all, but not sexy. To me, my gut feeling says that Went is straight.

  893. Cat's Meow

    @Taylor, Now I’m not saying T.R. is flaming or anything like that, but I can definately see that he is gay. Though I can’t say the same for Went.

  894. taylor

    @Cat’s Meow

    I can’t say I was totally surprised that T.R. is gay, either. But he could have been straight aswell without me being suspicious. Well, maybe it’s because he never appealed to me as a man in a way Went does. So probably I just didn’t think about it…

    I always thought the love scenes should seem a bit awkward, because George is not exactly the sexy lover type and I could totally imagine being with a real life George could be exactly like that. I don’t know, if this is because T.R. is gay or because George is sweet but not very sexual and confident.

    I totally agree, that Went is way more masculine and sexy. But those features alone are no proof for me that he’s really straight. I’ve seen all those things on gay guys, too.
    He did a very convincing job with showing affection for Sara. But he also played a flamboyant character on Popular, which doesn’t make him gay, either. So I try not to read too much into those scenes, where he is is just acting.

    You have a gut feeling, that’s telling you, he’s not gay. I tend to think he is, but it’s also only a feeling.
    So I’m just collecting the evidence right now. Which tells me…uhm…yeah…nothing so far…

    I really hope, we will soon find out, if your gaydar is right with Went 😉

  895. Cat's Meow

    @Taylor, I get what you’re saying about T.R. Yes, he could’ve been a goofy straight guy. There’s plenty of them around, that’s for sure! lol

    I try not to be swayed by Went’s role as Michael Scofield because Scoffy is straight. I strictly go by Went himself in interviews or behind the scenes clips of him interacting with his castmates. I watch Went carry himself, his mannerisms, the sound of his voice, etc. I observe him carefully and I still don’t see it. In earlier interviews or clips of him when he was younger, he may seem inexperienced, but still not gay. Maybe young & nerdy, but not gay. He did play gay roles very well as the character Adam in “Popular” and the gay hair dresser in “Times of Your Life”. Those were very convincing, but he doesn’t act/sound like that in real life. I know this is not fool proof evidence that he’s straight, but it does give me more reason not to believe that he is gay.

  896. Anon

    You guys are funny. Someone says Brava and they must be gay. My gay male friends are having a field day with this. My uncle says it too and he is sort of full of himself literally. He isn’t gay just a very uppity #$@% man. My gay friends say that there are fem straight guys too and that gaydar is not always foolproof. I thought this guy I knew was gay because he used the f word all the time. You know the one “Fabulous”. What straight guy calls something fabulous????!!!! My gays corrected me and said, that just means he was raised with class by people who knew better and then told me, “NO SILLY, HE ISN’T GAY!!!”

    I must say also that one of my straight work acquaintances is from somewhere like Trinadad/Jamaica but he has spent lots of time here in America and has no accent. He talks like Wentworth (my buddy is an architecht) and carries himself the same way. He went to an Ivy League school too and dresses a lot like him. One of my friends challenged his “heritage” and said that there was no way he could be mistaken for a “brotha” or “a straight man”. He didn’t understand how his demeanor and behaviour made him seem non black or a gay man. His response was but I am a black straight man why am I the opposite just because of the way I talk and act. He felt this was total nonsense. It is all bull really…

  897. Cat's Meow


    I agree with your co-worker from Trinadad/Jamaica that it’s total nonsense being labeled “gay” because of the way a man carries himself. Both he and Went are well educated and probably brought up by well educated parents. Therefore, they were raised to behave and conduct themselves in a proper manner. This behavior confuses some people. People think because Went speaks very intellectually and refined, he has got to be gay. That is so ignorant!! (Ironically, like your co-worker, Went’s dad’s relatives are from Jamaica as well.)

  898. KM

    It not his behaviour or speech or the way he walks that suggest gayness (think David Beckham!), but the photos with Luke! And Went said NOTHING about them, which is worrying. He SHOULD have said what they mean or not, because his silence feeds the speculation!
    So it would mean he WANTS us to speculate: not very consistant with his love of privacy!
    Does he take us for a ride?

  899. Rose

    @KM If he commented on the photos of him and Luke:
    a) no-one would believe him
    b)everyone would say he is so defensive because he has something to hide
    c)it is just not like Went to give in to ‘media speculation’ (you should know that!)

    It is your choice to speculate!!!! He just want’s us to watch him on the tv, keep him in the job, keep him doing what he loves!

    WFW: Word.

  900. KM

    I woud believe him if he was more explicit. I’m DYING to believe him, that’s why I was fooled by the Public “interview”. It had what I was so desperate to hear…

  901. WFW

    That’s the thing: Went is never, ever, ever, ever…ever going to be as explicit as you want him to be, if he says anything at all. I’m sure he thinks it’s none of anyone’s god damn business. He made his one statement, that he isn’t gay and he probably feels like that should be enough. Is it the truth? Who knows, but I’m pretty sure that’s all you’re going to get.

    Oh and if he had said those things in that Public interview, I would no longer be a fan as I believe the phrase “perverted insinuations” was used. Not cool.

  902. KM

    “perverted insinuations” may be a bad translation, who knows! But again, the interview is a fake….

    What I meant is that when you ALLOW paps to take pictures of you with someone rumoured to be your lover, you make a statement. And this statement needs a clear explanation.
    That is, if you respect your fans who are in a state of confusion after seen those pics!

    If no pics, no need to explain. But now…

  903. Perla

    Maybe he thinks we wouldn’t like the truth behind the pictures.

  904. Stones

    Wentworth who responds speculations about the pictures (after he said he is not gay) is not a Wentworth Miller way of behave. And, thaks God, I think that he will never change himself.

  905. KM

    If so, Stones, he’s not right. morally. because he CHOSE to make us speculate. nothing forced him to allow those pics.

  906. KM

    If you throw shit in the fan, expect to be asked to clean the mess up.

  907. Stones

    He said he is not gay, and honestly I think that it is his most firm quote about himself, so you are free to believe him or not. About the pictures they just prove they know each other, but everyone can see what they want.
    Is he saing the truth? I have no idea but you are speking about a Wentworth who is not the real Wentworth, who morally thinks (that’s my opinion) that what he said is enough, if it’s not enough for people they can leave him.

  908. KM

    Well he stooped as low as denying the T-Mobile incident (no photos!), so why wouldn’t he justify, one way or the other, the Luke pics which corroborate Perez’s rumours several months before?
    This is not consistant with somebody you can trust.
    I think sooner or later, he’ll have to say something about the pics, because the media won’t leave him in peace.
    And IMO , he hasn’t done it yet because he thinks the pics speak for themselves…

  909. WFW

    He was asked a direct question in a radio interview in Australia; He answered. How is that stooping low? I don’t remember PH starting that rumor but he may have. We long ago concluded that it was probably Channing Tatum. Same buzz, similar look (to some). Even if Went is gay, he’s not stupid. If his intention is to maintain a straight image, then that is what he’d be doing; Not holding hands with a guy at a crowded party. Went was not even at the party in question to begin with and how do you NOT allow yourself to be papped once you’ve been snapped? Run? Punch the guy out? The early pics show they were caught off guard. So either he was thinking “Shit, we’re caught. Now everyone will know we’re dating,” or “Shit, we’re caught. Now everyone will think PH was right.” There would have been nothing he could do at that point. Cut the man some slack. I doubt he’s trying to deliberately mislead anyone and if he is being vague, it’s for the sake of his career or maybe he just doesn’t care. My guess is the latter.

  910. Stones

    Are you kidding? The denied the T-Mobile 2 years later, when he was asked directly! At this point you can hope for a journalist asking about the Luke pictures directly! 😉

  911. KM

    Someone, some day, will have the guts to ask him!
    I volunteer to go and test his gayness….

  912. KM

    “if he is being vague, it’s for the sake of his career or maybe he just doesn’t care. My guess is the latter.”
    Well, knowing how Hollywood and the medias work, being “vague” or “not caring”, are both bad moves.
    It’s a luxury you can’t afford when you are a sex symbol. because, let’s face it, Went is not a very good actor (yet). He owes his success to his beauty and he’s kidding himself if he thinks he can be one of those actors who make good careers out off the limelight.

  913. bexyboo

    If he doesn’t care then good on him!! There is a guy called David Walliams in England who does Little Britain and he LOVES the fact no one can make him out! He dates women, but makes no secret of the fact he likes guys, People were fascinated to start with but now theyve given up!! It’s a very clever way to do it – if you have patience!

  914. KM

    Looked at that David Walliams, Jezzz, Bex, what a

  915. bexyboo

    LOL!! What did you think of him?? Only got half a comment..he doesn’t give a TOSS what people think – he’s seen out with gorgeous women, yet tries it on with guys too. But people love him!!

  916. KM

    Sorry, I hadn’t time to finish, my computer decided to send it. I was saying that this David Walliams is really fugly. You can’t compare to our beautiful boy! Who cares about an ugly actor? He can shag coypus, for all I care…

    But we are having this debate here because we want so to know if the man of our dreams, is, well, the MAN of OUR dreams! The straight man we have been sold.
    We need to know because fantasizing is essential to everyone of us. I love my boyfriend, but I still need Went to transcend reality.

    We ALL do this, don’t we?

    And our fantasy needs to be as close as possible to reality to be thrilling. We can imagine that we could be Went’s girlfriend if we had the opportunity to know him!
    But it’s impossible if he’s gay…

  917. Rose

    @KM 11:55am “he CHOSE to make us speculate. nothing forced him to allow those pics.”

    What the crap?! Forced him to ALLOW those pics WTF! Today when you go out KM don’t let yourself be Photographed with your female friends ok!!!
    Wentworth didn’t take those photos! The poor guy can’t even get a coffee and walk for 2 meters!!
    God if I had to be phoographed everytime I went to a cafe, my whole life would be in pictures!!
    He was seen with 2 women, 2!!! No one cares!
    Believe what you want!

  918. Cat's Meow

    I can’t believe that Went was seen on actual dates with at least 2 women, but people would rather believe he’s fucking a man because he was seen spending one afternoon with Luke. Why, because the fat fuck loser low-life ass wipe PH said so??? Give me a fucking break! If Luke & Went were so in love and moving in together, how the fuck would that happen when Went is in Dallas for most of the year. I doubt if Luke (who’s also an actor) would be sitting all alone in Went’s apartment every day waiting for Went to come home after 14 hours on the set of Prison Break!!! I don’t buy it one bit!!!

  919. Anon

    I should say this. What if this were all some big dumb publicity stunt??? I mean, this all just seems so strange to me. I know, people will say why would his people do that blah, blah, blah… gay publicity is not good but actually anytime anyone talks about you in Hollywood it is good (I actually work in advertising). What’s the saying, oh yes, there is no such thing as bad publicity. I think that might be true even in this instance. From the start the whole is he or isn’t he has generated great interest in Went. In an article it was even mentioned as a highlight. I mean he has always kept to himself most of the time and no one really knew anything of him before PB. He doesn’t attend Hollywood parties, he doesn’t get drunk and into fights, he doesn’t really do anything that your typical celeb fan might consider remotely interesting. I mean this in the nicest way, this guy is completely boring (I don’t think he is boring) but compared to his counterparts in the wood, he is just a plain old dull. This is the only thing that seems to stir interest in him. All the other stuff, most folks wouldn’t give two hoots about.

    Is it possible that the Went and Luke shot was a set-up of some kind like all his other little candids. I noticed in one of the shots he is wearing the exact same outfit and then all of a sudden changes from a neutral hoodie to a bright orange one. He trounces all over somebodies grass. According to PH, they were always staying in each others houses all the time because Went was sooo closeted. So why the heck was he outside all of a sudden knowing that people were gunning for him. Did he think wearing his signature bucket hat was going to make him anonymous???? It is possible that Went is a closet case but you really can’t tell for sure what those pics were all about. People said he never looked happier in those pics. I think people are reading a lot from some silly pictures. Also remember Marianna. She was working for Fox on one of their shows last season (she did a cameo) and then out of no where she was Went’s date to the Emmy’s last year and then a movie and then walking down the street. Luke actually falls in this category as well. He was actually working on a pilot for Fox in the spring (I think it was March or April) and then miraculously he is linked with Went by June and then some pics in September. I must admit that this has been some great publicity for him in some ways but I think they may have carried this too far.

    Another thing is, first we get the back story, then we get pics (which I find a little suspect). This sort of happened with Amie too. Somewhere it had been posted several months earlier that he and Amie were friends and the next thing you know a few months later they were photographed and video taped together. All these weird moments are just strange, there are stars more in the game than Went (not to mention more visible and hounded than him) who manage to keep their partners and sexuality hidden from everyone. He gets caught walking down the street and riding around in a car with his rumored boyfriend. I’m not saying Went isn’t gay cause I don’t know either way but these pics prove nothing. I remember the Richard Gere stuff years ago and even though it was said to all be a hoax people still repeat it like it was gospel.

    My mom use to tell me about a guy called Fatty Arbuckle (he was a comedian like John Candy back in the 1920’s or something). She said his whole career went down the tubes when he shoved a coke bottle up some girls you know what and killed her. It turns out, it never happened. I was 10 in 1982 and she was still saying that crap. I read a book about him and they said that Arbuckles roomate held a party and this girl was invited. She was a loose type but she had had a few but had appendicitis or something, got sick after drinking way too much at his roomates bash and died. The girl wasn’t listening to her illness signs and ignored them. This man’s entire career was ruined over that nonsense and you know what just when he started getting things back on track 20 years later he was talking to his wife while laying down on his bed and was excited about his new ventures that were coming up. His wife heard him take a really deep breath and in a brief moment he was dead… His heart just gave out.

  920. KM

    @Anon: “I noticed in one of the shots he is wearing the exact same outfit and then all of a sudden changes from a neutral hoodie to a bright orange one.”

    In the Luke photos?????

  921. bexyboo

    Agree with you. No one made all this fuss when he was seen out with out with a girl 3 times. Then the moment it’s a guy it’s all over the net!!

  922. KM

    Mariana Klavano was just a date for the Emmys and Amie Bice an old friend. On her MySpace, there used to be an old photo of her at a party with Went (or more precisely, you could see Went’s ear). They’ve known each other for a while, apparently.
    He was seen also with an older woman who may be his mother.
    Hardly a dirty little sex book list!

  923. Rose

    Gee JUST an Emmy date! The emmy’s is special, he could have gone alone.
    He was seen a couple of times with her!

    Luke was a fucken walk down the footpath and a drive in the car!

    Sadly we all like to believe that this poor guy has his cock out at any chance he gets ,but he doesn’t seem the type to go on a rootfest, male or female!

  924. KM

    “Luke was a fucken walk down the footpath and a drive in the car!”

    Rose, if you read carefully, Went and Luke spent the WHOLE day together, going from one place to another, and left together at night in Luke ‘s car. This means they enjoy spending a lot of time together.

  925. Rose

    Do you know what? Who cares!
    If the smug bastard in the photos got some Wentass good on him!
    If it was just a day together good on him!
    It’s closer than I’ll ever get.

    Either way if your gay your gay! We can’t change what is already set.
    But Went, honey, if you are gay find a guy who is hotter! I know you’ll never find an equivalent to yourself but Luke in his nasty brown shirt, come on!
    What about Keanu Reeves!
    Jesus Christ just fucking picture it!

  926. KM


    “After graduating from Quaker Valley he then enrolled in Princeton University because “I grew up in a very nurturing but conservative environment and it was always expected that I would go to college and follow along a certain career path,”

    Wentworth before enrolling was concerned about whether his classmates / room mates would accept him. How would he explain the fact that he was mixed race? Would it mean that every time he met someone he would have to tell them? His parents suggested that he should put pictures of his family all over his dorm room so if his friends come to visit they would see and will know immediately. No explanations necessary. “Source Wiki Sandbox WM’s Biography.

    Pictures speak louder than words?

  927. bexyboo

    God yes! Or Brad!! But I will keep to my “not gay” theory about Went & Luke until I have seen proper proof!

  928. KM

    I think it’s interesting to read (the bio) because there are little details we don’t all know….

  929. Cat's Meow

    Mariana was seen with Went not only at the Emmy’s (which to me is a BIG deal), but also to the movies. And God knows how many other times they were together, but not photographed. She was in an episode of the FOX show K-VILLE recently so for all we know they could still be seeing eachother.

    Boy if Went is so in love with Luke and living with him, I can just picture Luke holed up in Dallas just waiting for Went to come home. Went finally walks in after 14 hours on set, and there’s Luke wearing his apron and saying, “I was slaving all day around here, cooking, cleaning and waiting for your ass to come home, and now you’re too tired for me!” lol

    And if they are not living together, when the fuck would they see eachother?? Went is in Dallas most of the year working long hours on set. Come on, what person in their right mind would have a relationship like that where you never see your lover??

    KM, your boyfriend never hangs out with his buddies?? Sometimes my husband hangs out with one of his friends for the afternoon getting a bite to eat, coffee, going to a game, sports auctions, etc. Should I suspect him of being gay too??

    Do we even know that Luke is even gay? Now I’m hearing reports that he’s not openly gay afterall. Went & Luke were grinning and chuckling in those photos. To me it looked like one of them said to the other, “Oh fuck, now they’re gonna think we’re boyfriends!!” They were laughing about it because it’s all bullshit! If Went seemed so happy to be seen with Luke, then he would have come out by now, instead of denying being gay once again.

  930. Stones

    KM , I can understand your point… do you mean that Went thinks that the pix are enough to let us understand that he is gay? So he doesn’t need to explain? (like the fact in the bio).
    Well, consider Dominic deny (just because someone believes the In Style interview is not a fresh one), if Went thinks we should understand he is gay by the pictures… why does Dom say so?
    My point is, Went doesn’t want that the pictures speak by himself. So he is or completely straight or completely in the closet. So we can be happy because in the first case we can keep on fantasing and in the second he will never come out so we can keep on hoping and fantasing.

  931. Stones

    fantasizing… sorry!

  932. KM

    @Stones : I , too, wonder why Dom said this? May be he hasn’t got a clue? Which seems strange as they spend hours, days, together with other male actors, and as we all know, men (and women!) talk about sex all the time… So , either Went is totally closeted even with friends ,or he’s SEXLESS which would be ironical for someone with such sex appeal!
    Or may be Dom is covering Went’s arse, to save his own arse and the show? I have no idea…

    @ Cat’s, I loved your description of Luke in a little frilly apron (naked underneath, of course!) waiting for Went at the end of the day!

    I find the scene strangely arousing….

  933. Stones

    I meant… Dom said so, in my opinion, because he knows Went is straight or because he knows Went wants to stay in the closet so to respond to your point I’m sure Went doesn’t think or want that the pix speak for him.

  934. Cat's Meow

    Yes, it is possible that Went can be going without sex. Why not??? There are millions of single guys in the world that don’t have steady girlfriends. So what if they’re dating rosy palm and her 5 sisters. Lots of people masturbate each and every day. Just because the man is hot doesn’t mean he should have a girlfriend all the time. I think that would be difficult for him right now since he’s living in Dallas most of the year. Do you think he wants some girl bugging him all the time to spend time with her when he’s on set 14 hours a day??? That would be selfish of him to commit to someone when he can’t be around that much. So he’d rather be alone for now until PB is over and then he’ll meet the right person and settle down.

    I can’t believe people think it’s strange to be alone. After a long relationship, I went without sex for 4 years. I’m not one to sleep around unless I’m in love and in a relationship. So in that time, though I occasionally dated, I didn’t have sex. Many people go without sex for this reason and various other reasons. Went has admitted he never had a one night stand. He’s a relationship type guy. So he’s waiting for the right time to concentrate on meeting someone to spend the rest of his life with. He’s also said that if someone knocks him on his ass, then he’ll go for it. But until then, don’t rush the man!!!

  935. Cat's Meow

    KM & Stones,

    Dom has said Went is not gay at lease twice that I’ve heard. Once in an interview and once on the Australian radio show. Why would he lie for Went if it was not true??? I doubt if Went would allow him to lie for him. And Dom’s integrity is on the line. He has fans of his own and I’m sure he doesn’t want to be known as a liar. So I believe Dom and Went.

  936. Stones

    To be precise Dom said so even more than one year ago during another radio interview, I can’t remember the exact words but he said something like “he is not gay, believe me”.

  937. KM

    Nobody is getting hot with Cat’s frilly apron?
    Which brings me to the question that Cat’s raised: can one live without sex?
    Honestly, I doubt it if you are young. I would say it’s impossible for the average “normal” person, but I admit some people have a low sex drive…Some people are so cerebral (is it the right term?) that they forget their bodies for a while.

    Could Went be like that? But he mentioned a “hot, passionate relationship”…

  938. Stones

    No, I don’t think that Went lives without sex… but now I just have in mind Cat’s image… Went and rosy palm… and the long and beutiful 5 sisters…

  939. bexyboo

    I am getting hot about the frilly apron!! I’d rather see Went in it tho…Preferably with nothing on underneath!…….

  940. KM

    Along with this blog , I go to a funny and sexy one called “Overworked and Underf*cked”. I love the girl, she’s in her twenties and she writes very well about her sex life.
    She has a weekly pic or video called “C*ckblogging Wednesday” and I enjoyed particularly the little video on Wed, October 3rd.
    As I need help with my fantasies, I used it for imagining Went and Rosy and her five sisters, on the Dallas set, when he retires to his trailer…. If you have time, go to this blog, you’ll enjoy it, no doubt!

  941. KM

    Zut! Link doesn’t work! I’m so bad with this…
    Anyway, yo’ll find it easily if you Google it…

  942. Cat's Meow

    Oh yeah, I forgot Dom said that too!!! Thanks for reminding me!!!

    Thanks, I’m going to check out that site!!! Yes, I think Went masterbates quite often. It’s hard to live without sex, that’s why masterbating is necessary and everyone does it. Even Wenty!!! And boy, do I ever enjoy picturing that in my mind!!! Mmmmmm, that’s scrumptious!!! Now, you’ll have to excuse me while I go……. well you know!!!! lol

  943. Cat's Meow

    Every night after a long day at work, Went does the same routine. He comes out of the bathroom after taking a long, hot shower. He crawls into bed and lays his exhausted body down on nice cool sheets. As he lays there in his quiet room, he starts thinking about a beautiful woman. His cock starts to get hard. He can’t fall asleep, so he runs his hands down his chest and reaches his huge cock. It’s so hard now so he starts rubbing it. He grips it tighter and begins jerking off. His body is shaking and tense. His legs are slightly parted and stiff. His hand is sliding up and down his incredibly beautiful cock. He’s imagining fucking a beautiful dark haired woman. He’s ready to explode and cums really hard, moaning low while he climaxes. His body finally relaxes and the angel boy falls asleep.

  944. Anon

    Yes, I was referring to the Luke pics. He had on a grey or drab pale blue hoodie then all of a sudden he had on an orange one. It was kind of odd…

    Also, I believe that the guy who played CNote said the same thing. Yes, people may be trying to protect the show but it is possible that they are telling the truth. You just don’t know.

    I remember Went saying that he enjoys gaming nights with friends. Is it possible that Luke is “one” of those friends??? I remember seeing an old interview with Luke and he actually said enjoying parlor games with friends and family. It could be that PH is embellishing the story. It isn’t like he hasn’t done it before. I always find it amazing how many “details” he knows about the relationship. I really can’t see Luke or Went sharing all that info with people. And if this so called person who is close to the couple had told then wouldn’t they be easy to peg. Even openly gay couples (like Neil and David or Lance and Reichen) didn’t have that much info floating around. PH never reported that much info about these other two couples so it makes me wonder if he just dug around to see who one of Went’s friends is and then made up this kooky story. Also, like I said this could be some publicity stunt that PH is unaware of. Supposedly someone is calling him from Fox and someone close to Went and Luke is calling him too. I want to know who. I’d like to confiscate his phone records and monitor his activity. It’s just way too much info for a couple that isn’t very out and about. If they were so secretive, I just don’t think they would tell anyone and anyone who then proceeded to talk to PH could easily be traced as a “rat”. The whole thing is suspect.

  945. bexyboo

    WOWZA Cat’s Meow!
    That image will stay in my head all night now! Thanks 4 making a girl happy b4 bedtime!!

  946. Anon

    He’s gay.
    The funniest thing for me is that PH was right all along.

  947. Cat's Meow

    Thanks sistah!!! Glad you liked it!!! I could so picture Went doing that before bed. God, how I wish I were a fly on the wall witnessing that!!! lol

    You confuse me. First you say Went’s not gay, now you say he’s gay. Make up your mind girl!!! Are there 2 Anons or are you one in the same??? Please don’t believe that fat flaming fuck, PH. He’s not always right, and in Went’s case, he’s definately not right. He thrives on the attention he gets from lying about Went and he’s admitted in print that he lies sometimes so he’s not a reliable source!!! He’s now going after Zac Efron. The poor kid is now being targeted because the fat fuck thinks he’s too pretty to be straight. I’d love to kick that fat fuck in his fat ugly droopy balls!!!

  948. Cat's Meow

    I will check out what you said about the different color hoodies. For all we know those Went & Luke pics could be photoshopped. If some of us thought those Beckham photos were really Went, so who’s to say those Luke pics aren’t real either. Went is 6’1″ and Luke is 5’10”, so Went should tower over Luke. But in those pics Luke is either taller or the same height as Went. They show Went walking on someone’s lawn which is strange. They show Luke in Went’s clothes. Sometimes I think maybe they photoshopped Luke’s head onto Went’s body. Hey, you never know. That fat fuck is capable of getting someone to make up this shit. I wouldn’t doubt it since he was the one making up the rumors.

  949. Anonnohype

    I’m a different Anon. I don’t really know what Went’s preferences are but I’m definitely not the anon who thinks he is gay. I’m the Anon who is suspicious of this whole circus. We (the two anons) are two totally different people. Believe me, I wouldn’t post all the stuff that I did and then turn around and say that “Oh he’s gay for sure”. I don’t know him so I technically don’t know. But I’d rather believe what Went says because in essence we would be calling him a liar to say otherwise. It just seems disrespectful to say he’s lying.

  950. KM

    @Cat’s, there’s one sure thing, the photos aren’t photoshopped. My uncle is a photo specialist and I asked him (I posted about this earlier a few weeks ago). He was adamant that you can’t photoshop a SERIES and all the pics would give the same result! It would be a very long process to try to do so, and still you might see a difference. For him, the pics are genuine.

    @ANON(S!) I don’t see that bright red hoodie?
    Aren’t you confusing with other pics in Korea?

    I find what you say interesting because the amount of details PH gave surprised me. But it’s what convinced me of their relationship because “moving together”, “spending a lot of time at each other’s houses” are descriptions of a real love involvement, not the usual sex relationship between two gay men. And not the usual way PH talks about gay affairs!

    Also the fact that Went was filming in Dallas, came back for the week-end to L.A. and spent it (at least for a whole day) with Luke! If they’re not a couple, they must be extremely close friends….

    Though Luke never spoke about his gayness, it’s clear he is. I remember the pic of him and T.R.Knight on a bench, their bodies so close to each other, T.R.’s head practically on Luke’s shoulder!
    And do you think Luke would be able to resist hitting on beautiful Went? Impossible!
    And if he tried and Went was straight, he would be rebuffed and Straight Went would not see him again….
    So, I’m still convinced that the pics are Went’s way of telling us something, since he likes photos to tell people things without having to say it.

  951. Amaryllis

    “The funniest thing for me is that PH was right all along.”

    This is the worst part for me

  952. Amaryllis


    The pictures are NOT photoshopped
    We have to deal with it and move on

  953. Cat's Meow

    First off, thanks for changing your name so that I can differentiate between you and the non-believing Anon! Secondly, please post the link for the Went & Luke photos so I can check out the different color hoodies. I can’t seem to find the photos anymore, they’ve dissappeared into oblivion. That just goes to show they’re old news.

    Can you please post the link to the Luke & T.R. photos. I’ve never seen them. Thanks!

    Even if the photos are real, they don’t tell me anything but 2 guys hanging out for the afternoon. Went came to L.A. for a long week-end. He flew back to Dallas on Tuesday (the photos were taken on Saturday). We don’t know if he spent the whole week-end with Luke, it might have just been that day. So what. He’s a single guy so why can’t he hang out with a friend one day. At a PB Season 1 wrap party last year, Went had said that he was planning to drive back to L.A., spend time with friends and catch up on sleep. So maybe he was spending time with friends that week-end. And if Luke is indeed gay (which has not been confirmed) then we all know that it’s common for straight guys to have gay friends in LALALAND, especially if they are actors. That doesn’t mean they’re fucking. If Luke does have feelings for Went and Went is either aware of it or not, I don’t think Went would drop him as a friend because of it. He, of all people, know what it’s like to be discriminated against since he is both black & white. He is respectful of others and would not alienate someone because they are different than he is.

    For example, when he was on the Jay Leno Show he was telling a story of an extra on the set of PB who happened to be an ex-inmate of the prison where PB was filmed. As he told the story, he referred to the man as the “gentleman”. Jay Leno teased Went about calling the ex-con a “gentleman” and Went replied, “Everyone should be treated with respect.” Now, this is the man Went is. He’s an amazing guy and a class act. I cannot imagine him dumping a good friend to help or improve his career.

  954. Stab

    Can I re-open the gay debate thread? PLEASE DON’T HATE ME… 😉

    My gift is Luke Macfarlane at a very special event

  955. WFW

    Ahhhhh, it lives! The Gay Debate Lives! [Stewie voice] BLAST! [/sv]

    Actually, that’s big news. I knew it was implied that he was gay but I’m pretty sure this seals it…For those that were looking for confirmation that is. Luke looks cute there actually and apparently, he always has that smug look on his face, lol.

  956. KM


    Now we can’t have the slightest doubt anymore: Went’s boyfriend is gay.

    * desperate tears*

  957. Stab

    WFW , this debate will always live!
    KM , honestly there were no doubt about Luke being gay, the news is that he is out and proud. The doubt is about if he is Went’s boyfriend or not.

    Anyway, he has a smug look and horrible tie! In a bigger picture you can see that it has skulls with rubbit ears!!! Skulls… do you remenber a certain scarf?!?

  958. KM

    O.K. Let’s be rational and thorough.
    Some people claim Went is not gay.
    Maybe he wasn’t, but now HE IS!
    How do I know?
    Well, we have the EVIDENCE on the pics!
    The story:
    Gay Luke had his eyes on Straight Went for a long time.
    One beautiful summer morning, Gay Luke invited Straight Went for a stroll in Hollywood which includes a visit to Starbucks for a Crappuccino, that he, Gay Luke, would buy him!
    Poor S.Went couldn’t resist and innocently followed G.Luke.

    (Now, ladies and gents, please have a look at the 23 photos of that fateful day which changed Went’s sexual orientation for ever. Note that the photos have been mixed up by an uncaring blogger, I mean JJared)

    Picture 3: Happy S.Went and G.Luke are going to Starbucks. Note the smug attitude of G.L., he knows his tricks!

    Picture 9: Happier S.Went with his favourite drink!
    Awww, isn’t he cute?

    Picture 23: Poor innocent Went is enjoying his drink while G.L. is coveting his ass. Watch his evil smile.

    Pic 6:
    They then go to a cyber place where S.Went googles himself. Nobody is perfect.
    He gets an urgent call from Luke (who needed a pee a few minutes ago and went to the bathroom).

    He’s stuck in the Gents.

    Ever so helpful ,S.Went goes to his rescue.

    Here, ladies and Gentlemen, decency prevents me from describing what happened in the Gents. But you, pervs, can picture it on your own!
    Look at the evidence on Picture 20: Went’s jaw and hand are cramp stuck in the very position Luke FORCED them to adopt!

    Picture 4: a satisfied, spent Luke , comes out with his FLY STILL OPEN!

    Pictures 7,10 and 16 : Straight Went is no more! Gay Went laughs manically like a possessed soul as he is driven away by his predator….

  959. bexyboo


    I know I am on the “Went is straight” team. But I am laughing so much at the above report – I swear some of my beverage just sprayed through my nostrils.. LOL!

  960. Rose

    Pic 11
    Wentworth “Here have a suck…”
    Luke “Holy Fuckolla”

    Pic 12
    Wentworth “Of my frappe” (laughs wickedly)
    Luke (not impressed, at all)

    Pic 23
    Wentworth “Grin and bare it Luke, You can’t have this fine ass of mine”

  961. Rose

    I LOVE the finger in Pic 14!
    LOVE IT!

    See he is saying Fuck You,
    which happens to be me,
    because I am the one who is viewing the Pic!

    So he is not gay, he wants to fuck me.

    Dear Wentworth,
    in response to your kind gesturing invitation I accept.
    Love Rose 😡

  962. Rose

    That is not supposed to be a nasty face, I wanted it to be a kiss. Boo hoo.

  963. Kassie

    Girls, if you have lots of free time, check out JJ’s site. He’s got recent pics of Went at LAX with over 500 comments, including a number of posts from a guy called “Elkin”, who claims to have some inside info on Went and Luke as a couple. I don’t know what to think anymore. Wentworth Miller is ruining my life! I (almost) wish he’d come out so I could get over my OWD.

  964. KM

    For those still unconvinced that something happened at Kinko’s on that fateful day, here are the two crudest pieces of evidence (if you are under 12 years of age, please, don’t look!)

    Went coming out, his jaw and hand still locked into position:

    Luke steps out with his fly still open:

  965. bexyboo

    ROSIE!! Hello!

    LMAO at your poem…even with these pics though – am still not convinced he’s gay…even though I thought KM’s report was brilliant!
    Good work KM! x

  966. Amaryllis

    Well, if Elkin is telling the truth at least now we know what Went saw in him. Luke seems a very strong and confident young gay man.

  967. Luci

    Well WM was spotted in Memphis, TN during the Holiday and someone who was there said that he was with a group of people, including Luke. The link to the pic’s and comments are at the church.

  968. Rose

    Really does Wentworth know Luke ?

    I can’t believe they ate food! Together!

    With a large group of people, dirty bastards!!

    They HAVE to be GAY!

    I mean I root ALL my friends, Don’t You?

  969. Luci

    They are obviously a couple. It’s not a big deal people.

  970. eustacia

    It’s funny how the person who posted that Luke was there in Memphis too suddenly popped out of nowhere…no background information whatsoever. She didn’t even post her pictures with WM, even if she says she has them.

    I’d much rather believe the person who actually posted these pictures.

    And BTW, when were those pictures taken?

  971. Kassie

    Yes, KM, Luke’s fly is open. But it looks to me like Went is coughing in that pic… sure am relieved he quit smoking. I worry about him!

    Richard Chamberlain was on TV recently, saying that he didn’t “come out” officially until he felt totally ready…at age 68. F**k, are we going to have to wait that long to find out the truth about Went??

    I’ve been asking myself why I care so much about Went’s sexuality, and there are several reasons. One of the main ones is that it would hurt terribly to discover that he is a cad. I’ve fallen in love with the idea of him as a perfect gentleman. Keeping his private life private is his right. Pretending to be something he is not, and leading all of his devoted female fans on, is despicable. His image, true or not, cannot be separated from his character. If he is gay, he is damaging himself by denying it. He can’t be compared to Kevin Spacey and Jodie Foster, because they are not white-hot sex symbols like Wenty, and they’ve never pretended to be anything other than what they are.

    It frightens me to think that we, his fans, might be boxing him into a corner, stalking him down, dissecting him, judging him. I don’t want to do that to him. On the other hand, I want him to be the honorable man I imagine him to be.

    Wake me when the gay debate is over!!!

  972. KM

    @Kassie, I hope you all understand that I was being funny about the pics! I would never believe both guys had sex in the loo at Kinko’s!

    But I agree with the rest of your post. I feel the same pain and worry for his future. I posted on Jared ‘s comments an article I found in “Out in Hollywood” which says that there’s a shift in opinion about gay actors in the movies.
    IF our boy is , indeed gay, I do hope he’ll be able to save his career and come out!

    PS: The Memphis sighting with Luke is dubious , to say the least!
    Trust Mink to find the truth…

  973. Rose

    I have decided if Wentworth is gay,
    I am getting a sex change!

  974. KM


  975. Your Anonymous

    Trust Mink to find the truth…


  976. KM

    @Your Anonymous
    You shouldn’t doubt Mink’s ability to find out if Luke was with him or not because she’ll contact the person in the photo, one way or another. It was a PUBLIC PLACE with dozens of witnesses;

    Don’t know, but I think Went wouldn’t be STUPID enough to go to a restaurant with Luke and risk being photographed with him. The person who said that made it up!

    The FCoWM is renowned for it’s reliability, it just refuses to print gossip like other forums, it investigates!

  977. Anonymous

    A more reliable source:

    jaimyboy111 :
    I’m the boyfriend of Bellagilr The restaurant’s number is:(901) 523-2746, so if anyone doesn’t believe her or me, call the restaurant and ask for either isabella Gilr (Yes, she CAN spell–its her fucking last name, babyrose5555!) or Jaimy Weber. if we are working we will be happy to come to the phone to prove we work there!

    The Prison Break cast was NOT there. Wentworth was the only ‘celebrity’ there that night. He was with a private party that came in to celebrate a birthday. The manager said it was friends of Wentworth Miller’s family, along with some extended family of his that live in the area. One of the people there was his cousin.

    babyrose is making shit up. She was probably not even there. She’s probably some obsessed fan who wishes she was there.

    For the record, Luke McFarlane wasn’t there either. I watched “Brothers and Sisters” and I know who he is.

    Also for the record, the guy (miller) was cool as. He was nice and approachable and friendly. He also left an awesome tip (not mine, unfortuneately!) .God, I hope he NEVER sees this thread or he’ll probably quit show business for fear of obsessed fans! You guys really need to get a life….

  978. KM

    Sorry, I forgot to say it was KM.
    You can find the comments on Kathy Miller’s shared album on Flick.

    Kathy & Wentworth Miller

  979. maya

    I guess it’s highly unlikely that Luke would be in Memphis with Went.
    It’s quite clear that Wentworth went to lunch with family and friends.
    This obviously doesn’t change the fact that Mr. Miller is quite surely gay and dating LMF.

  980. eustacia

    I find it disturbing that someone would actually go to that flickr picture and comment that she saw Luke there when he actually wasn’t. It’s like people are deliberately perpetuating the rumors that he’s gay. How sad.

  981. Kassie

    Does anyone know where Went was on Thanksgiving? Was our boy eating turkey, and with whom? …wonder if he’d like my pumpkin pie…*starry eyes*

  982. KM

    @Kassie, of course he’d like your pumpkin pie, he’s got a sweet tooth like nobody!

  983. KM

    Definite proof he is gay:

    Wentworth Miller was given a plastic mold of the feminine nether regions (clitoris and vagina) and he’s TOTALLY PUZZLED by it.
    Hasn’t got a clue what to do with it!

  984. Cat's Meow


    LMAO!!!! That’s fucking HILARIOUS!!! lol
    But, I hope to God is NOT true!!!

  985. Your Anonymous

    Hey… the person who was in the reaturant added:

    PS. and per Kathy (pictured above) Luke was NOT there and as for the gay rumors (which who really cares, to each their own and these people do deserve a private life) he was with a woman that clearly “appeared to be his girlfriend”.


  986. Cat's Meow

    @Your Anonymous,

    Thanks for that!!! I knew Wenty loved pussy!!!
    meooooowwwwwww!!!! purrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!

  987. Amaryllis

    Sorry, he is still gay

  988. Alison

    He is so not gay! And I love him. ❤ He once said that he ain’t gay, so why can’t you just believe that? He is totally straight!

  989. Amaryllis

    Because I saw the pictures and I’m not blind

  990. bexyboo

    @Your Anoymous.
    Thank you for delivering such happy news.

    @Cat’s Meow
    OH YES… Went is a lady lover alright..LOL I really cannot see why people jump to conclusions about him having a coffee with a friend!!..Hardly concrete evidence is it ??

  991. Kassie

    @KM…you’re funny! I think he’s using his blue steel to set the vagina on fire…and I believe he can do it!!

    @your anonymous: if that’s his girlfriend, then he must like older women and I DO have a chance with him!!! She’s someone who just happened to be in the same restaurant where he was.

    Re: the gay issue, if Went really loved Luke, he’d be with him at Thanksgiving. Let’s see where he is and who he’s with at Christmas.

    Considering that his father was a DA and both of his sisters are attorneys, it seems he’d be too savvy to make false public statements that could come back to bite him in the ass, such as “I really want a wife and kids.” Of course, there are gay men who are married to women and have kids. (Maybe they have some kind of arrangement.) The man is a mystery wrapped up in an enigma. But I love him.

  992. Mink

    I’m pretty sure that “I’d like a wife and kids some day” isn’t a legally binding statement of intent. Just sayin’.

  993. Mama B ear

    Breaking News:

    There are now three unavoidable things in life:

    (1) Death

    (2) Taxes

    (3) This “Gay Debate”

  994. Mama Bear


    KM said:

    “Wentworth Miller was given a plastic mold of the feminine nether regions (clitoris and vagina) and he’s TOTALLY PUZZLED by it.
    Hasn’t got a clue what to do with it!”

    After looking at that manip, I don’t think I’d know what to do with it either…the nani he’s holding looks like a shitake mushroom!

  995. KM

    Hello, Mama Bear,

    I don’t know about yours, but MINE looks a lot like that, only fleshier….
    I LOVE Went’s expression and furrowed brow on the pic, he’s like a little boy trying to figure out how the female equipment works…..

    Seriously, I wondered what he is holding and I realized it one of those Origami cranes we saw in PB1!

  996. Fuushi

    what “expression”? where can I see the pic/video?

  997. KM

    FUUSHI, scroll up to:KM
    November 29, 2007 at 9:45 am if you want to enjoy it, click on the link! :-))

  998. Fuushi

    ahh…thanks! i wasn´t awake enough 🙂

  999. Rose

    My vagina would not confuse Wentworth!

  1000. Rose

    He is looking at it ass end that’s why he is so confused!
    Flip it Went, Flip it!
    Oh and flip me while you’re there!
    I’ll flip you 😉

  1001. Kassie

    Anon: that link doesn’t work for me: what is it about?

    KM: you had avery recently deleted video link on another topic; what was that about?

    I feel like I’m missing something here…

  1002. anon

    Kassie, sorry about that. The link was working when I posted it. That site is having some problems. It was a link to a gay blog forum and one of the posters told a story about how he saw Went about a month ago with another guy, very cute, and they were acting coupley and talking as though they lived together, in the words of that poster. That poster seemed to think that it was Went hanging out with his boyfriend.

    I have no opinion on the gay topic. I found the link and it applied to this topic so I thought I’d post it here. If the link is fixed, I’ll repost it.

  1003. KM

    @Kassie My delete post on another thread didn’t concern anything about Went!
    It was a nasty trick somebody I know likes to play on girls with revolting images.I was upset and posted here, but really, I shouldn’t have! Matter settled.

    @Anon, I hope you don’t think this sighting is real? No mention of the place and date… People make up things like that in most forums. It ‘s amazing that even in the case of the Memphis restaurant people contradict each other and it all ends in a muddle.
    I love the two pics, though!

  1004. Kassie

    Thanks, Anon and KM. Does anyone know where Went is now? Is he still in Dallas? Is PB finished for now? Has Luke ever gone to Dallas while Went was there? Seems like someone should have the answers to these questions…

  1005. KM

    Well, Kassie, nobody knows for sure. There’s all sorts of rumours on sites like Jared but anybody can write want he wants.( I even found my own joke about the vagina pasted on the site. I protested, because Wet for Went is an open-minded site while Jared is more PC.)

    Went was supposed to end filming on the 28th. I suppose they take a rest after that. But we’ll get another thrilling airport sighting soon, no doubt! (lol).
    If you scroll down the Went topic on Jared, you’ll see that it’s the THIRD airport sighting we’ve had!
    All we get is Starbucks candids, airport shots and promos…
    It’s sometimes hard to be a Went fan…

  1006. KM

    Went and his greatest love interest in hand:

    I love the pose, as I’m a leg whore!

  1007. anon

    @Anon, I hope you don’t think this sighting is real? No mention of the place and date… People make up things like that in most forums.

    I’m aware of that. Like I said, I have no opinion on this topic – I only posted it because it relates to this discussion so I thought you all might want to see it. Feel free to believe or disbelieve, whatever works for you.

    But if you did want to know what I think, I think he is whatever he is and as long as he’s doing his job, I couldn’t care less who he comes home to at night.

  1008. Wentworth's Wife

    Why the hell are we even debating this??? The man is straight, unless he says otherwise and he hasn’t, so please just drop it already!!!

  1009. Kassie

    It’s late at night in Bangkok… I should be in bed asleep. The whole gay issue keeps shifting in my mind. Honestly, if Went is gay, then that’s the way it is of course. But what keeps coming back to me is that it’s no way for him, or anyone, to live his life, pretending to be something he’s not. Went just doesn’t seem like the kind of person who would do that. There are ways for a gay man to answer questions about his sexuality that preserve his right to privacy, without being dishonest or deliberately misleading. Went seems intelligent and mature enough to know that lying is not the way to handle the issue. A gay man pretending to be straight is a fraud, pure and simple. In the past, I’ve justified lying about the issue as a matter of privacy and protecting his career, but on further reflection, it seems that lying about being gay is simply wrong. There are lies that don’t hurt anyone. But a gay man pretending to be straight has the potential to hurt a woman who might fall in love with him. (Like me -ha ha!!)

    What about being bisexual? Is there really such a thing? Or is that just an excuse?

  1010. Mama Bear

    KM said:

    “I don’t know about yours, but MINE looks a lot like that, only fleshier…”


    While it’s been some time since I’ve looked at my own vagina, I’m pretty confident that it doesn’t resemble the thing Went is holding. 😉

    Rose said:

    “My vagina would not confuse Wentworth!”

    LMFAO – classic! 🙂 All of a sudden the great Gay Debate becomes the Vagina Monologues…I love it!

    And finally, KM said:

    “It’s sometimes hard to be a Went fan…”

    Honey, I feel your pain.

  1011. KM

    @Mama Bear:

    ” All of a sudden the great Gay Debate becomes the Vagina Monologues…I love it!”

    –>Well, M.B., it all boils down to that: vaginas, our hungry, insatiable vaginas!
    The Gay Debate should be subtitled: Can Went fulfill our vaginas or not?

  1012. Cat's Meow

    Yeah, this should be called “Can Went fill our vaginas with his BBP (big black package)!!! lol

    I agree with everything you said. A gay man pretending to be straight is a fraud, deceitful, misleading, dishonest and so forth. I hope Went would not stoop this low and betray his adoring female fans. If he’s the man I think he is, then he would not. I hope I’m right!

    I personally don’t believe in bi-sexuality. I think when someone is bi it’s because they are young & experimenting, confused and not fully accepting being gay and/or extremely sexual. From what I’ve seen, usually someone who starts out bi, ends up gay. For example, Elton John and George Michael both have had relationships with women in the past, but now say they are gay and were all along, not bisexual.

  1013. lj

    Anon 10.56. I’m aware of that gay gossip site you referenced and you might want to take into account that just about every second post is proof or a sighting that someone in Hollywood is gay even the married ones —- Hugh Jackman, Nicole Kidman, Meryl Streep, Mariska Hargatay. They are all mentioned because EVERYONE is gay! I’d be surprised if Went wasn’t on the site. It’s a gay gossip site. That’s what they do. Gossip about people who they want to be gay.

  1014. lj

    @Kassie, I just noticed your post about eLKIN who appeared on JustJared. If you read down through all the comments on JJ you’ll notice that eLKIN has been accused of being a fraud by a number of other posters. The bulk of what eLKIN says is freely available on the net and he infuses this with made up crap. But the most obvious evidence is that he isn’t posting LA time. eLKIN claims to be in LA and have first hand knowledge of Went and Luke but he’s not even in the same time zone. After he was called out he stopped posting but other posters keep referring to what he said as though it’s fact. It’s not. He’s a phony.

    And by the way it suddenly occurred to me that this time zone thing is a good way of checking the bona fides of posters and I went back and checked on the posts from Jack. He’s the poster who claimed to live and work in LA and have inside knowledge about Went around the time of the Perez story. And hey. Guess what. He’s another middle of the night poster. Another big fat phony!!

  1015. Cat's Meow

    That’s very interesting about the time zone thing. How does that work? The sad thing is I almost believed that eLKIN idiot. I thought maybe he was telling the truth and I almost got lured to the “darkside”. I hope to God you’re right about this!! Why do idiots like eLKIN and Jack get their rocks off by lying about Went? I notice they both constantly compliment Went while insisting that he’s gay. Is that so we believe them more?

  1016. lj

    I think that WFW and JJ’s board are set to east coast time. LA time is 3 hours earlier. If you want to check timezones you can convert using this

    eLKIN posted through the night and stopped posting around 9am LA time during week days. After he was called on the time zone thing I think he might have posted once or twice during the day LA time. I’m guessing that he was posting from school, uni or work during the day in Europe or the UK which is why on weekends he was able to post at a different times but he’s given up because he realised that people were on to him.

    Same thing for Jack. I just went back and checked on WFW and his posts are 4.54am, 5.37am, 6.02am, 9.58am, 6.31am, 8.28am, 8.38am, 9.15am. Since WFW’s blog is set at east coast time that’s the middle of the night LA time. He must have thought that he hit the jackpot when the Perez story came out just after all his posts.

    The timing of his posts are very similar to eLKIN’s so it’s possible that they are even the one person. And the fact that they both add as a postscript ‘but he’s a nice guy’ is another reason to make me think they are one and the same. As for why they do it. I wouldn’t have a clue. That’s what trolls do isn’t? Post contrary messages to generate controversy for their own amusement.

    The flickr account that has the Went Memphis pics has also been taken over by a troll. That person has a history of multiposting and spinning the most bizarre stories and detailed fabrications. I’ve seen her stuff before. I recognised her name as one of the posters and became suspicious.

  1017. lj

    And one more thing Cat’s. Went may or may not be gay. I don’t know. But one thing is for sure —-you are never going to learn anything factual from an anonymous poster on a blog.

  1018. Cat's Meow

    I went on JJ and it is indeed set on eastcoast time. I’m in New York, and it’s on my time. Therefore, on Tuesday, November 20th, Elkin posted at 1:30 am, 3:30 am, 6:16 am, 7:00 am and 8:30 am on L.A. time. That means he would have posted all through the night without sleeping. I don’t believe he’s in L.A. at all.

    I can’t believe I almost believed that fucker! He sounded so truthful. Like you, I don’t know if Went is straight or gay, but this taught me a lesson not to believe random posters in the comments sections on any blog. It could be some guy sitting in his room in China for all we know!!!

  1019. KM

    All these internet sightings should teach us a lesson: let’s not believe anything before we get proof. Just consider the fragility of human testimony with the example of the Memphis restaurant story. Pictures were taken with three people.
    -Went was with the PB crew.
    -No, he was with family and friends
    -Luke was with him
    -No , he wasn’t
    -Went was with his girlfriend
    -No, she only seemed to be his girlfriend
    -Because they WERE TALKING!!!

    How can we believe anything? And yet, these stories are from people who claim they were there!

    The truth is ; we know NOTHING!
    And that ‘s why we are still here, speculating and speculating again, trying to soothe our frustration by talking to each other..

    Hey! What if this is where his publicists wanted to take us?
    If Went’s naked(*drools*) truth was so boring (as he himself said”I’m a dork”) that we would lose our prurient interest if we knew it all?

    Maybe,then, his agents are not just twits?

  1020. New Anon

    This all gay or not gay thing drives me crazy
    Before the pics I didn’t care so much for the rumours, now I start to think he really is gay.
    I have talked about this to a girlfriend of mine (she knows WM but she isn’t a fan, she’s not obsessed like me anyway)
    She said to me: there are still people who think he may be straight?????
    She was astonished.
    She doesn’t understand that it’s a difficult thing for a fan to accept.

  1021. Kassie

    New Anon, does your friend who knows him think Went is gay? It seems odd to me that the ONLY person who gives his name who is SURE that Went is gay is Perez Hilton…and he claimed that Castro was dead.

    The gay men I know personally don’t make a big deal about their homosexuality, but they aren’t pretending to be straight; they’re not “dating” women to try to pass themselves off as heterosexual. Is it really so important for a gay actor to remain in the closet to get roles? If that’s so, then it’s partly our (the fans) fault. But looking at the great careers of Jodie Foster and Kevin Spacey, just to name two, it’s obviously possible to handle the issue in such a way as to maintain privacy. Yes, they’re not huge sex symbols, but Went has said he’d be happier with character roles.

    Someone somewhere made the point that it would be ironic if Went, who played Coleman Silk, lived his own life that way, trying to pass as something he was not. Went seems too mature and level-headed to me to do that. Is it possible that he actually LIKES this controversy because it generates a lot of interest in him?

  1022. Kassie

    Sorry to double -post…just wanted to add that I believe it may take a few years for the question to finally be answered once and for all. If Went is gay, I would not be that surprised if he did come out, albeit in a very subtle way.

    The sticking point is that it’s about 50/50 right now, for and against. And I sure hope he didn’t lie to us.

  1023. Anon

    Jodie Foster and Kevin Spacey are both great actors and nobody cares about their gayness.
    Wentworth Miller is not a great actor (yet), in fact, he’s pretty hopeless in conveying certain feelings.
    His main appeal is his beauty and that’s why his sexuality is such an issue.
    And will remain a subject of controversy as long as we are not sure if he’s straight or gay.
    This is where we stand today.

  1024. Cat's Meow

    I agree! Went’s beauty is what attracted most fans. That’s why there wasn’t a big hulaboo when T.R. Knight and Neil Patrick Harris came out because who gives 2 shits about them. They are not sex symbols like Went is.

    Went has marketed himself as a straight man. Let’s hope he’s being true to himself and his fans. If not, that’s fraud. It’s one thing to play a straight character in a tv role, but to play the straight card to further your career is just not fair to your admiring female fans. If he was openly gay from the start, though I would have thought he was cute, in no way would I have invested 3 plus years loving him. I’m just not turned on by gay men, just like they aren’t turned on by women. If Went is really gay, that’s false advertising and he’s got to own up to it.

  1025. anon421

    Fine by me!
    Let’s rest the case for a while until further information….

  1026. Kassie

    Some people think Went is not a very good actor, but I respectfully disagree. If all you have seen of him is PB, then you’ve missed his range. He is so totally different in The Human Stain and some of his other TV work, like Popular. PB doesn’t give him much opportunity to show his acting talent, especially this season. I mean, he’s in the same place with the same people trying to do the same thing every episode. Now that SWC is gone, there is zero female interaction. 😦 Granted, he should work on his crying…when he cries, it looks like he’s smiling (for example, the season 2 episode where he met his father and was remembering his foster home situation). I hope he finds other acting roles right away so we can continue to drool over him!

    KM: That link didn’t work for me, but I saw it somewhere else. Are there any pictures of WM and LM at the store, or a store name and location given? He really hasn’t spent that much time in LA recently, so I kind of doubt he keeps food in his fridge. Luke, on the other hand, might be a world-class chef for all we know. If these two are really so hot for each other, they’d be together every chance they had, and that doesn’t seem to be happening…

  1027. Rose

    Back to Vaginas,
    Maybe everyone confused when Wentworth said:

    “I’m allergic to Cats!”

    That he meant pussies.

    Mine will make not make you itch or sneeze, just come!
    I’ll groom it for you! It’s the “fur” that causes the allergy, yeah?

  1028. KM

    @Kassie Sorry the link doesn’t work for you (No idea why? it looks O.K.!) Basically, it’s on a gay forum (Datalounge) and a guy claims he’s seen him shopping with Luke like a couple.There’s no proof of anything, no mention of the place or date in L.A.
    WFW intervened once or twice on this forum and WFW is not badly seen by the gays there, contrary to Went’s other fan sites (described as gay haters and enemies!).
    There are other rumours also like he was with this theater actor (name given) before Prison Break or that Perez ‘s “impeccable source” on Went/Luke is Marshall Allman (Lincoln’s son in PB).
    They are RUMOURS. Not proofs. So, to be taken with a pinch of salt, or even dismissed completely!

  1029. KM

    Our Went is a man who lives on the edge!
    He shops at Gap
    He drinks frappuccinos
    He plays Scrabble
    He buys eggs

    *sings “sex and drugs and rock’n roll”*

  1030. audrey

    I’m just wondering why people feel compelled to loosely spread unsure information with no direct source and which lacks authoritative facts. Do they find satisfaction in lighting the fuse of suggestion? As though they’ve got the right to create all sorts of innuendo when there is no real evidence aside from some anonymous comment on a gay blog.

    KM/Kelleymary I’m sorry to single you out but didn’t you have a friend who was supposedly posting fake information on WFW’s board? . I’m talking about your post on October 13, 2007 at 8.16 am. You of all people should know how unreliable the web can be.

  1031. Kassie

    Rose: you’re cute! He’s allergic to pussies!!LMAO Guess he wouldn’t be interested in joining the cast of “Cats” on Broadway??? Maybe “That Cat is High” because he threw it as far up as he could?? God, I love that man…

    KM: like your song! We should start a campaign to get Went a singing role on screen or stage. I personally feel it’s cruel of him to refuse to sing…why not use his talents? Hmmm…maybe a porn film…I’ll write myself into the script…*sigh*

  1032. KM

    yes, I know first hand what it means! But I solved the problem eye to eye with the so-called friend. (N.B.: for those who wonder what it’s all about: I share a flat with some 4 other people, common computer, and my interest in Went being well-known and scorned, one of my flatmates thought it very funny to post here lots of insanities. I caught him in the act, and I checked he never wrote under my username. I only wished WFW had a password system, I asked her but she didn’t respond)

    Don’t get me wrong , Audrey, I mentioned this Datelounge link because I found the egg story irresistible!
    Don’t you? :-))

    @Rose, I’m sure you could write excellent new Cat’s High words for the song! Here are the original lyrics, what can you do with them?

    Folks I’m mellow as a honeydew! (Oh yeah, yeah)

    That cat is high
    Look at that look in his eye
    On man he’s high
    The cats higher than a kite

    When you see him stumblin’
    Up and down the street
    You know that cat’s been drinkin’
    Got no shoes upon his feet

    Man he’s high
    I said that cat is high
    Yes he’s high
    Man he’s higher than a kite

    That cat is high
    Look at that look in his eye
    You know I wouldn’t lie
    That cat is higher than a kite

    Boys he’s high
    Oh look at them two black eyes
    Oh me oh my
    That cat is higher than the sky

    When you see him tippin’
    Round and round the block
    Oh you know that cat he’s very beat
    Hip clean down to his socks

    That cat is high
    Look at that look in his eye
    Oh me oh my
    That cat is higher than the sky

    Something on pussies?
    “That puss is dry” maybe?
    English is not my language, so I can’t propose anything myself…
    Get you creative juices flowing!

  1033. KM

    Start working on the script! We’ve got a long Wentdrought ahead, we need some sort of occupation…

  1034. lj

    KM. I have some questions for you. How many posts has your flatmate made on this board? And does he post on other boards? Say Just Jared for example? eLKIN on JJ’s board posted though the night. Just like Jack. And anonymous/tom who posted about the Mark Liddel blind item. This would be consistent with someone posting from somewhere in Europe, like, um Switzerland which is where your ‘friend’ is posting from right?

  1035. KM

    @ Lj:
    He posted under “anonymous” several times, but he doesn’t do it anymore, since he promised.
    And I don’t think he posts anywhere else as he works full time, now.
    Still I like to be able to log in as we do on TWoP forums. It’s not very difficult to do so, I suppose.
    Most blogs do it now as it avoids being insulted or getting hate posts.

  1036. maya

    “As though they’ve got the right to create all sorts of innuendo when there is no real evidence aside from some anonymous comment on a gay blog.”

    I beg to differ on that, there aren’t only all sorts of innuendo, for some people, and I am one of them, Perez story (who’s got popular almost as the people he writes about and even got more show contacts and insiders) and the Luke & Went pictures are proof that there is a strong possibility of WM lying on his sexual preferences.
    If this wouldn’t be enough to persuade you, keep in mind that against the two (vague and unsatisfactory) Wentworth’s denies, PH didn’t back off, hoping his readers will forget about it, but published both time Went’s deny and publicly accused him of lying.
    I find quite serious call someone a liar and according to me it shows that Perez is absolutely sure of what he said about mister Miller
    Strangely I have never heard Wentworth calls PH a liar or talking about his friend Luke…

  1037. KM

    I agree with you, Maya! Not all “gossips” are to be dismissed. If you find bullshit in forums on the net (like the hilarious “egg” thing), you have to believe certain sites like Perez, even if you understand that his motives are not full of the milk of human kindness!
    Perez has a name and address, he generates a lot of money, and if he can be wrong sometimes (Ah, the Castro item, it will follow him to the grave, I suppose!), he’s generally right when he claims he’s certain about one thing within his domain.
    We have the Luke pics with Went, and Perez “forecasted “them months before they were taken.
    It’s the only real evidence we have and those pics are heartbreaking to a lot of fans.
    You can convince yourself that “a straight man can walk with a gay man, it doesn’t mean they are lovers”but you know damn well that a straight actor with a budding career will NEVER run the risk of being caught in public with a rumoured gay actor who is his alleged lover.
    If your are honest, you can remember the shock you had when you first saw the pics?
    Who said first impressions are the right ones?

    Only those pics count because they tell us something obvious.
    Also,NOBODY tried to squash the rumours, neither Went (because he claims he doesn’t care) nor his bosses (who could have done it because THEY care about their money and their ratings).

  1038. Fuushi

    As it is unlikely that went will ever be with me, I don´t care if he fucks a female stranger or a male one.

  1039. Kassie

    KM: That pussy’s dry…LMFAO!!! About your comment, “can you remember the shock you had when you first saw the pics”? (Went with Luke)…yes, I figured that was his way of coming out. But then he never said anything, nor did LM, and I wondered if the pics were a way of showing us that he liked to play games with his fans, to prove that rumors have the weight of fact in Hollywood. They both seemed to be laughing at us in those pictures.

    My main issue with the Gay Question revolves around integrity. Yes, WM is entitled to a private life. But then he should not make statements like, “I’m not gay” (if he really is), or “I want a wife and kids someday” (if that “someday” will never come). He’s bound to spend time with women, as he has in the past. If he’s gay, will he tell them so as not to lead them on? I find it absolutely despicable for a gay man to use women as “beards”. Especially one as attractive *drooling* as Went. I mean, that is just cruel. It’s downright evil.

  1040. anon lower case

    You know, I have no idea what his sexuality is, but I choose to believe him, because I can’t imagine that

    a) a 35-year-old man
    b) who grew up in New York City
    c) who graduated with honors from Princeton
    d) who’s open about his Mulatto heritage
    e) who lives in Los Angeles
    f) in the 21st century

    is stupid enough to declare, again and again, in print, in radio, and on video, that he likes women and wants a wife and kids, if he in fact only likes cock.

    I agree that mankind doesn’t change, but the times do, and Michael Scofield is not Dr. Kildare and Wentworth Miller not Richard Chamberlain.

    Call me delusional, but until we get better “proof” than two guys walking next to each other, I’m sticking to this.

  1041. anon lower case

    “is stupid enough to declare, again and again, in print, in radio, and on video, that he likes women and wants a wife and kids, if he in fact only likes cock.”

    I didn’t make that clear enough: I not only think he’s too smart for that, I think he’s too educated and liberal for that bullshit. I think if someone asked him flat-out if he was gay and he was, he’d say yes. And if not that, he’d not comment. Instead of elaborating how that rumor can’t be killed and how he really likes a certain type of woman. That’s just… too dumb. He has to know that’d never go over well.

  1042. Kassie

    anon lower-case, I agree with everything you said. A 35-year-old man should have his sexual orientation figured out, and most gays have come out by then. But do you think it’s possible that he’s bisexual and doesn’t want to go into the details publicly?

  1043. Cat's Meow

    @Anon lower case & Kassie,
    I totally agree with you both!!

    Went has stated out of his own mouth “he wants a wife & kids” and describes his ideal woman twice.

    Check this out:

    Search for:
    -Wentworth Miller ET Canada

    If he’s gay, he’s lying his ass off. Let’s hope he’s NOT!!!

    Notice in the ET Canada interview, when asked about his private life, he voluntarily says he wants a wife & kids. He could have said “someone special”, but specifically said “wife & kids”.

    In both Cannes & Korea he describes his ideal woman in detail. He could have said 1 or 2 things, but he goes on and on. WTF???? Does he just like to talk or is he for real????

  1044. KM

    “he never said anything, nor did LM, and I wondered if the pics were a way of showing us that he liked to play games with his fans, to prove that rumors have the weight of fact in Hollywood. They both seemed to be laughing at us in those pictures.”
    —>I felt the same, Kassie. I’m still intrigued by the way they’re laughing. My first reaction was that laughing was cruel and disrespectful to the shocked fans, as if he was saying:”Fuck you all!”. Was he only laughing at the paps? I don’t think so. He knows the impact a picture has on the public (have you noticed his raised finger?).
    My only fragile hope is, as you said, that he may be playing games with us.
    So, he would be JOKING? But why hide at first?
    I’m afraid that until he clearly talks about the pics, we’ll remain in the dark.
    I wish interviewers had the balls to ask him directly…

  1045. anon lower case

    “(have you noticed his raised finger?).”

    His raised finger? Is this for real?? Is that seriously supposed to prove something?

    Kassie, the whole bisexuality discussion is further up, and of course the people who say he’s gay insist that bisexuality doesn’t insist (what they mean is, “true” bisexuality, as in liking each gender equally, is rare). So take your pick on Kinsey’s scale. Personally, I think he’s not higher up than a 2.

  1046. KM

    @anon lower case
    Well, I’m not the only one who noticed the “up yours” finger…

  1047. Amaryllis

    If he lied (and I personally think he did)
    it’s not the end of the world.
    I think I would do the same thing.
    After years of trying he’s finally a star and I couldn’t blame him if he wants to shield his career

  1048. Could be...

    …that his sexual orientation is towards males and his affectional orientation is towards females.
    So, he may logically want to have a family and kids for security and affection, with a female.

  1049. Kassie

    Amaryllis, but if he’s gay, the truth will come out sooner or later. With the paps following him around and everyone on “Wentwatch” to see what he’s doing and who he’s with (and who he’s DOING) there is no way he could keep up that front forever. And not even the world’s greatest acting career is worth hiding in the closet for the rest of your life. The days of an actor as hot as he is being able to hide are gone.

    Who the hell is he doing??? After all, he’s not living the life of a monk, is he? He’s said he’s never been Mr. One Night Stand, but come on… He only has to turn around to find a willing partner. **hands go up around the globe, mine included, hehe**

    @Could be… that’s an interesting idea. I hope to God that if he starts openly dating someone, the fans won’t tear the poor woman to pieces.

  1050. anon lower case

    What exactly is the “up yours” finger?

    Is that as real as the gay lisp and inability to control the volume and inflection of his voice that the Lainey chick claims to have heard during his first Ellen interview?

  1051. Kassie

    anon lower case…that “gay lisp” thing is b.s.

    Take a look here:

    to see a post about a recent sighting of Went with a woman in his car…a date? …his sister?…Luke dressed up like a woman?…

  1052. KM

    @Anon Lower case

    The “up yours finger” is the rude gesture you do to say “fuck off”! What did you think???
    To be seen on one of the pics where they are both walking together…

  1053. ANON 4

    Went with a woman?This is just another rumor. No reason to believe it anymore than the other sightings.

  1054. Rose

    “The Cat is High”?!?

    hmm I never listened to the whole song.

    You see it is a metaphor;

    Wentworth is singing about the HIGHpitched noise I make when he comes up my PUSSY.
    Wentworth is loveDRUNK off my hump and lumps!

    BTW KM, when it comes to Went pussies are never, ever dry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Believe Me!

  1055. anon lower case


    wordpress, will you let me post, damnit?

  1056. anon lower case

    WordPress is eating my posts. So if suddenly this one pops up all over the place, sorry.

    KM, what I meant was, what exactly in the pictures is the “fuck you” gesture supposed to be? This? I’d never noticed it before.


    Again, I don’t see how Wentworth – if he is gay and lying about it because he thinks that’s the way to be mindful of his career – would do something so incredibly unprofessional and thus stupid.

  1057. Kassie

    My last post didn’t go through…will try again.

    Rose, you are so right about the dry pussies…nonexistent around Went, even around the thought of him…

    So here’s my version, “That Man is Fine” (sung to the tune of “That Cat is High”)

    That man is fine
    look at that look in his eye
    Oh man he’s fine
    And he can f**k you with his eyes.

    When you see him strolling
    Up and down the street
    You know that man’s been drinkin frappacinos
    I wanna suck the toes upon his feet.

    Man he’s fine
    I said that man is fine
    Yes he’s fine
    And I’m gonna make him mine.

    That man is fine
    Look at the look in his eye
    You know he wouldn’t lie
    He’s not gay…he might be bi.

    Man he’s fine
    Oh look at them blue-steel eyes
    Oh me oh my
    Just wanna f**k that gorgeous guy.

    When you see him sweatin’
    Down in Panama
    Oh you know that man he’s very hot
    Hot clean down to his jocks.

    That man is fine
    Look at that look in his eye
    Oh me oh my
    That man’s so fine he makes me blind!

    Looking for a singer…anyone?

  1058. Mink

    anon lower case, there’s been some ridiculous talk about Went making some kind of rude gesture with his middle finger in one of those pics where he’s walking along with Luke (yeah, the one you posted).

    Of all the various levels of stupid with regard to this gay debate, that’s near the top. Went is just holding something lightly, and we all know he has a tendency to play with his fingers. He is not making any kind of ‘up yours’ finger gesture.

    The implication that he is goes up there with the idea that these pics are photoshopped, or that they weren’t taken on the day claimed because WM’s weight is different to how he looks in the airport pics taken the same weekend (it’s not, he’s just got these terrible, unflattering clothes on in the Went/Luke pics that make him look wider than he is).

    But seriously, I have no idea why people still find this subject interesting in the absence of any kind of new evidence for months.

  1059. KM


    About the “finger”: I mentioned it in an answer to Kassie who was saying:
    “He never said anything, nor did LM, and I wondered if the pics were a way of showing us that he liked to play games with his fans, to prove that rumors have the weight of fact in Hollywood. They both seemed to be laughing at us in those pictures.”
    And I said:
    “—>I felt the same, Kassie. I’m still intrigued by the way they’re laughing. My first reaction was that laughing was cruel and disrespectful to the shocked fans, as if he was saying:”Fuck you all!”. Was he only laughing at the paps? I don’t think so. He knows the impact a picture has on the public (have you noticed his raised finger?).”

    I said I was INTRIGUED, because it wasn’t in character with what we know of polite and shy Went. Somebody noticed the finger (I hadn’t at first, since we don’t do this gesture, but an “arm” gesture in my part of the world.) and I was wondering… Went’s laughter was also intriguing..
    Was the whole thing a JOKE?

    And I thought we needed some sort of explanation that never came..

  1060. Rose

    @Kassie, *putting my hand up*
    I kick ass on Singstar!

  1061. KM

    Back to the subject of jokes and Went.
    I read Dominic’s interview in the Belgian CINE TELE REVUE(oct 2007) . He describes how Went loves jokes.
    Dominic:” I have to take my revenge on him. You know what Went did last week? He stole my script on which I had written comments and indications for my next scenes..He added lots of little obscene drawings and dirty sentences I can’t repeat here!
    Unfortunately for me, I opened the script while I was onboard a plane and the passenger next to me saw it all : he kept watching me with a strange look for the rest of the trip! He must have thought I was a maniac..
    .So, next time Wentworth puts his sandwich down for a minute, you can be sure he won’t like its taste when he takes it again!”

    We also learn that their friendship wasn’t instant since at first,Dom resented the fact that Went was always late for work and never followed the script….
    But now they’re great buddies!

    It sheds new light on Went, doesn’t it?
    I like the idea of “Went’s dirty drawings”!!!!

  1062. Kassie

    OK, Rose, sing it!

    And KM: more more more! Please give us a link for the entire interview…it sounds like fun!!! What do you suppose Dom will put in Went’s sandwich? Men can do some really disgusting things…

    Went, late for work? Doesn’t sound like him….must have been busy with some prurient artwork…

  1063. KM


    This is the link (hope it works!)

    Anything you don’t understand, I can translate for you….
    Dunno what awful sandwich filling Dom had in mind…As you say, men can be pigs! :-))

    But we love pigs, don’t we? They’re pink and tasty…

  1064. Kassie

    Thanks, KM!

    And I have a link for you…but you may not be happy to see it…more gay evidence…

  1065. Kassie

    KM, sorry, but my French is a lot worse than your English (which is excellent, BTW). When you have time, would you please 🙂 translate the whole article? I think everyone would love to read it. I’m so jealous of you multi-lingual Europeans…we Americans aren’t very good with other languages; we seem to be too busy finding other uses for our tongues 😉

  1066. KM

    Thanks, Kass, but I had already seen it as there’s almost nothing on YouTube or Dailymotion concerning Went that escapes my radar! I rewatched it though, also”Gay Love Declaration to Wentworth Miller” with Police singing “Every step you take…I’ll be watching you”.
    It’s true, every step the poor man takes is being watched by male or female fans, it seems. it must be Hell!
    I can translate Dom’s interview, but a lot is irrelevant. It’s mainly about Dom’s career and his life before Prison Break.
    I don’t know if WFW and Moderator would accept such a long article…
    But what I can do is translate everything Went related?
    See you tomorrow, Swiss time!

  1067. KM

    I forgot that it’s Boyfriend’s afternoon at the gym today, so I have a little time before preening myself for the evening. Let me translate for you Kass, still in my crappy old jeans and top, surrounded by crumbs and leftovers from my afternoon tea…

    “Q: PB is a world success. How do you explain it?

    A: It’s normal, it’s a great show! The characters are spot on and people just love them. They want them to succeed so Linc gets his revenge. But a great part of the success of PB is due to Wentworth Miller, he’s the eye-candy of the show!

    Q: False. He told us that you get more fan mail than him…
    A: He exagerates. The guy is a killer, he has an incredible charisma. I see him becoming one of the biggest movie stars in the near future. I’m nothing compared to him! (laughs)”

    Them Dom explains that it was a stroke of luck that gave him the part in PB , as he had come to present a personal project to the Fox .He was offered the role, and he said why not? He was so relaxed for the audition that he didn’t understand that it was for the pilot of the series. He thought he had to play the part of “a pilot”, and he made a fool of himself playing the air pilot. But they liked it!
    He adds that he’s so proud of the success of the story because not many people believed in it.

    He then talks about his personal life. Says that it’s not very interesting contrary to Wentworth’s who is a target for paparazzis! He remains friends with his ex-wife, Rebecca. He’s 37 and the proud father of 4 kids, Joseph 8, Audrey 6, and two adorable twins , Lily-Rose and Augustus 4.
    He’s careful to preserve his privacy.

    He says:”I could never tolerate to have my private life exposed to the public like Wentworth’s is. When Rebecca and I were together we never went out to the Hollywood parties. And it’s not going to change now!”

    Q: You are great friends, Wentworth and you..

    A: Yes.We discovered celebrity together and we often agree. He’s a brother to me.
    I have a great respect for him and he has enormous talent and charisma. On set, he’s a real hypnotiser! With our shaven heads we may look like brutes, but we behave like kids.We’re always playing jokes on each other. I just remember I must take my revenge on him”
    (Dom speaks about the script incident, the “dirty drawings” and the sandwich revenge. See my previous post)

    Q: But at first, you didn’t get on very well together..

    A: true. He was making my life difficult by talking with a horrible accent. I come from Great Britain and I still have a problem with people who mumble or speak too fast like they do in L.A. Same problem that you have with Quebec people!
    He would also arrive late on set and never followed the script. I got annoyed and we had a good eye to eye explanation, then we became the best friends in the world.

    Q: Where do you see yourself 4 or 5 years from now?
    A: Difficult to say.. I feel that the show has very little chances to carry on for another 4 years..So I may develop my own project.

    Q: It doesn’t bother you to have to shave your head?
    A: I don’t care at all about my look! I’m a happy father and I ‘m not on the seduction market anymore. I could be covered in scars and have a broken nose, I would be happy all the same!”
    That’s all folks! Sorry about the mistakes and apologies to WFW for using so much space.

    *To the shower to make oneself pretty*

  1068. Mink

    “He would also arrive late on set and never followed the script.

    This is just a suggestion, but presumably here DP is referring to Season 1. It would therefore make sense that WM wasn’t turning up late to the set because he had turned up late to work, but because he’d been undergoing the tattoo process.

    As for WM not following the script. LOL! I don’t know about “never”, but I can totally see that happening with reasonable frequency.

    Thanks for the translation, KM.

  1069. Kassie

    KM, thanks for the translation! Wish we could see Went’s dirty drawings…

    Here’s a thought…I wonder why no one has asked SWC about Went’s sexual orientation. Seems if anyone would have it pegged it would be her… although it would be extremely unlikely that she’d say anything negative about Went.

    Love the idea of being surrounding by “the crumbs of afternoon tea”…do you have lots of snow? * turning green with envy*

    And Mink, I agree with you that Went was probably making lots of suggestions regarding the script…that seems his style.

  1070. anon lower case

    “This is just a suggestion, but presumably here DP is referring to Season 1. It would therefore make sense that WM wasn’t turning up late to the set because he had turned up late to work, but because he’d been undergoing the tattoo process.”

    Makes sense Mink, since again, it doesn’t really make sense for Wentworth-the-responsible to turn up late for work after he’s gotten the lead in a primetime major network drama after being out-of-work for nearly two years.

    Also: Interesting that Dominic says he’s from Great Britain when he only lived there until he was two.

  1071. Rose

    He won an AFI (Aussie Film Institute) for Best International Star!!!!!!!
    Can I get a Whoop Whoop!!

    Wentworth’s naughty drawings!!! Holy Crapola!
    I don’t feel so guilty about PBporn anymore!

    I think Dom has a Man Crush on Wentworth and I saw on Oprah that men don’t get Man Crushes on gay men so….. yeah!

  1072. KM

    Oh yes, Kassie, I would love to see Went’s dirty (Dom said “obscene”!) drawings because I wonder what degree of dirtiness they are! You know what I mean: is it just boobs and a few naked ladies’ shapes, or male three piece suites, or dicks and pussies in action etc….
    We would learn SO MUCH about Went if we saw them! And the dirty words on the script… What do you think they were?
    All this is quite encouraging, a ray of hope in favour of a non-gay Went! Rose is right, it’s also unlikely that a gay bloke would write dirty innuendos to a straight friend…..

    *thinking hard, straining brain cells*

    Ps: Kassie, no snow in Geneva. It’s raining like “a pissing cow” as we say here!

  1073. Pingback: Dominic e Wentworth: come due fratelli! « il primo blog italiano dedicato a Wentworth Miller

  1074. KM


    I went on your Church board and I saw my translation: wow! but if I had known it was of any religious use I would have polished it! It was just a quick translation .. Nevertheless, I want to go back on what you said:
    “”…et il l’a rempli de dessins obscènes et de phrases que je ne peux pas répéter!”
    and you said:”I’m not sure KM didn’t indulge in a tiny bit of artistic licence. As far as I can tell what it actually says is more like, “…and he had added some [not “lots”] little obscene drawings and some sentences [not “dirty sentences”] I can’t repeat!”

    Well, Mink, “remplir” means “to fill up” which means “using a LOT of”. And I wrote “dirty” sentences because ” phrases que je ne peux pas répéter” means they are obscene too!
    Anyway, let’s not split hairs, since we got the jist of it, didn’t we? Our Went is a saucy rascal!!

    Ps: CHUCKYMONKEY doesn’t understand the “accent”bit?
    Dominic thinks Went has a L.A. accent, as painful to the British ear as the Quebec French is to the Belgian ear!
    As you say, Dominic is Australian… But he probably said that , since I doubt very much that a Belgian reporter can invent it!

    PS (bis): If I can be of any help for translations in the future, feel free to ask me, I’ll give you a rough diamond, and you’ll polish it to a shine! :-))

  1075. Navygurl76

    Here’s some food for thought…
    On FCoWM there are pics with him and a girl, almost the same type of him and Luke. So why are there not rumors about him and this girl…
    Obviously not as interesting as if he was maybe hanging out with his ‘boyfriend’. Would it make him less mysterious if he had a GF instead of a BF (for the Press anyway…)?
    Just a thought….

  1076. Anonymous

    They are old photos of him with Mariana Klavano: look at their body language.
    Just friends…

  1077. Navygurl76

    The body language is no different in the pictures of him and Luke, but there is speculation about his sexuality because of the pics…
    Point being… Old pictures or not, why is there no speculation on his relationship with her?????

  1078. WFW

    There was speculation at the time, just like there was speculation about him and Scarfy at the time. The only reason his being seen with Luke seems to carry more weight is b/c of PH and the seeds planted in our heads before the pictures came out. The pictures were then seen as validation, whereas the pics with these chicks just came out of nowhere. I’m an equal opportunity speculator and in my world, he’s bi so everybody wins.

  1079. Anonymous

    Navygirl76, he presented her as a friend at the Emmy’s. If she had been his girlfriend, she would have been livid…

  1080. WFW

    I still maintain she did look livid when Kristin came over and man-handled him away after the Emmys. Do you remember that? It doesn’t prove anything, just saying. Oh and I call all my lovers friends b/c I have made a commitment to none of them.

    Ever the Devil’s Advocate, lol,


  1081. Navygurl76

    Thanks for the insight. The pictures must have come out while I was deployed last year and earlier this year. Today was the first time I had ever seen them.
    I agree about the whole PH situation. It’s really sad that a catty, judgemental man can influence an opinion so much…

    Anonymous 11:42am- I never said that it was/is his GF. I was pointing out the fact that there was less attention about the pics with her then the one with Luke. Esepcially since she has been photograhed with him a lot more then Luke has…

  1082. WFW

    Yeah that series of pics is from February. If they were new pics, believe me, people would be ALL over them.

  1083. anon lower case


    LOL, Kirsten… or is it Kristin? I never remember… coming over was hysterical! Went was like, “…the fuck?” and the chick was giving her the death glare.

  1084. shelley

    It pains me to say it, but I actually believe Went is asexual. His lack of interest in his fans over the course of several months has made me a bitter women towards him. So now I just simply think he wants nothing to do with anybody. Ever. Thank God he still has his looks, that’s all I can hang onto for now.

  1085. Cat's Meow


    YAYYYYY for Dom!!! I know this is a Went site, but I must say Dominic Purcell is one hot daddy! I’d do him in a heartbeat! At least we know he’s NOT gay! As for Went, who the fuck knows for sure!

  1086. sueli

    “In both Cannes & Korea he describes his ideal woman in detail. He could have said 1 or 2 things, but he goes on and on. WTF???? Does he just like to talk or is he for real????”

    He’s a Gemini, once they get on a roll, forgetaboutit. Sometimes, they just like to talk. About anything. For a long period of time. It doesn’t even have to be the truth, just a grain or two will do. The fun is in the embellishing. [So says my mother, as true a Gemini as you could get without repeatedly banging your head against the wall… oh, wait. Nevermind. That last bit might just be a “mom” thing.]

    “@Could be… that’s an interesting idea. I hope to God that if he starts openly dating someone, the fans won’t tear the poor woman to pieces.”

    He can’t be out in public with “just a friend” who is female without having her be torn to pieces.

    “I said I was INTRIGUED, because it wasn’t in character with what we know of polite and shy Went.”

    I think that’s where the debate on anything Wentworth Miller starts. “Isn’t in character” with what we *think/believe* we know. We don’t know him in his personal life and God willing for all involved, we never really will. That’s the problem with actors and performers today. It’s about Cult of Personality and not whatever the project at hand is.

    I don’t need to be “sold” on Miller, where I have to know every little thing about him and it All Must Be True Without Ever Varying. It isn’t even about “mystery,” it’s about knowing that whatever role he/she takes may have one thing in common with his/her personality quirks, but it is going to be magnified a thousand fold for that role. And like some quirks can be outgrown.

    “I wonder why no one has asked SWC about Went’s sexual orientation. Seems if anyone would have it pegged it would be her… although it would be extremely unlikely that she’d say anything negative about Went.”

    I don’t think she’d say anything out of respect for privacy. Why would sexual orientation be negative? Don’t answer, but I do know that that is what bothers me and perhaps some others about this whole thing. That it is considered some sort of “viscious attack.”

    Oy vay. So many comments for so many of these latest comments and so little patience from me… or, perhaps, just not enough coffee today.

    BTW, the “he’s laughing at us” sentiments are kind of sad. So many take it so personally. If he is laughing at anything about this whole thing, I would think it is the absurdity and surreality of the situation. But whatever floats your boat…

    In the words of Ricky Nelson, Mr. Miller, remember:
    But it’s all right now, I learned my lesson well.
    You see, ya can’t please everyone, so ya got to please yourself

  1087. Cat's Meow

    I love the “idea” of Went. That a straight man as hot as he is could also be a gentleman with old fashioned values, impeccable character and respectable manners. It just seems less intriguing and appealing if he were a gay man.

  1088. anon lower case

    @Cat’s Meow

    Hm, my idea of Went includes that he’s anal, boring, and if you need somebody to help you discover your wild side, it’s probably not him. 😉

    Yeah, he’s still perfect, but a bunch of obvious personality flaws come with him, too.

  1089. Kassie

    Cat’s Meow and anon lower case, it’s possible that you’re both right…and obviously we don’t know the “real” Went, but hey, THIS IS ALL WE HAVE!!! How the hell else can we fans deal with our Wentobsession???

    My earlier comment about SWC not saying anything negative about Went was not referring to the possibility that he might be gay, but rather to the possibility that he might be disingenuous…

    And if he was with Mariana in February, that was after he supposedly fell in love with Luke, wasn’t it? I don’t see where their body language says they’re just friends…perhaps they’re deliberately playing it cool in public. IMO, no woman with a pulse who got behind closed doors with Went would waste the opportunity to jump his bones…it’s simply impossible for him to be “just friends” with any woman unless he’s using a cattle prod to hold her back.

  1090. KM

    “A cattle prod”, lol, Kassie!
    Still, some women are so stuck up that they may not dare to try their luck (This Mariana looks the type). And he’s shy. Shy men can be intimidating!

    What he needs (if he isn’t gay?) is, in his own words, a confident strong brunette in her thirties. A woman who is sexually very experienced, yet will remain faithtful no matter what.
    I’m working on it: in five years, I’ll be of age, brunette dye ready at hand…Sexually experienced? I do my best at the moment, lots of drills. Confident and strong? I’ll enroll for Karate classes.

    Trouble , all this will take years! I hope he’ll be able to wait. But it shouldn’t be too difficult for a man who wanted to become a MONK!!

  1091. KM

    You show a lot of good sense, and you’re probably right. But our “pashion” for Went is irrational and obnoxious. We grab the smallest crumbs of data we get , we speculate and draw conclusions that may be miles from the truth. I think we all know this. We are not stupid.
    But we need our fantasies, don’t we? They’re harmless and we share them here, on WFW’s blog (Bless her!) in a kind of cathartic sorority.
    It’s so good to dream about somebody we idealize!
    The real Went might disappoint us, who knows?

    *He may have bad breath, smelly feet, a small crooked dick, be a premature ejaculator and a thunderous snorer..*

  1092. Perla

    A poster on Just Jared signaled two blind items that seems linked to Went.
    I already knew one (Gagged by J.Charlton) but I’ve never seen the other, he/she affirms that one actor is Neil Patrick Harris and the other is WM:

    “Speaking of the new televison season, I’ve waited a long time to see characters that remind me of my gay friends, and at long last, two are in new shows. However, these characters are supposedly straight, although they are both played by gay actors. A prescription for a blind item, si?”

    Does someone remember if How I Met Your Mother and Prison Break started on the same season?

  1093. Mink

    “Well, Mink, “remplir” means “to fill up” which means “using a LOT of”. And I wrote “dirty” sentences because ” phrases que je ne peux pas répéter” means they are obscene too!
    Anyway, let’s not split hairs, since we got the jist of it, didn’t we? Our Went is a saucy rascal!!”

    KM, the reason I was attempting to put forward the ‘dry’ version of the translation was because the foreign articles which have already been translated once (out of English into the foreign language), and are therefore being translated again, have an inherent problem for this reason alone. Going through the double translation process, they inevitably bear only a ressemblance to what someone who spoke in English actually said once they are translated back into that language once again. I therefore prefer to go with the least possible exaggerated version of a translation.

    And of course translation from one language to another is an art, not a science, so there are always going to be different interpretations of what the final result should be.

    “And I wrote “dirty” sentences because ” phrases que je ne peux pas répéter” means they are obscene too!”

    What? Then how does one simply say “sentences that I can’t repeat” without implying that they are dirty? One could not be able to repeat sentences for any number of reasons other than that they are dirty. They could be secrets or it could just be indiscreet to repeat them.

    “Dominic thinks Went has a L.A. accent, as painful to the British ear as the Quebec French is to the Belgian ear!”

    This still doesn’t make much sense to me. I am British (which Dominic is not in anything except birth – he’s Australian), and to my ear (and I have lived in the U.S. for an extended period of time) Went has neither a LA accent, nor is it painful to the British ear. I can’t help but think this is one of those quotes that somehow got mangled in the translation process, or Dom is being all ‘Quirky Dom’ and talking bullshit. As I said, wouldn’t be the first time.

  1094. KM

    @Mink, I agree with you that a translation from a translation is never accurate. The Italians say: “Traduttore, traditore” but I still maintain that Went’s comments on Dom’s script are probably from the same obscene variety than the drawings, simply because Went was having a laugh . There couldn’t be any secrets written on a script!!

    On the second point you noted: unless the Belgian reporter has spent years in the US, he hasn’t got the foggiest idea that there’s such a thing as a “L.A. accent”. That’s why I believe it’s DOM who said it (Though Went’s accent is probably more NYC).
    Dom can’t be not the supreme judge of accents and simply may not have delved into the matter very far… As far as the French speaker that I am can say anything about accents, I’ve noticed that Dom pronunciation of “e” is very Australian.
    But he may have a very bad ear or he wants to give himself an aura of “Britishness” as he was born in the UK… (I tend to favour this explanation. You’re English and you know how Aussies look up to true Brits!)

    As a conclusion, Mink, I really think you and I shouldn’t get our knickers in a twist about this issue: we’re not translating Keats or Shakespeare, and I think we sussed out the quintessence of Dom’s mental process! :-))
    He was simply “talking bullshit” as you said…

    I see that you are a very thorough person, and it’s a quality that makes The Church such a reliable place to get information.
    I always wondered if you were a teacher? And a Science one?

  1095. Cat's Meow

    I just looked it up and yes, “How I Met Your Mother” premiered September 19, 2005, around the same time Prison Break premiered the end of August, 2005. Could the other gay guy in the blind item be Went???

    UGHHHHH, I just wanna cry!!! Say it ain’t so, Wenty!!!

  1096. Cat's Meow

    *He may have bad breath, smelly feet, a small crooked dick, be a premature ejaculator and a thunderous snorer…*

    LMAO!!! If Went is really gay, I’ll have to think of these things to help me get over him, that’s for sure!!! lol

    Went seems pretty close to perfect, but I can think of 2 things that annoy me about him:

    1. Did you ever notice how he crosses his arms in front of his chest to take off his shirt? IMO, that’s so effeminate! I think only women do that! I noticed that my hubby, my teenage son, and other straight guys I know and on TV all take off their shirts by pulling the back of the collar up over their heads. (BTW, I saw on a “gay test” that this was one of the questions).

    2. Did you notice he doesn’t have any arm hair? Now I know this is not a “gay” trait, but WTF? Where is his arm hair? Where did it go? lol

    Maybe our Wenty is not perfect after all!

    Ladies, I know this is a very hard question, but does anybody else notice things wrong with him?

  1097. KM

    @ Cat’s
    “Where is his arm hair?”

    Low testosterone?
    Didn’t he want to become a monk?
    Doesnt have time to date?
    His favourite room is the bedroom…just for sleep?

    *feels like being bitchy out of Wentfrustration*

  1098. Cat's Meow

    Also what about Went’s voice? Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE his voice, so deep, low, smooth and sexy!!! But was it different early on in his career? Do I detect a little “gayness” to his voice in “Dinotopia” or is it him just acting nerdy for the role? How does it sound to you in the behind the scenes clips? He did a good gay voice in “Times of Your Life” when he played a gay hairdresser. And he sounded kind of gay in “Popular” as Adam, the male cheerleader. But he definately sounded straight when he played a married soldier in “Ghost Whisperer” and the devil in “Joan of Arcadia”. He also sounded straight in “The Human Stain”.

    So the “gay voice” seems to come and go. Is it acting or his REAL voice? That’s the big question. Is Went trying to act straight on and OFF screen because of Prison Break?

    I’ve heard right here in this thread that he had gone for speech lessons to learn how to speak more “straight-like”. I don’t know if I believe that. Sounds a little far-fetched. But I wouldn’t doubt if he had speech classes for his acting. Alot of actors take them to learn different accents or get rid of their own accent. Although Went was brought up in Brooklyn (like myself) he doesn’t have an accent, which is very unusual. I heard kids from his high school in Pennsylvania questioned this when he moved there from Brooklyn. I assumed he didn’t have the Brooklyn accent because he was raised by a Rhodes Scholar (his dad) that probably taught him proper English right from birth!

  1099. anon lower case

    @ Cat’s Meow
    December 8, 2007 at 1:29 pm

    Are you sure you’re the real Cat’s Meow? Because she pointed out ages ago that if you watch Wentworth’s “Behind the Scenes” footage from “Dinotopia” you’ll see that he sounds just like now in his interviews, so clearly his voice was modified for the role.

    As for the arm hair; I assume it got waxed and shaven for the tattoo. Like the one on his chest and belly. Duh.

  1100. anon lower case

    Also, the real Cat’s Meow would know that in a radio interview, which was posted on WFW as well, Went said, and I quote, “Both my parents are teachers, and when I developed little bits of the Brooklyn accent, they just wouldn’t stand for it. And then of course I went to Princeton, which was the icing on the cake.”

  1101. Rose

    I love when Dom’s accent sneaks out!
    When Sofia was swapping the coffees and Susan called he went psycho on the phone and his aussie accent came out with passion, it turned me on.

    Can’t wait until this “dirty script” turns up on ebay!!!

  1102. Anonymous

    You don’t really think that the lack of hair on his arm, his voice or the way he removes his shirt is in any way a sign of his sexual orientation, do you. You obviously live in a word made of bad caricatures and cliches.
    Maybe you should stop for a while scrutinizing every fucking move/word/detail from the poor man in search of “signs” “proving” your little theories because you seem stuck in some kind of strange, constant, compulsive overinterpretation.
    This thread is becoming more and more questionable.

  1103. Kassie

    Male characteristics are the result of hormones, the most commonly discussed being testosterone. Went’s deep voice, body build, and facial bone structure indicate that he has plenty of testosterone. Some men just don’t have a lot of facial or body hair (Asians); that does not make them less manly or gay.

    And Went does not have an LA accent. He has an American accent of no defined region. It would not have been very difficult for him to learn a gay accent. Going around talking that way all the time, however, would have been counterproductive in school and while auditioning for parts.

    Of course he’s not perfect, who is? He’s only 99.99% perfect…*sigh*… love that man…

  1104. The REAL Cat's Meow!

    @Anon Lower Case,
    Thanks honey for defending me! That definately wasn’t me, it was an imposter and I may have an idea who it is!

    Went has an incredible voice, and I don’t detect a gay accent at all. Even in the past he has the same voice, though because he is now older, his voice may sound slightly deeper. I love the way Went speaks so articulately and eloquently. I could listen to him all day long!

    The lack of hair on his arms may have been due to the constant removal of the tattoo. He has to shave in order to apply the tattoo and then rub it off. Or he just may have blonde hair on his arms which is not very visible.

    I’m not sure what to say about how he removes his shirt. Is the way someone removes their shirt an indication whether a person is gay or straight? I highly doubt it. But if my “imposter” said it was in a “gay test” then I’d like to check out this test. I’m curious to see the questions. Anyone know the link?

  1105. The REAL Cat's Meow!

    Along with “How I Met Your Mother” and “Prison Break”, “Grey’s Anatomy” also started in 2005, so the person in the blind item may have been talking about T.R. Knight, a gay actor who also plays in a straight role.

  1106. KM

    I mentioned David Beckham in a previous post as an example of a straight man with a ridiculous squeeky voice and a love for fashion. He even uses nail polish. Yet he’s a womanizer and he cheats on his wife (good for him!).
    When I suggested Went’s arms were smooth because he lacked testosterone, it didn’t imply that it was proof of his gayness. We ALL have testosterone (yes, we girls, too) and the amount of it is linked to our sexual drive!
    An imbalance in testosterone in women for example, can give them facial and body hair if there’s too much, or lack of sexual desire if there’s too little…

    Young Went wanted to become a monk… A strange wish for a teenager at an age when you’re supposed to be raging hormones on legs…

    *Hopes everyone understand this is humour and not trying to prove anything since date of Went’s hormones is missing*

  1107. KM

    Sorry, I meant “data” not “date”…It just the idea of “Went’s hormones” that had me hot and bothered.
    If he has an unbalance I’m ready to tickle him into producing more…

  1108. Actor

    Hi everyone,

    as an actor with a leading-man profile, I can easily understand Wentworth Miller’s denial of speculations about his homosexuality. It is a false idea to think that the acting business (especially in Hollywood) is entirely opened to actors being gay. A lot of them who are out don’t have heartthrob looks and only go for supporting roles or asexual characters (i.e.: Ian Mckellen, Alan Cumming).

    If an actor like Wentworth Miller becomes openly gay, he stands very poor chances to continue getting parts like Prison Break’s leading man.

    The world and this business based on image are definitely not as understanding as I wish they were.
    Because many homosexual actors don’t LOOK gay! They can easily portray a straight-character or an action-star as well as other actors.

    Honestly, I don’t understand why Wentworth would want to be confined in a limited range of characters… You guys can speculate all you want on this forum, but if the actor you like so much confirms those rumors, I’m almost certain that sadly, you will see much less of him in the future.

    Some actors consider themselves as activists who want to help mentalities to evolve faster, and I admire them, but some also decide to put aside their love life and focus on a career they wouldn’t have if they revealed everything about their personal life. And we cannot judge them.
    Sexuality is something private and noone has the obligation to tell everything to their fans.
    This said with all-due respect to all of you.

  1109. KM


    I think there’s a fair chance that he may be gay.
    But, as someone here justly said, it’s doubtful that a gay man would draw obscene things on a straight actor’s script. It would be very
    awkward and offensive….

    You say:”If an actor like Wentworth Miller becomes openly gay, he stands very poor chances to continue getting parts like Prison Break’s leading man.”

    —> Wentworth doesn’t seem to want a leading man’s career, he said he would like supporting roles and he welcomes the time when he looks older and fatter!
    He wanted to be an actor, and celebrity is something he never bargained for. He seems surprised about the sex symbol issue since he said: “My eyes are not a more compelling shade of green” than before..
    I think he finds fame hard to bear,with his every move under scrutiny (like the Memphis restaurant story!).
    Went may want to be a bit out of the limelight in the future, acting smaller parts, and this is why we have cause for worry!

    We are not one step further into knowing if he’s gay or not….Are we masochists, here on this Debate, eternally rubbing salt in our wounds?

  1110. llychee

    @Anonymous, December 8, 5:41 pm:
    Interesting point, but may I remind you that there are only two direct statements from Went challenged by more than 1000 sophisticated comments in this thread that brought forward overwhelming evidence!
    Girl, as an attentive reader you don’t even need fantasy to get the logic of hairless arms: Mr. Miller desperately tries to communicate something… brava brava, sweet and salty, the voice, the bucket hat, the up yours finger in the Luke pictures! What else is the man supposed to come up with in order to reach people like you, dear Anonymous?

  1111. KM

    Dom is a cheeky guy, too!
    If only Went…

  1112. Rose

    Is the smooth arm thing my fault?
    Geez you guys will run with any topic and make it gay!
    Some women have hairy arms and they’re not gay. Or else entire cultures of women would be gay!

    Anyway Wentworth is perfection, absolutely flawless!

  1113. Glenn

    about this “as an attentive reader you don’t even need fantasy to get the logic of hairless arms: Mr. Miller desperately tries to communicate something… brava brava, sweet and salty, the voice, the bucket hat, the up yours finger in the Luke pictures! What else is the man supposed to come up with in order to reach people like you, dear Anonymous?”


  1114. KM

    “BUCKET HAT”, a gay thing?
    It’s more a grandad’s hat. If I remember well, Henry Fonda had the same one in “On Golden Pond”..
    Most gays wouldn’t be seen dead with such a hat…
    But Went ‘s unique bad clothing taste is his signature, like the crinkled shirt….

  1115. SavMed

    1128 OMG *eyes wide open, poppin’ out*

    I never thought I’d post here, but never say never.

    I still believe Monkey’s words: “He’s a gay, corpse shagger.” That just must be true. Must.

  1116. The REAL Cat's Meow!

    I agree, the bucket hat is a “grandpa” thing or a “nerdy” thing, not necessarily a “gay” thing. Like you, I think no gay guy would be caught dead in that bucket hat!!! He definately dresses like a straight guy, with his wrinkled shirts and all. But, wasn’t gay boy Luke dressed the same way as Went in those photos?!?! Unless, of course, Luke is a Went poser!!! lol

  1117. KM

    *quotes herself*
    “We are not one step further into knowing if he’s gay or not….Are we masochists, here on this Debate, eternally rubbing salt in our wounds?”

  1118. The REAL Cat's Meow!

    LOL!!! Sadly, I think we are masochists! This is SOOOO not healthy!!! lol

    I think Went is the devil in disguise! He’s come here to torture women with his great looks, impeccable gentlemanly ways, sexy mannerisms, etc., etc., and the worse part is we can’t even have him. He’s a tease and tormentor!

    @WFW dated December 7th:
    I totally agree with you that Marianna had daggers in her eyes when Kristen came over to Went & her at the Emmys. I don’t care if she supposedly had a boyfriend at the time, she obviously was jealous and wanted Went with no one else but herself!

    If she is close friends with Went, she would know if he is gay or not. Therefore, why would she react so territorial when Kristen walked up to Went? She had the look on her face as if to say “Bitch, get away from my man!” No doubt about it! Trust me, I’ve seen that look many times!!! lol

  1119. anon lower case

    “@Anon Lower Case,
    Thanks honey for defending me! That definately wasn’t me, it was an imposter and I may have an idea who it is!”

    Ohhh, do tell!

  1120. Anon2

    Wow! It’s been weeks and weeks since I’ve been to this site. There seems to be new blood in the gay/straight debate. Wentworth news have become rare. Good for him. I bet he likes his vacation. And hopefully he goes on a beach holiday to catch some rays and relax. He looks pale in those airport pix. At the moment I don’t really care whether he’s gay or straight. I think my interest in this guy is fading. Earlier I wrote about him being gay quite passionetly. But the fact that he stays in hiding, or maybe interest in him has died down and the paparazzi aren’t into him anymore either, makes him less interesting. But like I said, he propably likes this quiet time himself very much. I’ ve said many times that I will only believe in pictures or his own words, specifically him admitting that he has a girlfriend, not him saying he’s not gay. Until then he still makes a bleebing sound on my gaydar. Kudos for Jodie Foster who thanked her female companion in a recent awards gala!! She’s an amazing, talented woman. It took her a long time to come out, but when she did, it wasn’t a surprise, was it?! Seriously Hollywood, is it that hard?

  1121. The REAL Cat's Meow!

    @Anon Lower Case,
    I had a huge debate recently with a poster on another site and I think it was her. She has her views about the gay thing and I have mine but God forbid if I don’t agree with her. She knows I frequent this site so I think she spitefully posted under my screen name. I’ve also mentioned to her a while ago that I grew up in the same neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York as Went did and she mentioned that in her post, so that’s why I think it was her.

    The whole thing is she’s pissed off that Went LIED. She’s a big fan and is disappointed in him. I told her not to jump to conclusions, but she thinks the photos of him & Luke are his admission that he’s gay and I should accept that. She’s turned from adoring Went to being repulsed by him. She feels betrayed, deceived and misled and nothing I say seems to change her views about him. She also says she blames him for Prison Break’s decrease in ratings because the photos surfaced just a couple weeks before the Season 3 premiere.

  1122. Kassie

    Lately I’ve begun to feel sorry for Went. Are we hounding him? He seems like such a nice guy…rarer than rare in lalaland. The idea of being watched fills me with horror, and nobody’s watching me!

    The gay issue…unless Went says, “I’m gay,” or starts living openly with a man, we can never be sure. He can get married and have kids, and there will continue to be rumors. But as they say, there is no such thing as bad publicity…so all these rumors keep him interesting. He may be encouraging that. Aaaahhh, Wentworth Miller, Man of Mystery, I love you…

  1123. KM

    I agree with you, Kassie, when you say that there’s no such thing as bad publicity.
    Went probably came to the conclusion that, if he can’t kill the rumours (true or false), at least they keep him in people’s mind… All the other actors in PB have been doing extra work in TV shows or films, but Went hasn’t, which is a dangerous for his career. May be he was too tired for something else, but he also said he didn’t “want to make a mistake” (M6 interview)…
    It could be bad because filmmakers and producers may end up thinking he’s too much “Michael Scofield” to be credible as another character.
    I have no example of this right now, but we all know this happened to other actors in the past and they never did anything else than the role which made them famous.
    By exploiting the rumours and maintaining the aura of mystery, Went remains in the limelight…

    You, me and all the fans discussing and fighting about his sexuality, we are Went’s little helpers!!

    Isn’t that comforting??


  1124. anon lower case

    “May be he was too tired for something else, but he also said he didn’t “want to make a mistake” (M6 interview)…
    It could be bad because filmmakers and producers may end up thinking he’s too much “Michael Scofield” to be credible as another character.”

    I think before he plays a supporting part in crap like “Transformers” or does a movie about hunting a giant crockodile, he may as well work on his script, do commercials, and otherwise relax. Playing in dumb action stuff and teen horror shit won’t do his resume much good.

  1125. The REAL Cat's Meow!

    @anon lower case,
    I agree, Went is more into dramas then action films, although he does great work doing most of his own stunts in Prison Break. He would be awesome as a “James Bond” or “Jason Bourne” character in an action film, but I think he prefers a good drama. He’s admitted he’s a lazy guy and after working hard all year on PB, he’d rather rest on his time off and recharge his batteries. But this summer he plans to start filming his new Hitchcock type movie, which I think he has the lead role.

  1126. Mink

    Good grief! Now there’s nonsense about his lack of arm hair! *shaking head* He has said himself that he has naturally hairless arms. It is simply a genetic trait linked to one part of his complex genetic heritage, nothing whatsoever to do with a lack of testosterone. Seriously, can’t people think just a little bit before posting such rubbish?

    And where did this idea that he’s admitted he’s “lazy” come from? Could someone provide an actual quote to that effect, because I don’t recall him saying that (except possibly in some self-mocking, non-serious way). People with Princeton degrees and who have worked for 10 years in single-minded pursuit of a difficult goal are not “lazy” as a character trait – please!

    He’s said that he takes time off during his hiatuses because he wants to recharge his batteries after working hard on “PB”, but I don’t see how that makes him “lazy”. I think we all suspect he hasn’t been offered a role that was shooting during the small window of his hiatus that he thought was worth doing, but again that doesn’t make him “lazy”.

    Thanks for your input, Actor. Nice to see some kind of sense being talked amongst all this errant silliness.

    And KM, making a point to correct something I consider wrong does not mean I am “getting [my] knickers in a twist”. You can do what you like with your knickers, but please don’t drag me into it. Thanks.

  1127. Glenn

    I still prefer Kevin Spacey behaviour than a false denial.
    I’m not saying that Wentworth lied (I have no idea) but if it will turn out that he lied so many times I’m not so sure he will have a lot of credibility as a person, if we think that it is an important thing, otherwise who cares!

  1128. Glenn

    And i love Kevin Spacey so much!

  1129. Good Friend

    People please, stop all this insanity.
    More than one linked to a specific manager or a specific small production company know that Luke Macfarlane is not Wentworth Miller boyfriend but he is just into the team of a future movie with both of them.
    Don’t ask me for names but I’m sure you are very good in investigating.

  1130. Amaryllis

    @Good Friend

    Yeah, sure…
    and they were just shooting a scene that afternoon

  1131. Inexorabilis

    I tend to avoid that thread but I wanted to react to that:

    @ KM
    “Young Went wanted to become a monk… A strange wish for a teenager at an age when you’re supposed to be raging hormones on legs…”

    As far as I know he never said it was his dream as a teenager. The question was about his childhood dreams.

    Wilde extrapolations from nothing seem the rule on that thread, and as someone jokingly pointed out even the most trivial or meaningless details about that man seem to have deep connotations for some of you.

    As much as I find it funny and enjoyable when the bias of that view is totally assumed (like WFW does-that is if I understand correctly her approach) I find it almost scary in any other cases.

    “We are not one step further into knowing if he’s gay or not…

    Maybe that’s the problem to begin with: to actually believe that there’s some insight to gain about a man you don’t know just by speaking about it on a thread filled with rumours, approximations, distortions and personal convictions.

    And sorry my comment on December 8, 2007 at 5:41 pm wasn’t supposed to appear as “anonymous”.

  1132. The REAL Cat's Meow!

    @Good Friend,
    Please give us more details. If this is true, when will this movie start filming? Is it the Hitchcock film Went is filming this Summer? Do tell, please! Thanks!

  1133. KM

    For God’s sake, do some people understand humour, irony and light banter?
    You are taking all this TOO SERIOUSLY!!!!
    Most of what is said here is tongue in cheek (Do Americans use this expression?)
    We’re ENJOYING ourselves here, sharing silly thoughts, mad speculations and rants; We may not all have the vocabulary and the subtlety required to convey our thoughts (particularly foreigners) but who cares?
    Isn’t WFW’s blog a free speech platform? And as long a

  1134. KM

    Computer going mad!

    I was saying :as long as we respect each other and religious or political convinctions, it’s fine.

    On another topic, someone said that this blog is a support group, a “Wentaholic Anonymous,” where you can say what we think.
    Please, let’s keep it that way.

  1135. Anon

    @Good Friend
    Is Luke cast in the role of “Mina” in Went’s movie??
    It would make sense.


    “Perez is the primary source of the Wentworth Miller is gay gossip.”

    That is NOT true. The rumors have been there since he worked with (maybe slept with?) Ryan Murphy on “Popular.” Wentworth obsessed publicly about wanting to work with him again in his early PB days.

    Kristin Vietch from E!Online also outed him in her column 2 years ago. FOX yelled at her, so she took it down the day she posted the transcript. She got into a lot of trouble for outing him, but she has never pretended he was straight, either. Many people know better, not just Perez.

    Wentworth is not even all that closeted. He doesn’t beard, he goes out in public with his boyfriend, he’s out to everyone on set, Sarah Wayne Callies was his bfflz fag hag but now she’s gone and he has the misfortune of being the only gay actor on that set now. It’s been a rough 3 years for him, I think.

    In: Datalounge 12/10/07 @18:29

  1137. anon

    Looks like the datalounge brigade have arrived. Ten years of gay gossip, politics and pointless bitchery.

  1138. Rose

    I saw a Nate Berkis, gorgeous designer on Oprah, Gay. His partner/lover Fernando died in the Tsunami.
    There is such sadness in this man’s eyes. God I’m crying just thinking about it.
    I never thought of people who are gay as less loving or anything, but Nate’s pain at losing his love. It’s so sad.

    My point is that it made me think.
    As long as a beautiful person like Wentworth experiences a love like that, I don’t think it matters what sex the other person is.

    If we are truly his fans we should love him and respect him no matter what! We want him to be happy yeah? Personally, his smile is heaven!

  1139. Fuushi

    You are right.

  1140. The REAL Cat's Meow!

    Nate has found someone new and is very happy now, so good for him!

    Went may have worked for Ryan Murphy on “Popular” but don’t go accusing him of sleeping with every gay man in Hollyweird!

    If Kristen “outed” Went, even by mistake, would Went be so affectionate and friendly with her? I think not.

    If SWC was Went’s “fag hag” then why the hell did she constantly flirt with him in interviews? Always giggling, batting her eyelashes, touching his arms. I love my gay male friends, but I don’t flirt with them.

    If Went is not all that closeted, then why does he deny being gay? Why does he say he wants a girlfriend, wife and kids? If he’s been out for years to family, friends, business people, why the hell isn’t he out with fans? I don’t buy it. You can’t be OUT and then go back IN!!

  1141. Amaryllis

    @The REAL Cat’s Meow!

    It’s pretty simple: he’s concerned for his acting career

  1142. KM

    @Rose, thank you for talking about this very sad story of the tsunami. We don’t have Oprah here, and I didn’t know who this Nate Berkus was.
    How awful!
    Richard Attenborough lost two members of his family in the tsunami and I read about his grief…
    Two years already…

  1143. Rose

    If SWC is playing the fag hag who is Dom Purcell playing?

    You guys should put your imaginations to better use and write slash.

  1144. anon lower case


    “Kristin Vietch from E!Online also outed him in her column 2 years ago. FOX yelled at her, so she took it down the day she posted the transcript. She got into a lot of trouble for outing him, but she has never pretended he was straight, either.”

    And there would be proof of that ever happening where?

    And why could Fox make E! take something down? Fox is a network, E! cable, and they’re not owned by the same people.

  1145. The REAL Cat's Meow!

    Like I said before, you can’t be OUT and go back IN! How is that possible? People all around Hollywood would know about it. Wouldn’t Went feel stupid denying his was gay knowing dozens of people already know he is in fact gay? Wouldn’t he feel dumb describing his ideal woman to the whole world and saying how he wants a wife and kids someday? That would be idiotic for him to do, and I can’t see him doing that. He has too much integrity, class, principles to blatently lie to everyone. I don’t think he would stoop so low. He’s too much of an honest man to do that. I think he’d have a hard time telling a white lie, let alone a HUGE lie. It would eat him up every day.

    I think if Went was really gay, whether it was a secret or not, he would refuse to lie about it. And I don’t think he would come right out and say “I want a wife or girlfriend”. Instead he would say something like “I want to find someone “special”.

    If Went were to lie about being gay, wouldn’t he know it would come back and bite him in the ass? Yes, he would. That’s why I doubt if he would do it.

    According to rumors, Went has slept with at least a dozen gay men all over LALALAND….. producer, director, photographer, actors, a cop at a party, students at acting school, fat ugly pig Perez’ friend. Yet, I have not seen PROOF from any of them, just talk, talk, talk……. blah, blah, blah. It’s all bullshit!

  1146. Kassie

    Sometimes this gay debate drives me crazy! First I think he’s not gay, then I read something and I’m convinced he’s gay, then read something else and return to thinking he’s not gay…it’s like I’ve turned into a yoyo.

    In the end I think Rose is right, we should love Went as he is, whatever that may be, and learn to live with not knowing.

    He’s a unique human being: beautiful, bright, compassionate, humble, talented, and good. That’s reason enough for me to love him…and I do.

    My hope is that we aren’t causing him pain with our speculations, that his career will be what he wants it to be (as long as we get to see more of him!!!), and that he finds love and peace.

  1147. The REAL Cat's Meow!

    Me too!!! I believe Went when he says he’s not gay, but sometimes I’ll read something that sounds convincing and like a fool I’ll believe it for a minute. But then I realize that there are alot of kooks on the internet that get their rocks off lying about him so I always go back to my first instinct.

    It all boils down to: Do I want to believe Went or rumors? I choose to believe Went!

  1148. KM

    @Kassie and Cat’s, I’m like you, I yoyo like crazy on the gay issue. I can’t believe Went because I’m not sure he talks freely, but somewhere I still have a glimmer of hope….
    I have become so suspicious, almost paranoid since I realise the medias feed us anything… So , it”s more what is implied that nags me.
    Let me give you 2 examples:
    – Went said recently, that he lives in Dallas, but he needs to go back to LA to see “his family and friends”. Since his parents and sisters live on the East Coast (younger sister was recently in Australia), what does he mean by “family”? A partner?
    – Dominic Purcell said that “he would never tolerate to have his private life exposed like Went’s is”. First, dear Dom, you’ve let your wife and kids be photographed. That’s all your fans need, and you’ll be left in peace.
    But, dear Dominic, you said something VERY INTRIGUING: ” exposed to the public like Went’s is”.
    WAIT A MINUTE! When was Went’s private life exposed????? If we are to believe the rumours are wrong, if we are to be convinced that the photos with Luke are harmless (just two friends’s having a day out) where is this PRIVATE LIFE EXPOSED???
    Is it because rumours and pics are true???Went and Luke are partners?

    Of course, people, you may say I’m inferring things and Dom is the least accurate speaker (he said he’s “British”!).
    But then why would he compare his private life’s exposure to Went’s?

  1149. kristin's spoiler chat

    Jan 8, 2007

    “From Taylor: Hey, Kristin, please tell us Wentworth Miller is still single and please give us some scoop on Prison Break.
    Wenty is single, as far as I know, so keep on dreamin’, my friend. Miracles can come true.”

    Miracles?!?! Lol…………..

  1150. Kassie


    Went’s first sister might live in L.A. He said recently that his sister helps him with his fan mail, and it’s embarrasing for him sometimes. I think his dad lives back east but travels alot. Supposedly his parents are divorced, so who knows where his mother lives… As for his youngest sister, she also may live near him. She was in Australia a year ago, but not on a permanent basis. His family is very private, and can you blame them?

    Don’t forget, there are pictures out there of Went and three or four different women, walking on the street or going to a movie, not just that one day with Luke. Dom could be referring to the constant speculation about Went’s private life. He has said recently on tape that “Wentworth is not gay.” If he believed otherwise he could have said a lot of other things that would have dodged the issue, but he stated outright, “he’s not gay.” I think Dom meant it. That doesn’t mean Dom knows the truth either, but I can’t see why he’d lie. Prison Break most likely will not continue after this season finishes…Dom has nothing to gain by lying.

  1151. KM

    Not sure about Prison Break ending: they may want to squeeze the lemon to the last drop…

    About what Dom said, I don’t know… The “unwelcome attention” is one thing, “exposing one’s private life” means something else to me, it means the paps succeeded!
    If they took photos of you with some friends, it’s not a breech of privacy ..

  1152. shelley

    I’ve been trying hard to not comment on this post, but I do visit from time to time to read the latest. With all due respect, it seems to be “fans” like you that keep perpetuating this world wide gay debate, not just here, but damn near everywhere else on the net. For crying out loud, the things that are analyzed here are ridculous and border line crazy. I’m frustrated with the lack of Went news and “real” media attention, but I won’t stoop to overanalyzing every little detail of the poor mans life. What I really want to know is why is this still an issue? Countless people have said it before and I’ll say it again, his life is his own. He has to catch wind of all of this bs, if he’s closeted he’ll probably go further in and if he’s not he’s probably mad as hell and feels even more strongly that he owes no explaination about his PRIVATE life.

  1153. KM

    I you went up thread, you’d get all the answers you need. An particularly WHY we talk about this subject on this Gay Debate (the name may give you a clue).
    Another clue: Went wants to be mysterious. He knows that mystery is exciting. He likes it. It’s called free publicity.
    And , Shelley, he doesn’t really need people to defend his “honour”. If he was “mad as hell”, he would do something convincing about it.

  1154. Kassie

    @Shelley…this gay debate is still an issue because there is an apparent discrepancy between Went’s statements and his behavior. The operative word here is APPARENT.

    Of course he is entitled to a private life, and I assume he has one. If he weren’t one of the hottest actors on the planet, he would not be an object of relentless scrutiny. He knows that it’s all part of the package…if a man is a huge sex symbol, everyone wants a piece.

    It’s just his rotten luck to be gorgeous, brilliant, sexy and talented, lusted after by hordes of women and men. Yes, I worry that all this attention could be hurting him. He seems to be handling it all in a mature and sensible way though, and we would stop if we had any indication from him that it was getting to be too much for him to take.

    Being gay today in America is not a big deal in most professions. However, Went’s business is fantasy, and he’s damn good at it. What can I say other than that he has bewitched us all?

  1155. shelley

    @KM you’re the most predictable person on this site, you’re right there voicing your opinion as if were fact EVERY single time. Where are the old tried and true WFW girls? Oh, right, they don’t bother with this thread because they are OVER it! That’s where I need to be to, over this debate.

  1156. KM

    I love your sense of humour.
    You know that entropy is the inevitable deterioration of a system: applying it to WFW’s blog is amusing..
    Somehow, we’ll have to survive your judgement.

  1157. anon lower case

    “- Dominic Purcell said that “he would never tolerate to have his private life exposed like Went’s is”. First, dear Dom, you’ve let your wife and kids be photographed. … When was Went’s private life exposed????? If we are to believe the rumours are wrong, if we are to be convinced that the photos with Luke are harmless (just two friends’s having a day out) where is this PRIVATE LIFE EXPOSED???”

    Of course, if you argue that way, then Dom’s private life has been exposed JUST like Went’s; he was photographed with a loved one, ergo making what Dom said a pretty dumb statement.

  1158. Anonymous

    The connecting link between Wentworth and Luke is Patricia Wettig. She knew two gay guys and fixed them up on a date. It didn’t last long apparently. I guess they are both too busy.

  1159. Rose

    I was thinking about Dom and Went, together, you know how.


    Anyway would it be such a bad thing?
    Just picture it!

    Their strong muscular bodies entwined, mouths open, panting, hands everywhere……….

    I gotta go! Now!

  1160. anon lower case

    “The connecting link between Wentworth and Luke is Patricia Wettig. She knew two gay guys and fixed them up on a date. It didn’t last long apparently. I guess they are both too busy.”

    And we’re supposed to believe that… why?

    Can I try? Hugh Jackman knew Dominic Purcell was secretly in the closet and encouraged him to be Went’s on-set fuck. Guess that made him separate from his wife in the end, because Went’s ass is that hot.

  1161. anon ****


    of course, Patricia Wettig is playing in Brothers & Sisters.. Before joining Brothers & Sisters, she played the fictional Vice President Caroline Reynolds on the 2005 Fox television drama, Prison Break.. Wettig is married to actor and producer Ken Olin.. He is also a director of the Brothers & Sisters.

  1162. anon lower case

    Rose, you mean like so?

    http:/ /

  1163. Rose

    JESUS CHRIST!!! I just gasped and my jaw dropped!

    I swear people can see into my mind!

    But the tattoo, that equals incest! oh I really don’t care at this point.
    Thank you!
    But I like it when Went’s mouth is open!!!!!!!

  1164. Kassie

    @ anon lower case and anon****:

    That is just sick!!!! he he… I hope those two never see it… LMFAO!!!

  1165. anon lower case

    there’s one without the tattoo, too:

    http:/ /

  1166. Kassie

    I watched Brothers and Sisters for the second time…it’s kind of boring IMO…but there was a scene where the LMF character tells his lawyer brother that he loves him, and the brother says, “you’re so gay!” That was weird…

    BTW, is LMF officially out of the closet? What if he is actually NOT gay?

  1167. Kassie

    @ Shelley:

    This thread is for amusement only. Obviously, we cannot “determine” Went’s sexuality here. It is a way for those of us who find him irresistable to share thoughts and feelings that we couldn’t express anywhere else.

    As for it upsetting Went, yes, I’ve worried that he may feel hounded. But he’s a sensible, mature person who has his head (no pun intended!) in the right place. His history shows that he is confident in who he is and feels no need to explain himself to the public. Went accepts that interest in his personal life comes with the job. If it really bothered him he could say so, and we who love him would stop.

    IMO, some gays desperately want him to be one of them, and some women dream that someday they’ll have a chance with a guy who seems to be the perfect man.

    Some people have a burning desire to know him, and rather than resigning themselves to the fact that they never will, they “spy” on him.

    Others just have way too much time on their hands…

  1168. Kassie

    Sorry for triple -posting (don’t hate me, WFW!!).

    Lots of issues come into play and are debated here, like right to privacy, integrity, common courtesy, and the anonymity of the blogger. Some take out feelings of hurt and anger, others love and admiration.

    A huge issue, for me anyway, is simply attempting to understand homosexuality through listening to the opinions of others. My gay friends don’t tell me everything personal, and from them I wouldn’t want to know. As a contemporary issue in our society, we are still finding our way to accepting sexual differences and how these fit into our lives.

    For example, being gay in America today is not a very big deal for most professions. But in acting, where it’s all about fantasy, there is a very thin, ill-defined border with reality. Should we be able to visualize a gay person in a straight role? Yes… but can we? That is all dependent on the individual. Entertainment is big business. The majority of the audience is straight. Maybe someone will come along who can bridge that gap. Is Went that person???

  1169. anon lower case

    “Maybe someone will come along who can bridge that gap. Is Went that person???”

    I think it’s John Barrowman. *drools*

  1170. The REAL Cat's Meow!

    @ Rose,
    That photoshopped pic of Dom & Went is just sooooooo WRONG!!!! I have to get that image out of my mind now. You’ve scarred me for life!!! lol

    @ Kassie,
    I agree, that show Brothers & Sisters is EXTREMELY DULL!!!! I was curious who this Luke guy was so I tuned in the other night, but I couldn’t keep my eyes open. Eventually I fell asleep from boredom! It was complete torture watching that show. *yawn*

    And yes, Luke is “out”. He was at some gay & lesbian event last month.

  1171. Rose

    Hey I’m not responsible for the image.
    My innocent eyes only glanced at it for a moment!

    Maybe I should photo-shop similar, but with me and Went, and send them as Christmas cards!

    But I’d like to ride the sleigh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1172. KM

    Remember the article in the French tabloid “PUBLIC”, the authenticity of which we came to doubt so much because the words employed didn’t sound like Went at all?
    Weel, I had never seen the original in French until today and I was surprised to see that the journalist was the SAME one that the Dom interview in the Belgian paper.
    Not only that, but the name ” Christophe Combarieu” rang a bell, since he’s a literary critic on French TV (TF1).
    So, I wrote to him, asking him how he got the “interviews” (mails from agents or from the two actors?). I sent a mail to the Belgian mag (not knowing his mail address). I hope they transmit.

    He may not bother answering.
    But if he did, and was able to CONFIRM what Went said in the Public article, WOULDN’T THAT BE GREAT???

  1173. KM

    WOW!! CHRISTOPHE COMBARIEU answered! I thanked him profusely for such quickness!
    Here’s the e-mail in French first:

    “Je viens de prendre connaissance de votre courriel adressé à Ciné Télé Revue en Belgique et qui m’a été forwardé.

    Les interviews que je fais sont toutes originales et enregistrées sur cassette. En revanche, la traduction peut, elle, varier en fonction du support : plus “djeune” ou punchy, ou au contraire plus sérieuse, en fonction du magazine. Mais l’esprit de leur propos est bien là. Car si, en effet, Wentworth Miller m’a parlé avec beaucoup d’élégance, il n’était nullement imaginable que, pour notre seconde interview ensemble, pour “Public” (qui s’adresse à une clientèle féminine de 14 à 28 ans), après Ciné Télé Revue, il parle comme dans une pièce de Shakespeare !!
    Cette différence de ton apparente, exigée par les supports eux-mêmes, ne trahit en rien la nature de leurs propos…

    Bien à vous,
    Christophe Combarieu

    —– Original Message —–
    From: Aline Pinxteren
    To: Christophe Combarieu
    Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2007 11:11 AM
    Subject: Fwd: Commentaires surfeur

    “I’ve just read your mail to CINETELEREVUE in Belgium which has been forwarded to me.
    All my interviews are originals and recorded on a cassette. But the translation itself can vary according to the paper in which it’s published: “younger” and punchier or more serious. But the meaning of what they said is really there.
    If indeed Wentworth Miller talked to me in an elegant manner, it was inconceivable that, for our second interview together for “PUBLIC”( female audience, age 14 to 28) he would talk like in a Shakespeare play!!
    This different tone of speech ,demanded by the different magazines, doesn’t betray in anyway the nature of what they said.”


    “It’s CHRISTMAS!!!!

  1174. Kassie

    KM, would you please refresh my (very hazy at this point) memory of what Went said in the PUBLIC interview, so I can be happy too?!!

  1175. lj

    KM can you please post the original French article from PUBLIC.

  1176. KM

    Here it is:
    *voice still hoarse fron squeeeeeing*

    “Public: There have been rumors about you being very tough on the shootings of Prison Break…

    Wentworth Miller: This is absolutely wrong. This is only because one day, when a reporter was there and I was sick, I asked my assistant to stay next to me to give me something to drink to get over my soar throat.I am not any better or worst than Dominic Purcell. But on the other hand, when there are special clauses in my contracts, I want them to be respected.

    P: What are the clauses in your contract?

    WM: I asked not to be disturbed during the shootings, to have a gym close to the studio, A HELICOPTER to take me home at night and have something to eat in my trailer at the end of the day. I think I give enough of myself physically, so I prefer not be bothered with these details.

    P: What represents Prison Break for you?

    WM: The end of 10 years of misery, even if I have small roles. This was an incredible challenge towards my family. My little sister is in Law School, my other sister is a Lawyer and a father who is a law teacher… I almost became the shame of my family.

    P: How do you deal with your sudden celebrity status?

    WM: Very well because it’s very relevant. I don’t go out very often so I rarely am the spectator of the craze of my fans.

    P: What does it take to win your heart?

    WM: You should be a woman in your 30’s, brunette, faithful and trustworthy. I need someone who can bring me down to earth if I start to become delirious. A nice blend of Penelope Cruz for the softness, and Famke Janssen for the wild side.

    P: Do you have any dreams?

    WM: Yes. I dream to wake up one day and see that all these rumors are dead. I also dream of finding the right woman who will give me plenty of kids and who will be breathtaking enough for me to give up everything for her.

    I am not gay, I have never been gay. If I was gay, I wouldn’t mind saying it. I am really tired of these rumors. Luke is a close friend and we went out for a stroll that day. ”

    French article:

  1177. KM

    PS: There are tiny imprecisions in this translation (not mine) .I copied it, as well as the scan from FCoWM back in October….

  1178. Kassie

    KM, so this article is the real thing? And he said all those things? Happy New Year!!!

  1179. KM

    @ Kassie
    Let’s relish what is in this article (forgetting it’s style, of course) since Mr Combarieu was adamant that “it was said”!!

  1180. KM

    I put the exchange with Mr Combarieu on the TWoP forum of PB (topic: Wentworth Miller).

    It boils down to one thing sure: Went SAID he was straight and that Luke is just a friend. He INSISTED he wanted a wife, in a more detailed way than anywhere else.
    They are HIS words (translated in “teenager speak”) but he meant this!!

    It’s difficult now to imagine he’s not straight. Because he would be a blatant liar. And he’s got principles we know it!
    I have to believe what he said to Combarieu until further notice (like we get a photo of him and Luke having sex on that helicopter and being filmed by passers-by)….

  1181. anon6

    I’m sorry to dissapoint you all but I can asure you wm doesn’t go home in a helicopter and he does not go to the gym cause he doesn’t work out, all of his energy goes to the show and when he gets home he’s too tired. He arrives on set on a van sometimes a car and he goes home in a car also. That interview make him look too Hollywood, which he’s not, he would never be like that.

  1182. Emmanuelle

    Well well well…
    So Lily Newby was right when she talked about this interview…she made a good translation…

    The more I read you KM the more I totally agree with Shelley…For you at the beginnin’ this interview was fake cuz’ YOU couldn’t imagine that WM still was straight so you gave us YOUR explaination about this article :”The mag is a rag and the interview “a free adaptation of old WM ’s quotes with an extra little flourish”…..”
    And now, now that you made your little investigation you “squeeeee” and talk about christmas…
    I hope we’ll have other pics of WM and LMF to see what you’ll say…

  1183. anon lower case

    So, if we all collect money, do you think that guy will sell us a copy of the tape? xD

  1184. KM to MINK

    It’s absolutely normal on the Internet to doubt about WHO writes and WHAT. So, I will tell you what I did:
    I first looked on PUBLIC to find a way to contact the journalists, I couldn’t,. So I looked on CINETELEREVUE and there was a “contact” page where you had to give your name, your mail AND your telephone number.
    I wrote a mail, thinking I would never get an answer…. Less than three hours away, Mr Combarieu answered with his first mail (I received FOUR in total).Yes, Mr Combarieu is a respectable journalist, writes for literary review, directs a classical music magazine, works for TF1, France’s first TV channel. See him here (scroll to the bottom of the page):
    He wrote to me again after the first mail that had been forwarded to him by the Belgian mag, because he was surprised that the Public piece contained new elements. I told him that nowhere else did he speak about Luke and insisted so much.about not being gay. Mr Combarieu confirmed that’s what Went said. He has Dominic Purcell’s interview on tape too, and Dom is cited accurately, in the same way.
    Combarieu conducts all his interviews BY PHONE and it’s recorded. He talks to them directly, not through an agent.
    I don’t see why the “helicopter” thing seems so incredible to you. That’s how it works. Rich people or big business executives use a helicopter to avoid the traffic in towns which allow it. Dallas must be one of these. Maybe you can ask a local.

    As a conclusion, Went’s interview is GENUINE, he talked to Combarieu who speaks enough English to be able to interview Woody Allen or other famous people and for different papers. When necessary, it’s absolutely normal to ADAPT the interviewee’s words to the paper in which it’s published.
    Here is the second exchange with Mr Combarieu:

  1185. KM to MINK

    —– Original Message —–
    From: XXXXXXXX
    To: Christophe Combarieu
    Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2007 11:50 AM
    Subject: Re: Commentaires surfeur

    Cher Monsieur Combarieu,

    Merci vraiment de cette prompte réponse et de ces précisions qui combleront les fans des forums en question!

    Bien à vous

    Original Message —–
    From: Christophe Combarieu
    Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2007 11:55 AM
    Subject: Re: Commentaires surfeur

    Je vous en prie.
    Néanmoins, autant ces deux acteurs ont été très sympathiques lorsque nous avons fait nos interviews téléphoniques, autant, pour être très franc avec vous, je ne trouve pas qu’ils y tiennent de propos dignes de scoops !! A avoir un peu lu la presse à leur sujet, j’ai le sentiment qu’ils m’ont dit ce qu’ils disaient un peu partout ailleurs… non ?
    Bien à vous,
    Christophe Combarieu

    To sum up what is said, He was surprised that he had “a scoop”; he thought it was pretty much what they had said elsewhere….

  1186. Anonymous

    The “helicopter riddle” has been solved!!
    Read TWoP Prison Break (topic: “Prison Break in the media”) and the Dallas Heliport side and you’ll understand….

  1187. maya

    I don’t know if someone already posted this.
    A gay website did a little screening on celebrities rumoured to be gay to decide what is reliable and what is only fiction or wishful thinking.
    Among the names screened naturally there was WM.
    This is what they wrote about him:

    Rumors to Support: Gossip columnists have been trying to out Wentworth since the day Prison Break premiered. Photos of Miller and Brothers & Sisters star Luke MacFarlane enjoying each other’s company in Santa Monica have fueled
    rumors Miller is gay. every other Weho homo claims to have a Wentworth Miller story.
    On the Contrary: He’s adamantly denied it in interviews-and even says he’s ready to settle down with a wife and kids.
    Likelihood He’s Gay: Eight out of Ten – Hear something once or twice, you can dismiss it. A few dozen times, it starts to ring true.
    If you want to see what they said about the others (Zac Efron, Ricky Martin
    etc) here are the links:

  1188. Mink

    KM, so you are Cat6!

    Anyway, I do not doubt that you contacted the journalist and he answered you as you described.

    My problem is that the enormous liberties that were taken with the translation (a plane every now and again being described as “… a helicopter to bring me back home at night…”) brings the veracity of the whole article into disrepute.

    Who knows what WM really said about Luke or the gay issue? “Luke is a special friend and we like to take walks together” could have ended up in the article as “Luke is a close friend and we went out for a stroll that day.” OR WM could have said “I met Luke a couple of times at a party and just bumped into him that day.”

    He could have made those strenuous gay denials, or he could have said nothing on the topic, and that part was inserted by a PR flunky.

    For me it boils down to this: I still cannot get away from the fact that this article was published in a foreign tabloid known for its unreliable journalism. If WM really wanted to address these issues, which are the cause of so much debate (to put it mildly) amongst his fans, why does he not just give an interview to a reputable U.S. publication, where there can be no room for misinterpretation or error? If I read a (non-translated) reliable interview with him in one of these magazines, I would be only too willing to believe that he said the words.

    Is anyone seriously telling me that there aren’t a bunch of such magazines which would bite his hand off to get an interview where he addresses all these rumours openly. Why are the denials always in foreign publications? The way this is all being handled is extremely fishy. I feel like the fanbase is being messed with (by some PR people, as much as anyone), and I do not appreciate it.

  1189. lj

    “If I read a (non-translated) reliable interview with him in one of these magazines, I would be only too willing to believe that he said the words.”

    So the interview he did at the start of the year with an Australian news agency when he clearly stated that he’s not gay isn’t good enough for you Mink?

    WM has been continually implying he is not gay way before PB days and his views on looking for a wife and family have been printed in the English speaking press and even in TV interviews for all to see. He’s already said it. In English! As for the article in “Public”. Yes we know it’s a crap tabloid but KM has verified with the journalist that the interview did take place by phone and that Went did say those things. One of the minor headlines on the story is ‘WM defends violently – “I am not with actor Luke Macfarlane”‘. I think the meaning is clear enough even if it is in French. It’s difficult to read this any other way.

    As for why he doesn’t do any mainstream interviews on this subject with the American media the following Fox TV interview with Maria Sotolongo might shed some light. Basically he says that he’s aware that some people are obsessed with details about his private life and that he prefers not to ‘feed the beast’. It’s perfectly clear that he wishes to keep his life private.;jsessionid=D43B6B974B0C3E4CF77290D591742BEF?contentId=4377788&version=1&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=VSTY&pageId=1.1.1&sflg=1

  1190. Rose

    “WM: You should be a woman in your 30’s, brunette, faithful and trustworthy. I need someone who can bring me down to earth if I start to become delirious. A nice blend of Penelope Cruz for the softness, and Famke Janssen for the wild side.”


    Am not close to 30 at all and do not look like these women at all!
    AWAHHHHHHHHH! Should be! Nice blend! booo hooo!

    At least:
    have vagina,
    am brunette,
    faithful and trustworthy,
    ability to bring him DOWN and
    am very fertile! *Whispering*(because I’m young Went!!)

  1191. Kassie

    @lj: thanks for that link…hadn’t seen that one…

    @Rose: there there, dear…**pats her hand**…we can all relate. Just remember, he’s describing his “ideal” woman…he might end up with someone totally different. It’s really about who he falls in love with, isn’t it? **hoping against hope** LMAO

  1192. sueli

    but there was a scene where the LMF character tells his lawyer brother that he loves him, and the brother says, “you’re so gay!”

    Are we talking about the right characters? LMF character is currently living with/dating the gay brother, but he isn’t one of the brothers [well, I suppose that first part was self explanatory considering ABC is Disney owned LOL].

    BTW, is LMF officially out of the closet? What if he is actually NOT gay?

    Perhaps we will get a better idea by springtime when he is out doing interviews for some other projects.

    But in acting, where it’s all about fantasy, there is a very thin, ill-defined border with reality.

    I think it has to do with either lack of or no faith in the imagination.

  1193. anon lower case

    “Likelihood He’s Gay: Eight out of Ten – Hear something once or twice, you can dismiss it. A few dozen times, it starts to ring true.”

    That’s the best argument ever. Like, srsly.

  1194. Anon

    One reason Wentworth Miller does so many foreign interviews compared with the US is because Prison Break is a huge success in many European countries especially France. In France the first episode of season 2 achieved viewership of around 7.5 million viewers (which as a proportion of the population is greater than the USA by far) making it one of the most watched programs for the 2006 year in France.

    European interviews are well known for being free and open where the interviewee can virtually say what he wants. We saw that on the Jensen interview when Dom made a huge joke of being able to swear. They are also much more open about sexuality unlike the US where the subject is a big no-no. That’s why US journalists don’t dare ask these type of frank questions not because he wont answer them. He’s already proven that he’s not afraid to talk about such issues in these foreign interviews.

  1195. another anon

    The problem is PR controls what type of questions can be asked. I’m sure the U.S. media would be thrilled to ask sensitive questions if they could. In other words if Went wanted to talk about his gayness or straightness in People magazine, I’m sure the magazine would be happy to cooperate

  1196. Anon

    @another anon:

    I have a friend who is a member of the press and this person told me that Went doesn’t have a banned questions list in Europe or the US. He freely answers such questions even about his family. He is that open. In fact for a lot of his interviews, his publicist is not even there! I’ve also heard that he is NOT in demand to be interviewed by American periodicals. That is why there have been no interviews — not because he is scared of them!

  1197. KM

    Yes, Anon 11.39, it seems Went only said “I’m not gay” on Australian radio, on Canadian Tv, in the German GQ and in French and Belgian mags.
    Correct me if I’m wrong, but no US media gave him the chance to explain himself .

    In his interviews by phone with Christophe Combarieu, I doubt very much that a PR was standing by Went ready to gag him. He was free to speak, like Dom was in his interview (and we got the delicious “obscene writings” mention!).

    I’m perfectly satisfied now.
    I don’t confuse style and substance in the Public article: Combarieu explained the style used.

    But, I’m happy because it has changed EVERYTHING for me. I know there is a cassette on which Went says, in his own educated words:
    -That he’s not gay (he had already said it)
    -That Luke is just a friend.
    -That if he was gay, HE WOULDN’T BE ASHAMED TO SAY IT!
    This is essential : it means he respects gays though he’s not one of them. What more could he say?

    I had misunderstood him because of bad PR, superficial interviewers who did not ask him, and those unexplained photos with Luke…

    I HAVE TO BELIEVE HIM NOW because he has committed himself deeper than the robotic “I’m not gay”.
    And something tells me he cannot lie in our face, but also in the face of his lawyer dad and sisters.

    Perez Hilton and his “Went 100% gay”?

    I still think he’s sincere. His “source” a friend of his, who once knew Went well, must have fed Perez a well built and convincing lie?

  1198. KM

    One thing about “The helicopter to take me home at night”. I went on the Dallas heliport site. Helicopters are available without reservation to people who want to avoid the road congestions; The price? A quick call from any of you who lives in the US would solve the mystery.
    But I found out that it can cost $99 in NYC to go from JFK to Manhattan center.
    It’s nothing for a production like PB.
    Went is probably no “diva” the helicopter must have been proposed to him (and others) as the working hours are so long on set…

  1199. Amaryllis

    I’m still convinced he’s gay.
    And I hope that his need (that I understand perfectly) to stay in the closet doesn’t push him too
    far with lies for his own good.
    In the future he may regret it.

  1200. maya

    Of course he’s gay and the way he’s dealing with the rumours is really REALLY questionable.

  1201. Kassie

    @Amaryllis and Maya: Why do you think he’s gay? I’m not questioning your judgment, just wondering about the rationale for your belief.

    @KM: I read somewhere that many men, when they get to a point in their lives where they are ready to settle down, marry, and have children, basically end up with someone who’s convenient. They don’t think about it too much, just marry whoever they happen to be dating at the time. Which means that when PB ends, you’d better be ready to relocate to LA!!! 😉

  1202. KM

    @ Kassie,
    My suitcase is ready!

  1203. sueli

    “I’ve also heard that he is NOT in demand to be interviewed by American periodicals. That is why there have been no interviews — not because he is scared of them!”

    IN a country where you saw news networks [CNN, MSNBC, etc] cover Paris Hilton in prison every half hour, I believe this statement. He is a relatively boring 35 year old man by “real life” standards let alone Hollywood. Gay or not he isn’t a Hollywood DRAMA queen, nor does he seem all that impressed with himself over what OMG! Hoopla that’s been written so far. He is therefore not really “worthy” of all media/tabloid b.s. we see on just about everyone else.

  1204. Kassie

    @sueli: And it makes good sense from a safety standpoint for him to remain lowkey. There was a program on the Discovery Channel about psychotic stalkers who target celebrities. It’s much better for him, and his friends and family, to stay out of the limelight.

    He seems like he has the maturity to handle celebrity, maybe because he was older when he hit the bigtime, but also because he’s level-headed and has the sense to avoid the pitfalls of the Hollywood lifestyle.

    Good for him to remain off the tabloid radar, but for his fans the lack of news is frustrating!

  1205. Perla

    Unfortunately I’m still on the gay team too. I believed him and defended him till the pictures. Now his words aren’t enough for me. I don’t believe anymore in what he’s saying, I believe in what I see. And what I saw are two gay men on a date.
    Facts speak more than words for me.

  1206. KM

    I tried to post the link to Went’s new French bio with the lovely pic of the “argyle” but Moderator wouldn’ t let me. I try again:

    Went’s new French biography is on sale since Nov 26:

  1207. KM

    Wonderful, it worked!
    Can I mention for the people who read French this
    new Dom’s interview?
    He ‘ll be on French TV next Tuesday.
    He thinks there will be a PB Season4……-oct07-t956.htm

  1208. Mink

    “So the interview he did at the start of the year with an Australian news agency when he clearly stated that he’s not gay isn’t good enough for you Mink?”

    You know what? No, it isn’t.

    Don’t get me wrong, it was. I completely believed it when I originally read it. But since then there has been so much suspiciousness about the way this whole issue has been handled, I now don’t feel able to take any of the foreign press ‘denials’ at face value.

    The ‘interview’ that was in the German ‘Style’ mag ended up being by a journalist who had stated clearly in the article that he was meeting Went at a hotel in LA. Then when asked more about it by a Church member, suddenly it was done on the set in Dallas. We never got a straight answer on where it was actually done. So was it even done or just a Q&A done via email with WM’s publicist? Anway, that was another ‘interview’ surrounded by confusion and fishiness (as far as I’m concerned anyway.)

    Then the “Public” magazine ‘interview’, my problems with which I have already posted on clearly.

    There has just been too much to question about the way this has all been handled.

    And various people have been twisting themselves in knots to explain the Went/Luke pics. For me it still boils down to the fact that I simply cannot believe that a TV star who was being dogged by gay rumours would choose to go out with the actor he had been infamously linked with and walk around with him all day (smiling like a Cheshire cat) and then be seen with him into the evening if they were just friends. It beggars belief to me. No one can tell me that the firestorm set off by those pics has not been harmful to WM’s career. I just can’t see he would have taken that chance just to ‘joke’ with paparazzi and the fans, or any other of the many suggested reasons people have put forward to try and explain what Went and Luke’s jaunt, visit to an art gallery and drive together was all about.

    If other people want to believe that it was all a simple day out for two close platonic friends then of course that is their right. But for me, any PR scrambling via foreign mags to try and put this genie back in the bottle, particularly with the way it has been handled, via smoke and mirrors, just won’t wash.

    “BTW, is LMF officially out of the closet? What if he is actually NOT gay? “

    This the kind of jumping through hoops comment that makes me not know whether to laugh or cry. It would all be okay if this were true, wouldn’t it? I never thought for a second LMF was not out as gay, but his presence at a Gay and Lesbian Fundraiser dinner in LA a few weeks ago kind of makes it beyond question.

    “They are also much more open about sexuality unlike the US where the subject is a big no-no. That’s why US journalists don’t dare ask these type of frank questions not because he wont answer them. He’s already proven that he’s not afraid to talk about such issues in these foreign interviews.”

    We have really very little idea what he’s actually said to these foreign interviewers, and how much is PR intervention. And U.S. journalists don’t ask these questions because in the U.S. the media is much more tightly controlled by the PR people.

    Or as someone else posted above very articulately:

    “The problem is PR controls what type of questions can be asked. I’m sure the U.S. media would be thrilled to ask sensitive questions if they could. In other words if Went wanted to talk about his gayness or straightness in People magazine, I’m sure the magazine would be happy to cooperate.”

    I have a friend who is a member of the press and this person told me that Went doesn’t have a banned questions list in Europe or the US. He freely answers such questions even about his family. He is that open.

    Well then he’s changed his tune considerably. Because I saw a scan of a press pack from when he was doing press for “The Human Stain”, and it stated clear and specific instructions to journalists that Mr. Miller would not be answering any personal questions.

    “One thing about “The helicopter to take me home at night”. I went on the Dallas heliport site. Helicopters are available without reservation to people who want to avoid the road congestions; The price? A quick call from any of you who lives in the US would solve the mystery”

    KM, I’m not quite sure why you’re still trying to make sense of the helicopter comment. It was explained by summerwine at TWoP. WM was talking about flights to and from LA. The “helicopter” bit was a bogus translation.

    “I’ve also heard that he is NOT in demand to be interviewed by American periodicals. That is why there have been no interviews — not because he is scared of them!”

    I’m sure he’s not in demand to shill “Prison Break” or do a general fluff piece, but I simply don’t believe that if he wanted to do a ‘tell all’ piece about the rumours and explain away those photos with Luke, he couldn’t find a reputable U.S. mag to do the interview. Or his PR people couldn’t anyway. And if that really is the case, he needs to find a new publicist.

    “Yes, Anon 11.39, it seems Went only said “I’m not gay” on Australian radio, on Canadian Tv, in the German GQ and in French and Belgian mags.”

    No, he didn’t. He never said “I’m not gay” on Australian radio. That comment was in a printed article with the AAP, where the “I’m not gay” comment (which he may or may not have said) preceded a much more open comment on the topic, which I am convinced he did say. The other “I’m not gay” comments have been in foreign, translated interviews, where we can’t really be sure what he actually said. The one in German “Style” mag (not GQ), I’ve referred to above, and pointed out why it is suspect in origins. We already know about the suspicions surrounding the “Public” interview.

    He didn’t say “I’m not gay” on Canadian TV, he wheeled out the “wife and kids” quote, which has the same implications, I’ll grant you (and noticeably couldn’t make eye contact with the interviewer as he said it, in case anyone’s interesting in analysing body language).

    Believe me, I would be as happy as anyone if WM is indeed straight. Indeed, I defended him for accusations of lying on the topic for the longest time. But I think there are just too many questions regarding his behaviour and the way this issue has been handled to be anything except sceptical.

    And frankly, as I don’t give a damn if he’s straight or gay, I’m not going to twist what I’ve seen and read in order to make it turn out the way I *want*. I don’t care either way, so I’m going with the weight of evidence at this stage.

    When I see WM spending his time with a woman with whom he is evidently romantically involved, and that is the reason he is flying backwards and forwards to LA for long weekends during tiring filming periods, then I will be more than happy to accept that as evidence. Otherwise, the idea that this incredibly charming and gorgeous man who could have his pick of women can’t find a girlfriend (I know the given ‘reasons’) isn’t flying with me. The idea that he is too shy to approach women on a romantic level is ridiculous. If he were that shy that it was affecting his personal relationship goals, it would be something I can’t believe wouldn’t be obvious in other ways. He is charmingly shy and self-effacing, but I’ve seen no evidence it’s crippling for him.

    And just to be clear, I am not having a go at WM with these comments, because I frankly have no idea how many of these shenanigans are down to him, and how many are down to PR handling. If he is gay, I suspect he’s under enormous pressure to keep that under wraps, and that must be horrible for him.

    Apologies that this turned out to be a fucking essay, folks!

  1209. niknak

    I have avoided posting this thread since it is like a plague, and it’s not a debate I wanted to participate in. However, I am concerned that it is even still a topic of discussion since we all seem to have our own opinions on what is fact vs. fiction. Is it really a debate any more? People who think Wentworth is straight are not going to be swayed by those who think he’s gay. And, Went’s behavior is going to have people thinking one way one day and another way the next.

    While I LOVE WM as an actor, I freely admit I know nothing about him as a person. He may be gay, he may be straight, but there are two things that are certain.

    1. He is still hotter than 98% of the men on this planet, and his sexuality is not going to change the way he looks, the way he acts, or the effect he has on most of the female population, AND…

    2. Those who are questioning his sexuality are the same ones who are never going to know for certain since he is not now, or likely ever will be, sleeping with them.

    I figure if Went decides to make a verbal statement about his sexual preference (which is not likely to EVER happen), no one will believe him unless he says he’s gay. If that is going to be the case, there really is no reason for him to say anything at all since we will believe what we want. I think we should all just appreciate him for what he is… a highly intelligent, self-effacing, dry-witted, handsome man that acts.

    To ask for anything more is simply a recipe for disappointment.

  1210. Kassie

    @niknak: Completely agree. Perhaps the obsession (which, granted, not everyone suffers from) regarding his sexuality says a lot more about us than it does about him.

    The man is a mystery. And he should be classified as a highly addictive drug.

  1211. KM


    “He never said “I’m not gay” on Australian radio.”

    Are you sure of this? I thought I heard a three part interview with a male and female journalist in which he was talking about the infamous T-Mobile party and I thought I heard him say he wasn’t gay.
    But I may be wrong?

    Don’t say sorry for your “essay”!
    On the contrary it’s excellent to read what people think and feel, explained in a clear manner.

    This way, misunderstandings can be avoided: perhaps it be could suggested to Went’s PR and Went himself?

  1212. KM


    Brilliant detective work you’ve done at the Church, locating the toy shop!

  1213. fuushi

    Perfect! I totally agree. And I thank you for stating this so clearly. I totally hope, this ends this discussion and we can focus on Went as an actor and eye candy again.
    Merry Christmas from Europe!

  1214. Amaryllis

    @Kassie (December 15, 2007 at 9:58 am)

    I was prepared to answer your question on why I still doubt Went’s sexuality but Mink has already explain it way much better that I could ever do it myself.

    I just hope that the fans are prepared and open to the possibility he may be gay because I fear that if in the future the rumour would be confirmed in an absolute way they’ll desert him if they aren’t used to this thought and Went doesn’t deserve this.

  1215. lj

    @niknak, fuushi, Kassie: You don’t have to read this thread if you think you know. But no one reading these boards really knows about Went’s personal life.

    @Mink: There are a few things about your post I’d like to comment on.

    One set of pictures together with a story from a disreputable gossip blogger has turned into irrefutable evidence that Went is gay? And anyone who does not hold that opinion is either in denial or blind to the obvious? This is despite the fact that WM himself denies that he’s gay. You can refuse to accept this if you wish but I think what’s undeniable is that he does deny that he’s gay. He denied it in the extremely reputable AAP story in January. As recently as a few months ago (after the Perez story) in the Christophe Combarieu article Went vigorously denied he was gay. This has been verified in emails to KM. We also heard with our own ears Dom deny that Went was gay on Australian radio. So Went is lying? Dom is lying? Even KM is lying? But Perez is telling the truth?

    As for your claim that you saw a scan of a press pack of clear and specific instructions to journalists that ‘Mr. Miller would not be answering any personal questions’. Are you aware that a lot of celebs have such instructions yet no reporter sticks to it. Otherwise how do you explain why Combarieu – and not to mention – the women of The View, Kyle and Jackie O, Jackie and Bender, etc etc – have ALL have asked him personal questions!?!

    And Mink. The US media is not controlled by PR people. That’s what editors are for. They are the ones with the final say. NOT the PR people. That’s ridiculous. And the same with foreign publications. As for your claim that people are twisting themselves into knots trying to explain the Luke/Went pics — I work with the press and not all photographs are released immediately. Are you aware of that?

    As for your body language theory. I do believe in body language and Went’s body language is very easy to read. I really don’t know what you are talking about with respect to that Canadian interview. However during the Jensen interview when faced with questions about the paparazzi Went maintained a serious demeanor and looked straight into Jensen’s eyes. He didn’t blink or look down as if he was avoiding that part. He definitely had nothing to hide at that point.

    You say that Went can’t be that shy around women or be that busy to not have a Gf because he can have any woman he wants. Has it ever occurred to you that there are a multitude of reasons why he might not be interested at the moment – such as he works 14 hour days and comes home too tired or maybe the women he meets simply don’t interest him. How weird would it be if he really was too busy to date!!!!

    You say you really don’t care but that you believe that the weight of evidence points towards him being gay. Sorry but I’m going to need more proof than pics of Wentworth smiling while in public with another man and I’m not drawing any conclusions unless he says otherwise. Because I really don’t know.

  1216. Kako da nadje “onu pravu”, kako i sam kaze, kada se krece u svetu holivudskih nakaza, bezlicnih ljudi pomerenih granica vrednosti, promasenih zivota… Pa nije sve u slavi, novcu i bogatstvu ako si u sustini moralna nakaza (sto vecina jeste),koja ne ume da sklopi dve prosto-prosirene recenice, jedno nistavilo bez skole i obrazovanja i ako si deep-inside prazan kao frula!!!

    Vidim svi pisu na maternjem, pa rekoh ajde i ja.

  1217. angie

    god lord !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    over a thousand comments !!!!
    cant u just stop trashing that man and calling him a gay lier hes not gay and he said that more than once if u r a true fan of him u should all believe him

  1218. Amaryllis

    Sorry angie but you will be very disappointed if you don’t prepare yourself.
    You’re still in time to face the truth

  1219. Kassie

    This morning I was in “he’s gay” mode, but after reading lj’s post, which is an excellent counterpoint to Mink’s “essay”, I’m all confused again!…???… I think the only way to “solve” this issue is to have lj debate Mink on primetime TV. It would be a lot more interesting than the presidential debates!!! he he he LMFAO!!!

    Seeing the pics of WM leaving the Toys R Us made me wonder…what is a 35-year-old man doing leading a Peter Pan existence of wrinkled shirts and board game evenings with friends? How many straight men his age do you know who aren’t all about chasing skirts? Whatever happened to Amie and Marianna? Don’t his actions, and inactions, speak louder than his (sparse and repetitive) words?…and then I read lj’s post… But I’m asking myself, why the f**k do I care, when, as niknak said, unless he says he’s gay, there will remain these doubts…

  1220. niknak


    It wasn’t me who deduced the toy store location on the Church website. That honor goes to Primulablue.


    I find your response to my comment a bit rude, and it is people half-reading comments and posting hasty reactions to them that spurs this type of debate in the first place, and is also the reason I had refrained from posting on this thread initially.

    NOWHERE in my post did I say I think I knew anything about Wentworth Miller. I SPECIFICALLY said, “While I LOVE WM as an actor, I freely admit I know nothing about him as a person. Please don’t put words in my mouth or insinuate what “I think I know” based on an assumption of what you think you read.

    I think the fact that none of us know anything about him is the point everyone here is trying to make. My only point in my post was to say that going around on a debate that is not changing anyone’s mind one way or the other seems fruitless to me, especially since there is only one correct answer regardless of whatever our chosen POV on the topic may be. As we are all entitled to do, you can have whatever opinion on the topic you so choose, but in the end there is only one person who can definitively answer your question, and he’s not discussing it. Besides, what he has said (or inferred, or had his PR people relay) on the topic has not been satisfactory to some people. Truth or not, it just is what it is. My comment on the debate in general was MY OPINION, and nowhere did it indicate I knew anything for certain about Went.

    I intentionally refrained from including my opinion on the subject in my post since my opinion means dick in the grand scheme of things. Wentworth is what he is. Unless who he is sleeping with directly affects me (which, sadly, it doesn’t), it is of no consequence to the way I lead my life whether he is straight, gay, bisexual, aesexual, or otherwise.

    THAT is what I was saying!

  1221. Kassie

    To lighten the mood of a VERY serious debate of cosmic proportions, may I just add that I and some of my fellow posters’ only intent here is to get to the bottom of Wentworth Miller (pun is fully intended).

    ***Went whispering***…the questions you have about me…there ARE answers…

  1222. anon lower case

    “Believe me, I would be as happy as anyone if WM is indeed straight. […]

    And frankly, as I don’t give a damn if he’s straight or gay, I’m not going to twist what I’ve seen and read in order to make it turn out the way I *want*. I don’t care either way”

    You’re contradicting yourself.

  1223. Kassie

    @anon lower case:

    In Mink’s defense, this is simply what WM does to people…he makes them feel all funny and mixed-up inside. He causes delusions, jealousy, shortness of breath, sleeplessness, and heart palpitations. He turns a prim librarian into a wanton Jezebel. (That would be me.)

    Although Mink is a perfectly sensible woman, it is completely understandable that she is contradicting herself. We must let her…there is no cure… he he he

  1224. Anonymous

    I apologize to Primulablue, I didn’t realise it was her work!

    I think we should read better Went’s second interview (see”Wentworth Miller makes me wet”)

    Of course, (you know me now!) I had to check how it was done.
    Isabelle Willot (her mail was provided in LE VIF) told me that she sent him the questions by mail.
    It means he had time to mull them over and to answer carefully, choosing every word:

    Q: The subject that upsets you.
    W: Everytime somebody tries to make his opinions look like real facts.
    —-> A warning to us, of course, but he could be alluding to… Perez Hilton? (or Perez’s source!)

    More important, the second answer:

    Q: Is lying for the good cause acceptable?
    W: Honesty will always be preferable, but if a little distortion of the truth can spare somebody else’s feelings, it is probably acceptable.

    —>”A little distortion” is not lying blatantly and repeatedly to millions of your fans ,saying “I’m not gay”! He values HONESTY. ALWAYS.

    “A little distortion” is lying to your Grandma when she asks you: “Don’t you think I still look good for my age?” Then, you spare her feelings.
    And even so, Went says it’s “probably acceptable”.

    Draw your own conclusions…

  1225. KM

    Sorry, forgot my name above..

  1226. lj


    I’m sorry if you thought I was referring to you. I wasn’t. When I said that no one knows about WM for certain I was referring to those supposed fans who post on fanboards and talk as though it’s a known fact that Went is gay. I only mentioned your name at the start of my post as a warning that if you didn’t want to read more arguments about whether he is or isn’t then to stop reading. That’s all. Nothing in the rest of my post was directed at you.

  1227. The REAL Cat's Meow!

    Hey girl, I love Went’s answers to those 2 questions too and I agree with you!

    “Q: The subject that upsets you.
    W: Everytime somebody tries to make his opinion real facts.”

    After I read this, the first thing I thought of was that fat ugly loser, PH and it’s quite possible Went was thinking the same!

    “Q: Is lying for the good cause acceptable?
    W: Honesty will always be preferable, but if a little distortion of the truth can spare somebody else’s feelings, it is probably acceptable.”

    It seems obvious Went would not blatently lie to millions of fans about his sexuality. That is huge and in no way a little white lie. Telling a little white lie is like telling a friend her ass doesn’t look fat in those pants to spare her feelings or saying her lasagna was delicious when it wasn’t. Telling the whole world you’re not gay when you really are is a tremendous lie, and being the man Went is, I don’t think he would deliberately lie about that!

  1228. Mink

    KM: Are you sure of this? I thought I heard a three part interview with a male and female journalist in which he was talking about the infamous T-Mobile party and I thought I heard him say he wasn’t gay. But I may be wrong?

    I’m quite sure. He denied ever being at the T-Mobile party (which I believe), but he did not say the words, “I’m not gay” on the radio.

    lj: One set of pictures together with a story from a disreputable gossip blogger has turned into irrefutable evidence that Went is gay? And anyone who does not hold that opinion is either in denial or blind to the obvious? This is despite the fact that WM himself denies that he’s gay. You can refuse to accept this if you wish but I think what’s undeniable is that he does deny that he’s gay. He denied it in the extremely reputable AAP story in January. As recently as a few months ago (after the Perez story) in the Christophe Combarieu article Went vigorously denied he was gay. This has been verified in emails to KM. We also heard with our own ears Dom deny that Went was gay on Australian radio. So Went is lying? Dom is lying? Even KM is lying? But Perez is telling the truth?

    I have explained above what was so suspicious about those Went/Luke pictures, and I’ve explained it many times elsewhere, as have others. It was not *just* the pictures or *just* the rumours from Perez, as some people like to imply.

    And I do not “refuse to accept” that WM himself denies he is gay. My point is that the denials have all been made in the foreign press, at least two sources of which were questionable. If you refuse to believe that, that is your right. And as I stated above clearly, I have never accused KM of lying, so please don’t put those words into my mouth – it does you no justice. I do not know if Went and Dom are lying or not; what I can see is that they may have reason to. And Perez may be lying, but he may also be telling the truth. I think he is a despicable person, but that does not automatically make him wrong about this. I agree, it doesn’t make him right either.

    As for your claim that you saw a scan of a press pack of clear and specific instructions to journalists that ‘Mr. Miller would not be answering any personal questions’. Are you aware that a lot of celebs have such instructions yet no reporter sticks to it. Otherwise how do you explain why Combarieu – and not to mention – the women of The View, Kyle and Jackie O, Jackie and Bender, etc etc – have ALL have asked him personal questions!?!

    I wasn’t saying that WM refuses to answer personal questions – it’s perfectly obvious that he does. I was simply making the point about the press pack instructions, nothing more.

    And Mink. The US media is not controlled by PR people. That’s what editors are for. They are the ones with the final say. NOT the PR people. That’s ridiculous. And the same with foreign publications.

    Well we’ll just have to agree to disagree on that one, because I have seen and read multiple comments and articles contradicting that, including from very legitimate sources. I am not saying that the PR people completely control the media, but they have extremely heavy influence with regard to how their clients are presented in the media. If they didn’t, there wouldn’t be much point to them, would there? I am not saying that WM cannot ignore his PR people’s advice, or that he never does, but as a rule PR people are gatekeepers of significance.

    As for your claim that people are twisting themselves into knots trying to explain the Luke/Went pics — I work with the press and not all photographs are released immediately. Are you aware of that?

    Yes, I am aware of that. I am assuming you are referring to the Went/Luke pictures, and the rumour which has been perpetuated by some that those photos were taken before the post by Perez linking Went’s and Luke’s name. All I can say on that is that I know Jared (of Just Jared) personally, and he advised that those photos were from a legitimate photo agency, who had tagged them as being taken on the date posted by Jared, i.e. a couple of months after Perez’s naming post. I therefore don’t see any reason to believe they weren’t taken on the date claimed. We even know for a fact WM was in LA that weekend, rather than Dallas, as he was photographed arriving at the airport.

    As for your body language theory. I do believe in body language and Went’s body language is very easy to read. I really don’t know what you are talking about with respect to that Canadian interview. However during the Jensen interview when faced with questions about the paparazzi Went maintained a serious demeanor and looked straight into Jensen’s eyes. He didn’t blink or look down as if he was avoiding that part. He definitely had nothing to hide at that point.

    I’m not sure what your point is in referring to the Jensen interview. Of course Went didn’t lie at all during that interview – he wasn’t asked any ‘difficult’ questions during it. In fact he was given the most gentle handling during it – which was great because it got him to open up. I stated my point about the Canadian interview above, but I’ll do so again, with some expansion, if you need it. When WM gives the answer about wanting a “wife and kids” some day, he looks down and evidently cannot make eye contact with the interviewer (where usually, including during most of this interview) he is excellent at maintaining eye contact. It may mean something, it may mean nothing, but it definitely made me question the veracity of his statement, right from the very first time I saw it (before any Luke rumours or photos).

    You say that Went can’t be that shy around women or be that busy to not have a Gf because he can have any woman he wants. Has it ever occurred to you that there are a multitude of reasons why he might not be interested at the moment – such as he works 14 hour days and comes home too tired or maybe the women he meets simply don’t interest him. How weird would it be if he really was too busy to date!!!!

    Of course there are a multitude of reasons why he might not be interested at the moment, but WM has never had any kind of girlfriend or romantic relationship with a woman that we know of, over the course of a number of years. Of course he would be discreet, but he really is the most discreet male on the face of the planet. And of course he’s busy, but he’s not too busy to fly backwards and forwards to LA for long weekends on a relatively frequent basis to spend time with ‘LA based friends’.

    You say you really don’t care but that you believe that the weight of evidence points towards him being gay. Sorry but I’m going to need more proof than pics of Wentworth smiling while in public with another man and I’m not drawing any conclusions unless he says otherwise. Because I really don’t know.

    Actually, if you read what I wrote, I didn’t say the weight of evidence point towards him being gay. What I said was: “But I think there are just too many questions regarding his behaviour and the way this issue has been handled to be anything except skeptical.” That is my position: skepticism. I do think there is plenty of evidence to support the idea that WM is gay, but he has also stated he is not, so I am skeptical on the issue.

    anon lower case: “Believe me, I would be as happy as anyone if WM is indeed straight. […]

    And frankly, as I don’t give a damn if he’s straight or gay, I’m not going to twist what I’ve seen and read in order to make it turn out the way I *want*. I don’t care either way”

    You’re contradicting yourself.

    I most certainly was not contradicting myself. By saying I would be happy if he were straight, it does not then follow that I would not also be happy if he were gay. I have stated repeatedly that I don’t care either way, but I do think people should be open to either eventuality, and frankly most people are not. I suppose my mistake was saying “I would be as happy as anyone” if Went were straight. I should have just gone with “I would be perfectly happy if…” because it’s true I don’t have some obsessive agenda to prove him straight, as some people evidently have, and I admit they would probably be happier than me to have his heterosexuality ‘proven’.

    Kassie: Although Mink is a perfectly sensible woman, it is completely understandable that she is contradicting herself.

    Well, it would have been understandable, if I actually had been contradicting myself.

    I guess where I am at with this at the moment is that my jury is out. There has just been so much confusion, dodgy interviews and rumours surrounding the issue that I have no idea what the truth of it is. I would like to believe WM is telling the truth, but in a world where there is so much homophobia that to ‘come out’ would undoubtedly harm his career, I can still see that he may not feel able to. My main posting on the issue at the moment (generally, not so much specific as to this thread) tends to revolve around asking people not to post on the issue in a homophobic way. In order to come to any sort of conclusion on this issue, what I would like to see is WM’s behaviour and actions not seeming to contradict his words.

    BTW, lj, are you posting at TWoP as summerwine? 😉

  1229. lj

    I hope this all makes sense. Sorry I’m not up with how to use italics and bold.


    “And I do not “refuse to accept” that WM himself denies he is gay. My point is that the denials have all been made in the foreign press, at least two sources of which were questionable. If you refuse to believe that, that is your right. And as I stated above clearly, I have never accused KM of lying, so please don’t put those words into my mouth – it does you no justice. I do not know if Went and Dom are lying or not; what I can see is that they may have reason to. And Perez may be lying, but he may also be telling the truth. I think he is a despicable person, but that does not automatically make him wrong about this. I agree, it doesn’t make him right either.”

    My point is this Mink. KM contacted the author of one of the two foreign articles you dispute — M. Combarieu — who verified by email to her that Went denied 1) that he was gay and 2) that he was with Luke Macfarlane. M. Combarieu actually spoke to Went firsthand about these matters. Even though Went’s words were twisted and mangled by the writer for the sake of a sensational story, M. Combarieu told KM that Went really denied that he was gay. Yet you argue that this is questionable. So are you saying that M. Combarieu lied to KM? Or are you saying that KM is lying on this board?

    “I wasn’t saying that WM refuses to answer personal questions – it’s perfectly obvious that he does. I was simply making the point about the press pack instructions, nothing more.”

    Actually you did. In response to this post:
    “I have a friend who is a member of the press and this person told me that Went doesn’t have a banned questions list in Europe or the US. He freely answers such questions even about his family. He is that open.”

    you said:
    “Well then he’s changed his tune considerably. Because I saw a scan of a press pack from when he was doing press for “The Human Stain”, and it stated clear and specific instructions to journalists that Mr. Miller would not be answering any personal questions.”

    “I am not saying that the PR people completely control the media, but they have extremely heavy influence with regard to how their clients are presented in the media. If they didn’t, there wouldn’t be much point to them, would there? I am not saying that WM cannot ignore his PR people’s advice, or that he never does, but as a rule PR people are gatekeepers of significance.”

    It’s my understanding that PR people help cultivate the image they want their client to portray, but they don’t poke their noses into interviews. They might portray their client as being philanthropic for instance, and release pics of them saving the whales or giving speeches. But they will not tell editors that they want final say or approval. You do realize that there is a huge difference between the two, right? It is too simplistic to merge the two duties (that of a PR officer and editor) and say that PR people control editorial. The relationship is a lot more complicated than that – an editor still retains control and will not give articles to PR officers for final approval. The PR person advises their client and cultivates his image.

    “All I can say on that is that I know Jared (of Just Jared) personally, and he advised that those photos were from a legitimate photo agency, who had tagged them as being taken on the date posted by Jared, i.e. a couple of months after Perez’s naming post. I therefore don’t see any reason to believe they weren’t taken on the date claimed. We even know for a fact WM was in LA that weekend, rather than Dallas, as he was photographed arriving at the airport.”

    Mink I mentioned that I work with people in the press and one thing I do know is that the date tagged on photos is usually never the same date the photos were taken, but rather the date the photos were sold to that legitimate photo agency. And mistakes happen. It all depends on what the photographer tells the photo agency who uses the information. If the photographer labels something incorrectly, nobody questions. It’s not like the assistants who work at wireimage logging this info is going to know every celeb – they they are only loggers. And the other advice I’ve received is that many freelancers will lie about the dates because they want to appear that what they have is recent and current! Paps do this all the time especially when dates can’t be verified.

    “I’m not sure what your point is in referring to the Jensen interview. Of course Went didn’t lie at all during that interview – he wasn’t asked any ‘difficult’ questions during it. In fact he was given the most gentle handling during it – which was great because it got him to open up.”

    What don’t you get? Jensen asked him about paparazzi following him and waiting for him. This was immediately after the Luke pics. If Went was a closeted gay don’t you think he would have looked nervous or anxious. Yet he maintained eye contact and looked perfectly comfortable at this point as opposed to him looked embarrassed and uncomfortable when Jensen brought up the issue of fainting crying women. Like I said Went’s body language is very easy to interpret.

    “I stated my point about the Canadian interview above, but I’ll do so again, with some expansion, if you need it. When WM gives the answer about wanting a “wife and kids” some day, he looks down and evidently cannot make eye contact with the interviewer (where usually, including during most of this interview) he is excellent at maintaining eye contact. It may mean something, it may mean nothing, but it definitely made me question the veracity of his statement, right from the very first time I saw it (before any Luke rumours or photos).”

    I’m betting it means absolutely nothing! In which case why mention it. He looks completely relaxed and calm in that interview. Sorry I just don’t see it.

    “WM has never had any kind of girlfriend or romantic relationship with a woman that we know of, over the course of a number of years. Of course he would be discreet, but he really is the most discreet male on the face of the planet. And of course he’s busy, but he’s not too busy to fly backwards and forwards to LA for long weekends on a relatively frequent basis to spend time with ‘LA based friends’.”

    Went’s permanant home is LA – so is it so out of this world that he flies back because LA is “home” and if that means friends and family, then that is the people he likes to be with? As to him not having a GF since PB I already gave you reasons — go back to my last post.

    “Actually, if you read what I wrote, I didn’t say the weight of evidence point towards him being gay. What I said was: “But I think there are just too many questions regarding his behaviour and the way this issue has been handled to be anything except skeptical.” That is my position: skepticism. I do think there is plenty of evidence to support the idea that WM is gay, but he has also stated he is not, so I am skeptical on the issue.”

    Gosh. I must be reading someone else’s post because this is what I thought you said:
    “And frankly, as I don’t give a damn if he’s straight or gay, I’m not going to twist what I’ve seen and read in order to make it turn out the way I *want*. I don’t care either way, so I’m going with the weight of evidence at this stage.”

    “BTW, lj, are you posting at TWoP as summerwine? ;)”

    No I am not Summerwine! I have posted my opinions only – backed up by what my press friends have told me.

  1230. maya

    Have you seen the pictures too, haven’t you? The embarassed smile on Went’s face and the smug look on Luke’s, they spent the all afternoon together, so sweet… I’m sure the truth will come out sooner or later and though I blame him for lying about this topic (just my opinion) I feel also a little sad for him cause fame and money don’t make life easier when you live a lie.

  1231. anon lower case

    “Of course, (you know me now!) I had to check how it was done. Isabelle Willot (her mail was provided in LE VIF) told me that she sent him the questions by mail.”

    Gosh, send her an email in my name and thank her for the first original (and capable) interview questions in ages (apart from the TV question). Jensen’s interview was long and funny, but hardly original – I’d heard it all before.

    @Fake Cat’s Meow
    “1. Did you ever notice how he crosses his arms in front of his chest to take off his shirt? IMO, that’s so effeminate! I think only women do that! I noticed that my hubby, my teenage son, and other straight guys I know and on TV all take off their shirts by pulling the back of the collar up over their heads. (BTW, I saw on a “gay test” that this was one of the questions).”

    So I assume this makes Went’s season 3 tattoo-double gay too? I don’t suppose you’ve actually seen WENT take off his shirt. What we’ve seen is MICHAEL taking off his shirt that way. Because, let me think, I’m sure if you created TV you’d agree that that looks much sexier and shows off muscles and the tattoo much better than tugging about at your sleeves, doesn’t it? Also, in film and TV things need to be sped up, otherwise people get bored (if somebody walks across the room to leave through a door, there’s usually a cut, so viewers don’t have to wait around for the actor to reach the exit). And tugging at your sleeves takes longer than taking a shirt off the other way.

    “WM has never had any kind of girlfriend or romantic relationship with a woman that we know of, over the course of a number of years. Of course he would be discreet, but he really is the most discreet male on the face of the planet. And of course he’s busy, but he’s not too busy to fly backwards and forwards to LA for long weekends on a relatively frequent basis to spend time with ‘LA based friends’.”

    Have you ever considered that Went might be your typical gifted, artistic person? The ones with an IQ of about 130, the rich inner life, and the fragile soul? These people have friends, but they are incapable of completely sharing themselves – physically, emotionally – with people who don’t completely get them (or who bore them senseless). Remember how Went always says he wants somebody who understands what actors do, but isn’t one themselves? Statements like that are typical for people who believe that, in the end, they have a maverick personality and need to be grounded to ever function as more than me, myself, and I. For people like that, finding somebody to be with is an ISSUE. They don’t just go out and get a girl/boyfriend. They are loners, they are passionate about their art/work, they’re uptight and shy and like to be workaholics to put off working on The Issue, even though they’re yearning for somebody to get them out of their shell. They’re also usually admired by buckets of people and still feel alone because admiration doesn’t mean somebody is standing beside you as a partner, it means you’re standing there alone, with people looking up at you and telling you how cool you are.

  1232. anonymous

    Do you know what I find extremely funny??
    All these people busy searching to prove the real authenticity of the questionable Public interview, fail to notice a little detail.
    AFTER WM denial in the article, there is a nice box with the title “He refuse to make his coming out” that at the end states:

    “Pourtant, depuis le 25 aout dernier, date à laquelle les deux stars ont été surprises ensemble à Los Angeles, les rumeurs se font de plus en plus persistantes. A quand un coming out?”

    which means:

    “However, from the last 25th august, day when the two stars were been caught together in Los Angeles, the rumours are getting more and more strong. When there will be a coming out?”

    So what?? If not even this rubbish tabloid believes him when he says he’s not gay, why should I??

  1233. The REAL Cat's Meow!

    @anon lower case,
    I totally agree with your whole post girl! Especially the last paragraph describing Went’s personality. I think you hit the nail on the head! I could definately see Went having a hard time finding a woman who understands him. He’s a unique soul and I think most peeps don’t get him.

    Luke had that smug look on his face like he was guilty of something. And he was dressed like Went too, which made me cringe. It’s almost like he was saying “Ha ha girls, look who I’m with and you’re not!” I just wanted to smack that smirk right off his face!

  1234. sueli

    //[quote]Are you sure of this? I thought I heard a three part interview with a male and female journalist in which he was talking about the infamous T-Mobile party and I thought I heard him say he wasn’t gay.
    But I may be wrong?[/quote]
    I thought he said he wasn’t there, but if he was there he was probably shaking hands, not holding hands. I could be wrong, though, as I am currently to lazy to look up the interview.

    For me the topic is now more general than ‘is Miller gay or not’ and is more [at least in my mind] should actors in general have to be “in”? Miller is just an example and I don’t really care one way or the other unless or until he starts dating some MAW [model/actress/whatever] who plays it all up for the cameras. I hate that.

    // Telling the whole world you’re not gay when you really are is a tremendous lie, and being the man Went is, I don’t think he would deliberately lie about that! //

    Count me as one who also goes back in forth on what I think Miller’s sexual orientation is. But that “little distortion to spare feelings” to me doesn’t immediately mean that he is answering a huge lie when he says he isn’t gay. He didn’t say he is straight. He said he isn’t gay. I am willing to split the difference. But that me.

    // And of course he’s busy, but he’s not too busy to fly backwards and forwards to LA for long weekends on a relatively frequent basis to spend time with ‘LA based friends’. //
    Friends that include both genders. [However, with the Amie pics, I got the impression she was playing to the camera. I could be (and some may say I am) wrong, but that’s the feeling that I got from them.]

    // “However, from the last 25th august, day when the two stars were been caught together in Los Angeles, the rumours are getting more and more strong. When there will be a coming out?” //

    That seems like an add on, which means the interview might have happened before the pics surfaced. Do we know for sure when he spoke to Miller? Not that that would prove anything one way or the other.

  1235. sueli

    “I just wanted to smack that smirk right off his face!”

    Just make sure the dimples stay. Thanks 🙂

  1236. anon lower case


    “He’s a unique soul and I think most peeps don’t get him.”

    Intellect and artistry rarely come in the same package. Often intellectual people have a personality that doesn’t sparkle with unsuppressed emotion and imagination (like an actor’s), and just as often, you’ll find that even the most gifted actors are incapable of articulating things in a fashion that doesn’t drive the academic person mad with impatience and boredom. It’s all good when you’re just hanging out and joking around, but when it comes to sharing you life, or even finding a BFF, people who fit you are few and far between – if you’re with somebody who doesn’t understand your thirst for emotion (which can be found in large doses in art) and the sheer need to feel, you’re lonely. And if you’re with somebody who doesn’t have your quicksilver mind, you’re frustrated and bored… and thus, still lonely.

  1237. KM

    On the TWoP forum of PB, a person (Summerwine) seems to be a real bona fide insider who confirms the content of the Public interview (if not the tone, but we’ve been explained the “young speak” by Mr Combarieu).

    Certain details tell me he (or she) has checked with Wentworth himself the content of the phone conversation..

    I do wish people stopped saying the interview is false because the tone of the article doesn’t agree with them. PLEASE.
    Mr Combarieu answered my questions quickly, was very courteous and there’s ABSOLUTELY no doubt in my mind about him. It’s stupid and insulting to challenge his sincerity. (But if you are still incredulous, you can write to him!)

    Read the transcript of Dom’s chat yesterday:
    ( Don’t ask me to translate, there’s nothing really new) and you’ll see that Dom’s words are translated in “Young Speak”, too.

    I thought about this and I believe it comes from the French dubbed version of PB:
    For Went, in particular, they chose an actor with a younger voice, and the language is more colloquial in the French version… Hence, the tone of Went’s interviews in French.
    It is a sort of treason, yes. Gone is Went’s deep sexy adult voice! But it often happens in dubbed films and series.
    Sometimes , it’s for the better. Actors like Travolta or Harrison Ford actually benefited from being given a better, sexier voice than their own.

  1238. Amaryllis

    @ KM

    I really don’t think Mr Combarieu laid to you.
    But I’m not so sure about WM sincerity. He has plenty of reason to lie

    “So what?? If not even this rubbish tabloid believes him when he says he’s not gay, why should I??”

    I have to agree on this

  1239. KM

    “So what?? If not even this rubbish tabloid believes him when he says he’s not gay, why should I??”
    —>It’s more complicated than that. the Luke photos surfaced after the interview. Fans saw the pics not only on the net but also in some papers (and on French TV in the show “50 Minutes Inside”).
    The editor probably wanted to “refresh” the interview by adding the insert.
    It’s just a question. Typical of this type of sensational press. But the question mark means they don’t have anymore info about this. It’s honest.

    Don’t let this haunt you at night, Anonymous!

    Went said he’s not gay and not in a relationship with McFarlane. And he also said he values honesty above all.

  1240. ws

    I must say for me the crack up of the century is how quickly KM has changed her tune; before she was so adamant he was gay, making irrational reasonable, and vice versa. Now she’s so sure he is not gay. I never disbelieved Went for a second, yet I don’t think Mink’s arguments are invalid. Wentworth is not a man of mystery but THE man of mystery aka contradictions galore. Yet from what I can see underneath all those contradictions he is a man of integrity and sincerity and for that I could never stomach that he would make an ambiguous lie for anything; yes I think not even his career.

  1241. KM

    There’s a French proverb which says: “Only fools are unable to change their opinion”.

    I changed because there is more evidence IMHO.
    Or, rather, a few more words like: “wouldn’t be ashamed”, “Luke” “friend” “honesty”…

  1242. Kassie

    @ws: “…underneath all those contradictions he is a man of integrity and sincerity and for that I could never stomach that he would make an ambiguous lie for anything; yes I think not even his career.”

    This, in a nutshell, is why I admire and respect him so much. Yes he’s hot, but so are a lot of other men. Went is unique. I love his normality and maturity. He seems to have figured out how to stay real and avoid the pitfalls so many of his fellow celebrities have fallen prey to. I promise you, this is a herculean accomplishment in lalaland.

  1243. ws

    KM it’s not that you changed your opinion, hell I change mine all the time, it is HOW quickly you did it.

    Kassie; agree

  1244. maya

    Sorry KM, but you say this tabloid is reliable when it publishes WM denial of being gay but you called it sensational when it draws conclusions on his denials?
    Don’t you think you’re contradicting yourself?
    I’m more and more convinced that the truth will come out much later when he won’t be in the spotlight anymore.

  1245. The REAL Cat's Meow!

    You’re a woman, so you have the right to change your mind!!! Welcome back, babes!

    I personally agree with you about the French interview changing the tone of Went’s answers to “young speak”. I wanted to read Dom’s interview as well, but I can’t read French.

    Went did say that he definately was NOT holding hands with another guy at the T-Mobile party. If anything, he said he was probably shaking hands with his agent and thanking him for getting him Prison Break!

    We all admire Went for his gentleman ways, his intelligence, his integrity. He’s a man with principles, he’s respectful of others, he courteous and well-mannered. Do we really think that he could have all these great qualities, but also be a LIAR? I think not.

    Went is 35 years old. He’s not a young kid just starting out in this business. I think he’s too intelligent and too realistic to think he could keep his sexuality a secret in this day and age. Being the man he is, if Went was gay, I don’t think he would hide it. He would be out and proud, just like he’s proud of his mixed race. I know they’re not the same, but he doesn’t seem like the type of man that would be ashamed of anything. Yes he’s private, but not secretive. He’s even said that people think he’s sitting on a mountain of secrets when in reality he’s just a quiet boy.

  1246. anon lower case

    “He’s even said that people think he’s sitting on a mountain of secrets when in reality he’s just a quiet boy.”

    You know how it is; apparently you can’t be (not quite so) young hot Hollywood without being a player or gay. Reminds me of people’s reactions when they found out that Paz Vega was a virgin until she was 26. That just… wasn’t possible, LIKE OKAY??!!!11111

  1247. Anonymous

    Ryan Philippe said he was a virgin before he met Reese. Kudos to him, men don’t usually admit that kind of thing.
    I don’t think Went is a virgin but he seems to have a low sexual drive.

  1248. The REAL Cat's Meow!

    @anon lower case,
    As always I agree with you! Went is not a player so people just assume he’s gay because he’s hot and single at 35. I don’t know about everyone else, but I personally know at least a dozen hot, single guys in their 30’s who are definately not gay. Why can’t the same apply to Went? People are so judgemental. What about the smoking hot Gerard Butler or Chris Noth who are both older than Went yet still single?

    The gays desperately want Went to be gay so they can “claim” him as “one of them” or something. Even the ones who don’t know if he’s gay want so badly for him to be gay. It’s like they’re rooting and wishing for him to be gay. They all stand up and cheer when a hot guy comes out of the closet, but they could care less if he’s not hot.

    Wow, I didn’t know that about Ryan Philippe! But I do remember he and Reese were very young when they met, I think 20 or 21.

    I agree Went is not a virgin at 35, although not very sexually active. His passion right now is his acting career. Like he said, he waited a long time for his career to take off and he’s concentrating on that right now. I’m sure he gets horny like everyone does, but he takes care of himself like most men do with his rosey palm and her 5 sisters! lol See my post dated November 10th at 12:49 p.m!

  1249. Kassie

    @ the REAL Cat’s Meow:

    You do know that Went’s mother’s maiden name is Palm, yes? Geez, let’s pray he doesn’t have an Aunt Rosey…LOL

  1250. Anonymous

    In Italy, for female masturbation we say”I play the mandolin”.
    Cute, isn’it?

    I love music….

  1251. Kassie

    @Anonymous: Every time I think of Went, I want to go play the mandolin…

  1252. anon lower case

    Just to clarify: I was mentioning Paz Vega and her virginity as another example of how a pre-conceived, clichéd idea of how somebody is supposed to be doesn’t need to have anything to do with the reality. You know: She’s Spanish, she’s hot, she’s an actress, and she did a film called “Lucia and the sex” at 25. She must’ve been fucking since she was 15. Um… no.

    I wasn’t implying that anybody else we’d been talking about was a virgin. XD

  1253. The REAL Cat's Meow!

    @anon lower case,
    I hear ya! Just because someone is smokin hot and oozes sexuality doesn’t mean they’re fucking everyone. Sexiness comes from within, and it doesn’t mean the person is sexually promiscuous.

    I’m Italian American and I love that “nickname” for female masterbation! Very, very cute!!

    LOL!!!! I hope Wenty doesn’t have an Aunt Rosey either! And everytime I think of Went, I play the mandolin too. In fact, I fantasize about him so much that by now I master the mandolin!!! lol

  1254. anon lower case

    Just wondering… why would some of you conclude that Went has a low sex drive?

    Just because (if he’s not with Luke or Brett Ratner or Sam Waterston or whoever) he’s not seen with a Significant Other or at clubs chatting up one-night-stands? He could be masturbating three times a day for all we know. Some people, particularly of the more intelligent variety, just don’t like the idea of exchanging body fluids with somebody when they can’t trust them and be even remotely sure where they’ve truly been.

  1255. Kassie

    @anon lower case:
    Agreed. IMO it can’t be concluded that he has a low sex drive. “Evidence” to the contrary: chocolate (which he loves) is a substitute for sex; his frequent sexual innuendos and naughty laugh in interviews; the tone of his voice and the smouldering expression in his eyes. The man’s a killer.

    He’s being watched so it’s difficult for him to meet and get to know people. Even though he has only to step out onto the street to find a more-than-willing partner of either sex, there’s the issue of trusting someone not to talk about it or turn the relationship into a “fatal attraction”. Now that he has found fortune and fame, there are all those groupies and hangers-on. Oh the irony of it all…It can’t be easy for him, poor boy. I’d like to help… as if that would ever happen! He has my sympathy…and my undying lust…hehe

  1256. Kassie

    Excuse my double -posting please…just had to add this: could a person with a low sex drive arouse such widespread (no pun intended) lust in others? I think not… I know people who have low sex drives, and they do not inspire feelings of sexual interest. IMO, Went is extremely horny… That might be because it’s difficult for him to safely get any. He has been forced by circumstances to keep it bottled up. Just my opinion. And if you had hands like his, wouldn’t you be using them on yourself??!!!

  1257. The REAL Cat's Meow!

    Yep, Went uses his huge hands with those long piano fingers to pleasure himself for sure!!! OMG, I’m getting wet thinking about it!!! I wish I was a fly on HIS wall while he’s performing that act! That would be his BEST performance EVER, hands down!!! lol

  1258. anon lower case

    And the Oscar goes to…


  1259. The REAL Cat's Meow!

    @anon lower case,
    LMFAO!!!! For that performance, Went would win the Oscar, the Golden Globe, the Screen Actors Guild Award, the People’s Choice Award, etc., etc.!!!! He would win every fucking award there is!!!

  1260. The REAL Cat's Meow!

    I saw these on various gay gossip sites. It seems that Went is not the only one accused of being gay after denying it over and over. Check these out:

    Scott Wolf (from “Party of Five”) says there are rumors that he’s gay. He says, “I am heterosexual, and I don’t think twice about the rumors. I don’t find them offensive, but whenever you hear something publicly that isn’t an accurate reflection of you, it’s an odd thing. It’s something I have to get used to.” Wolf admits that nothing he says or does is likely to end the gossip — thanks to creative minds of the public. He says, “My cousin went to get his hair cut in Hollywood, and this guy at the salon had a poster of me,” he recalls. “My cousin asked if the guy was a fan, and he responded “Oh yeah, and I have a friend who was “with” him (sexually) — he’s definately gay.” (Which Scott says is definately NOT true.)

    So you see people, Went is not the only one. All these gay rumors have started in the gay community (like the fat fuck Perez Hilton’s so-called friend, what’s his name, who said Went was his bf). The gays love hot straight men and want them to be gay so they can fuck them. They can’t have them, so they lie.

    Here’s another one:

    Elijah Wood is finally addressing those gay rumors. And unlike certain mega buck stars — Tom Cruise, for instance — he’s not threatening to sue. In fact, the “Lord of the Rings” star seems amused. Wood says he’s amused by a site called “elijahwoodsisveryverygay”. Elijah says, “It shows various photographs with me holding hands with a male. If you didn’t know any better, it kinda looks real. These people have a lot of time on their hands and my hat’s off to them because it’s very good work.”

    Here’s one more for shits & giggles:

    Hayden Christensen: “I am not gay”. A leading American gay magazine declared Christensen to be “definately gay” and Hayden’s more amused than annoyed at the speculation. He says, “It’s hilarious. I’m not gay. It’s amazing how much people will speculate if they haven’t actual information to draw from, they just make up whatever they feel is appropriate. That’s cool. As long as the people I know and care about know the truth then everyone else’s opinion doesn’t really matter.”

    Notice that Hayden says “I am not gay” just like Went! See people, Went is not playing on words when he says that. He’s saying the truth — that he’s NOT GAY — and that’s all. There’s absolutely no play on words! So get over yourselves!

    There’s a ton of other hot Hollywood stars that the gays think are gay and closeted. Notice they’re only HOT LOOKING YOUNG GUYS! Never the old, fat, ugly dudes! I must say, these gay guys making up these rumors are DELUSIONAL!!!

  1261. perla

    @The REAL Cat’s Meow!
    There is a huge difference between the celebrities you named and WM.
    Went is the only one whose name was linked to the one of a supposed boyfriend.
    And if that wasn’t enough we also saw them spend a whole afternoon together.
    How many straight men you knew went to an art gallery with their gay “best friend”? And if still there were doubts about LMF being gay I think now they’re cleared out.
    I don’t know about Elijah Wood but imho I think the odds on WM being gay (despite his convenient denials) are very high.

  1262. The REAL Cat's Meow!

    Maybe I should worry about my hubby! Sometimes he spends a whole day with one of his buddies (mostly his best friend, Tommy or his close friend, Brian who lives in an apartment in our house). They go to a sports auction or a sports game or a movie, a bite to eat, etc. Went is a highly educated, cultured guy, so instead of a sporting event, maybe he and a pal prefer to go to an art gallery instead.

    In late Summer, Dominic Purcell & Amaury Nolasco were seen together at the Dallas Cowboys football game in Dallas (they were televised during the game). Obviously Went is not a football fan, but prefers art galleries and going to the movies instead. Being cultured doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re gay. Hanging out for the day with an openly gay friend doesn’t mean that you’re gay either. And we all know that Went is a nerdy, brainy guy and not the rugged, sports fanatic type.

    My male cousin has a couple of very close buddies he grew up with. When he came out of the closet a few years ago, his straight buddies remained his friends. They hang out all the time. I imagine when they walk down the street in their Brooklyn neighborhood, people don’t assume his buddies are gay too because they’re spending the day together.

    Elijah Wood also mentions in that same article that he and his co-star, Dominic Moynihan from “Lord of the Rings” were rumored to be having a gay relationship. He said he met a fan at an event once who gave him a “gift”. It was a picture of him and Dominic doing the nasty (having sex). He said it was obviously photoshopped and laughed it off. I imagine that’s what Went does when he hears about the gay rumors about him and Luke. I hope Went never comes across that photo of him & Dom Purcell doing the nasty! That photo burned my fucking retinas! Went even had the tattoos on, so that’s shows 2 brothers having sex. THAT’S SOOOOO WRONG!! lol

  1263. another anon

    I’m quite familar with the Elijah Wood rumors and all my friends thought at the time he was involved with Dominic. I did not because I did not get that vibe from him. However, I believe Wentworth to be gay. Here’s the difference: Elijah was really an innocent near-virgin when he started filming LoTR. And now that he’s in his 20s he has a long-term girlfriend that he’s obviously attracted to. 35 year old Wentworth is a different story.

  1264. another anon

    “I’m quite familar with the Elijah Wood rumors and all my friends thought at the time he was involved with Dominic.”

    Monaghan that is, not Purcell.

  1265. anon lower case

    “How many straight men you knew went to an art gallery with their gay “best friend””

    Actually, I know several straight actors who do that sort of thing.

    Went should do one of those art films with no plot and lots of nudity!

  1266. Cat's Meow!

    @anon lower case,
    “Went should do one of those art films with no plot and lots of nudity!”

    Yeah, they’re called “pornos”!!!! lol

    I agree, I would love to see Wenty all nude in some art film. But do you think he would ever show full frontal? Probably not, because he’s too shy and too much of a tease. He loves driving us women WILD!!!

    Here’s a little poem for the angel boy:

    “Went stop being such a little TEASE,
    We want to see you nude, pretty PLEASE.
    Your sexy little butt I would love to SQUEEZE.
    I’m begging you on my hands and KNEES!”

    (I’d gladly get on my knees for him and do you know what!!!)

  1267. anon lower case

    Well, I’ll be happy with a full view of his naked backside and lots of simulated, preferably gay or m/f/m threesome sex, too.

  1268. Kassie

    Wentworth Earl Miller the third, will you marry me? I don’t care if you’re straight, gay, bi, asexual, or whatever… I will get a quickie Mexican divorce so we can be together, and I will take very good care of you in every possible way..hehe

    I’m attractive, well educated, fun to be with, honest, sincere, trustworthy, level headed, can cook virtually anything, and am considered a very good lay. I’m not interested in your money and am not looking for celebrity. All I want is you and more you.

    Merry Christmas…I love you. Call me.

  1269. Cat's Meow!

    You can’t have him, HE’S MINE ALL MINE!!!! lol Only kidding, honey, we’ll share! It’s only right that every woman should have a piece of that beautiful man!

    But unlike you, I do care if he’s gay. How will I be able to fuck him then if he was gay? He wouldn’t want me so I can only take him if he’s straight. Believe me, I wish I could ignore the gayness like you and take him any which way I can, but I wouldn’t able to spend one moment with him without knowing I’d be fucking him by the end of the night! The temptation would be too great! lol

    If Went wanted me, I’d get a quickie divorce too! I’d throw away 17 years of marriage just to be with that angel boy. Our poor, poor hubbies don’t have a clue. We’d dump them so fast, their heads would spin!!! lol

  1270. Kassie

    Easy, Cat’s…it was just a proposal. Went probably gets hundreds of those every day, not to mention all the propositions! It isn’t likely that he and I will end up together *sigh*…I live in a foreign country, and even if he likes older women, I might be stretching the age boundary. He’s just so damn fucking perfect for me!!! …I’m dreaming of a Went Christmas…

  1271. Cat's Meow!

    Hey girl, don’t sell yourself short. How do you know Went wouldn’t marry someone from a foreign country? Hey you never know! And even though I live in the same country as Went, who’s to say I’d have a better chance at getting to him. Even though Went & I grew up in the same neighborhood, I probably missed my chance of ever meeting him or a chance encounter. Hell, I probably have already had an encounter with him, but years ago when we were kids and I don’t remember.

    And no worries babes about your age, I’m older than Went too by a couple of years! I like to imagine Went would prefer older women. Hell, we’re more mature, experienced and wiser, right!!! Let’s keep convincing ourselves of that!!! lol

    But one thing’s for sure, I picture Went marrying an intelligent, witty, mature, caring woman, not some very young, big tits, blond air head bimbo. That’s for damn sure!!! So I may have a chance afterall, because I’m the total opposite of that!!!

  1272. Kassie

    @Cat’s Meow…maybe we could share him? You could have him when he’s in NYC, and I’ll have him the rest of the time! LOL …Actually, it would be very difficult to share him I’m afraid. Once you got a taste of THAT, you’d kill any other woman who got near him, wouldn’t you? It might be tough to let him out of the house, knowing that other women (and men) were always after him. It’d make me crazy. So I’ll just continue to lust after him *hehe*

  1273. KM

    What’s wrong with fair haired women, Went? I mean a petite fair haired woman in her mid-twenties for example (Not a bimbo with inflated breasts) with education (studying for a PhD in Sciences, microbiology) living in a beautiful European country? Huh? The sort of woman who would leave you exhausted after a night of passion (several nights a week!), would drink crappucinos every day if necessary and who would even IRON your shirts…

  1274. Kassie

    @KM: you do sound tempting…but if you left him exhausted several nights a week how would he manage to work those 16 hour days on Prison Break?

    I, on the other hand, would make sure he had plenty of rest… and I love “crappucinos” *LOL*

  1275. Cat's Meow!

    No one’s posted on this thread for over 2 days!!! Could it be that everyone finally believes Wenty afterall?!!! YAYYYYY!!! Or maybe they’re just giving him a break and being nice to him for the Christmas season. Either way, he’s still an angel boy and I still think he’s telling the truth! I love you angel boy!

  1276. Kassie

    @Cat’s Meow: Kind of like the Christmas truce during World War II on this thread!

    Knowing our dear Wentworth, he’ll be up to something soon which will set tongues wagging and fingers typing. There will be pictures.

    The whole “gay/straight” issue could be solved so simply if he’d just marry me! I have not heard one word from him on my proposal…*weeping loudly*

  1277. Cat's Meow!

    @Kassie, you haven’t heard from him because he’s confused trying to choose between you and me! lol

    Our boy has been a perfect little angel recently, so perfect I could’ve put him on the top of my Christmas tree! He was shopping and traveling all alone, behaving like a gentleman as always and giving no one a reason to accuse him of anything.

    I can’t wait until Prison Break returns on January 14th, because hopefully he’ll work the talk show circuit promoting it and we’ll get to see a live interview! My DVR is all set to go!!!

  1278. Angel

    I think he’s telling the truth too. When you see him in interviews and appearances it is his nature to be authentic. He remains true to himself and doesn’t pander to others ideas of who he should be. I don’t think he cares at all about being famous. He just wants to act and do the best projects he can. Those he finds artistic and interesting. Johnny Depp did the same thing when Hollywood was turning him into a product he simply did not want to be. He followed his own heart and vision.

  1279. perla

    People lie to protect themselves. It’s not a big news. Add to that the fact that such a handsome man in 35 years of his life has never had a true relationship. And don’t say it’s because he’s reserved so we don’t know it, with all his obsessive fans (even ready to call a restaurant to know little details of his private life) something would have come up. Instead the things that came up are the pics of him and a gay man, his “close friend” and other rumours on his sexual preferences. And what reasons did he have to be so obsessively reserved before becoming famous?
    Lastly PH has no moral and his motives are murky but he is a gay man who knows LA celebrities, he has insiders and moles and on this kind of things he’s never wrong. For years he has said WM is gay, having a close friend who dated Went and another info source that alerted him on the relationship between W & L. Is it possible that both sources, called impeccable by Perez, are wrong or lying on this matter? Hardly so.

  1280. Kassie

    @Cat’s Meow: LOL at the thought of Went perched on top of your Christmas tree! A pretty sight for sure, but a bit uncomfortable for him?! You can come down now, Went!

    @Angel: Agree. And Johnny Depp **drooling** is a good analogy…two independent-minded, sweet and sexy men.

    @perla: Disagree. How do you know Went “has never had a true relationship”? So he was photographed hanging out with a man…that makes him gay? He’s been photographed a lot more often with women. Perez Hilton reported that Fidel Castro was dead. That was a stupid lie. I prefer to trust Went rather than Perez.

  1281. Amaryllis

    Lainey thinks that Neil Patrick Harris and Wentie Miller would make an hot couple

    He’s still gay

  1282. Kassie

    @Amaryllis: “He’s still gay” is your opinion, and should be stated as such. It is not a proven fact.

  1283. Angel

    Kassie, yes I find many similarites between Johnny and Went. Two soft spoken, intelligent, and authentic actors. I don’t think Went gives two shits about being famous or remaining so. Above all I think he is true to himself, and if his fame were to disappear tomorrow he would happily continue his life as an actor. Fame is not his reason for acting but merely a consequence of it.

  1284. Cat's Meow!

    I knew this gay debate “truce” would not last too long! lol

    That “Lainey” character is WHACKED! IMO, NPH/Doogie Hauser is NOT HOT! He’s a cute guy, but in no way is he HOT and in the same league or caliber as Went. If Went turns out to be gay, he would be the one and only gay guy I’ve ever thought to be HOT. No one else compares to him in my eyes. And I’m not judging on just looks, I’m going by the whole package, his intelligence, class, personality, etc. He’s the epitome of the sexiest, most perfect man!

    IMHO, I don’t think Went would lie for the sake of his career. Yes, he’s said he needs acting like he needs to breathe, but would he lie, hide, keep secrets, deceive, sneak around, be a fraud, etc., all for acting? Would he compromise his integrity for acting? Would he allow his co-stars to lie for him? Would he betray his adoring female fans? I think not on all accounts. Went is too much of a class act to ever stoop that low. He would not even consider it. I think if he was gay, he would be out and proud! He’s a smart man, he knows he would still work as an actor regardless of his sexuality. There are gay actors on practically every show on TV, in the movies, and in theater. Went has even said he doesn’t necessarily need to have a lead role in a film, just so long as he acts in interesting projects. Why then would it matter to him if people knew he was straight or gay? And Prison Break is not to blame for him being closeted. Went is 35 years old. He’s been acting for 10 years before PB. He would have been “out” in all this time. He’s proud of who he is. I can’t see him being proud of his ethnicity, but not his sexuality.

    PH’s very first post about Went back in 2005 did not say anything about Went being gay or his so-called friend who dated Went. All it said was he and Went “belonged together” like in the Mariah Carey song, and that Went is hot, etc. After that is when PH started this bullshit story about his friend. If he was friends with this guy for years, why the fuck didn’t he mention him in the very first post about Went? And where is this mystery friend whom we’ve never seen? It’s all very fishy.

    How do you know Went hasn’t had relationships with women in the past. We don’t see him photographed every day. We don’t see tons of old photos of his private life. All I ever see of old photos of Went are pics from photoshoots or films he’s been in, a couple of high school photos and that’s it. Who’s to say his photo album at home isn’t filled with old girlfriends. I do remember seeing a picture of him with a girlfriend at “The Human Stain” premiere.

    And what about Marianna & Amie? How do you know he didn’t sleep with them? Were you in the bedroom watching? You assume they were just his friends. How do you know they weren’t more than that? But you do assume Luke is his boyfriend just because fat fuck PH said so? I hate to tell you but PH’s word is not gospel truth. He’s even admitted that he has fabricated the truth in order to further his pathetic career. He knows how much Went is popular over the internet so he’s cashing in on it.

    It all boils down to Went being a down to Earth type guy. He doesn’t need all the hype stardom brings. He doesn’t want the fancy cars, big vacations, mansions, etc. He just wants to act. Why then would Went be so concerned whether people knew if he was gay or straight? It’s not like he’s worried he won’t get work. He said he would act on stage in a local playhouse in a neighborhood near you! That’s all he cares about, the art of acting, not the big Hollywood hype.

  1285. another anon

    “Would he compromise his integrity for acting? Would he allow his co-stars to lie for him? Would he betray his adoring female fans?”

    I think yes, unfortunately. After unbearable pressure from the Fox machine.

  1286. Anonymous

    What if he was simply ASEXUAL?

    “An asexual person may have a latent sexuality that will be awakened by a suitable romantic or sexual partner. This is commonly phrased as “not having met the right person”. (Source Wikipedia)

    These people indulge (or not) in masturbation, but do not look actively for a partner.
    Went said he hasn’t met “the right person yet” which means he is not governed by his sexual drive like most of us, who find” the right one” by trial and error…

  1287. KM

    What if he simply was ASEXUAL?

    “An asexual person may have a latent sexuality that will be awakened by a suitable romantic or sexual partner. This is commonly phrased as “not having met the right person” Source Wikipedia.

    Asexuals can indulge (or not) in masturbation, but do not actively look for a partner. They are often very cerebral individuals with more predominent interests than romance or sex.

    Went could belong to this category. He said he hasn’t met “the right one yet”….
    Went oozes sex, but he may not be aware of it or simply doesn’t give a damn…

  1288. KM

    Sorry about the double posting: I hadn’t had time to finish and put my name…

  1289. bexyboo

    @ Cat’s Meow
    100% agree with everything you’re saying. No one has seen this mystery friend, and surely to god the fat fuck would have written it down in the 1st place – since he is so intent on letting the world know his bullshit theories.
    Also yes – those two girls. Who knows that the lucky bitches didn’t spend the night with Went – no one knows for certain.
    All this speculation without proof is utter nonsense.

  1290. Cat's Meow!

    Thanks honey! Some people are so adamant to believe that fat fuck when he says Went is dating Luke since January ’07, but they fail to remember that Went was on a date with Aimee in April ’07. Just like Luke, Went & Aimee were photographed AND VIDEOTAPED together all around L.A. in daylight and then well into the night. It was also reported that she went back to Went’s apartment and didn’t leave until morning. Yet some people rather believe when the fat fuck says Luke is Went’s boyfriend. So why not Aimee as Went’s girlfriend???

    I think it’s really sad commentary that when a man like Went is intelligent and well-spoken, and not a typical Hollywood skirt-chasing boozehound (Colin Farrell comes to mind), why he simply MUST be gay!!! That says a lot more about the person making the claim than the object of their accusation, IMO. That fat, loser, trash, dickhead, scumbag cannot be trusted!!! lol

  1291. bexyboo

    @Cat’s Meow
    Ohhh yes – the amount of dickheads that fall out of nightclubs pissed with a different bimbo on their arm every night..(yep Colin Farrell DOES spring to mind..)
    Just because Went prefers to keep his private life to himself – he gets accused of being gay!! It really does make me vomit…
    Tell you what though – how lucky would that Aimee be if she did have sex with the perfect one?? My GOD !! LMAO

  1292. Cat's Meow!

    If Aimee was lucky enough to experience that man, she is the luckiest beeyotch in the history of women!!!

    Imagine seeing that incredible man nude?!! I can just picture that beautiful Adonis right now, all tall and slender, with his firm, long, lean, muscular defined body, glistening with sweat and best of all, his BBP (big black package)!!

    OMG, I would just DEVOUR him!! Yummy, scrumptious, lip smackin good!! Slurp, slurp……. Gulp, gulp!! lol

  1293. bexyboo

    @Cat’s Meow
    This is EXACTLY what I’m talking about – there is no WAY that beautiful man is gay!! God would not be that cruel!! LOL
    Seriously now – I personally believe that him and those girls (bitches!!) DID have sex. Like you say Aimee was reported to have gone back to his apartment (my god – she must still be smiling now!) and left in the morning. Why can’t the press focus more on this, rather than stupid bullshit gay rumours??
    Devour him?? – Hell YEAH – Spot on!! I would eat him all up – and have him on toast again for breakfast! Covered in maple syrup too!! LMAO!

  1294. anon lower case

    “Add to that the fact that such a handsome man in 35 years of his life has never had a true relationship.”

    And we know this how?

    Hmm, a lot of intelligent people are asexual then… as we all know that “An intellectual is a person who has discovered something more interesting than sex.”(Aldous Huxley)

  1295. Kassie

    @Cat’s Meow and bexyboo:

    This is what puzzles me: If Went slept with Marianna and/or Amie, how could these women go on living after he dumped them? Why are there no reports of suicide attempts? I’m afraid if I ever got lucky with him it would be like “Fatal Attraction”! The police would be called…there would be a restraining order… I would die of a broken heart if he didn’t fall madly in love with me!

    After all the pictures, hype and speculation about Went/Amie and Went/Marianna, then his statement that he “hadn’t met the right one,” how did those poor women cope??? I would want to crawl into a hole and never come out. LOL…but seriously…

  1296. sueli

    RE Marianna

    During the times out it seemed to be so stressed that they were just friends. I don’t think that colored the pics of them for me, though, they didn’t seem like anything more than friends.

    [Both seemed kind of tense to me. ‘We’re just friends, people, nothing to see here. Move along.’]

    RE Amie

    I don’t know what it was, but something about those pics screamed “play to the paps” to me. Not “couple-like” to me, just one very flirty friend and a patient friend out for the day.
    [She actually remined me of one of my sisters who is very “hands on” with her male friends then wonders why their gfs get upset or jealous.]

    RE Luke

    Just two guy friends [one or both of whom may or may not be gay] who seem to get along pretty well and are out-and-about for the day running errands and not really expecting/intending to cause any kind of brouhaha with paps/press.

    [WM/LM are the only duo, however, to have lost their wardrobe, in my mind, on the continual basis. I don’t know why.]

  1297. KM

    SUELI: “WM/LM are the only duo, however, to have lost their wardrobe, in my mind, on the continual basis.”
    I don’t understand what you mean here?

  1298. Amaryllis

    “Just two guy friends [one or both of whom may or may not be gay]”

    I’d say one of them is most definitely gay

  1299. bexyboo

    It might not have nessecarily been a relationship – maybe it was a “one night thing!” Hell that would do for me!!!! LOL
    Seriously though – the only thing that the press ever focus on is the Went /Luke thing and THAT is what annoys me.They “conveniently” forget to mention a woman leaving his house…remember PH needs to write about bullshit scandal!

  1300. KM

    “A man who lives a fairly solitary existence by choice, friendly, generous, and apparently comfortable with strangers, but strongly preferring to be alone most of the time.”

    Who is it?

  1301. Kassie


    Is it a trick question? It sounds like it could be Went, but do we really know that he prefers to be alone most of the time? Maybe he does…he works 16 hour days on set surrounded by cast and crew, which he has described as exhausting. Most of the other cast members are married and have children, so they spend family time on weekends. And it’s probably difficult for him to establish relationships in Dallas, which is only a temporary home.

    My guess is that he has a rich inner life and enjoys his own company.

  1302. KM

    It’s a trick question in a sense. I found this article about asexuality:

    and my quotation was about an illustrator, Edward Gorey who was a typical asexual:

    “His friend Theroux reported that when Gorey was pressed on the matter of his sexual orientation, he said: “I’m neither one thing nor the other particularly. I am fortunate in that I am apparently reasonably undersexed or something… I’ve never said that I was gay and I’ve never said that I wasn’t… What I’m trying to say is that I am a PERSON before I am anything else…”

    I thought it may relate to Went (though HE stated he wasn’t gay!), because sex doesn’t seem to be his priority, he said he was “a loner”he hasn’t met “the right woman yet”.
    If his “boxers were on fire “(Like Colin Farrell’s) he wouldn’t spend his week-ends watching Law and Order…

    It would explain the whole gay misunderstanding about him. As he is not seen with girlfriends, it’s been assumed that he was hiding something!
    It could be that this incredibly sexy guy is moderately interested in sex.
    This his my theory , for what it’s worth. But it sounds logical.

  1303. KM

    I though this quotation (on Edward Gorey, the illustrator) could be relevant to Went since he said he was “a loner” hasn’t met “the right woman yet”;
    I read this:
    It could be that this very sexy guy is not sex-centered, his boxers are not on fire like Colin Farrell’s!
    Some people are cerebral, and don’t mind going without sex for a long time.
    Went may be like that. It’s my theory, for what it’s worth and it could explain the gay misunderstanding about him….

  1304. 646

    A new french interview and he speaks again about the future “femme de sa vie”… and the question was very general about love lofe…

  1305. Kassie


    It’s an interesting theory…that Went hasn’t met ME yet!! LOL

    @646 and/or KM:

    Please translate the article for us! My French is too weak to struggle through it…

  1306. sueli

    [quote]the only thing that the press ever focus on is the Went /Luke thing and THAT is what annoys me

    It isn’t the press that focuses on it, but those on the internet. I don’t recall reading or hearing anything about Amie [she who was rumored/gossiped to have stayed the whole night] any more or less than I do with day out with LM. The only one who has been photographed and mentioned was Marianna and she was his “date”/”FRIENDS only date” for a major Hollywood event, which of course will make her noticed by the media.

  1307. KM


    From TotalStar mag.

    And I hope it puts a final, terminal, ultimate ending to the GAY DEBATE!

    *Went: xxxxxxxxxx everywhere*

  1308. Kassie

    “I just need to be patient because I know she’s waiting for me somewhere.”

    **jumping up and down and waving both hands in the air** YES, Went!! I’m here!! I’m here!! Can you see me?!”

    …LOL, standing behind thousands of other women who are all shouting his name…

  1309. KM

    @Kass, you’re right, he shouldn’t have said that!

    I can picture the armies of women throughout the world, ditching husbands, leaving sobbing children without a last look, and heading to Hollywood to set camp in front of his Starbucks.

    I’ll be one of them. Just give me time to tell my boyfriend of two years….

    PS: Kassie, I’ll see you at the Larchmont Starbucks. What will you be wearing to be recognised?

  1310. Anonymous

    2003, Human Stain premiere with his girlfriend :

    There are 3 photos of them both on the site.

  1311. Kassie


    We could both wear the “Wentworth Groupie” tanks or the “Addicted to Wentporn” T-shirts… or maybe GAP hoodie sweatshirts, so as not to give us away while we spy on him…it might be useful to maintain the element of surprise before we jump him…I get to kiss him first…LMFAO!!

  1312. 646

    Unfortunately Freanch and English are not my first languages so it is not easy for me to translate, anyway the future girlfriend part has already been translated correctly. It is a new interview because Went was asked what he think about the fact that M6 is going to air season 3 just after season 2 and he said that it is a good thing because otherwise people tend to use illegal downloading…

  1313. anon 24


    He is sooooo romantic!
    I can hardly believe such men do exist!!!
    He is unique!

  1314. Kassie

    Aw gee, Went! Are you SURE I can’t interest you in a one night stand? *batting eyelashes with a come hither look*

    Pretty please with sugar on it?

    I have a fatal disease and have only a few months left to live…it’s my last wish…(it’s not contagious).


  1315. Cat's Meow!

    @KM & Kassie,
    I’ll meet you at the Larchmont Starbucks too! I’ll be the brunette wearing the T-shirt that reads “I HEART WENTY” and holding a banner which reads “MARRY ME WENT”!!! I’ll be leaving my hubby and 3 kids behind, 2 of which are teenagers so you know what they’re like, no sweat about leaving them behind! It’s just my little one I’ll have to take with me, but I’m sure Wenty will be a good step-dad! lol

  1316. perla

    Kudos to Dominic, not only he works on the set of Prison Break but he found time to shoot an upcoming horror movie (Town Creek), separating from his wife and finding a new girlfriend.

    Work didn’t seem and obstacle for Dominic’s private life, maybe he should give some advices to Went who’s always blaming his job for the lack of romance in his life.
    Or maybe, the option I tend to favor, Went HAS a private life but can’t talk about it.

  1317. KM

    He said in a recent interview that he found the rumours about him “amusing”.
    He has nothing to hide, he’s a normal human being and he said that he was gay he wouldn’t be ashamed to say it.
    Do YOU have something to hide about your private life?
    Probably not…So?

  1318. KM

    By the way, congrats Mr Moderator, for coming back among the living!
    WFW’s blog was missing you a lot as some of us couldn’t post here for two days…

  1319. Kassie


    I think you’re right that Went has a private life, but IMO he CHOOSES not to talk about it…and his silence does not necessarily indicate dishonesty.

    While I hesitate to appear judgmental, Dominic’s private life may not be the gold standard. He was quoted as saying he would do “anything” for his four children. Apparently that doesn’t include staying with them and their mother.

  1320. anon lower case

    Wow, so Dominic is yet another one of those whimps who don’t leave a woman (and children) unless they’ve already got a new one waiting for them. All those men who say they “need to change their lives” but in fact only exchange the lady they’re fucking? It’s pathetic.

  1321. Anonymous

    WOW, now we’re on Dominic’s case and not Went!!! It only took 4 whole months for this gay debate to finally slow down since the LMF photos appeared. Besides, if Went was really gay, I would like to think he’d have better taste in men than to go out with D-lister, troll nosed Luke. Went could do much better than him.

  1322. Saffy

    @Anonymous 12.09:

    Link isn’t working for me. Is anyone else having a problem?

  1323. Tracy

    @Anonymous, the link is not working! what is wrong???

  1324. Anonymous

    Sorry, here it is again, I hope this time it works:

  1325. Anonymous

    I came across this pic on a gay gossip site. This is what Luke does!! Could you imagine Went enjoying this?? Yeah, he would……… HUMONGOUS, ENORMOUS NOTTTTTT!!!!! lol

  1326. Cat's Meow!



  1327. sueli

    I didn’t need to see that. Could you all put a warning for that?

  1328. Cat's Meow!


  1329. Kassie

    @Anonymous: Is that link real? Could it be photoshopped? It would do serious harm to the anus to put something that large into it…and why would a guy want to stretch himself out that much??? Makes no sense…and has NOTHING to do with Went.

  1330. Anonymous


    I’m not sure if it’s photoshopped, but I wouldn’t doubt if some weirdo actually did this. I’ve heard of some real doozies that are put up the poop chute!

    This has NOTHING to do with Went. I don’t think he’d enjoy this one bit. But I do think Luke the Troll would!! lol

  1331. Tracy

    This is disgusting link! Went will not like this link if he sees this!

  1332. sueli

    “I don’t think he’d enjoy this one bit. But I do think Luke the Troll would!! lol”

    Why do you think that? [And do I really want to know?]

  1333. KM

    Went has prettier things in mind since WFW send him this:

  1334. KM

    Sorry, got the wrong photo!

    WFW sent him THIS:

  1335. KM

    Can’t get the right photo out of the album.
    But if you scroll, you’ll see a pic of WFW naked as she just finished showering (yes, she showers in her signature pose!)

  1336. Anonymous

    She’s got her afro! What terrific boobs!
    WFW, you saucy little minx!

  1337. Kassie


    Thanks for the vastly improved visuals! What lovely photos…WFW looks yummy! Like creamy cafe mocha…

    I remain concerned that we’ve heard nothing from her…she’s getting pruny in the shower…

  1338. Anonymous

    Thanks for the new word “pruny”! I had to look in my Bible (Urban Dictionary) to understand it.
    So, for all the other foreigners here:

    ” The technical definition of the feeling of skin after being in water too long. Some Americans say “pruny” or “wrinkly” but the British definition is Frod.
    “Ugh.. my fingers have gone all frod”
    “I stayed in the bath too long and now my skin feels all frod”.

    WFW may get “pruny” but her boobs are amazing, that’s true, Anonymous!

    *jealous, since hers aren’t even half the size*

  1339. KM

    Sorry, Kass, forgot to identify..

  1340. Kassie

    Get a load of those jugs…all I can say is “WOW.”

    WFW is one hot babe… *scowling jealously* And dark hair too. *shit*

  1341. Cat's Meow!

    LOL, yep we brunettes have one thing for sure that turns Wenty on!!! But don’t fret sister, nothing a bottle of Clairol can’t fix!!! lol

  1342. anon lower case

    She SENT him THAT? Sorry, but doing something like that is just cringeworthy.

    “But if you scroll, you’ll see a pic of WFW naked as she just finished showering (yes, she showers in her signature pose!)”

    So, has that photo been photoshopped? Because on the latest pic of WFW at Cannes, she’s much heftier.

    (In case your wondering, I am here for the gay debate, not to worship on the altar of a blogger.)

  1343. Cat's Meow!

    There’s no new sightings of Went? I miss that angel boy!

    You mean to tell me that no one has seen him getting his daily fraps at Starbucks, or going to the local YMCA for a swim, or going to the Archlight to see a movie? Oh where oh where did our Wenty go? I’m sure he’s not hiding out in his condo for days upon days. Wenty, come out, come out, where ever you are!!!!

    Hey all you L.A. ladies, doesn’t anyone ever spot him at his favorite haunts in his neighborhood? Please go scout him out for us. Do your part please, because those damn paps are worthless! So it’s up to you to come through for us! And don’t forget to take a picture! Thanks!

    P.S. Went’s NOT gay!!!! He’s as straight as his cock when he has a erection!!! lol (I thought I’d stick that in there since this is the great gay debate!) lol

  1344. Cat's Meow!

    Hey, I was just watching Went’s interview on the “Jimmy Kimmel Show” from last year. When Jimmy asked him about his name, “Wentworth”, he wondered if he was named after his dad & grandpa. Went said yes, so that makes him Wentworth the 3rd! Jimmy asked him when he has a son would he continue with this madness and also name him Wentworth, and Went replied “I’ll probably give him my name as a middle name and his first name could be “Jimmy”!!!! lol

    Isn’t that precious!!! Can you imagine Went as a daddy with a little boy?!!! OMG, how sweet would that be!!!

    SEE all you gay sayers……… Went wants kids, so he can’t be gay. His WIFE has to give birth to his children, not his gay bf!!!! lol

  1345. anon

    Just because you are gay does not automatically mean you don’t want kids. Lots of gay couples have kids by surrogate or adoption – Rosie O’Donnell and Kelli Carpenter, Melissa Etheridge and Tammy Lynn Michaels, etc.

  1346. Cat's Meow!

    Yeah, but how many gay actors talk about having kids? NONE!!! Went’s NOT gay!!!

  1347. Cat's Meow!

    Notice all the gay people you mentioned are WOMEN (lesbians)!!!! Name one openly gay male actor who has kids.

  1348. anon

    I wasn’t saying anything about Wentworth in specific. I was only pointing out that being physically unable to have children, such as in the case of a gay couple, doesn’t mean that they don’t WANT them or won’t find other ways to have them. And it’s ridiculous to assume that female gay couples would want them but male gay couples wouldn’t – the sex of the couple has nothing to do with it.

    I can’t think of any male gay celeb couples that have children, particularly since so many are in the closet, but I’m sure they’re out there.

  1349. Cat's Meow!

    I realize that some gay male couples would like children just as much as lesbian couples and/or straight couples. And some actually do adopt or use surrogates. But I’ve never heard a gay actor/celebrity mention wanting kids or actually having kids.

    Went has repeatedly said, both in print and on video, that he wants kids. So most likely he’s NOT gay.

  1350. Kassie

    @anon lower case: It was a joke. But some of us do sort of worship WFW…she’s kind of like the madam in a very high class cathouse. Went is the callboy.

    @Cat’s Meow: Yes! The idea of Went with his little boy (or girl) makes me all dreamy-eyed… *sigh*

  1351. Emmanuelle

    I’ve just re

  1352. Emmanuelle

    sorry …
    I was saying that I’ve just read that Shemar “I’m so hot” Moore and Shawn Wayans were gay too…
    Now I’m wondering:Is that sure that gay really means homosexual and not “very hot male” ?
    In that case, yeah I can definitely say that WM is gay yeah…very gay….gay gay gay gay…I luuuuuuuuuv gays !!!!

  1353. Cat's Meow!

    I love that! WFW is the madam in a very high class cathouse and Went is the very sexy callboy! And we are their clientele!!! But the only boy we want is Went and no other. So he’s a very busy boy taking turns sleeping with all of us!!! lol IF ONLY!!!!

    I was at a baby shower recently and there was a little boy there with olive toned skin, a shaved head and the most amazing blue/green eyes I’d ever seen. I swear he could have been Went’s son!

    Wenty will make beautiful babies someday and he’ll be an amazing daddy! That man must reproduce for the good of mankind!!!! lol

  1354. KM

    “So, has that photo been photoshopped? Because on the latest pic of WFW at Cannes, she’s much heftier.”
    No, Anon lower case: WFW is just wrapped warm for the strong mistral wind that blows in winter on the Riviera!
    The shower pic was taken by her last lover and put on the internet when they split .
    And like Paris Hilton’s, I was told there’s also a sex-tape somewhere…
    If I find it, I’ll keep you posted!

  1355. Devils Advocate

    Hate to say it, but hearing that one of his favourite bands is “Scissor Sisters” swung it for me … how camp can you get? No self-respecting straight man would admit to liking that band.

    Each to their own as far as I’m concerned, but I would like to know for sure if he’s gay or not. Purely because if he is, that pushes the probability of him falling madly in love with me from 0.00000000000001% down to zero, and I just can’t have that. We gotta have some hope in our lives, eh ladies?!

  1356. Kassie

    @Devil’s Advocate:

    Have to agree with you on the Scissor Sisters. He may have been joking. Or his taste in music might have been seriously warped by his parent’s rule about no music with lyrics, followed by the archaic music of the Tigertones!! Why don’t interviewers probe more deeply into the issue of the Scissor Sisters?

    Also agree that it is important to keep hope, or at least fantasy, alive.

  1357. Devils Advocate


    Didn’t look like he was joking in the interview I saw, but hey, I’m open to suggestions 😉
    I’m not slating the Scissor Sisters, btw, or condemning anyone for liking them … just find it weird that an educated, classy, “straight” man would list them among his favourite bands in an interview.

    The mind boggles.

  1358. WFW

    ^^ *thinks the scissor sisters are awful and will not apologize for that*

  1359. Devils Advocate

    @ WFW:

    Hehehe, I was just trying to be diplomatic, in case there were any hardcore fans out there 😉 (like Went …)

    I think my work here is done: men who like Scissor Sisters = GAY. There’s no denying it.

    Unless he’s just being cheeky and professing his love of lesbians?

  1360. Cat's Meow!

    @Devil’s Advocate,
    I think you’re facts are wrong. Went did not state that his favorite band was the Scissor Sisters. When asked by the Australian Radio Show, when he was visiting his sister last Christmas, what music was in his CD player he mentioned the Scissor Sisters among others. But he in no way said they were his “favorite” band. Maybe his sister lent him the CD for all we know.

    Would a gay man pretending to be straight admit to liking the Scissor Sisters? I think not. Go give a listen to that Australian interview again and see for yourself.

    I agree that Went was restricted of hearing certain music while growing up. He has said he was not allowed to listen to music with lyrics while doing homework/studying while at home. So he listened to mostly classical music. Therefore he wasn’t “up” on the popular music his classmates were into in high school. While in college, singing with the Princeton Tigertones, he sang mostly “standards”, the music of the 40’s and 50’s.

    Went has also mentioned that Amaury Nolasco (Sucre on Prison Break) introduced him to the band “Journey” which he had never even heard of.

    Poor taste in music does not mean that Went is gay, just cultured. He was raised a certain way, so blame his parents, not him. What can I say, the guy is a full-fledged “nerd”, but a HOT nerd, nonetheless! And he’s the first to admit this!!!!

    (I’ll try to find the link to the Australian Radio Interview.)

  1361. Cat's Meow!

    Here’s the link for the Kyle & Jackie O Show, the Australian Radio Interview with Went:

    Scroll down to Went’s face and click on it. Listen to all 4 pages because even though the info about Scissor Sisters is on the 2nd page, you’ll want to hear the whole interview because it’s cute and funny, and Went’s voice is sooooooo incredibly SEXY!!!!!!

    Enjoy ladies!!

  1362. 646

    I adore the picture they (2dayfm radio) used to link the interview. Do you have a bigger version?

  1363. anon lower case


    “No, Anon lower case: WFW is just wrapped warm for the strong mistral wind that blows in winter on the Riviera!”

    Warm? She’s wearing a blouse and a sweater vest!

    “I was told there’s also a sex-tape somewhere…
    If I find it, I’ll keep you posted!”

    Please don’t.

  1364. Rose

    Just to let you know when you Google poor Went

    As soon as you type WENT It says (Apart from his full name):

    Wentworth Miller Gay

    So thanks to all you gay wishers, that is clearly what poor Went is the most famous for now!

    *Round of applause* Good work everybody!!

  1365. Cat's Meow!

    I know, isn’t that sad? Poor Went is known as the “rumored gay actor” instead of “Wentworth Miller the awesome actor”. It’s all because a bunch of gay sayers don’t believe him at his word.

    This rumor all started within the gay community.
    The gays want so desperately for Went to be gay. I was lurking on a gay gossip site recently and there’s a thread called “Who’s butthole would you like to see”. Of course Went’s name came up first. All the others that followed were all straight male actors. The gays just love the straight men. They’re dillusional and sadly mistaken.

  1366. Navygurl76

    Of course it doesn’t help the PH keeps implying he is gay as well… He has a post on his website about a College offering a course on how to be gay and he has a pic of Went with the word “gay”written on it (the same way he draws the lil penis and stuff on the other pics) with the headline….

  1367. Cat's Meow!


    PH is a fat, ugly, low-life, loser who started this whole debate. He’s a fucking idiot, who even most gays hate with a passion. He forces people to come out of the closet even when they are not comfortable or ready to do so. In the past he has admitted that he lies to further his pathetic career. I have no doubt that he made up this whole rumor to get attention and draw people to his site. He knows how much Went is popular online. Went practically wins every hottest male poll online and PH knows this. He also has a vendetta against Went for being dissed by him at some Hollyweird party. The loser claims Went had a long relationship with his bf, but we have never once seen this so-called bf and he can’t even produce one photo of the two of them when they were together. It’s all BULLSHIT!!!!

  1368. Kassie

    Here’s a thought: Went knows that he has a large gay following, as do many other straight actors, musicians, athletes, etc. Rather than alienate the gay guys by being all adamant about his heterosexuality, he plays the issue low-key. Hey, why would he want to diminish his fan base? Gay men also help him stay in the public eye. As he’s not yet at the point of settling down and getting married (to me LOL) there is no real reason for him to press the issue. He knows who he is…and IMO he is not terribly concerned about the rumors. There are always going to be rumors about celebrities…gay men love to gossip.

  1369. Navygurl76

    @Cat’s Meow
    I agree about PH, I think that he wants WM to be gay sooooo bad that he does that crap. The post about the college didn’t even have anything to do with Went, like I have said in previous posts IMO there is more supporting Went being hetero- more then gay.

  1370. anon6

    To all of those who said the Public interview is fake, you are right, it is.

    Interviewers don’t admit they fake interviews.

    Think about it.

  1371. Rose

    We can’t shit the blame onto Gay Men wanting him gay!

    Look at this gay debate, majority women if not 99.9%!

    The fans are obsessed and you know what?
    If you are a real “fan” you’d believe him and accept him.

    When you eat chocolate do you make an analysis of the ingredients or do you just fucking enjoy it?

    Marshmallows contain gelatine, Right! Gelatine is made from the boiled bones, skins and tendons of animals. Taste good anymore?

    So Just Fucking enjoy the sexiest and most beautiful man to ever walk the planet!

    And come to terms with the fact that it doesn’t matter whether he is straight or not ‘cos he isn’t going to fuck you anyway.

  1372. KM

    I won’t come back to to this gay debate, unless we have FUN like we did recently! I am amazed to read the speculations are starting again , just when we have had new elements coming from Went’s mouthand confirming that he’s NOT GAY.

    I used to be in the “gay” camp because , at a time, things weren’t clear and I wasn’t satisfied with the Larry-Craig-I’m-not-gay answer.

    Went clarified the situation when he said to C.Combarieu that Luke is “just a friend” and “IF I WAS GAY, I WOULDN’T BE ASHAMED TO SAY IT”!!!
    WFW put his Q&A interview here, in which he says “Honesty is always preferable”.

    Can YOU, people, read?

    INTEGRITY is a trait of character he values and the more I read about him , the more I realise the good work his parents have done in educating him.

    I’m sorry for those who still want to doubt.

    PS: Sorry, WFW, for my long posts. I know you prefer us to write them short and sharp, but it’s not easy to find the proper words in English. (I know we, foreigners , sound like retards quite often. I hope you enjoy it. 🙂 )

  1373. Kassie

    Remember Mark Spitz (he won a bunch of Olympic gold medals for swimming)? My gay friend had a huge poster of him in his speedo with all the medals hanging around his neck. There were millions of those posters sold, and a lot of them were bought by gays. Mark Spitz is straight and it didn’t bother him that gay guys were lusting after him. Ditto Went. He’s not homophobic.

    For KM: Here’s a fun thought…a poster of Went in his speedo with tattoo. He wins gold medals for being the hottest sweet guy in Hollywood. Shall we add an erection? ** OOOH, naughty!!! but niiice…**

  1374. maya

    It seems to me that PH hasn’t changed idea on WM and neither do I.

  1375. Cat's Meow!

    The speculations are starting up again because that fat ugly loser fuck is posting Went’s picture on his site again with the word “gay” written across it for no good reason. Every now and then he has to post Went’s picture just to keep this fucking gay debate going. I hate that scumbag!

    I totally believe if Went was really gay, he would be out & proud! There’s no fucking way he’s still in the closet at 35 years old, regardless of what others say about protecting his career. This man’s integrity and reputation mean alot to him. He has too much class not to show the world who he really is. He’s already shown us what a wonderful man he is and I truly believe he’s not hiding anything.

    I agree with your previous post 100%!!! And regarding your post about Went in a speedo with tats and gold medals adorning his incredibly sexy neck, oooooooooo I got to get me a poster like that!!!!! lol

  1376. Cat's Meow!

    Another thing. “Went’s not homophobic”.

    Amen to that!!!! Gays are his FRIENDS, not his fuck buddies!!!!

  1377. Cat's Meow!

    I meant to say:

    Gays are his FRIENDS and FANS, but not his fuck buddies!!!! lol

  1378. Kassie

    @Cat’s Meow: Now that school is back in session I finally had a chance to listen to the Wentworth interview on the Kyle and Jackie O Show. He seemed very relaxed and not bothered at all by the personal questions (thank you to K & JO for asking them… American interviewers don’t seem able to get personal enough). Went’s voice sounded a little bit hoarse, like he was tired or catching a cold. Poor baby…he always brings out my maternal instincts…

    Is anyone familiar with the music of Angie Stone or Imogen Heap? Are they popular with gays?

  1379. Cat's Meow!

    I’m glad you got to listen to the Kyle & Jackie O interview with Went! I loved it!!! He does sound very relaxed and cheerful during the interview. He laughed alot and didn’t seem uptight about the questions asked of him.

    I don’t know too much about Angie Stone or Imogen Heap, but after a little research I found out that Angie Stone is an R&B singer and Imogen Heap’s music is electronica, alternative pop. She’s classically trained in many instruments including the cello, clarinet and piano. Maybe Went’s love for classical music is what attracted him to Imogen’s music. And considering Went’s black heritage, I imagine that’s why he’s fond of Angie Stone’s music as well.

    I’ve also read he likes Eminem’s music too! Like he said in the interview, his taste for music is “all over the board”!!!

  1380. anon6

    Poor baby…he always brings out my maternal instincts…

    Is anyone familiar with the music of Angie Stone or Imogen Heap? Are they popular with gays?
    I wouldn’t say that, haha! Imogen Heap is a very pop-ish, very young kind of style, Angie Stone is more classical jazz type of thing, I dont know if you ever listened to Nat King Cole? It’s a bit of a mix-up, but thats ok from time to time 🙂

  1381. Kassie

    @anon6: Went does bring out my maternal instincts where his health is concerned. It was a big relief to hear that he’d quit smoking. He mentioned in an interview that he’d had a sore throat one day on the set, which made me want to send him all kinds of vitamins and throat lozenges and stuff. Of course he’d have been fully recovered by the time he got my care package. And I wonder if he hesitates to consume anything sent by a fan? We are scary f**king crazy, after all!!!

    Beyond that, the kind of instincts he brings out can best be described as wanton, passionate abandon… blind animal lust… a burning hunger to have my way with him… LOL, but seriously…

  1382. Kassie

    @anon6: Sorry, I forgot to mention that if I ever had the chance I’d spend days just kissing him… Just. Kissing. Him.

  1383. Kassie

    Wentworth Miller is (probably) not gay.


  1384. Cat's Meow!

    An interesting tidbit:

    Went is NOT gay because he said in the radio interview that he’s NEVER had a one night stand. According to my gay friends most gay men (if not all) have had one night stands or at least 1 one night stand. They’ve admitted that it’s a common occurrence with gay men!

  1385. Kassie

    Hey Cat’s! I believe he said he’s “never been Mr. One Night Stand” or words to that effect. I’ve never done that either, but would make an exception for him…LOL

    Is it possible to have a gay relationship and decide it’s not for you? I mean, Anne Heche did it.

    Why didn’t Went address the gay issue on Ellen, I wonder?

  1386. Cat's Meow!

    I’ve never had a one night stand either because I’m a relationship type of girl. I have to be in love or at least heading that way in order to have an intimate sexual experience. Of course, like you, I’d make the exception for Wenty! Hell, I’m already in love with him, so if he was willing, I’d be ready to jump in bed with him at the drop of a dime!!! lol

    I don’t think it’s possible to have a gay relationship and decide not to be gay anymore and become straight again. If you’re gay, then you’re gay, there’s no turning back! Ann Heche had mental problems so I think she didn’t know what the hell she was doing with Ellen Degenerous. Although some people claim they’re bisexual. IMO bisexuality is really gay, but either sexually confused, denial of one’s gayness, or overly sexually active. But some people may differ, and I could be wrong, it’s just my opinion. If bisexuality is real, then it’s quite rare.

    Hell I wouldn’t want to start a relationship with a man who was once gay and turned straight or claims he’s bisexual in fear that he would most likely go back to being gay someday. Both Elton John and George Michael, among others, have had relationships with women before becoming full-blown gay men. They’ve said they were gay all along but repressed or denied their gayness. I think alot of men have tried this because they wanted to “fit in” and be socially accepted. But most have always eventually accepted being gay.

    If I was a single woman now a days, I would surely be very cautious when looking for a husband. I’ve noticed there are alot of gay men still closeted out there and hoping to marry and have kids with some unsuspecting woman. The New Jersey Governor came “out” last year and he was married with a young daughter! Needless to say, his wife was shocked and devastated! She wrote a book recently about their relationship and it was quite interesting. Unbeknownst to her, he basically used her to further his political career.

    On Oprah the other day they had a couple who were married for 7 years and had 2 children when the wife finally admitted to the husband that she was really a lesbian. Only after they divorced did the husband finally admit that he was gay too! They both married and hid/repressed their gayness in order to lead normal lives. But the truth eventually came out!!!

    I think Went did not address the gay issue on the Ellen show because he said in another interview that he doesn’t want to “feed the beast” by talking about it. Which IMO is wrong. By him not setting the record straight once and for all adds more fuel to the fire. His silence gives the gay sayers more reasons to keep the rumors going. But Went may not think it’s important since the mainstream media (TV, magazines) in the States never covers the gay issue. So I could understand Went’s way of handling it. In fact the last time I heard anything about him being gay in mainstream media was when he made the statement that he wasn’t gay last year in Australia. But unfortunately the gay issue is all over the internet. And unfortunately I’ve heard it was on mainstream media in Europe.

    And then of course that fat fuck loser PH constantly brings it up even if he has no new info about Went. He refuses to let the rumor die. That’s why Went should address it because PH won’t stop until he does. But something tells me PH won’t stop regardless, so maybe that’s why Went doesn’t bother. He probably feels that he has addressed it twice already and doesn’t have to repeatedly say it everytime he has an interview, hence his comment to not “feed the beast”. Went probably feels it’s better just to ignore it and hopefully eventually it’ll go away.

    Unfortunately I’m not sure that will work because the gay gossip sites still say Tom Cruise is gay and he’s married for the 3rd time with 3 children (1 biological). The same for John Travolta who’s married almost 20 years with 2 children. And so on and so forth.

    I have a feeling that even when Went finally marries and starts a family, the rumors will always remain. They’ll just say she’s his “beard” and that is so sad. Went would not be like that scumbag Governor and marry a woman just to hide being gay. He has class, integrity and morals. He’s just waiting for the special woman of his dreams and won’t settle for less. Don’t forget, his parents are divorced so I’m sure he doesn’t want to go through the same hurtful experience they went through. He doesn’t seem like he’d just date anyone for the sake of dating. He’s particular with whom he starts a relationship with. He’s a unique soul and needs to find someone who “gets him” (understands him).

    So sorry for the long post. I guess I was in the mood to talk, talk, talk! Yada, yada, yada! lol

  1387. Kassie

    @Cat’s Meow: “Hell, I’m already in love with him, so if he was willing, I’d be ready to jump in bed with him at the drop of a dime!”

    You and me both! Not at the same time though…it wouldn’t work for me if I had to share him. We just need to get at the back of the line behind the 17,086,342 other girls who love him too! LMFAO

    It must be difficult for him to have a life when he can’t even go out in public without attracting attention. As he said in the Kyle and Jackie O. interview, it makes more sense for him to be with someone who is not famous, as two famous people together would be too much craziness. That’s great news for me, since I’m virtually unknown!!! LOL

    And if by chance he is gay, I don’t think he’d marry someone for appearance sake…that’s not him. This is what I visualize happening: in 3 or 4 years he’ll have established himself in another TV show or a successful film career. He’ll feel ready to devote his attention to his personal life and he’ll be with someone special. A woman with long wavy brown hair, about 5’5″ or 5’6″, attractive but a regular woman, not a model or an actress. (By the way, that’s NOT a description of me at all!) We shall see. It’s so hard to wait when we see nothing of him at all!

  1388. Cat's Meow!


    LMAO!!! I hear ya sistah! No way I’d share Wenty in bed. I’d want his FULL attention with no distractions! And yep, unfortunately we’d be behind a WHOLE LOTTA ladies waiting our turn to get with him! Could you imagine all the millions of woman just dying to fuck him? I wonder what he actually thinks of that! It’s a wonder his head didn’t explode by now!!! lol

    Ironically that description of Went’s special lady sounds like me! Though unfortunately, I’m already married. But believe you me, if Went liked me, I’d say “bye bye hubby” faster than my hubby can say “who, what, when, how, why?” He wouldn’t know what the fuck hit him!!! lol

    I agree, in a few years Went will be ready to settle down, just not now. He’s working on a show that requires him to travel half the year and I imagine that is hard on some relationships. I don’t know why Dominic Purcell & his wife split up, but maybe the time away from his wife and 4 kids had something to do with it.

    Maybe once PB is over and Went can settle in one city, he can start a relationship. I don’t think he wants to have someone requiring all his attention or making him feel guilty about not being able to spend time with her when he is in Texas most of the year. So he doesn’t go out of his way to find someone and settle down right now. He’d rather put all his time and energy into the career he has strived for all these years. But like he said, if he met someone that knocks him on his ass, then he’d gladly go for it!

  1389. Saffy

    Not sure exactly where I’m going with what I’m about to write but Cat’s Meow’s post where she mentions George Michael brought back a few memories:

    1 George Michael’s girlfriend, Pat Fernandez, worked for my husband back in the mid-80’s. Pat sang back-up vocals on ‘Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go’. In between Wham gigs, she temped for the oil company my husband works for, and she had a long convo with my hubby back then about how upsetting it was to hear the gay rumours about George and that he was totally straight. So I guess George really thought he was straight back then or hoped he could conform, a la Cat’s post.

    2. Again, to refer to Cat’s Meow’s post, I’ve also taken it that Went feels that to comment on the Perez story, etc, would just ‘feed the beast’ as in would fuel the fire of something that has not had a mainstream impact in the first place. No matter what Went says, Perez will find a way of exploiting it. If Perez can put up a pic of Went with ‘gay’ scrawled across it and tie it in with a random post about the University of Michigan, (and attract quite a few comments that consist of death wishes and slurs on the many generations of the Miller family) then why would WM or his people risk making another comment with regards to sexuality?

  1390. Kassie

    @Cat’s Meow: New Years resolution…take boxing lessons so I can “knock Went on his ass”.

    Oh really? He didn’t mean that literally? …It’s just as well… I’m way too petite to bring down a man his size… *sigh* LOL

    @Saffy: I”m almost (ALMOST) at the point where I wish Went was openly gay…this addiction is so debilitating…must have Went, Went , Went!!

  1391. KM

    Yeah, Kassie and Cat’s, we all want him!
    And look what we’re doing to him:

  1392. Kassie

    @KM: That is scary…what IS that?

    That’s NOT the part of him I want…hehehe…

  1393. KM

    It’s awful, isn’t it? I found it on FCoWM. It’s from “Buffy, Vampire Slayer” when Went transforms into a monster. There’s an interview he gave about it: apparently they had only one disguise and he spent hours ripping his “skin” very carefully because they could only do one take…
    They congratulated him for his patience.

  1394. 646

    A little help, English is not my first language…
    what does “knock someone on his ass” mean?
    Not litterary obviously… thank you!

  1395. Kassie

    @646: The way Went was using it, it means the same thing as “sweeping (someone) off his feet” or “falling hard for (someone)”. Kind of a reference to being overwhelmed by someone and falling deeply in love/lust.

    Ordinarily it means to “kick (someone’s) ass”, which as you know means to give (someone) a beating.

    Either way, Went. I want your ass. LOL

  1396. 646

    Thank you Kassie!

  1397. Cat's Meow!

    If all the 17,864,372 women in all the world who crave for Went got a hold of him at the same time, I imagine that Buffy photo of Went would be a reality!!! We would RIP him apart! We would DEVOUR him. We would ravenously TEAR in to that man and EAT him up alive! Poor, poor Wenty! lol

  1398. Cat's Meow!

    I personally would take a chunk of his lower regions. You know, his Aussie fellows down under! His meat & potatoes! His BBP (BIG Black Package!) lol

  1399. Cat's Meow!

    Just a thought:

    Went has said numerous times how much he loves that show “Law & Order” and how Sam Waterston is his personal and professional hero. I googled SW and found out he’s a long-time highly respected actor since the 60’s who’s been in quite a few movies I’ve seen along the years. Yet he rarely plays a leading role in blockbusters. Note that Went has mentioned he doesn’t necessarily need to play leading roles in blockbusters either.

    Sam is a happily married “family man” with children. How many gay men consider straight older actors as their personal & professional heroes. NONE!!!! Gay mens’ heroes are usually old time actresses/musical theater performers like Judy Garland, Shirley Maclaine, Liza Minelli, Barbara Striesand, Cher, Carol Channing, etc., etc. If they have a male hero it’s probably Elton John or someone like him because they admire them for being “out”. I’ve never heard of a gay man idolizing an older straight man. They only love the young, hot, sexy straight men because they want to fuck them!!! lol

    Listen up, Went’s NOT gay!!!!

  1400. sueli

    How many gay men consider straight older actors as their personal & professional heroes. NONE!!!!

    Isn’t that a generalization? Are gay men only allowed to have these personal and professional heroes listed above?

  1401. Anon3

    Well, he likes Charlotte Rampling who is an old actress. 😉
    But he is not gay and Amie and Luke are friends. Relax.

  1402. Cat's Meow!

    I may have generalized a bit, but I must say alot of gay men do enjoy the women I listed! When I asked my gay friend (male) what older actor he would consider his personal hero, he said Bea Arthur (“Maude”)!!!! lol